FH warning system


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 4, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
If you don't like them - don't post! (or keep it to something slightly less ott) simple!

oh god, because it will simply destroy them to hear someone voice criticism of them on their grats thread. please have some more respect for people and realise that these views are NOT the majorities'.. they are YOURS.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Just checked something and nobody modded away the rude remarks in my grats thread. Guess the rules only apply when they work against someone you don't like.

And I'm suprised that eggy would prove to be even more incompetent mod than the other ones.

And why can't you make a comment on a grats thread as long as it is not a personal attack nor flaming?

Would be nice if I can actually get an answer, pm'ed eggy but he rejects even answering to my posts.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Coldbeard said:
Just checked something and nobody modded away the rude remarks in my grats thread. Guess the rules only apply when they work against someone you don't like.

And I'm suprised that eggy would prove to be even more incompetent mod than the other ones.

And why can't you make a comment on a grats thread as long as it is not a personal attack nor flaming?

Would be nice if I can actually get an answer, pm'ed eggy but he rejects even answering to my posts.

Nobody reported a bad post in any grats thread relating to you, so the mods obviously missed it. Reported posts automatically come to our attention. I wipe shit out of grats threads without even looking at who it's about.

Comment, sure. Abuse (which is the majority) is not tolerated.

Edit: your char dinged on April 13th, when I wasn't a mod. Get your facts straight.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Novamir said:
oh god, because it will simply destroy them to hear someone voice criticism of them on their grats thread. please have some more respect for people and realise that these views are NOT the majorities'.. they are YOURS.

Constructive posts, sure.

"Grats on RR9; try and find some fairer 1on1 fights and you'll be respected more by the community" <-- fine

"OMG ZERGING FUCKING RETARD LOL" (yes, we do delete posts just like this) <-- NOT fine.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Zede said:
one wonders how it was disabled in the first place, when tilda only informed me a few hours ago this "button" to do such a thing actually existed !

eggy said:
You probably pressed it by accident or something.

Actually they all got set to automatically be off a while ago.

But really how hard would it of been to click on your profile and spend a minute looking for the button. You managed to find your way to the PM the mod button, would 60 seconds of looking for the option really of killed you.

No wonder the mods are so busy!


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
eggy said:
Nobody reported a bad post in any grats thread relating to you, so the mods obviously missed it. Reported posts automatically come to our attention. I wipe shit out of grats threads without even looking at who it's about.

Comment, sure. Abuse (which is the majority) is not tolerated.

Edit: your char dinged on April 13th, when I wasn't a mod. Get your facts straight.

So comments are okey ? Obviously my comment was far from okey, yet harmless in all ways?

Refer to my earlier post, and the PM I sent you and you blatantly ignored. What was wrong with that post?

(Was not aiming at you as a mod in that example, just moderating in general)


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
This is all getting out of hand now.

This "My way or the highway" attitude from FH lately has really become tiresome to read.

Of course its always been like that to a certain extent, I know this place is not a democracy as such, but lately this new attitude really does seem to have become more pronounced and even the smallest and most politely worded protests against an official rule or decision often seem to have been met with near aggressive responses.

Time was, you could state your opinion without worrying about being banned/having rep reset/being warned, or any number of other penalties that have been introduced lately.

I am not a "FH terrorist", I do not go around spamming/whining/flaming, I really do not need to be constantly reminded that FH is a dictatorship that does not need my input and wont miss me, and generally I do not post in protest threads like this one, but it is a sign of the times that the average joe here is starting to take notice of the new changes.

Please note that I do not have a problem with the mods here generally, I've never been warned and I am not plotting to overthrow the state, honest :D but reading some of this stuff "from on high" - even when its not directed at me - really just gives this place a very hostile atmosphere. Isnt that something to be avoided?

Just how I see it anyway.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
i would really like to see an answer on what was modded out of my comments on gingys thread.

I really do try to keep it clean and like in game only, even if I can be very intense with my critism. Im pretty sure there was nothing like bad there. (dont quote me on that!)


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Coldbeard said:
Okey, mind telling me why I should care ?

you shouldnt. id be worried if you anyone cared what someone thought of them on a forum.

(s)he can still call u a twat though.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
censi said:
i would really like to see an answer on what was modded out of my comments on gingys thread.

I really do try to keep it clean and like in game only, even if I can be very intense with my critism. Im pretty sure there was nothing like bad there. (dont quote me on that!)

You posted:

censi said:
a cut above the likes of hansi, panos, pip etc. possible candidate for most retarded player on server. exceptionally shit player with exceptionally shit playstyle. (maybe that does deserve a gratz)

Go figure.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
why should we care that get so over excited over a computer game, go out, get laid, there is a while world behind that bedroom door.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
what i wonder is, some ppl get 40-60% for saying "adder" while others get 10-20%... should atleast set a standart? Got 40 myself for saying less adding in a gratz thread... while.
Just make it timered... seems wird that if you say 2 stupid things in 3 years posting you get perma banned dosnt it? oO


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Raven said:
why should we care that get so over excited over a computer game, go out, get laid, there is a while world behind that bedroom door.

Thank you, but I just got home from a party. All I want now is for eggy to answer my question. Should not be so hard?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
a cut above the likes of hansi, panos, pip etc. possible candidate for most retarded player on server. exceptionally shit player with exceptionally shit playstyle. (maybe that does deserve a gratz)

did I lie :)

(seriously though, I agree that deserves a kick up the ass was an over the top comment, although gingy is one of the weakest players I have encountered playstyle wise, theres more intelligent ways I could have expressed it)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2006
This place and especially BW used to be great, but now its dire. Over the top moderation, stupid rules, RvR section full of grats threads, the inability to post anything negative in a gratz thread are just a few of the many things wrong with this forum.

I see the adds at the bottom had to be introduced due to lack of funds, hopefully this place has to shut down and another forum is used that doesn't have bewildering rules.
Apr 13, 2006
Nosufer said:
This place and especially BW used to be great, but now its dire. Over the top moderation, stupid rules, RvR section full of grats threads, the inability to post anything negative in a gratz thread are just a few of the many things wrong with this forum.

I see the adds at the bottom had to be introduced due to lack of funds, hopefully this place has to shut down and another forum is used that doesn't have bewildering rules.

*Wait for a mod to say "don't like the forum, make your own with your own rules" or similar. :x


Dec 22, 2003
Raven said:
why should we care that get so over excited over a computer game, go out, get laid, there is a while world behind that bedroom door.

Raven is mr cool now? the "lol get laid" comments are so tired now, can't your mind come up with anything original :<?


Flimgoblin said:
umm I gave both those warnings to Mxn ;) and I've been here since Barrysworld.

Incidentally warnings don't expire by default - I've been trying to make them 30 days when I warn but I don't always catch it. If you ask nicely after 30 days and demonstrate that you've learned from your warning you can get it removed.

Cmon flim be realistic :p even you have to admit some of the rules are silly... no offence but it feels like a public forum turning into a P.O.W camp :S say out the mods deem wrong (even tho its harmless) and your banned....


Sparx said:
As much as i would like see that i doubt it.

the amount of ppl registered and using FH is massive and would take alot to make them all move to another forum, and the person who runs the forum will need alot of space to deal with the high traffic

I do agree there it will probably never happen but theres always a chance ;) never forget that little chance thats always there


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Tbh I agree with the whiners, I remeber the BW days where a thread in Prydwen RvR section would pop up with the Title name "LoE" and people like pudzy going apeshit in it. That was a quality forum, and I bet the admins could tell you there was less "problems" with that forum back then than there are now. We see jupitus having big problems with the daoc forums these days, having to ban people left right an center, well tbh its not the community that has changed, its just the mods, the reason Jupitus never had to go bananas ages ago, was because FH and BW weren't the sesame street forums they are now. Arguements make for good reading, and the most popular arguements in daoc tend to revolve around difirent play style.

Most of the mods here, and not just the new ones, are boring. And would like to have FH the equivilant of a tea party picnic. Also most of them are Goa fanboys which is damn annoying whenever somebody has a problem with Goa and makes a thread.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Gamah said:
Raven is mr cool now? the "lol get laid" comments are so tired now, can't your mind come up with anything original :<?
hardly, but my life doesnt revolve around a computer game, i like many others i play it to unwind and maybe have a bit of fun, some of these people act like city bankers over it, stress levels way to high, maybe if they got jobs or something they could unwind in the office.

the mods were pushed all the time, countless warnings have been posted by the mods and owners that things were getting out of hand, now people wonder why their is zero tolerance? people complained about getting insta banned, now their is a warning system in place so that is not the case, yet people still complain.
my point is their is more to life than daoc and FH, maybe when some of these drop outs get a bit older they will come to realise that and not feel the need to throw their toys out of the pram when they arent allowed to do what they like.
while i agree some modding decisions are a bit on the harsh side sometimes there are better ways of voicing your opinions than starting up countless whine threads.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Ive said it before, FH are going to make a bid to run the WAR official forums.

And if they do that...they have to prove they can run an clean, sensible forum... sorta like the one for Mythics other "big" mmorpg.....

watch this space !!!


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
xGenocidex said:
Cmon flim be realistic :p even you have to admit some of the rules are silly... no offence but it feels like a public forum turning into a P.O.W camp :S say out the mods deem wrong (even tho its harmless) and your banned....

Actually, you're warned, hence the whole discussion about the warning system and not "omfgz I got banzored!" ;)


Dec 22, 2003
Raven said:
hardly, but my life doesnt revolve around a computer game, i like many others i play it to unwind and maybe have a bit of fun, some of these people act like city bankers over it, stress levels way to high, maybe if they got jobs or something they could unwind in the office.

the mods were pushed all the time, countless warnings have been posted by the mods and owners that things were getting out of hand, now people wonder why their is zero tolerance? people complained about getting insta banned, now their is a warning system in place so that is not the case, yet people still complain.
my point is their is more to life than daoc and FH, maybe when some of these drop outs get a bit older they will come to realise that and not feel the need to throw their toys out of the pram when they arent allowed to do what they like.
while i agree some modding decisions are a bit on the harsh side sometimes there are better ways of voicing your opinions than starting up countless whine threads.

Now you have posted in a more constructive manner I tend to agree with you. Some people do seem to take it to heart. Your unwind at the office joke made me laugh, it's true I do fuck all at the office xD. I think most people here enjoy havin' a pop at the mods and thats why these threads turn into such flame fests. However the mods are to strict, I shouldn't have to watch if I say someone is an adder. Adders ruin my fun when I do actully get time to play anymore so why can't I express that on a forum?

Yeah, Yeah we can "fuck" off and go to another forum etc but at the end of the day it is not gonna happen.


Dec 22, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
hence the whole discussion about the warning system and not "omfgz I got banzored!" ;)

Can't post a whine if you got banned?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Novamir said:
oh god, because it will simply destroy them to hear someone voice criticism of them on their grats thread. please have some more respect for people and realise that these views are NOT the majorities'.. they are YOURS.

TBH you can leave all whine threads in my posts i dont mind them at all, in fact i miss reading them, i used to love logging on and read some thread calling me a zerging w*****, so at a request from now on can i have my whine threads plz:)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
I do understand what people are saying, even if I disagree in the way people express that opinion. I do understand the "free speech" argument.

As a mod, we have to take a neutral view on whine in grats threads. People complain/report the posts and we have to action these.

However, we need to strike a median. Nobody is saying you can't comment on people's playstyle; it's the manner in which it is done, and the suitability of that comment that affects the censorship of the post.

Someone who has RVRed to RR10 by what some consider "zerging", for example, still deserves his 5 minutes of fame and a pat on the back by people who have had the pleasure of playing with them throughout this time.

You wouldn't go to someone's open-invite promotion party at work just to tell them they only got it by sucking up to the boss. You'd pick a more appropriate time, or keep it to yourself.

As I say, I will act upon posts in grats threads that I consider to be rude or abusive to the person concerned. Constructive replies will be left; some dingers may even appreciate them.



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 27, 2005
Melachi said:
Tbh I agree with the whiners, I remeber the BW days where a thread in Prydwen RvR section would pop up with the Title name "LoE" and people like pudzy going apeshit in it. That was a quality forum, and I bet the admins could tell you there was less "problems" with that forum back then than there are now. We see jupitus having big problems with the daoc forums these days, having to ban people left right an center, well tbh its not the community that has changed, its just the mods, the reason Jupitus never had to go bananas ages ago, was because FH and BW weren't the sesame street forums they are now. Arguements make for good reading, and the most popular arguements in daoc tend to revolve around difirent play style.

Most of the mods here, and not just the new ones, are boring. And would like to have FH the equivilant of a tea party picnic. Also most of them are Goa fanboys which is damn annoying whenever somebody has a problem with Goa and makes a thread.

:worthy: couldnt have said it better myself.... at least not without heavy modding :p


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 27, 2005
Zede said:
Ive said it before, FH are going to make a bid to run the WAR official forums.

And if they do that...they have to prove they can run an clean, sensible forum... sorta like the one for Mythics other "big" mmorpg.....

watch this space !!!

think they made their own tbh... cant remember url, will try and find it asap

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