Crap Ez has left the building...

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Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
As for the moderation issue, I did think we were fine as we were but a post or thread should not need to be reported, the mod team should pick up on trolling and abuse.
I know that personally I don't read every thread so unless another mod does that's never going to be a realistic situation. I do however see when something been flagged and it draws my attention.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Dunno wtf happened, but it seems like Ez shared a story to tell us OT'ers that she had done well.. Some General people decided to take the piss out of her and now she has left! Nothing was wrong with having OT and General separated!

A real shame and a loss to FH and to us who knew her well and have gotten used to her witty comments and random posts..

Another reason why we should never have merged


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
because I have been treated unfairly by some moderators before due to the fact that I killed their characters in Thidranki.

Well, you lasted a while.

Also this is probably the most entertaining thread here in a while, been fun reading all the rubbish posted.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
CorNokZ, with the highest of respect, it's fuck all to do with the merge which has been discussed ad nauseum already.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Another reason why we should never have merged
Someone could post that they've farted and you'd say that was another reason why we shouldn't have merged :p


Bringer of Code
Dec 22, 2003
This thread has reached sufficient mass to warrant a post from myself.

I farted.

That is all.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
General was close to being dead, while we had a good time in OT.. All super mods posted in General and thus came the merge

This merge is like when your mom set up a play-date with the retarded kid in your class


Aug 24, 2008
General was close to being dead, while we had a good time in OT.. All super mods posted in General and thus came the merge

This merge is like when your mom set up a play-date with the retarded kid in your class
hahaha :clap:

"Mum hes such a retarded cnunt" ... "be fucking nice to him, Rose is a good friend and I need her help at work"


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Christ on a fucking bike.

I'm gonna close this after a few comments.

Raven - thanks for the offer, but we have actually just had a mod assessment so we will let things settle before adding any more (Deebs or others may overrule this, of course, I've not discussed it with them).

@Ez - I am sorry you have left and hope you reconsider after having some breathing time.

OT vs General - WTF are these modding accusations? I've been here since FH started but before that I was introduced to BW through DAOC. I was in DAOC beta and played it from the launch, so why do so many of you find it so hard to adapt to the merge? Are you all fucking morons?? I honestly don't think you are, so step back a bit from the keyboard and stop worrying about it!

I might have more comments to make, but that's it for now. Tony - let me know if you want this re-opened.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Infact I have even given TdC infractions :p
you BANNED me when I posted that pic of a girl with a bag of ganja stuffed up her vagoo :eek:

Oh... and fuck off giving TdC a hard time... he is awesome! :twak:
your offer for sexxor has been noted

God bless Jup, btw, TdC is a ****. Thanks.

your offer has also been noted

nobody complains about TdC from either side.

you'd be surprised to see some of the shit I get heh

If Raven was mod, it would prob all have been prevented by just nuking the post early.

For middle aged men, some immature shit going on here now.
yesss, delete everything we don't agree with, attaboy!

I think this is true for 7 years in FHOT Thot has been who he is and everyone takes it with a pinch of salt. In Ez's thread Wazzerphuk made his comments and maybe people did not know how to take it. Was it tongue in cheek? Was it malicious? In 6 months maybe he will get the same reaction as Thot and we will have no more drama.

I don't know if a new mod is needed. Deebs has said that mods will be moderated too so unless we doubt him there is no reason to force a FHOT mod into existence.
so, it's a local forum, for local people? I feel so welcome all of a sudden.

As for the moderation issue, I did think we were fine as we were but a post or thread should not need to be reported, the mod team should pick up on trolling and abuse.
you want more moderation? we frown on censorship tbh. just read Deebs' posts with more attention.

General was close to being dead, while we had a good time in OT.. All super mods posted in General and thus came the merge

This merge is like when your mom set up a play-date with the retarded kid in your class
I'm sorry you feel that way dude, because it's not true.

I'm gonna close this after a few comments.
nazi mod fascist hitler obama durka durka herp derp! :eek:
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