first of all great fight.......against 2 scout in close combat (like scouts can fight on melee anyway)
i'm not gonna talk about the fight
you MUST concider yourself guys for not reporting you to goa. decided not to do it because i realised that at the end i willl ban most of the population of mid and hib population at the end.
for ppl who dont understand : norsman and lurikeen fighting some albs
The funny part is that when i was shouting that there is a hibguard realm you were swearing at me about it.
Next time i see X-Realming action i WILL report it
i'm not gonna talk about the fight
you MUST concider yourself guys for not reporting you to goa. decided not to do it because i realised that at the end i willl ban most of the population of mid and hib population at the end.
for ppl who dont understand : norsman and lurikeen fighting some albs
The funny part is that when i was shouting that there is a hibguard realm you were swearing at me about it.
Next time i see X-Realming action i WILL report it