FAO custodia @ Avalon

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Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Dont remember any time when there were more than a handful of full groups actually running. Even agramon at its height only had a maximum of about 7 or 8 full groups in there.

Have to go back to before NF to even have a chance of digging up more full groups than that operating - then you know - there still wouldnt of ever been more than 8, and I suggest mostly less.
Nov 10, 2007
Sorry mate but im not gonna comment on what you said cause basicaly you havnt read a single word i said....hmm typed :p
You are confusing what other ppl said in theyr posts with what i said in mine starting with the CM crap when i didnt envolve them and i clearly said we havent runed as a fg yet.

I'm not basing my post on what others said in particular. This thread was made in a way to make fun of the way CM plays, you came in and and said some random things in defence to that. You imply that CM isn't zerging b/c 2 ppl did, CM isn't adding b/c 1 person did in some "pug", CM doesn't do this, doesn't do that yada yada because you where not a full grp, fair enough.

I posted about my own experince and from what I seen of you guys. I seen that you add as a fg, I seen that you zerg, zergsurf, add in "official" 8v8 zones and that you prey on soloers early mornings/late night. Imo thats how you gotten all your RPs. As I see it the post is somewhat a sarcasm of all that, people don't say you don't have a right to do all the above but they make fun of you for doing it, then you come rambling in here with excuses and diffrent scenarios when the guild shouldn't be drawn over one line, but as they say the guild isn't bigger then the members within and as individuals you sure seem to have a funny way of showing the 8v8 fair play mentality you seem to portray.

Septina and others are always ironising over this fact, that you seem incapable of competative 8v8 as a guild and that you, as a group, but mostly YOU Kine blame it on random bullshit things. Why not for once step up and stand for the type of playstyle that you as "individuals" play by instead of just random excuses and complicated and ludicrous counter arguments.

Saying that septina and his gang are shit doesn't diminish the fact that you guys, for some reason, always played like random newbies with no aspiration of achieving anything except roleplay titles, and if that is the case why go about claiming or implying otherwise.
If you are "The Knights who Say NI" then fine, be that, but don't come here implying through, in lack of other words, retarded arguments that your some kind of r0x box guild that CAN IF YOU WANT TO pwn any guild out there but you prefer to grief soloers with rr11 grp and take towers 04:17 AM on tuesday mornings. I mean its just obvious.

Not meant to come off as an offensive post but to make some points crystal I had to amplify the tone of some parts. I sure hope you guys at some point say enough is enough and shape up and take part of the 8v8 scene on whatever server you play on since DAoC sure needs more competative players with some sort of fair play in thought.

Don't know if you even can come to terms and answer this post, as it is somewhat "hostile" but its not intended and not persoanlly directed as a flame of your persona but more a lack of patience with all the "CM doesn't <zerg/add/grief/AC> because 7 and a half person did?!?!" reply.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
do mocbash still play then septimate?

From what i've heard they do, i dont play Limors or DAoC for that matter.
Only thing i play these days is Hellgate London.
Miss the fg rvr from daoc tho. :( RR7 BM on Limors LFG!!!1111 :<


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
ugleh bm xD


NEVER!!!! :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
do mocbash still play then septimate?

Yeah u have wolfbash tabbe grp and valheru and soem yadrigh rr 12 pally guys grp who are the best alb grps atm some others but not in the same standard.

Same with hib aes dana get a life the best grps followed by a handfull of others, in mid the secection is a bit more limited but u have a few there as well. so good all in all and quite nice action most weeknights.

Ps. the new fotmsetup with cleric+friar as only healers is silly to fight:(


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
awwww :sex: i still wub you.

/edit, Whats hellgate like, been tempted by it but not rly convinced about buying it yet.

If you liked Diablo2 then Hellgate is awesome. :) Very much like D2 but in 3D, questing, skills, magic finding etc etc. :]
Only lvl 32 atm and only on Nightmare mode but enjoying it very much.
Will be even more fun i guess when you've reached higher level and getting to know skills and speccs better i guess. :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
awwww :sex: i still wub you.

/edit, Whats hellgate like, been tempted by it but not rly convinced about buying it yet.

good action but not worth the money atm, bug-filled, constant crashes, extremely repetitive and nowhere near what d2 was :( just google some reviews or read hellgateguru forum

got to lvl 42 just in a few days with my bm in it but had to shelf it cause grouping is bugged and soloing got tediously boring. tried to play some elite mode with friends but got frustrated just after a few hours due to my cousin's game crashing every once in a while, randomly porting back to zone entrance and invisible groupmates bug :D give it a few months of patching and it should be fun tho

atm my hellgate is on hold ._.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
good action but not worth the money atm, bug-filled, constant crashes, extremely repetitive and nowhere near what d2 was :( just google some reviews or read hellgateguru forum

got to lvl 42 just in a few days with my bm in it but had to shelf it cause grouping is bugged and soloing got tediously boring. tried to play some elite mode with friends but got frustrated just after a few hours due to my cousin's game crashing every once in a while, randomly porting back to zone entrance and invisible groupmates bug :D give it a few months of patching and it should be fun tho

atm my hellgate is on hold ._.

That's true, it has quite a few bugs in the game at the moment but hopefully they'll fix it and the things they're introducing further along sounds very interesting also. It sure as hell beats DAoC GoA Dyvet style and having no group to play with on any decent server it's Hellgate all the way for me. :)


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
From what i've heard they do, i dont play Limors or DAoC for that matter.
Only thing i play these days is Hellgate London.
Miss the fg rvr from daoc tho. :( RR7 BM on Limors LFG!!!1111 :<

asked you lots of time but you always turned us down! your fault noob! :)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
you came in and and said some random things in defence to that. You imply that CM isn't zerging b/c 2 ppl did, CM isn't adding b/c 1 person did in some "pug", CM doesn't do this, doesn't do that yada yada because you where not a full grp, fair enough.

I posted about my own experince and from what I seen of you guys. I seen that you add as a fg, I seen that you zerg, zergsurf, add in "official" 8v8 zones and that you prey on soloers early mornings/late night. Imo thats how you gotten all your RPs. As I see it the post is somewhat a sarcasm of all that, people don't say you don't have a right to do all the above but they make fun of you for doing it, then you come rambling in here with excuses and diffrent scenarios when the guild shouldn't be drawn over one line,

Septina and others are always ironising over this fact, that you seem incapable of competative 8v8 as a guild and that you, as a group, but mostly YOU Kine blame it on random bullshit things. Why not for once step up and stand for the type of playstyle that you as "individuals" play by instead of just random excuses and complicated and ludicrous counter arguments.

Saying that septina and his gang are shit doesn't diminish the fact that you guys, for some reason, always played like random newbies with no aspiration of achieving anything except roleplay titles, and if that is the case why go about claiming or implying otherwise.
If you are "The Knights who Say NI" then fine, be that, but don't come here implying through, in lack of other words, retarded arguments that your some kind of r0x box guild that CAN IF YOU WANT TO pwn any guild out there but you prefer to grief soloers with rr11 grp and take towers 04:17 AM on tuesday mornings. I mean its just obvious.

Not meant to come off as an offensive post but to make some points crystal I had to amplify the tone of some parts. I sure hope you guys at some point say enough is enough and shape up and take part of the 8v8 scene on whatever server you play on since DAoC sure needs more competative players with some sort of fair play in thought.

Don't know if you even can come to terms and answer this post, as it is somewhat "hostile" but its not intended and not persoanlly directed as a flame of your persona but more a lack of patience with all the "CM doesn't <zerg/add/grief/AC> because 7 and a half person did?!?!" reply.

You sir must really be half wited tbh. First of all you really must stop to say things i didnt say especially when i asked you to read my posts wich you obviously didnt or we wouldnt be having this conversation.
Please try and concentrate on these few points ill say:

1- I never claimed we rox and yadda yadda like you said (see my posts)

2- I never said we wanted to be competitive, so please stop acting like a leet elitist wanna be and play the game like you want to play - Ill repeat it cause its really important "Like you want to play"

3 - I never said Septina and co were shit in fact i believe i did said otherwise in a general manner.

4 - We play whenever we can and were we can, so shove the bullshit of the 4am grief back to your rox box.

5 - For someone who isnt aiming personally your post says otherwise or maybe you just have the crappiest taste in chosing the right words.

6 - Finally and this is resuming what i said on all my posts is that the general ( and by general i dont imply that all are ) high rr noobs compared to the population on Dyvet. I compare these 2 servers on a percentual base considering the number of players vs the quantity of good groups.
If you do disagree with that instead of saying things i didnt say, take some time for assemble what you consider good groups on 3 realms considering the total population on cluster.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 21, 2004
Please dont let yourself be lead by Saitoh´s fantasys. The guy must have bashed his head against the keyboard too many times above the safe line ( if there is one ).
Let me explain this quite simple, as i would explain to a caged monkey.

1-We never went RvR with a CM FG.

2-We dont have enough players on to make a fg

3-If we dont have enough ppl for a fg even less for 2fgs!

4-Saitoh is an attention whore

Dream on greek boy :)

there have been armsman CM fgs so how come u never went rvr with a cm fg ? :< and as i said again sometime ago : no need to try and defend CM playing skills whatsoever since they all played for fun ( thats what they claim). i dont know any cm player that is proud of his playing skills. CM moto : u dont need to be good to have fun. !


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 21, 2004
You sir must really be half wited tbh. First of all you really must stop to say things i didnt say especially when i asked you to read my posts wich you obviously didnt or we wouldnt be having this conversation.
Please try and concentrate on these few points ill say:

1- I never claimed we rox and yadda yadda like you said (see my posts)

2- I never said we wanted to be competitive, so please stop acting like a leet elitist wanna be and play the game like you want to play - Ill repeat it cause its really important "Like you want to play"

3 - I never said Septina and co were shit in fact i believe i did said otherwise in a general manner.

4 - We play whenever we can and were we can, so shove the bullshit of the 4am grief back to your rox box.

5 - For someone who isnt aiming personally your post says otherwise or maybe you just have the crappiest taste in chosing the right words.

6 - Finally and this is resuming what i said on all my posts is that the general ( and by general i dont imply that all are ) high rr noobs compared to the population on Dyvet. I compare these 2 servers on a percentual base considering the number of players vs the quantity of good groups.
If you do disagree with that instead of saying things i didnt say, take some time for assemble what you consider good groups on 3 realms considering the total population on cluster.

there is truth in ur words ! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 21, 2004
Dont remember any time when there were more than a handful of full groups actually running. Even agramon at its height only had a maximum of about 7 or 8 full groups in there.

Have to go back to before NF to even have a chance of digging up more full groups than that operating - then you know - there still wouldnt of ever been more than 8, and I suggest mostly less.

u dont know what u re talking about . thats maybe because nfd never wasnt an fg actually or maybe not one worth mentioning ;x :flame::flame::flame:


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
there have been armsman CM fgs so how come u never went rvr with a cm fg ? :< and as i said again sometime ago : no need to try and defend CM playing skills whatsoever since they all played for fun ( thats what they claim). i dont know any cm player that is proud of his playing skills. CM moto : u dont need to be good to have fun. !

We were talking about in Avalon/Lyonesse cluster :D


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
The 99+% of people in the world who didn't read this thread? :D

I have to admit though, that was the most entertaining thread for weeks, the state of FH RvR section really resembles the state of Dyvet, so tbh merge with Limors forum and give some more of those threads and everyone's happy!


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
I have to admit though, that was the most entertaining thread for weeks, the state of FH RvR section really resembles the state of Dyvet, so tbh merge with Limors server and give some more of those threads and everyone's happy!

Fixed it for you!!!!!!11 >;|
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