what bugs are there? ive been mostly ok
It's just based on really the amount of gamers I have met who hate Steam.. you'd be surprised how many hate it...See my previous post about the petition that one of our FM forum users set up. No-one signed the bloody thing, so not as many people think it's a problem as you perceive it to be.
It's also absolutely hilarious that you are telling me to look at the figures when I see weekly updates of how the game is selling etc. You're talking like you know something based on nothing to someone who ACTUALLY knows it. Do you have any idea how silly that is?
Also the BGS/CM keeping code base point is completely moot because they never, ever had anything to do with it. WE made the code, CM kept the "look and feel" - they never had any input into it, so even if they carried on our code base, given the absolute atrocities they released of their own accord, chances are they would have ruined it anyway. They made a lot of very bad decisions, and were very flawed in their approach to coding it, but again these are things you know nothing about, or at least not enough to comment on them in the way you are.
To me the newgen rate is insane, with every nation loaded I can get 20-30 world class players in a season, insanity..
Not noticed that myself, in fact, i've seen less good newgems than in recent years. Must be different from save to save.
Really? On TD it comes to conclusion that the newgen rate is insane.
New patch has turned off the advanced panel, injuries have gone through the roof also. This new morale bollocks is a crock of shit, win a game 4-0 yet the morale goes down to very poor?
I am a fanboi with FM and am usually patient on everything but this version has got worse and worse. SI sort it out ffs :|.
Oh and my formation (as has a heap of peoples) has decided to change 3 times.. unplayable.
I can't stand Steam, when i heard how FM12 was Steam only i never bought it ;/
I browse Steam now and then when i'm just looking for bargins but very rarely i find a bargin on there i can't get a physical copy for the same price else where.
When i'm away i don't always have access to the Internet so it's nice to play Football Manager as a time sink, but FM12 i can't do that![]()
Why do you want a physical copy? Who cares about disk media these days? Download it and play in offline mode. Or if you are away from home on someone elses machine, download it on there on your account. If its a steamworks game you can even have your save games and settings saved in the cloud.
Was just a question why you getting so defensive about it ?What the fuck is it to you?
Was just a question why you getting so defensive about it ?