Fao Adders/ Zergers

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Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Twinky said:
Aiteal said:
Twinky said:
lol at the reply's.. do u know who i am? how i play ? no? then stfu!

that is the grp member Aseth ( read backwards and u understand who) who said that he got attacked by 2, and needed help.

did you see two people attacking him? no you didnt, you ran in like any random rogstealther would, to try and leach your 100 RPs, you got pwned good and proper.



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Twinky said:
as i said, he asked 4 help, and i gave him it!

So it's ok for you to add when your group mate asks for it?
But it's not ok for others to add on you?

One is helping a friend
The other prompts a whine post

I see


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
Aiteal said:
So it's ok for you to add when your group mate asks for it?
But it's not ok for others to add on you?

One is helping a friend
The other prompts a whine post

I see

not the point.. adders = mostly FG's or 4 scouts adding on a mincer vs sb f.eks! i dont whine if 2-3 albs/hibs kill me, if they r in a trio or duo, its the FG's and the other tards stealing rp from theyre own realm mates and making it impossible to get a chance at all to kill smth. The same goes to the famous WL's and sm's roaming in mid adding on all that they see, cant have a decent fight there either.. see my point?!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Twinky said:
not the point.. adders = mostly FG's or 4 scouts adding on a mincer vs sb f.eks! i dont whine if 2-3 albs/hibs kill me, if they r in a trio or duo, its the FG's and the other tards steling rp from theyre own realm mates and making it impossible to get a chance at all to kill smth. The same goes to the famous WL's and sm's roaming in mid adding on all that they see, cant have a decent fight there either.. see my point?!

All I know is that I didnt have a decent 1 on 1 fight cause you added
So whats the difference?

Ziz didnt add, even though we were duoing, he got back on the boat to goto Bryna to get killed by SM's
poor Ziz :mad:

Nor did the other shade.
Out of the 5 stealthers there, only you added.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Twinky said:
i agree

but see it the other way around aswell then. zergers/adders bullie soloers to zerg and add, by doing it all the time, leaving soloers to no other solution then to do the same...

thats not the case...im sorry but i listened to this pointless discussion for so long now...getting fed up with all whine about something that cannot be done anything about. All people in this game have opinions...respect it by letting they have them...and dont try to convince people urs are right all the time. By reading all these milion posts we have come to a conclusion i think everyone can agree on..: Everyone in this game have added. only difference is some people whine about it...and some keep on playing or leave..its that simple. I play a ranger...and i dont think people are destroying my fun when they add. Sometimes i need help...and sometimes i dont. I am happy the few times i win a 1 vs 1 fight...but im also happy when i have fun duoing with another stealther and win over a warlock or some other higher rr caster. And who is this high and mighty kid who one day decided that stealther is a class you only roll if you are gonna play solo....and always fight 1 vs 1??. If someone think that highly of himself im gonna have to shake my head in discust at that arrogance. I come across so much bickering and egoism in this game its unbelievable....


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 14, 2004
Aiteal said:
Twinky said:
lol at the reply's.. do u know who i am? how i play ? no? then stfu!
Is this you just last night running in unstealthed to add on a fight that 2 shades (Ziz and Faiotan??) didnt add on and getting perfed for your troubles????

Wow!!! it is :)

Everyone adds at times, yourself included, get over yourself.

rep for you ^^ haha Twinky that's just lame to QQ about adding and zerging and ya get a clip of you adding thrown up ya face :)
Who knows? maybe the ones that added you had a group and the one group mate told the other to help?

stop making a fool out of youreself.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
ebenezer said:
thats not the case...im sorry but i listened to this pointless discussion for so long now...getting fed up with all whine about something that cannot be done anything about. All people in this game have opinions...respect it by letting they have them...and dont try to convince people urs are right all the time. By reading all these milion posts we have come to a conclusion i think everyone can agree on..: Everyone in this game have added. only difference is some people whine about it...and some keep on playing or leave..its that simple. I play a ranger...and i dont think people are destroying my fun when they add. Sometimes i need help...and sometimes i dont. I am happy the few times i win a 1 vs 1 fight...but im also happy when i have fun duoing with another stealther and win over a warlock or some other higher rr caster. And who is this high and mighty kid who one day decided that stealther is a class you only roll if you are gonna play solo....and always fight 1 vs 1??. If someone think that highly of himself im gonna have to shake my head in discust at that arrogance. I come across so much bickering and egoism in this game its unbelievable....

Neither have i claimed i solo all the time, nor have i said that ppl should play as i like, i simply said that since 5+ albs run over me every run i had today, that htey deserved a fart in theyre direction of wind! And yes all should play like they want, but that dont mean that others cant react to how other players play or behave..

i got zerged, i reacted by lauging, shaing my head, then logg.. and wanted to test how it would be to post smth i was fully aware of would hit home to the ppl who thought i was talking to them. Then try to stand my ground when all the whine on me posting was inc :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
adoNix said:
Aiteal said:
Twinky said:
lol at the reply's.. do u know who i am? how i play ? no? then stfu!

rep for you ^^ haha Twinky that's just lame to QQ about adding and zerging and ya get a clip of you adding thrown up ya face :)
Who knows? maybe the ones that added you had a group and the one group mate told the other to help?

stop making a fool out of youreself.

im not a fool, and it clearly shows im inc to help the duo member that calls 4 help. Du ser jo at jeg kommer inc til aseth aka thesa for å hjelpe til. Så skal jeg som duo partner si, nei du får ikke hjelp? eh.. plz


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Twinky said:
i agree

but see it the other way around aswell then. zergers/adders bullie soloers to zerg and add, by doing it all the time, leaving soloers to no other solution then to do the same...

thats not the case...im sorry but i listened to this pointless discussion for so long now...getting fed up with all whine about something that cannot be done anything about. All people in this game have opinions...respect it by letting they have them...and dont try to convince people urs are right all the time. By reading all these milion posts we have come to a conclusion i think everyone can agree on..: Everyone in this game have added. only difference is some people whine about it...and some keep on playing or leave..its that simple. I play a ranger...and i dont think people are destroying my fun when they add. Sometimes i need help...and sometimes i dont. I am happy the few times i win a 1 vs 1 fight...but im also happy when i have fun duoing with another stealther and win over a warlock or some other higher rr caster. And who is this high and mighty kid who one day decided that stealther is a class you only roll if you are gonna play solo....and always fight 1 vs 1??. If someone think that highly of himself im gonna have to shake my head in discust at that arrogance. I come across so much bickering and egoism in this game its unbelievable....

And once again i wonder what the hell is a fair fight???????
When i face a rr10 stealther with my rr 3 or 4 stealther i hardly call that fair. When i shoot someone in the back i hardly call that fair.....
when a warlock hits my hero from long range a few times i hardly call that fair....
When fg rr10 people squash a random group of rr 3 people i hardly call that fair.....
You guys getting the picture? In this game its no such thing as a completely fair fight....ist not black or white^^
Also i think people japp on and on about these so called morals and honor etc...and lol...they behave like kids and bullies by cursing and screaming at people. What is that all a bout?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Twinky said:
Neither have i claimed i solo all the time, nor have i said that ppl should play as i like, i simply said that since 5+ albs run over me every run i had today, that htey deserved a fart in theyre direction of wind! And yes all should play like they want, but that dont mean that others cant react to how other players play or behave..

i got zerged, i reacted by lauging, shaing my head, then logg.. and wanted to test how it would be to post smth i was fully aware of would hit home to the ppl who thought i was talking to them. Then try to stand my ground when all the whine on me posting was inc :)

was just reacting to the general adding discussion...wasnt directed just at you:)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
1 sb vs 5 albs = 1 mid grp vs 5 alb grps.. fair ? (same rr)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
ebenezer said:
was just reacting to the general adding discussion...wasnt directed just at you:)

hehe i know, just try'n to discuss with u, ending up in a total agreement that would be as perfect as possible :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
no its not "fair" but seeing as you zerg half the time and add the other half i dont really see that you have the right to moan about getting zerged/added on :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
Raven said:
no its not "fair" but seeing as you zerg half the time and add the other half i dont really see that you have the right to moan about getting zerged/added on :)

raven plz.. i dont add and zerg.. i give u my word!! mb i clearly need a new pw on my acc..

but take my word on it, i dont!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
well despite seeing the clip there ive never had this person add on me but it's no use whineing bout adding when hibs/albs have irvr (i think dont know coz ive been out).


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Watching that video clip is pretty funny :> All I know is that the kobbie was doing fine pretty much by himself!

I probably would have done the same as Ziz and friend and just watched the fight draw to its natural conclusion.

Then Ziz would probably have killed me easily :>

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
pff give him a break.. Everytime i meet him he has been solo an not like any of you other are any better when its comes to zerging an adding:touch:


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
twinky r u that sb me and whinersmincer encounter'd @ beno, where first i took out bradlex, then u pop'd on whiner's, then came after me while i watched the fight u had cos i was on low hp, and ended up being killed by the bulle grp ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2006
Braakjek , was that you running with or very close to the 2 wls on brynja a few nights back? - dont answer that it was you :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
ebenezer said:
i think all people that in any ways try to bullie people in to playing a certain way deserves same as all dictators , a regal kick in their balls and removing from their self made up position of power.
And that people playing this game should stop whine like a baby getting their toy stolen and keep their opinion to themself and worry about their own morals and standards...

you are entitled to your opinion and dont deserve a kick anywhere for it.

that doesnt change the fact that it would be a fitting odeur consuming stealthzergers.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
RwandanJack said:
Braakjek , was that you running with or very close to the 2 wls on brynja a few nights back? - dont answer that it was you :)

indeed.. that was me, and i did w8 until that damn wl passed by.. tho they turn and add.. all do.. not intended, tought they were gone m8.. he said sry afterwards, if thats any help :(


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
trycorn said:
twinky r u that sb me and whinersmincer encounter'd @ beno, where first i took out bradlex, then u pop'd on whiner's, then came after me while i watched the fight u had cos i was on low hp, and ended up being killed by the bulle grp ?

cant recall m8, not sure..


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
Twinky said:
indeed.. that was me, and i did w8 until that damn wl passed by.. tho they turn and add.. all do.. not intended, tought they were gone m8.. he said sry afterwards, if thats any help :(


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2005
When is fighting ever been fair? It's not supposed to be fair in this game, if it was it would be boring! The only time a fight will be fair is if it has been organised, and if it is, it will prob mean someone is X-realming.

making posts and moaning about adding wont make the blinded bit of difference to anyones gameplay, no one will think before they add "oh wait JoeBloggs said on FH he dont like people adding"

I think all Twinky was tryin to say in his original post was that he has no respect for people who do add, he wasnt trying to tell them how to play as far as i can see.

oh and age has nothing to do with maturity in this game, just because your older than 18 dont make u automatically mature.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 31, 2004
Crocky said:
well let me try a second time.

It's impossible that you're 18years old or higher because a mature guy wouldn't make a pathetic thread like this, so lets say 15years. You have no IRL friends and this forum is your only way to express your emotions, A big mouth online whos easily upset. And your idol is Hitler.

how's that?

who the fuck are u anyways? u got something to say about ppl in 50% of the threads here lol.. new FH acc... no sig to show ingame name... :eek:

Ps. whats wrong with being 15? :D


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
Aiteal said:
Twinky said:
lol at the reply's.. do u know who i am? how i play ? no? then stfu!
Is this you just last night running in unstealthed to add on a fight that 2 shades (Ziz and Faiotan??) didnt add on and getting perfed for your troubles????

Wow!!! it is :)

Everyone adds at times, yourself included, get over yourself.

cheered me up that did.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Aiteal said:
Twinky said:
lol at the reply's.. do u know who i am? how i play ? no? then stfu!
Is this you just last night running in unstealthed to add on a fight that 2 shades (Ziz and Faiotan??) didnt add on and getting perfed for your troubles????

Wow!!! it is :)

Everyone adds at times, yourself included, get over yourself.

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