Eve - In Space, noone can hear you yawn.. ;)



skills. skills are now upsettingly easy to max. once upon a time it'd be a 'real' acheivment to hit GM... tactics. nowerdays you can get GM magic resist in a week. its taken any reward from the skill system... its too easy and unbalanced.

GM RESIST today takes fucking ages. It is near impossible to GM. Even weapon skills take an age now. Like I said, you have no idea.

the fame system. as i said before, now theres not a single person in the game thats not a lord, and theres all these silly sounding titles like Bane of the arachnid etc. which anyone can get from spending 10 minutes killing some crap somewhere.

So people can get a title such as lord or something else. This is important WHY?

theres now SILLY looking things. purple llamas. golden horses. bright orange clothing. it looks BAD, looks silly... and is just attracting more and more leeters as each day passes. which is not what uo needs, if anything it needs less.

They arent purple llamas, they are beetles which only look like llamas cause you have the old client. There is bright orange clothing, in fact always has been. You mean FIRE. Fire steeds too. SO FUCKING WHAT? How does the way others look detract from your gameplay? Retard.

they've gone to the extent of introducing rediculous looking new weapons, to breathe some life into the game. i logged on just before i quit (a month or so ago), and saw a guy running around with a flourescent green double bladed axe thing. i nearly fell off my chair with laughter, its out of hand now.

They never made them look like that to breathe life into anything. Colour of a weapon denotes its main damage output type. A weapon doing mostly heat damage is orange. Etc. SO FUCKING WHAT?

nowerdays, the only people truly respected are those that can speak in 1337 without a break for 10 hours. its too complicated now. they've introduced so many ideas that if you went on holiday for a week and came back, you'd be baffled as to how to cast a spell or something. i mean, when i stopped playing officially there were ethereal horses, the whole reward scheme thing, which i thought was pretty cool... but didnt want it to be overdone. i came back about 2 months later to flourescent purple llamas and bright orange dragons.

The people who are respected have adapted to the new PVP changes and continue to play instead of whining like you have. What bright orange dragons? All dragons are still the same. I'm guessing you were a trammel only player.

the GOOD days were simple. pvp wasnt something where the person that knew the most exploits won. it was good old fashioned skills and determination. you'd be frightened to go to far out of a towns protection for fear of being jumped by a mob of PKs. nowerdays you just PK the guards 1:1 1337 |=31one styl4, take over the town with your ubz0r sk1lL$ and kill everyone in it.

Did you play on a freeshard or something? PVP is not about exploits at all today. Train your char well, get some good armour.

UO is an example of what too many patches WILL do to any decent game. i remember at the height of patching, there were 1, maybe 2 large patches PER DAY, bringing in new stupid ideas.

There have only ever been 17 publishes of UO. Again, did you play some freeshard or something? Some patches were bad, some were good. It's still a very very popular game so thousands would have to disagree with you.


Originally posted by old.ST200
GM RESIST today takes fucking ages. It is near impossible to GM. Even weapon skills take an age now. Like I said, you have no idea.

So people can get a title such as lord or something else. This is important WHY?

They arent purple llamas, they are beetles which only look like llamas cause you have the old client. There is bright orange clothing, in fact always has been. You mean FIRE. Fire steeds too. SO FUCKING WHAT? How does the way others look detract from your gameplay? Retard.

They never made them look like that to breathe life into anything. Colour of a weapon denotes its main damage output type. A weapon doing mostly heat damage is orange. Etc. SO FUCKING WHAT?

The people who are respected have adapted to the new PVP changes and continue to play instead of whining like you have. What bright orange dragons? All dragons are still the same. I'm guessing you were a trammel only player.

Did you play on a freeshard or something? PVP is not about exploits at all today. Train your char well, get some good armour.

There have only ever been 17 publishes of UO. Again, did you play some freeshard or something? Some patches were bad, some were good. It's still a very very popular game so thousands would have to disagree with you.

ok put it this way.

your wrong

nuff said :clap:


and btw, this is an icq msg i sent to an old style vet of UO like myself.

Karam (07:46 PM) :
someone on BW saying UO is still as good as it ever was :/

anon (07:47 PM) :
musta started a year ago, n00b

put his name anon incase he didnt wanna be named. but there ya go, more proof from teh vets.

Carlos Bananos

haha ST plays UO !!11

UO has gone to shit now, but it WAS the best.

Old UO totally shits all over any other game past, present and future.


Hmm karam can't actually come out with anything useful so says I started a year ago and says im wrong (without any reason).

I.e. Karam is a dipshit, knows fuck all. I'm not saying its as good as it was, I'm saying it can still be enjoyable to play. More so than DAOC which is all about people chasing numbers now


Agree with everything karam said, uo rocked, now it sucks. There were a few good patches, the only one I can remember now is skill lock (was a bitch losing GM tactics once a day)... I would pay 30$ a month if they made that game like it was in the good old days, before trammal etc, but I guess it isnt going to happen.

btw, mass escorting npc's was even more fun than pvp in UO is now

i will take thee


Originally posted by plastic_angel

btw, mass escorting npc's was even more fun than pvp in UO is now

i will take thee

ahghh yea, so good. i remember working so hard to get to 70 magery so i could gate npcs, then the day i hit 70.... they patched it out. nearly cried.

and st... cant you see your wrong? everyone on here thats played UO agrees.

Carlos Bananos

Originally posted by Karam_gruul
ahghh yea, so good. i remember working so hard to get to 70 magery so i could gate npcs, then the day i hit 70.... they patched it out. nearly cried.

and st... cant you see your wrong? everyone on here thats played UO agrees.

they patched out gating NPCs in publish 16. not exactly old times mistar vet


Originally posted by Carlos Bananos
they patched out gating NPCs in publish 16. not exactly old times mistar vet

lol i'd been playing for about a year before that patch anyway. i was training magery because i'd been a tank up till then. but totally changed my career course to a mage.

another great thing about uo, being able to totally turn around your chars skill types.


Originally posted by Karam_gruul

i should be a game designer. i could turn daoc around and make it so much more fun. Wibble wibble make casters look less gay. Wibble wibble improve the gay graphics. Wibble Wibble improve the gay skill system. Wibble...

I think you have issues sweetie ;)


Originally posted by Carlos Bananos
they patched out gating NPCs in publish 16. not exactly old times mistar vet

publish 16.. hmm wasn't that the patch that contained powerscroll crap etc? I'm talking about MASS escorting, having like 10+ npcs after you, just gating around everywhere getting cash. They nerfed that by making a timer of 30 minutes or something, which made it suck badly. (Way before pub16) Now when I'm talking about gating I remember another GOOD thing that they did. Runebooks. Hate runelooters, wasted too much cash on marking runes in buccs den after getting owned

Edit: btw, I can't remember the times of those patches, but mass escorting got nerfed atleast 3 years ago


Humm karam I happen to be the only one here who plays UO?



Originally posted by old.ST200
Humm karam I happen to be the only one here who plays UO?


your a guy irl, why u got a woman as yo avatar, weirdo


ST and karam, stop being tarts ffs. I could have pwned you both at the same time in UO. :)

I think you both agree UO was good and its not as good now, for whatever reason(s).


Originally posted by censi
ST and karam, stop being tarts ffs. I could have pwned you both at the same time in UO. :)

I think you both agree UO was good and its not as good now, for whatever reason(s).



I bet you whined like a bitch on the UO boards to. And if your daoc efforts are anything to go by you were prolly a nobody in UO as well. It all makes sense now, you aint gonna get well known for doing anything in game, so you donn your teenage forum troll persona to try and notch up some street cred notoriety the old fashioned way.



Originally posted by censi
I bet you whined like a bitch on the UO boards to. And if your daoc efforts are anything to go by you were prolly a nobody in UO as well. It all makes sense now, you aint gonna get well known for doing anything in game, so you donn your teenage forum troll persona to try and notch up some street cred notoriety the old fashioned way.


im the most famous person on excalibur. and yea its through my uber ownage of the boards... but stilll, 9/10 wouldnt have heard of censi before. whereas 10/10 are likely to have framed pictures of me hanging above they're beds (irl).

no one was famous in uo... it was too big to get famous. too many servers. xlordx is about the only truly famous person i remember from the game, cant remember any other names other than those i was friends with.

nuff said

btw your mum sucks


Thats not true at all, if you want to be famous in a game, go play UO. Most people in UO are not famous because of their skills though, but because they are lame.


censi is at least a semi somebody

karam is just nobody fool ;(


Originally posted by old.ST200
censi is at least a semi somebody

karam is just nobody fool ;(

i think its a sign that your life isnt going as well as it should when you consider someone a 'somebody' coz they play a game.

^^^ teh moral argumont


you werent hatchet harry

and if you were, rofl, you were shite

but you werent hatchet harry!


Originally posted by old.ST200
you werent hatchet harry

and if you were, rofl, you were shite

but you werent hatchet harry!

prove it

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