Personally when I play mid, i'd rather attack a keep without mushrooms, banshees and baseline stun, even if it means hitting a few friends.
Stop QQing about baseline stun, get some AoM and Det and it wont affect u!!
hibs aren't organized they just have spies and a head up they always knew what we where going to do
and brad do shut up as your high rr only kills afk's
Well don't leave BB's in beno courtyard then
Not gonna camp a bridge for a year hoping one person will pop by. I take it to the extreme and go to people's main portal keeps.
Your own fault if you were afk in courtyard when i went inside![]()
Its been in the game from the start so doubt they will give it to any other class nor remove it from game.And about u saying nerf its range,then they should nerf ur snare range aswel as its only CC that hib casters have.give on my ice wiz !!!
and you must be joking with an answer like that.
spend shitloads of realmpoints to get less affected by baseline OP ability available only to 1 realm.
the day wizards get baseline stun or that they nerf hib baseline stun is the day people will stop complaining about the hib baseline stun.
nerf baseline stun to 1250 range instead of 1500 and give a single target 1500 range snare in mana spec too. that is my solution to the hib baseline stun problem.
M8, didnt you read the new list of rules, even if people park their chars on Brynja you must NOT kill afk players.![]()
Its been in the game from the start so doubt they will give it to any other class nor remove it from game.And about u saying nerf its range,then they should nerf ur snare range aswel as its only CC that hib casters have.
Personally when I play mid, i'd rather attack a keep without mushrooms, banshees and baseline stun, even if it means hitting a few friends.
read what i said.
i didn`t say remove or give to another class.
i said reduce it`s range to 1250 instead of 1500 and GIVE them a aditional baseline single target snare as compensation.
hibs keep telling us that baseline stun is not OP and that stun doesn`t do shit to det tanks.
for every time i get killed by a mellee class, i get killed 10 times by a caster.
my solution (range reduction on stun and aditional snare to have tools against non casters) would reduce the `i win` affect effect stun has vs casters and give the hib casters a working tool against tanks.
taking stun away as an `iwin a standoff at max range` tool without reducing its effectiveness in other situation seems like the way to go for me.
Baseline stun is OP?
Your char gets free stocism + fury and can spec det stop whinging...
and for those that don`t play a high RR armsmen ?
Considering u can spec to get Nearsight so stop whine.Nearsight > stun!!
You hit first.
not under 1650 range.
and u say u `can` spec for NS. having to spec for something (whether it be a spec line or an RA) to counter something hibs get free is just not fair.
48 + 21 ice, 24 + 21 fire doesn`t give NS. i prefer a baseline bolt with 45 spec above a level 19 NS that seems to get resisted 2 times out of 3. it`s a choise.
You have the choice to specc stuffs that can actually counter hib baseline stun
but you wont cause its more fun whining? :X
I've played in alb on caster.It's not so hard to kill hib casters really.i have the option to SPEC for a tool that give me a chance to counter baseline stun. sounds like a good deal to me. NOT
i guess you could call it like that. i would call it `trying to make you see the situation from the other side`.
and wouldn`t it be an improvement for hib casters to get a new free baseline snare at the cost of a slight nerf to stun range ? that`s what hibs would like to make us believe at least, or they want to create that impression.
it is easy to drop any argument over something you don`t agree with as a whine and discard it... i was presenting an opinion and an alternative.
I agree that hib baseline stun is way over the top but here's a newsflash for you, this game isnt fair nor balanced.
Almost every class in this game has something that others will label as overpowered.
If you want to play a game where every class has the same thing might i suggest you consider World of Warcraft cause we all know how much fun that game is when both sides has exactly the same abilities.![]()
<pushes eyes further up> here we go again with archer stuffs!
where did i say i wanted all classes to be equal ?
I've played in alb on caster.It's not so hard to kill hib casters really.
Ok so u'd recommend changing stun range.I'd say that wizard bolts should do 50% dmg they do atm thats compared what dmg 50 void spec eld bolts please bother to actually read what i said instead of just forming a standard reply after reading half a sentence and responding to 2 keywords in that first part of the first sentence.
this game is fair nor balanced. i know, you know, most people know.
where did i say i wanted all classes to be equal ?
i said `nerf range on baseline stun and give hibs a new tool as compensation`
gone say it AGAIN :
nerf range on baseline stun and give hibs a new tool as compensation
and even in bold now :
nerf range on baseline stun and give hibs a new tool as compensation`
what`s the part you don`t get or don`t understand ?
That is where you'll finally end up tho? People will always find something ingame overpowered and cry for the nerfbat.
'Omg, this class has baseline st0n, please nurf!!11'
'Omg, this class has a Heal over Time, please nurf!!11'
'Omg, this class just slammed me, wtfs!?!? Please nurf!!11'
Etc etc etc.
World of Warcraft took the easy way out in balancing the game by giving both realms exactly the same things hence, no people whining about 'OMG THIS REALM HAS THIS AND THAT ITS SO UNFAIR'.
Ok so u'd recommend changing stun range.I'd say that wizard bolts should do 50% dmg they do atm thats compared what dmg 50 void spec eld bolts do.
it depends.
during the short periods i have been specced fire i found it rather easy in general to kill any other caster. get 2 bolts out before the target gets in 1650 range and ka-tching, there`s xxxx rp.
but i think fire is boring... brutally efficient, but boring.