Eve - In Space, noone can hear you yawn.. ;)



Just tried out Eve. Hmmm.. i think I'll be sticking with DAOC a while yet .. ;)

ANyone else find Eve a litle to quiet and inaccessible?


Tilda why did you quote yourself in your profile.

The quote is SHIT. Tar.

Kurik BHM

i did try eve... did some mining, podding and pirate hunting... was fun in the beginning.... got dull and shitty after a while.... warping is gay....

giv insta-action button


There is a huge thread for EvE somewhere down the board.

Beta tested it myself, thought it was a really nice idea, some nice graphics and a few nice bits n bobs, but lacked any real depth.

Havent had anything to do with the game since beta tho, curious to know how popular it has been on release, considering the vast majority of testers did not subscribe.


this game is the biggest waste of cash ive ever spent :(maybe if more than 1/4 of the game was implemented then it would be fucking great. one of the reasons i bought it was to be a researcher for a company but oh no you cant do that cost its not implemented, but you can mine or be killed if thats your thing :(


from what i can pick up, its starting off similar to UO (get shovel, mine, smelt, sell, rinse + repeat) personally i havent played EvE nor will i (space based MMORPG are um, odd to say the least) but its possible it will get better ?


Originally posted by Jiggs
tis not for kiddies

agree, eve is really for people with big attention spans. who dont mind being bored out of they're skull for a few hours a day to get to the good stuff. im not playing eve much at the moment, but only coz i found the planetside site... now whenever i try play eve im just like................. i want planetside :(

eve will get better and better, when proper wars start etc, but atm i cant really bring myself to play it in the knowledge planetside is only a week away.


Had some good times in beta myself. Very few leet assholes. :clap:

Warping 30+ jumps sucked tho - thank god they implemented autopilot before release.

Neural Network

It was a great game until some pirate shot my ship to pieces. Now I'm broke.


it will be like uo

"im bored"

"lets pk some noobz"



its not like uo. uo is teh classic, nothing will ever come close i dont think. dont quite know how they made it so insanely good... but it really was. think it was the variety in what you could do. the fame system was brilliant at the start, seeing a lord was rare as hell. i remember once seeing a glorious lord, master mage guy... i nearly came in my pants, didnt know it was possible to become that hard. nowerdays everyone is a 7xgm with these absolutly rediculous new titles like "bane of the vermin horde" or some shit, so bad. the only reason poor UO went sooo downhill was because EA took over from OSI. OSI were class, they knew exactly what they were doing, EA are SHIT, they're just money hungry bitches.

i've never had as much fun.... i was gonna say in a game, but i dont think i've ever had as much fun full stop as i have had in UO at the beginning. no game will ever come close. DAOC isnt in the same league, its fun at the beginning, but not hte same kind of fun. the only game i'd say comes close is EQ, thats another game i have alot of respect for thats kept me entertained for over a year in the past.

i should be a game designer. i could turn daoc around and make it so much more fun. get rid of BGs for starters. then make tanks as hard as tanks SHOULD be, as in being able to survive against a big zerg for 10-20 minutes before dying. make casters look less gay, make it twice, maybe 3x as hard to hit 50. introduce about 300 new rare drops, and new mobs, and new dungeons. make it bigger. improve the gay graphics. make more things to do at lvl 50. introduce titles. improve the gay skill system. make pvm more fun. make grouping more fun.



There are certainly some serious downfalls to EVE.

1) Lack of Content.

The game itself feels like a raw backbone game that hasnt been completed yet.

2) Lack of instant action.

Nothing is quick in EVE. Acheiving anything takes time and there isnt much feeling of reward. and yes a massive amount of your game time is spent travelling AFK.

3) Bugs.

Riddled with bugs. There was a server outage of 9 hours yestaday as a patch they implemented wasnt fully tested and it fooked up the database loads.

4) Terrible skills system.

Eve should never have been released so soon, it really isnt ready yet.

It has bags of potential and could grow into a gr8 game. At the moment I would steer clear of it unless you are a real die hard sci fi fan, or loved the Elite titles.


Originally posted by censi

4) Terrible skills system.

thats one thing i totally dont agree with. the skill system in eve is great. makes it not so essential to play constantly as in other games, which is nice for people that have to work. as said before, its aimed at an older generation, therefore having skills trainable offline is a fantastic idea.


I do agree with Karam about UO.

I played it for 2 years and I must say it was the most amazing game out there.

You cant begin to describe all the different things you could do in UO. The best thing was it could all be done by yourself or 1 or 2 mates. None of this 100 man zerg to clear out mobs.

UO fell on its ass though. The main problem was they has all these plans to create a decent 3d version of the game but they could never shift the hardcore UO players off the old interface. And the gameplay developments for the OLD style UO actually got worse and worse untill the game declined so much it lots its edge.

If they ever get around to releasing a DAOC style version of the game it would be superb.

Another thing with UO though it got torn to bit by exploiters. The God DUPE being the big one, but there were all sorts of other things to.

The housing system in UO was the most amazing thing ever.

It doesnt get any better than a tower on the point of collapsing....
you could make serious real life money in UO. Towers sold for like $500+ in the game. And clever players bought up smaller clusters of houses to make space for Towers which they could sell on ebay.

I remeber in its prime I was making about 1000$ a week playing UO (sometimes more sometimes a lot less). And getting the land to place towers only took a small amount of time. It really was a classic game


thats one thing i totally dont agree with. the skill system in eve is great. makes it not so essential to play constantly as in other games, which is nice for people that have to work. as said before, its aimed at an older generation, therefore having skills trainable offline is a fantastic idea.

Theres no reward in setting a skill to raise and waiting XXX hours for it to ding its lvl.

The skill system in UO was unsurpassed. You actually had to train doing things related to the skill to gain it. Thats how skill systems should be.

Not just wait XXX amount of hours.


They really had a lot of good ideas prior to the release, but most of them simply never happened, no idea why.

Basically they ended up with a modern version of Elite with a few flashy nobs on, except Elite is over 20 years old now.......


the skill system in eve is great. makes it not so essential to play constantly as in other games, which is nice for people that have to work.

WHAT ??? You can't just own the crap out of the n00bs by playing excessive amounts of time ?

Fuck this game then :p


Will probably be getting Eve tomorrow. I've read up alot about and it seems fun. Ofcourse there are lots of flaws etc, its early days for the game's yet. Things will change for the better much like they did for DAoC. (Most patches do alot of good for DAoC, ashame about the nerfs in them.) The game designers are working very hard and i am confident that they will pull the game together. :)

What ive read of the Skill system in Eve is shite, i dont like the idea that someone who logs in for 5 mins once a week can progress as much as i could if i played 5 hours a day. :mad:

Anyhow, i need a break from DAoC. And Eve + Planetside should fill the time nicely. :D


I would just like to point out that nobody in this thread (apart from me) actually has any idea of what they're talking about, when it comes to UO.

Thank yarr.


Originally posted by old.ST200
I would just like to point out that nobody in this thread (apart from me) actually has any idea of what they're talking about, when it comes to UO.

Thank yarr.

omfg stfu i are 7 year v3t


Tell me how it has gone to hell? More people are playing it now than ever probably.

People who can't adapt, give up. It's a great game, far better than daoc still.


Originally posted by old.ST200
Tell me how it has gone to hell? More people are playing it now than ever probably.

People who can't adapt, give up. It's a great game, far better than daoc still.

my god, your so stupid.

ok where to begin....

skills. skills are now upsettingly easy to max. once upon a time it'd be a 'real' acheivment to hit GM... tactics. nowerdays you can get GM magic resist in a week. its taken any reward from the skill system... its too easy and unbalanced.

the fame system. as i said before, now theres not a single person in the game thats not a lord, and theres all these silly sounding titles like Bane of the arachnid etc. which anyone can get from spending 10 minutes killing some crap somewhere.

theres now SILLY looking things. purple llamas. golden horses. bright orange clothing. it looks BAD, looks silly... and is just attracting more and more leeters as each day passes. which is not what uo needs, if anything it needs less.

they've gone to the extent of introducing rediculous looking new weapons, to breathe some life into the game. i logged on just before i quit (a month or so ago), and saw a guy running around with a flourescent green double bladed axe thing. i nearly fell off my chair with laughter, its out of hand now.

nowerdays, the only people truly respected are those that can speak in 1337 without a break for 10 hours. its too complicated now. they've introduced so many ideas that if you went on holiday for a week and came back, you'd be baffled as to how to cast a spell or something. i mean, when i stopped playing officially there were ethereal horses, the whole reward scheme thing, which i thought was pretty cool... but didnt want it to be overdone. i came back about 2 months later to flourescent purple llamas and bright orange dragons.

the GOOD days were simple. pvp wasnt something where the person that knew the most exploits won. it was good old fashioned skills and determination. you'd be frightened to go to far out of a towns protection for fear of being jumped by a mob of PKs. nowerdays you just PK the guards 1:1 1337 |=31one styl4, take over the town with your ubz0r sk1lL$ and kill everyone in it.

UO is an example of what too many patches WILL do to any decent game. i remember at the height of patching, there were 1, maybe 2 large patches PER DAY, bringing in new stupid ideas.

its a bad game now, your in denial. i was too.. which is why i kept my account open for a year after i stopped playing... but it wont change, quit and let it die in peace.

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