Esselinithia said:Yeah, but some people have selective perception and selective intelligence so they doesn't see it too well.
I didn't say thatEsselinithia said:Mods say it isn't him by different IP
Ziva said:Hmmm.. maybe we should organise a pricequiz!!!
Esselinithia said:Yeah, but some people have selective perception and selective intelligence so they doesn't see it too well.
Esselinithia said:I think the information in this point shown it wasn't Thugs. Then? Who had problems with seeing more?
Rookiescot said:Yeah I remember you defending Thugs and flamming me for giving Thugs a hard time.
Feel a bit stupid now eh nipplehead?
Esselinithia said:Mods say it isn't him by different IP, same happened with other persons at same day as well, and you still claim it was him, you have hard time to understand the facts when you want to blame stuff on him? Imho he can be lame, but blaming him for something that someone else did is equally lame, should I laugh at you?
Esselinithia said:Yeah, but some people have selective perception and selective intelligence so they doesn't see it too well.
Dommelsch said:it was me i admit
..finally the thread will end and i can read more kickassthreads about thugs pwning all etc
Esselinithia said:Mods say it isn't him by different IP, same happened with other persons at same day as well, and you still claim it was him, you have hard time to understand the facts when you want to blame stuff on him? Imho he can be lame, but blaming him for something that someone else did is equally lame, should I laugh at you?
Jobil said:what can i win? if its not ubah i dont wanna be in the lotto! is it ubah? what is it? it better be cool! is it expensive?! cmon spill the beans! what is it? can i eat it? what color is it? is it fluffy and soft?
Wirey said:thugs pwns no one, i think u was drunk when u posted that one?![]()
WannaBeYou said:m8 u hit me too hard ,, plz will you stop killing me in batlegrounds and target the better player insted
Thugs said:Yu can but try to discredit me but tis impossible to do that now m8. Far too much evidence on my Thid exploits to disprove anything. Have done more than I ever wanted to in this game and now I messing about.
Level 50 combat? Seriously would you recommend this game to anyone now?
No TOA and never had any. No buffbot and ain't gonna get one. Not enough dosh to get gear etc etc.
The game is absolutely horrible at 50. Far worse than I ever thought it could be. I honestly can't see how anyone can enjoy it with all the rediculous damage people can do - bar my sb that is.
You think I gonna devote months and months to artifact farming and god knows wot else? No bloody way cos even with all the stuff everyone dies in just a few seconds. These are not real fights I have been witnessing cos they are over far too fast for that. Horrible. An absolute disgrace that Mythic have turned the game into such as it is now.
Game is seriously flawed now and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone but at one time I did. If anyone asks me about this game now (and they do) I would tell them to just level to Thid and have some fun which is all I have ever done. Maybe the bgs above Thid could be fun as well I don't know but level 50? No way. Infact I hope to hell WOW is going to be as good as they say it will be so DAOC dies a death because lets face it it should now!
Discredit me after all I have done in Thid?Don't fink so somehow m8y and if I want to run around forra laugh at 50 and hit anything and get annihilated for my trouble then I gonna do so.
Newcomers stick to the BGs and have some fun - 50 is total and utter garbage. All the above and horrendous lag at times too! Wow way to go Mythic!
Jobil said:someone got prawned in Big League
ian_heaps said:Very intelligent input FOTM boy.
Thugs said:Sorry but no. My sb couldn't kill a damn thing as he is m8y. Just wanted to bash something - anything forra laugh. Exactly like I said. Also bashed a merc etc and was killed a lot faster. Game is atrocious at 50 as you all know. Total waste of anybodies time. The only place you have time to show any skill is Thid or the lower BGs. 50 is ludicrous and that is how I am approaching my half hour of it here and there - having a laugh.
ian_heaps said:Very intelligent input FOTM boy.
Jobil said:ahahahahaha yea, im real fotm...
i guess youre implying that because of my charlist in signature, well guess what... all but the scout were made waaaaay before the classes became fotm, infil was the first char ever made back when i still wondered what the lvl cap of daoc was.... just ssshhh be quiet
someone got prawned in Big League, which is good as you'll stick to BG's, couldn't handle you spamming posts all over RvR section about how megaubah you are...