FAO: Wiliam from Guardians of Light

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Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Remember, this is not a case of Dwera banning William.

This is a case of William for various reasons breaking the rules in a way that can earn him a ban. GoA is the judge on whetever he broke the rules in a way that warrents a ban and it is their decision if they want to punish William for what he willingly did.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Azathrim said:
Remember, this is not a case of Dwera banning William.

This is a case of William for various reasons breaking the rules in a way that can earn him a ban. GoA is the judge on whetever he broke the rules in a way that warrents a ban and it is their decision if they want to punish William for what he willingly did.

Wtf you on about? Dwera doesnt like his way of playing, he emote spams, Dwera thinks, inc ban for u mr. william.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2005
tons of time i have been spammed this but never report. i do it 6 to 8 time to someone and they try and ban. yea complete :wanker: if you try and ban and it is always after you get your arse kicked


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Tuthmes said:
Wtf you on about? Dwera doesnt like his way of playing, he emote spams, Dwera thinks, inc ban for u mr. william.

No... William met Dwera, William thought "Should I emote spam him, risking a ban?", William emote spams, GoA judges if William should have a ban.

That's the end of the story really. It was William's choise, it's William's responsibility.


Dec 22, 2003
Will the people that post "go outside" or "get a life" please cock off? Just because someone reports someone for doing something they find offensive in a game doesn't mean they are lords of the basements/bedrooms.

I have been banned for emote spamming, I also reported someone once for doing it, not because I was "offended" but because that player was a prick in general so annoying him by getting him a 3 day holiday was worth the 2 minutes it took to report him whilst I waited for rez sick to wear off.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Azathrim said:
No... William met Dwera, William thought "Should I emote spam him, risking a ban?", William emote spams, GoA judges if William should have a ban.

That's the end of the story really. It was William's choise, it's William's responsibility.

GoA wouldnt judge William if Dwera didnt ss and RN'd it? And trust me, thats really not what William whas thinkin.


Nov 28, 2004
Well folk that report others will think its right:confused: but this is imo I think folk that report others for doing it are little /cry babies:) that are bad losers:p with feek all better to do but be arse holes:flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Gamah said:
Will the people that post "go outside" or "get a life" please cock off? Just because someone reports someone for doing something they find offensive in a game doesn't mean they are lords of the basements/bedrooms.
That's just the thing, getting offended by emote spam is just...I can't find words for it tbh. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Tuthmes said:
GoA wouldnt judge William if Dwera didnt ss and RN'd it? And trust me, thats really not what William whas thinkin.
When you break the rules, you must assume it will be found out or reported. Ofcourse I have no idea what William was thinking. I was - perhaps wrongly - just assuming he has a bit of intelligence. Apparently you think he's stupid, but that's really a thing between you and him.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 22, 2004
lmao u just cut your own throat too, noticed u have the language filter disabled which in itself is a breach of CoC...... GRATZ


Dec 22, 2003
stickyplaster said:
lmao u just cut your own throat too, noticed u have the language filter disabled which in itself is a breach of CoC...... GRATZ

lol? Some peoples idiotically really knocks me back sometimes.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
xGenocidex said:
that wasn't nice grivne :( spamming fair enough but by the looks of the screen you clearly only reported them because you died :/

Dosent matter if he died or not, totaly beside the point. You arent allowed to emote spam like that, everyone knows that, so rightly deserved. And I have no problem with that he puts a screeney of it here. Do something wrong and be prepaired to stand for it, all else would be covard. Grivne even did it in the right order, first RN then here.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Tuthmes said:
GoA wouldnt judge William if Dwera didnt ss and RN'd it? And trust me, thats really not what William whas thinkin.

Maybe Wiliam should do a bit more of thinking?

>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
and now u feel happy? u ban someone that pwne ur ass like almost all do lol

get a life and play better instead of reporting peeps that killed u

long live william!!!!1

u just got 4 or so days for holidays before he comes back and pwne ur ass again :p


Dec 22, 2003
>.< Pooned said:
and now u feel happy? u ban someone that pwne ur ass like almost all do lol

get a life and play better instead of reporting peeps that killed u

long live william!!!!1

u just got 4 or so days for holidays before he comes back and pwne ur ass again :p

Pooned, can I ask you a personal question?

Were you born with the mental capacity of a slightly undersized turnip or did you have to hit your head with a shovel about 48 times to get that way?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Gamah said:
Pooned, can I ask you a personal question?

Were you born with the mental capacity of a slightly undersized turnip or did you have to hit your head with a shovel about 48 times to get that way?

Just my thought ... :)


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Azathrim said:
When you break the rules, you must assume it will be found out or reported. Ofcourse I have no idea what William was thinking. I was - perhaps wrongly - just assuming he has a bit of intelligence. Apparently you think he's stupid, but that's really a thing between you and him.

You really should stop to think for others. Obviously we all dont know what happend there. Mebbe Dwera spammed him with emotes, but didnt ss that. Mebbe Dwera wasnt exactly alone, Mebbe, mebbe, mebbe.
We all can assume. The question is whats worse, emote spamming or reporting someone for it.

Also and thats the hypocrit part, we all know of Dwera's past emoting sessions. Yet he failed to ss himself there and report himself.

Now as for the rules, what exactly is the rule with emote spamming. I heared 5 emote's will give you a ban, if so, why 5 and not 6 or 4? Also will 5 hug's give me a ban? Could emoting my own realm m8's give me a ban? What does goa do incase of stuck button's, cats walking on keyboards, etc, etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Tuthmes said:
You really should stop to think for others. Obviously we all dont know what happend there. Mebbe Dwera spammed him with emotes, but didnt ss that. Mebbe Dwera wasnt exactly alone, Mebbe, mebbe, mebbe.

Assume what you want. The matter of fact is, that emote spamming is something GoA looks into and punishes. If Dwera emote spammed now or in the past, that's up to others to report, not Dwera.

Tuthmes said:
We all can assume. The question is whats worse, emote spamming or reporting someone for it.

And the answer is, that emote spamming is the worst, since that is illigal.

Tuthmes said:
Also and thats the hypocrit part, we all know of Dwera's past emoting sessions. Yet he failed to ss himself there and report himself.

And apparently someone else failed to report that. Their mistake.
Tuthmes said:
Now as for the rules, what exactly is the rule with emote spamming. I heared 5 emote's will give you a ban, if so, why 5 and not 6 or 4? Also will 5 hug's give me a ban? Could emoting my own realm m8's give me a ban? What does goa do incase of stuck button's, cats walking on keyboards, etc, etc.

You see, that's GoA's decision. You don't judge these cases, nor do I or any other player. Only GoA does. Get it?
If you are uncertain what the rules are, then either look back on daoc.goa.com or search through RightNow to find that answer. Alternatively RN and ask what the rules are.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
reporting spamming to rightnow = correct
reporting your rightnow claim on freddyshouse = wrong.

I love the smell of lynchings in the morning, smells like victory.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2004
Foo said:
Sad little kids , 4 words for you ... This Is A Game

If you cant take being killed /quit.

Instead of makeing numbers get even lower cause you got your ass handed to you:wanker: .

Are you a bit retarded? He's reporting because of emote spam not dying you tit.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Assume what you want. The matter of fact is, that emote spamming is something GoA looks into and punishes. If Dwera emote spammed now or in the past, that's up to others to report, not Dwera.

I'm not assuming anything, just giving an example of what could have happend. For all we know, the time between those emote's could have bin 30s.
And apparently someone else failed to report that. Their mistake.


You see, that's GoA's decision. You don't judge these cases, nor do I or any other player. Only GoA does. Get it?

Apperently you do judge in this case, cause if you dont report someone for it, nothing happends. Get it?


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Hmm...one has to wonder...

One has to wonder...

The arguments against reporting the break of rules with emote spamming seems to be only 2.

1. The command is there, therefor we should be able to use it. (Or a version of it: People can filter away the abuse etc)

Now what has that got to do with anything? The GoA rule exists so therefor you shouldnt be able to use the command in an abusive manner! Rules > Commands for a reason (if you didnt understand that reason: Its to prevent abuse of commands, which this has been deemed to be.

2. Reporting someone for getting killed is LAME blablabla!

Eh...no one has as far as I know it never gotten banned by GoA for killing someone else in rvr in a way that is in line with the rules.
What they have been banned for though ARE using a command called emote after the kill in an abusive manner only to degrade their opponent and make his playing experience a bad one.

Now, there really cant be any argument I can think of that make either of these arguments valid in anyones mind except for as some sort of twisted way of defending your own behavior which you know is wrong. There is just no defence for breaking the rules, and especially so when you do it ONLY to make another paying customers playing experiance a bad one.

People keep saying: Its just a game, get a life bla bla bla.
Well, I refuse to believe that anyone is so daft as not to understand that 99.9% of the people do have a life outside the computor. Point here beeing that people playing an online game both spend money and valuable spare time (which often is scarce and more valuable than money) to have a good time doing something they enjoy. Getting that spare time ruined because some people think they can be bullies for the first time in their petty lives is something that GoA understandably is trying to avoid. Hence the 3 day ban.

But, why Mythic hasnt done anything about it by now in the code is abit strange though. It cant be that hard to just insert a timer on consecutive emotes within a timeframe. (it might be abit of a pussle to make that timer effective etc but hey if homecoders could do it in the old MUDgames then I dont see why payd programmers cant do it in Daoc)



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I really don't care if someone emotespams me while iam about to release.And i dont understand People who report emotespamming. Those Emotespambans are new (Goa introduced it maybe one year ago to the masses). Before this everything was fine. And now we have shit like this Thread and people get banned for nothing!

Thank you GOA!

And while we are at it...if you see me on my Hero Icebreaker or Ranger Djax feel free to emotespam me if you kill me. I don't care. ^^
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