How many of your goals were
- Through ball + pace
- Stupidly high skilled player just strafing past everyone
- Run at an angle finesse 100% chance of goal?
how many fucking packs do you have to buy in UT to get a good players? Ive bought fucking hundreds and the best thing i ever got was an 88 Aguero which went for about 80k. Today i got my first TOTW player.... Vasili fucking Berezutski. Had to quick sell him as I couldnt even shift him for 10k.
Trust me, I do tap and power and everything, I just avoid Finesse, maybe 'trying to take the morale highground etc' - but when you play a kid who's got the same players as another kid who just does the same thing day in day out, seems boring to me, I enjoy stringing together a series of passes and scoring.Tap instead of going for power, or go round the keeper. Power shots past the penalty spot tend to miss, it's stupid though yeah. Demo is out in two days for Fifa 13.