FAO weaklin


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Thugs said:
Yu can but try to discredit me but tis impossible to do that now m8. Far too much evidence on my Thid exploits to disprove anything. Have done more than I ever wanted to in this game and now I messing about.

Level 50 combat? Seriously would you recommend this game to anyone now?

No TOA and never had any. No buffbot and ain't gonna get one. Not enough dosh to get gear etc etc.

The game is absolutely horrible at 50. Far worse than I ever thought it could be. I honestly can't see how anyone can enjoy it with all the rediculous damage people can do - bar my sb that is ;) .

You think I gonna devote months and months to artifact farming and god knows wot else? No bloody way cos even with all the stuff everyone dies in just a few seconds. These are not real fights I have been witnessing cos they are over far too fast for that. Horrible. An absolute disgrace that Mythic have turned the game into such as it is now.

Game is seriously flawed now and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone but at one time I did. If anyone asks me about this game now (and they do) I would tell them to just level to Thid and have some fun which is all I have ever done. Maybe the bgs above Thid could be fun as well I don't know but level 50? No way. Infact I hope to hell WOW is going to be as good as they say it will be so DAOC dies a death because lets face it it should now!

Discredit me after all I have done in Thid? :D Don't fink so somehow m8y and if I want to run around forra laugh at 50 and hit anything and get annihilated for my trouble then I gonna do so.

Newcomers stick to the BGs and have some fun - 50 is total and utter garbage. All the above and horrendous lag at times too! Wow way to go Mythic!

And the shortened version reads ....

Dear Catsy,
I tried level 50 RvR but its too hard.
I'm going back to playing in the BG's with my uber equiped stealther cos at level 50 everyone else is uber equiped and I cant handle it.

Love Thugs.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
Thugs said:
Jobil am pretty sure if all the crap was removed from level 50 combat where skill then had a chance to show I would take over again. Am talking all that TOA crap and buffs then my sbs would own there too for sure. Wot makes you think they wouldn't? No different bashing stuff there as anywhere else.

Proper fighters strip to the waist to show off their skills. Cos otherwise wot the hell are you displaying? How one artifact or buff is better than another?

Nah like I have always said when you take all that crap off or the stuff has less chance to mess things up - Thid - you get owned all the time by me. If the same scenario existed at 50 then I would repeat it for sure.

Wish to hell proper gamers were behind designing this game instead of fools attempting to cater for kids who needs toys. Proper fighters and skillful fighters are leaving this game left and right. You will stay more than likely and carry on playing with your artifacts. Have fun m8.

m8, how do you know if it requires skill or not? appearntly you're not toa'd out, so your whining is as free of substance as it can get, you got prawned because someone who could be arsed to get TOA butchered your pre-SI sb, fair enough, only outcome possible.
i do, however, agree with you, ToA should be shoved so far up Mythics arse they'de not be able to take a dump for 19 centuries, but you cannot say if something requires skill or not if you have never tried it. How do you think two ToA'd up assassins fight then? Roll dice and see who loses?
If you knew me you would know how i bitch and whine about the timesink that is ToA and am only waiting for WoW to be released.
Proper fighters strip to show skill?? Funneh didn't see a lot of naked soldiers during WWII, WWI, Vietnam, I mean even the Romans had the god damn decency to wear pants. Only ppl who jump into combat wearing nothing but their Speedos are primitive tribes in the rain forest (afaik)

Allow me to /point at the bottom line of my signature, only a complete retard wouldn't try to stay allive by all means possible


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
And the shortened version reads ....

Dear Catsy,
I tried level 50 RvR but its too hard.
I'm going back to playing in the BG's with my uber equiped stealther cos at level 50 everyone else is uber equiped and I cant handle it.

Love Thugs.

Cstasy I ain't gonna get annoyed with you because you ain't worth it. You have always been a complete and utter fool from day one. Am still pretty sure I killed your damn Ogre polestaff guy but you won't own upto it!

Level 50 isn't fun full stop even for all the TOA specced guys. I have stealthed around and watched fights. They are dreadful. Peeps hitting for huge amounts at 1.5 seconds a hit. Fights over in a blink of an eye after all those months of farming artifacts and getting a level 50 buffbot? How is that fun? People are not having fun because I have seen it with my own eyes.

At least I have the sense to see that to waste so much time on level 50 combat is just that - wasting my precious time. No bloody way. I have much more important things to do.

This is about Thid anyways and to all peeps in Thid - make the most of it now cos who knows wot Mythic will bring out soon to ruin it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Erm Thugs, you do realise it was Rookiescot who posted that which is quoted in your last post? So why start calling me a fool - Are you simple?

I'm sure many people will remember the famous quote for a while though:

Thugs (loads of times before..) said:
Level 50 shit? So what makes you think I wont kill everything out there? Still has the same basis. You all hide behind your buffbots and 2.5 spec points.. Well you wont be able to hide much longer, because I'm gonna hunt all you level 50's down.

Guess its just more shit spewed from the mouth of a clown.


Can't get enough of FH
Aug 25, 2004
Thugs said:
Cstasy I ain't gonna get annoyed with you because you ain't worth it. You have always been a complete and utter fool from day one. Am still pretty sure I killed your damn Ogre polestaff guy but you won't own upto it!

Level 50 isn't fun full stop even for all the TOA specced guys. I have stealthed around and watched fights. They are dreadful. Peeps hitting for huge amounts at 1.5 seconds a hit. Fights over in a blink of an eye after all those months of farming artifacts and getting a level 50 buffbot? How is that fun? People are not having fun because I have seen it with my own eyes.

At least I have the sense to see that to waste so much time on level 50 combat is just that - wasting my precious time. No bloody way. I have much more important things to do.

This is about Thid anyways and to all peeps in Thid - make the most of it now cos who knows wot Mythic will bring out soon to ruin it.

........They bring Gateway

Gateway versus The NS


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Thugs said:
Level 50 isn't fun full stop even for all the TOA specced guys. I have stealthed around and watched fights. They are dreadful. Peeps hitting for huge amounts at 1.5 seconds a hit. Fights over in a blink of an eye after all those months of farming artifacts and getting a level 50 buffbot? How is that fun? People are not having fun because I have seen it with my own eyes.
How do you know it's not fun if you haven't tried? Watching is not the same as doing.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Thugs said:
Cstasy I ain't gonna get annoyed with you because you ain't worth it. You have always been a complete and utter fool from day one. Am still pretty sure I killed your damn Ogre polestaff guy but you won't own upto it!

Level 50 isn't fun full stop even for all the TOA specced guys. I have stealthed around and watched fights. They are dreadful. Peeps hitting for huge amounts at 1.5 seconds a hit. Fights over in a blink of an eye after all those months of farming artifacts and getting a level 50 buffbot? How is that fun? People are not having fun because I have seen it with my own eyes.

At least I have the sense to see that to waste so much time on level 50 combat is just that - wasting my precious time. No bloody way. I have much more important things to do.

This is about Thid anyways and to all peeps in Thid - make the most of it now cos who knows wot Mythic will bring out soon to ruin it.

Dunno about you but when I do the once in a year 1K hits its what makes me play the class Mercenary.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Thugs said:
Cstasy I ain't gonna get annoyed with you because you ain't worth it. You have always been a complete and utter fool from day one. Am still pretty sure I killed your damn Ogre polestaff guy but you won't own upto it!

Level 50 isn't fun full stop even for all the TOA specced guys. I have stealthed around and watched fights. They are dreadful. Peeps hitting for huge amounts at 1.5 seconds a hit. Fights over in a blink of an eye after all those months of farming artifacts and getting a level 50 buffbot? How is that fun? People are not having fun because I have seen it with my own eyes.

At least I have the sense to see that to waste so much time on level 50 combat is just that - wasting my precious time. No bloody way. I have much more important things to do.

This is about Thid anyways and to all peeps in Thid - make the most of it now cos who knows wot Mythic will bring out soon to ruin it.

Who looks the fool now ?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Not me Rookie.

Level 50 sux and it looks like a great many agree with me.

I just want to log on and have some semblance of balance in a fighting scenario. I ain't got time for artifacts or levelling a buffbot to 50 etc. I can play for an hour or 2 in the evening is all. I just want to log on and fight m8. Is that too much to ask for? Spent a few nights roaming at 50 and not seen one person unbuffed.

Fool? Why? Where is the level 50 place where peeps like me can just log on and have some fair play? Tis all loads want. Thid is just that for me and I suppose that is all I can hope for or look forward to. Level 50? Yikes no thanks.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
Thugs said:
Not me Rookie.

Level 50 sux and it looks like a great many agree with me.

I just want to log on and have some semblance of balance in a fighting scenario. I ain't got time for artifacts or levelling a buffbot to 50 etc. I can play for an hour or 2 in the evening is all. I just want to log on and fight m8. Is that too much to ask for? Spent a few nights roaming at 50 and not seen one person unbuffed.

Fool? Why? Where is the level 50 place where peeps like me can just log on and have some fair play? Tis all loads want. Thid is just that for me and I suppose that is all I can hope for or look forward to. Level 50? Yikes no thanks.

fair enough, i can spend about the same time on evenings, got a busy daytime job so i cant really hang around very late. Fortunately i have some good friends that has helped me LOADS kitting out my toons.
Nice to see a "non-bragging" post from you Thugs, makes me think you might be human after all :p


One of Freddy's beloved
May 14, 2004
I agree with Jobil, it is kinda nice to see that you have posted a non bragging post explaining your views and to some extent I can understand what you are saying.

Thid is a nice place to play, I did it the thid experience with my Inf Chos a very long time ago, was good fun having long battles but as soon as she hit the cap, that was it, all done, now my push to lvl50 and the endgame.

We are both different, you want to stay and play in Thid and I want to play in the frontiers and I don't have a problem with that whatsoever. I even agree with some things you deteste with 50 RvR like Buffbots or ToA stuff. But like many things, you have to deal with it, its not gonna go away. Time is always a pain for some people, people have more or less time than somebody else and they would find it easier/harder to play in RvR due to the amount time. But thats one beauty (Yes) to this game, that if you have the time and friends then you can work on your char and in the end you will be pleased with the results. Im sure even you have worked to get a nice little template of your own.

Now thats the nice part....

Now this crap you seem to publish out, before I never really heard of you, someone mentioned that you called yourself "The King of Thid" but since I like frontiers I took no notice....until this...


You provoked an attack on Lvl50 RvR...useless ramble about how you was one of the elite, producing movie after movie of fights that show you showng off Thid Skills and expect people to be impressed. I can't see how lvl50 people would consider them skills any good when they have higher abilities and ToA abilities.

Now you have said there is more skill in Thid than lvl50 RvR and lvl50 battles tend to end in seconds. This is down to the pure fact since they have high abilities and if performed right, people can take people down fast and with the selection of ML abilities, RA abilities and Artifact abilities, there are more options a player can do and knowing/using these wisely, there is clearly more skill required to understand and use it all.

Buffbots you mention alot and like I said you are right but you will have to deal with it. Mythic/GOA aren't gonna do anything about BB since alot of people tend to have them and they get more money out of it. You understand this...


You posted that they were ripping off players but this down to players choice, if you don't want one, don't get one. Not all players get BBs and whine and moan that 50 RvR players are all buffed when they aren't. Now you have mentioned you have a BB but you decided to remain unbuffed in Thid to "prove a point". Fair enough but whining in Lvl50 RvR of your point isn't gonna happen, BBs will remain and you will have to deal with it.

Fair play....heh this game has none and everyone can see it, even me and you. The classes that you play could be overpowered or extremely gimped and you see people moan about the other realm classes. I play my fire wizard in RvR and I hate the fact that the all damaging class can be outdmged by other casters and the fact gets baseline Stun while I only get a root. You moan as well, how you think Infs are extremely overpowered with their 2.5 specs. Fair enough but whining about the fact isn't gonna get ya anywhere, I tend to look at it that each realm has something better than the other two. Hibs have the best casters, Albs have the best stealthers and Mids have the best Meleers (Not really sure about the Mid one but <shrugs>) The game will not become fair and once again you will have to deal with it, if not then why are you still here? You can leave at any time....like you keep saying you will...

Oh and blaming all your rants and whine on your drinking problem is utter stupid. You seem to think its cool to rant and then say "Oh sorry I was drunk.." there is nothing cool or funny about it, if you have a problem, go see about it but tbh I doubt you even have one, probably just an excuse to get out of a whine when you have been proven wrong.

Sorry for the long post but thats my 2 cent ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
ffs thugs u cant kill in 50 rvr.....u suck...big time..."ooh look at me i can strafe and run through A MELEE class, and i got backup 30%+ hp incase u should have good gear and end pots just incase i should run out of end" fyi that only work on mages that dont use face and in thid on melee class that done use face...must be one of the reason u cant compete in rvr. btw u heard about providing grounds...thats lvl 1 to 4(5?) maybe u can go there and pwn the babys...if the childrens in the sand box get to hard for u.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
thugs, i've an idea, why dont attempt to become king of all bg's, proove yourself at all the levels of the game, then maybe some ppl may leave u alone, cos as u get higher level you get more abilities and styles etc, being good at thid and only thid means sod all really, being good all the time througout level 1-50 and then all the time in end game rvr means something, and people i'm sure would respect you for it. But we all know that isn't gonna happen, but something for you to think about.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Although this topic has kinda slipped slightly from the original post, its been a while now and I'd just like to say.. It was actually me who made the thread, not Thugs. (However I'm pretty sure most of you knew it wasnt Thugs anyway) ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 22, 2004
CstasY said:
Although this topic has kinda slipped slightly from the original post, its been a while now and I'd just like to say.. It was actually me who made the thread, not Thugs. (However I'm pretty sure most of you knew it wasnt Thugs anyway) ^^


Also I'd just like to add, I dont have a fucking clue who made the FAO Sixth thread, wasnt anything to do with me.


Dec 22, 2003
CstasY said:
Although this topic has kinda slipped slightly from the original post, its been a while now and I'd just like to say.. It was actually me who made the thread, not Thugs. (However I'm pretty sure most of you knew it wasnt Thugs anyway) ^^
Wee... i knew it!!! I won my own pricequiz :clap:

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