[Europe Coop Server] Petition


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Rulke said:
I'm still waiting for one

Cost, who knows how big GoA's profit margins are, I'm guessing not large with the amount of overheads they must have.
Interest, 35pages where?
Longevity, ding 50! erm now what
Language, why should it be in english? English speakers would be the minority I imagine.
Patching, it would take longer if you had to patch a Co-op server as well. How much longer is irrelevant.
Other server ideas, read what i wrote.

As for camlann, buffbotted players? You realize how hard it is to use a bbot on camlann? :x
If you had a co-op server you would just cry that ppl with bots could kill mobs faster than you.

Yes its fine, since you've never actually RvRed but i've prolly PvE-ed more than you.

cant really call your comments 'decent' either, especially because most have been answered before....


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Yeah, I answered every point he made but he's choosing to ignore it. Ah well, so much for reasoned debate I guess.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
There isn't gonna be a co-op server because there aren't enough people to make it work.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Tareregion said:
There isn't gonna be a co-op server because there aren't enough people to make it work.

34 pages of people signing that petition makes me think you may well be wrong about that.

Anyway, don't you think Euro DAOC players deserve the chance to choose for themselves?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Svartmetall said:
Yeah, I answered every point he made but he's choosing to ignore it. Ah well, so much for reasoned debate I guess.

1+1=3 is an answer, its still wrong.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Svartmetall said:
34 pages of people signing that petition makes me think you may well be wrong about that.

Anyway, don't you think Euro DAOC players deserve the chance to choose for themselves?
15x34 = just above 500. Aye quite the server population that'll be.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Tareregion said:
15x34 = just above 500. Aye quite the server population that'll be.
Yes, because everyone that plays camelot reads this.:eek7:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
34 pages is about 500 people, which isn't enough interest imo. Give GOA a list of 2000 subscribers and they'd need to consider it.

GOA are probably holding back the coop server as their wildcard for later this year, when WoW and EQ2 go live. Then GOA will say "Stop! if you want to PvE, go and play on our coop server!" :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
lets play the game spot the retards.

/points Morchaoron
/points svartmetall

i win!


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Jergiot said:
lets play the game spot the retards.

/points Morchaoron
/points svartmetall

i win!

ROFL...so pathetic, juvenile flaming is the best you can do? The rest of us were having an intelligent conversation. Do drop by again when you can join in one.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Svartmetall said:
ROFL...so pathetic, juvenile flaming is the best you can do?

are you acting it or are you really this naive? :)

Co-op won't happen, unless it goes live when WoW starts.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
Svartmetall said:
ROFL...so pathetic, juvenile flaming is the best you can do? The rest of us were having an intelligent conversation. Do drop by again when you can join in one.


take it easy honey, everything will be allright, even for you.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 30, 2004
Svartmetall said:
Would in all likelihood be English, same as the choice was for Camlann.

Most people want to be ganked by unkillable buffbotted purple-con players...? Yeah, that's why Camlann's ruleset has been such a roaring success.
I will defend to the hilt Camlann's right to exist, but most players seem to roll a character there, get instaganked for about an hour then go "screw this" and never go back. The PvP ruleset is inherently alienating and unwelcoming; it's basically Quake 3 with swords (but where Q3 has a level playing field apart from skill, Camlann has the massive inequality of - for example - lvl 50s with TOA'd templates against level 20s with crap gear), and Quake 3 with swords is not why most people play a MMORPG, as evidenced by Camlann's dedicated but consistently low population. Remember they had to shut down one of the US PvP servers - Andred - because of lack of interest.


First: The lack of interest for PvP, and the loads of people that'd want to play a Co-op server you keep going on about. Mordred usually has 4/3 to 5/3 of the players Gaheris has, so that's not a valid point.

Second: The langauge. You say that English was chosen for Camlann, but do you actually think the French and German people can/want to speak English? The few that actually do, are barely understandable due to the fact that their English is no good.

Third: Would you go to Thidranki when you just /leveled, collected your /level gear and then expect to own? I doubt it. You also say that level 20 players are no match to level 50 ones, but what the hell is the point for a level 50 guy to kill a level 20 one? Greys give no reward. You also talk about buffbots, wich can be easily countered. Just kill your enemies buffbot, since there is no safe place for them to put it like the TK on a RvR server.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004

despite the fact that all the whiners are likely to get the idea dismissed


Loyal Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
I'd just like to say this to the language thing...

The argument that French and German people can't speak English is old, outdated and an unfair stereotype. Most French and Germans have quite passable English, and the majority is quite fluent.

Just because one has a native language that is not English doesn't mean one can't and won't learn it quite well; in school, from popular media, and other sources. Life in a country that doesn't have English as a native language is, today, saturated with the English language; you're exposed to it every day, in all kinds of situations.

I'm not a native speaker of English myself, and I'd like to think that I can make myself understood to those who are.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 30, 2004
Margaret said:
I'd just like to say this to the language thing...

The argument that French and German people can't speak English is old, outdated and an unfair stereotype. Most French and Germans have quite passable English, and the majority is quite fluent.

Just because one has a native language that is not English doesn't mean one can't and won't learn it quite well; in school, from popular media, and other sources. Life in a country that doesn't have English as a native language is, today, saturated with the English language; you're exposed to it every day, in all kinds of situations.

I'm not a native speaker of English myself, and I'd like to think that I can make myself understood to those who are.

So you think I am a native speaker? You think even half the people on these forums are native speakers? I very much doubt so. I'm just pointing out that the majority of the french and german people I've run into on Camlann barely know any English. There are also ones that speak far better English then native speakers.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
Aithe said:
So you think I am a native speaker? You think even half the people on these forums are native speakers?

No, and that wasn't the point of my post at all.

Aithe said:
I'm just pointing out that the majority of the french and german people I've run into on Camlann barely know any English. There are also ones that speak far better English then native speakers.

All I'm saying is, don't tar everyone with the same brush. While you may have had experiences with French and German people speaking poor English on Camlann... well, pardon me, but PvP isn't exactly the most social of server types, and doesn't tend to attract those who'd be interested in playing on a server where cooperation is the keyword. Thus, it would be natural that those who play on it would tend to not have a significant interest in communicating well.


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
/Signed, once again.

If we do get a co-op it would be the maker of me actually staying in this game. Just hope my GM says EQ2 is crap :p Cause it looks pretty and is PvE based.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Svartmetall said:
Would in all likelihood be English, same as the choice was for Camlann.
Or in all likelihood be French, same as the choice was for the test server which-name-I-can't-remember? :p Reason for Camlann being in English might be GOA's attempt to give us the "3rd server in English" and the reason for test-server being in Frech to test translation (well, GOA says they have to translate it in English too :p) so there is absolutely no quarantees in what language would the coop-server be. There isn't any "unique" servers in German so that might be the right choice? Or maybe they want to try something totally new and make it in Finnish? The language is important only if you are new to the game or if there is limits on what languages are tolerated on /s and /b like there is in normal servers really.

Then again talking about the language is kind of pointless when the chance of getting the server is rather small. It would be good customer service but it wouldn't bring many new players (=cash) and it looks like they wouldn't loose many old players either (same faces in this thread who were cancelling their accounts over an year ago if they dont get coop-server yet they are still playing? :p).

1st: /signed for normal non-ToA server in whatever language.
2nd: /signed for 3rd normal server in English.
3rd: /signed for coop-server in whatever language.
4th: /signed for PvP server in French and German.

Coming to think about it surely a non-ToA coop-server would be far better choice for coop? The end-game-PvE is the same for all realms at the moment and after doing some searching how the things are on Gaheris it looks like Dragon raids, ML hunts and artifact farming are pretty much all they are doing apart from frontier spanking. Sure, it doesn't stop anyone to do other raids, but still...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
The chances of a non-toa server are even more remote than a co-op.

Not having TOA on a server would essencially be the same as Mythic admitting it screwed up, Mythic arn't going to admit they screwed up. Ever. If they do I will personally get a knife, cut out my liver and eat it with onions.

Annoyingly i'm inclined to agree with Rulke though, the chances of a coop server becoming a reality on EU DAoC are slim to none.

Incidentally I think Svart is refering to the french equivilent of this thread, located Here - Seems to be a fair ammount of interest among the french community, I only skimmed through the first few pages and my french is a little sloppy though so who knows. Maybe later on the thread degraded into "I don't want" more than an "I do want" kinda like this one is...

No luck tracking down the german version however.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Saggy said:
Or in all likelihood be French, same as the choice was for the test server which-name-I-can't-remember?
Actually I think that one was German, in fact :D...I say English because English is the most common common language in Europe, certainly the most common second language. If memory serves that was why it was chosen for Camlann; Camlann was never intended to be the "3rd. English server", it is the Euro PvP server.
Coming to think about it surely a non-ToA coop-server would be far better choice for coop? The end-game-PvE is the same for all realms at the moment and after doing some searching how the things are on Gaheris it looks like Dragon raids, ML hunts and artifact farming are pretty much all they are doing apart from frontier spanking. Sure, it doesn't stop anyone to do other raids, but still...
Hmm, I'm not seeing your logic here? With TOA being a PvE expansion, surely it's a dead cert for a co-op server? The more PvE content, the better...



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Archeon said:
Mythic arn't going to admit they screwed up. Ever. If they do I will personally get a knife, cut out my liver and eat it with onions.

bad news m8:


i hope you're good at cooking liver!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Morchaoron said:
bad news m8:


i hope you're good at cooking liver!

Hehe well I suck at cooking full stop, so I guess i'm in trouble. I can't even serve icecream without burning it :)

Just a thought for the people that don't want PvE by the way... The main reasoning behind PvE is that your capable of experiencing 100% of the games PvE content. Now I know most of you personally arn't interested in exploring that content, you'd much rather be killing the enemy. Fair enough, I don't enjoy RvR as much as most people prefering to stick to realm defense/keep raids more than anything. Thats just what I prefer. However...

At the moment we English server players can experience at most 77% of the server PvE content - going on the following assumptions.

Classic = 33% (11% per realm) PvE content
Shrouded Isle = 33% (11% per realm) PvE content
TOA = 33%

(Yes, TOA is probably larger than SI+Classic i'm not denying that. I'm using rough figures to illistrate my point, though its worth pointing out TOA only game us 3 extra races, SI gave us 3 extra race+6 classes, classic game us 12 races, and god knows how many classes i'm not going to bother counting)

We only have 2 English speaking servers, and whether you like it or not there just isn't enough of a playerbase for a third. So why is it we don't get a 22% discount on our subscription? We're paying for the whole game, but we only get to use 77% of it?

I suppose you could say "You can play Camm" but like I pointed out earlier. People are too busy looking for excuses to kill each other on the PvP servers to even think about doing the more people heavy tasks like... lets say a full Sidi raid (somthing i've never done, but i'd like too one day) - all those of us who want a PvE server are saying is that we want the ability to experience that last 22% of content.

Is that really so much different from wanting a third English server? The major difference is that its much more realistic that with enough support PvE would be a reality seeing as it would also be formed from interest from the German and French communities (which are larger than our own), however the only way a 3rd English server is likley to happen is if GOA do a major advertising campaign (more money spent).

Rulke said:
Woot I annoyed Archeon :D

Yeah, you damned agreeable bastard. Stop making sense, your kind isn't welcome on FH :p

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