Just tried out Eve. Hmmm.. i think I'll be sticking with DAOC a while yet .. 
ANyone else find Eve a litle to quiet and inaccessible?
ANyone else find Eve a litle to quiet and inaccessible?
Originally posted by katt!
quoting yourself is very moo :/
Originally posted by old.m0000
i've quoted myself when?
Originally posted by Jiggs
tis not for kiddies
Originally posted by censi
4) Terrible skills system.
thats one thing i totally dont agree with. the skill system in eve is great. makes it not so essential to play constantly as in other games, which is nice for people that have to work. as said before, its aimed at an older generation, therefore having skills trainable offline is a fantastic idea.
the skill system in eve is great. makes it not so essential to play constantly as in other games, which is nice for people that have to work.
Originally posted by old.ST200
I would just like to point out that nobody in this thread (apart from me) actually has any idea of what they're talking about, when it comes to UO.
Thank yarr.
Originally posted by old.ST200
Tell me how it has gone to hell? More people are playing it now than ever probably.
People who can't adapt, give up. It's a great game, far better than daoc still.