First original forum thread!


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Or it could just be my honest opinion about the console.

I fail to see why you're making such a fuss in all honesty. Most people only buy one console, and thats normally the one witht he most games on it that interest them. Buying all three just shows you have too much spare time on your hands.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Bodhi said:
Or it could just be my honest opinion about the console.

I fail to see why you're making such a fuss in all honesty. Most people only buy one console, and thats normally the one witht he most games on it that interest them. Buying all three just shows you have too much spare time on your hands.

Lol. Im not the one causing major fuss really, im just trying to guide the blinkered person that you are towards a console which is fantastic and has many exclusives. But its proved a difficult and unfulfilling journey through an emotional rollercoaster ride, fraught with ignorance, denial and sorrow, I shall now cease as its pointless.

Deep down i believe there is an xbox in you just dying to get out. :fluffle:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Buying all three just shows you have too much spare time on your hands.
Buying all three means nothing of the kind. What it does mean, is that when I find time to play a game, I have a wider choice of good games to pick from.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
babs said:
Buying all three means nothing of the kind. What it does mean, is that when I find time to play a game, I have a wider choice of good games to pick from.

I'm actually inclined to agree with bodhi. I don't know anyone who has the time to play the games on three different games consoles. And I know a few degenerate lay abouts. I live in dundee ffs.

Even they can read and have the ability to get a bird*

*term used very loosely


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Instead of making do with 3 games i may not desperatly want on one format, I can choose 1 top title from each format if I choose. It's not a case of having more time on my hands, more a case of being more selective. I work full-time, am married and enjoy all the usual social outlets, but it doesn't stop me indulging in playing a few games now and then. I just have the luxury of being able to walk into a shop and choose from more than just one section if I fancy something new to play.

I can't get all the games I want on one system, and if I'm going to spend hard-earned money on something I'm going to make damn sure it's something I really want.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Precisely. I'm a stoner for fuck's sake. I have a LOT of time on my hands most of the uni year. Even I can barely find enough time to play all the games I want to on PS2. Colin McRae Rally 4, SSX3, Red Faction 2 and Soul Calibur 2 remain on my "to play" list, and I still have GT:Concept and Tony Hawk's 4 to finish at some point. I also intend on getting Max Payne 2 and Tony Hawk's Underground at some point. Along with the stapled uni diet of Pro Evo and Tiger Woods, I think I've got plenty to play without needing to buy an extra console for the two games on that I'm interested in.

Who said I was limiting the variety of games I have if I only buy one console again?

They were pretty wrong.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Well, not if they wanted to play games like Panzer Dragoon Orta, MKDD, Metroid Prime, PGR2, animal crossing, zelda, donkey konga and a load of others. I coincidentally do, and lo and behold, I can.

The point I was desperatly trying to make, and being painfully overlooked each time, was that I keep my options open.

The games I mention above are all ones I wanted to play a lot, happily I was able to. There are still exclusives worth owning each brand for. Especially when it comes to Nintendo. If I had to say that none of the exclusive games on all the systems appealed to me, I'd be a liar.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I'd just like to say I just opened up the original SMK tracks in Mario Kart: Super Circuit.



Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
babs said:
Well, not if they wanted to play games like Panzer Dragoon Orta, MKDD, Metroid Prime, PGR2, animal crossing, zelda, donkey konga and a load of others. I coincidentally do, and lo and behold, I can.

The point I was desperatly trying to make, and being painfully overlooked each time, was that I keep my options open.
That's nice. However the only game on that list which appeals to me is PGR2 as I have already said, and I ain't speniding 130quid on a new console for one game, which will no doubt get forgotten about the second I have a copy of Gran Turismo 4. I could be persuaded to get a GC for Super Smash Bros and F-Zero, but I'd have to run out of PS2 games to play first, which as I pointed out, ain't gonna happen any time soon.

My options are plenty open enough as it is with a PS2, a point I have already made. I still fail to see why you're trying to encourage me to buy a console I don't want.

And continuing Sar's theme of accomplishment, I've just finished Prince of Persia:Sands of Time. Fucking awesome it was, game of 2003 imo.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
I haven't tried to encourage you to do anything at any time. I've just explained why it is I go for all 3 and why they each appeal to me. Every one of my posts refers to me and means me. Me being not you.

Once again, you tried to tell me I was point blank wrong.

I'm very happy you're satisfied with your PS2, that doesn't mean I can't explain why I find each console appealing, and why I don't need any extra time on my hands to be able to play them.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Unlocked em all in 50cc.

Now to open em all in Time Trial - 150cc here I come...



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
You tried FFTA yet Sar?

I've been playing it for months now.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Nope, haven't bought it yet.

It's all bloody fights though isn't it? That's the impression I got.

Get a bit boring imo.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
It's not fights like FF games though. Think Vandal Hearts or Tactics Ogre, it's more about the movement and positioning.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Am I the only one who thinks the new-generation consoles are all about selling as many games as possible?? I think that the quality of games over the last decade has dropped dramatically...

There are still loads of decent games around but not many original ones...

I know im pretty old school spending time on shinobi and finalfight games can do that to you but I generally like RPG better now cuz it lasts a bit longer and is better value for y money.

And yes I do think games are far too expensive now as they were 10 years ago also (no wonder everyone copies em duh). Games always been too expensive even when there wasnt emulators or peer to peer download programs...:twak:

Btw best consoles : megadrive, snes , neo-geo (good arcade fun) and saturn (omg)...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
There are still loads of decent games around but not many original ones...
There are just less original ideas now. It was a blank canvas back then, not any more.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Just want to clear a couple of points up.

a) PGR2 is not just an upgraded PGR1/MSR.. I didn't like either of them much, but I'm totally hooked on PGR2.
b) You can play SSX3 on the xbox online.. just not via live :D
c) No one is trying to convince you to buy an Xbox, bodhi.. no one ever is.
d) The ps2 out of the box is a better console than the xbox out of the box simply due to better games. In that respect I guess it's a better *console*. The added functionality that a modchip gives the xbox makes it a better home entertainment device, but at the end of the day if you don't like enough xbox games this isn't enough to warrant buying one. There are plenty of xbox games I like, and the functionality the chip provides makes me very happy with my purchase.
d) again, I'm not trying to convince anyone to buy an xbox.. but they're fucking great.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
bigmammas said:
And yes I do think games are far too expensive now as they were 10 years ago also (no wonder everyone copies em duh). Games always been too expensive even when there wasnt emulators or peer to peer download programs...:twak:

Btw best consoles : megadrive, snes , neo-geo (good arcade fun) and saturn (omg)...
Hmmm, ten years ago, brand new games for Mega Drive/SNES were 50quid by virtue of them being on cartriges. Now, a brand new game will set you back no more than 30 quid if you know where to look, so I'd say games nowadays are a decent price (as long as you don't get them on launch day from Game or HMV).

Nath, i see your point. However Xbox's are still poo, and SSX3 can't be played online on one without hacking the console. I can't believe I'm still the only person who sees the problem in that. Or in the fact that, if you spend I dunno say £150 quid you can turn it into a PC. Why noy just use your PC and save a lot of faffing around, and indeed £150 quid. If you don't already have a PC I could see the point, but if you do.....


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
What if you want to play xbox games. Your PC doesn't cut the mustard unfortunately, nor if you want another PC type piece of equipment for the livign room etc. Mine isn't modded though, bought just for the games.

Games essentially cost the same now as they did then. New releases RRP £40, mail-order (online now) ~£30. I certainly never paid more than £35 for a megadrive game, the only time I paid more for a snes one was SF2 import.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Dont need to hack the Xbox to play nonlive games over the internet at all just as a point of interest.

Its easy as pie. Theres another one too but i forget its name and cba to dig up another url


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Plus didn't you say that you didn't play console games online? If thats not an issue then you can basically say the xbox has the best versions of all cross platform games.

(ssx, soul calibur, nfsu, tony hawks - few that spring to mind that are better on xbox)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
babs said:
the only time I paid more for a snes one was SF2 import.

Hah! £86 for a Jap SF2 from the local games market stall.... ABSURD at 16/17 yrs old


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
I paid £70 odd from a mail order company called Dream Machines I think (It had dream in the title). They always used to advertise in Mean Machines and the like. And that hideously plasticy convertor.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Im sorry to say but megadrive games at the end of its lifespan were very expensive indeed (at least here in belgium btw). I also remember when sf 2 came out it had a very high price indeed more than 50 pounds over here...

Im not against companies making money but when I see old games coming out on a "smashpack" at very bad quality and still charging people for it, it disgusts me...(gameboy advance seems to be the new console to dump y old games on...)

Why not make a new version of the game and include the old port as a bonus??

Excellent example is those sega smash pack with golden axe, sonic... all good games but badly ported. Wouldnt a new version of those games on the gba (or any other console for that matter as its been done on others as well) be a better idea?? I mean surely all consoles can handle more these days then the 16 bit graphics and sounds of these games...

The point im making is companies dont try to innovate enough, they try to "never change a winning team" but after a decade all teams need new blood...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
As Doomy said Bodhi, you don't need to hack your console at all to play loads of xbox games online, both legit and norty customers alike can hook up and play together.. it's fabbo.

I see your point about the whole pc thing but the fact is, I want to play Xbox games, I also want to use all the pcesque functionality provided by chipping it and have it hooked in to my tv. Of course I could just set up the tv out on my radeon but that would be a pain and it would mean I'd tie up my pc when I was watching a film/playing mame from it. All in all, yes the only thing the xbox does that a pc doesn't is play xbox games, but I like having all the stuff it does in one neat (ok quite large) package, sitting in my sony tele cabinet.

As I said before, I'm still not trying to convert you, just make you see that actually for 130 quid the Xbox is a damn good buy. You don't even need to buy a mod chip to mod them anymore, you can solder a couple of points on the board and flash the ms bios with an alternate one.. functionality of a mod chip sans modchip :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
nath said:
As Doomy said Bodhi, you don't need to hack your console at all to play loads of xbox games online, both legit and norty customers alike can hook up and play together.. it's fabbo.

I see your point about the whole pc thing but the fact is, I want to play Xbox games, I also want to use all the pcesque functionality provided by chipping it and have it hooked in to my tv. Of course I could just set up the tv out on my radeon but that would be a pain and it would mean I'd tie up my pc when I was watching a film/playing mame from it. All in all, yes the only thing the xbox does that a pc doesn't is play xbox games, but I like having all the stuff it does in one neat (ok quite large) package, sitting in my sony tele cabinet.

As I said before, I'm still not trying to convert you, just make you see that actually for 130 quid the Xbox is a damn good buy. You don't even need to buy a mod chip to mod them anymore, you can solder a couple of points on the board and flash the ms bios with an alternate one.. functionality of a mod chip sans modchip :D

Reminds me, i still have a sealed 007 Agent Under Fire game lying around ready for raincoat abuse. Ill try that on my third xbox :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
My mate has done about 5 xbox's with that bug. He now uses an xbox as a cheapo linux server.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Well im gonna get a third purely for media in the bedroom.. Ideally a Mame fix in every room in my flat would be lovely but i think 3 xboxs is enough. Dont want my floor killing the elderly neighbours downstairs.

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