DToC - Anybody using



If people want to cheat, they will always find a way to do so.

Shame really for those that work so hard in the game, not just crafting bots, but I've seen killerbots too, so you can leave your daoc running while your at work, come home to find your character up a few levels.

Kinda going away from the original thread tho,so back to it, if DToC did not have this macro support and was only used for analyising the log file it would be a really usefull tool.

Teh Fonz!!1


The most simple way of macro'ing.

Just subtract the glass and add a keyboard.


Originally posted by -Nxs-
<CUT>I've seen killerbots too, so you can leave your daoc running while your at work, come home to find your character up a few levels.

Actually you can do this without macro's if your a pet caster - takes a while to find the right spots but once done you can leave your pc on and come back to a few bubs more.

I blame Mythic for making macroing easier - adding commands like lasttarget etc. is just designed for Macro'ers.

Tesla Monkor

DToC is not legal. It might have seemed to be, and it's pretty low on the priority list, but it's not legal.


dtoc is basically 'the way daoc was meant to be'. it's not cheating at all, just really really handy. from what i've seen mythic doesn't seem to care much about people using this prog. i don't know about goa tho...


Originally posted by old.Xarr
it's not cheating

I still firmly believe that stacking numerouse actions to one mouse click could be considered as cheating. but thats just my opinion.

Sarum TheBlack

The stats stuff is pretty fun, in a "cool I've done 1234,343,343 points of damage in the 6 hours I've been playing DAoC none stop" kinda way, not sure I could be bothered to set up complex macro's tho I can see why they'd be handy for a minstrel or assassin with a tonne of weaps (and why this gives those using DToC in this manner an unfair advantage, and thus it's probably illegal even though Mythic tolerate it for now)

It does also obviously sit between your client and the servers, and I can't see how any program that mangles.. (adding or editing...and removing?) the game packets to change the game state of your client can be legal. It can generate fake NPC entities (which is how the in game help system works, using the NPC dialog functionality), and change the way your client perceives your character (for example the dye preview function). Most of these things are perfectly harmless in DToC, but it's more the principle of a 3rd party app intercepting and spoofing game traffic.

Used it a couple of times, and it is undeniably cool and useful, not entirely sure "but I only use the cool stats readouts" would stand up if GOA decided to stomp on my account though.

And on the issue of hardware macro's, I'm pretty sure Mythic have said all forms of "unattended play" are illegal, including gamepad macro's and the nodding bird things, trained gerbils and other interesting contraptions for pressing "5" every minute. This is one of the loopholes DToC currently slips though, technically you are still pressing the button that fires all your instant's triggers your chants autosticks on the guy who hit you and styles in 0.5s, so it's not quite unattended play.


in my eyes macroing will never be cheating, i realize that alot of people find it an unfair advantage. however this advantage given by dtoc is still nothing compared to cheat progs such as odins eye that allows you to know where everyone is no matter what. those are the things that will be 'cheating' in my eyes.


I had another look at the features page of the program.

Health and aggro displays. These features will display the health percentage in player and monster name tags, and/or display the last attacked object in monster name tags.

I don't know if it works like that but if it's so that it shows players health besides their name in RvR for example, it's quite big advantage. You can pick out those targets low on health and you don't need to cycle nearest enemy or other way find the one ..

Not a long jump to show players classes besides their names (might not be sent to client though), or maybe auto-targetting and attacking stealthed players that come visible as shades might be handy etc.

I'm bit concerned that if these kind of programs are tolerated (if not even allowed), it'll inspire more people to write them and they'll get out of Mythic's control.

I've always been very happy about the cheat-free play in daoc, I hope it to continue.


Originally posted by -Nxs-

There is various shareware out that already do this. However using one would give you a static crafting rate. Eg starting to craft the same item every 30 seconds, and repetidly trying to craft the same item when you run out of materials.

Im sure this could easily be picked up by the logs GOA pride themselves on, yes its easy to "Autocraft" but its also as easy to be detected.

tis easy to randomise delays

> he new command /noqueue in DAOC 1.54 will automatically be entered in each time you zone.

Its simple functionality like that which makes people use things like this. <sends competent thorough programmers to mythic>


Crafting bot:

get 20 plat leave your PC running for a few days wahey LGM.

Kill bot:

make sure your in an ok non agro zone, leave PC rnning multi ding in a few hours.....


leave pc running and sending tells to completely random people with such messages as PIE and LOOOOOOOOL.


i do not find the remote control & macroing systems good, i think they are cheating.

but i use the ]rps ]xp ]money etc commands and i like it lots. never before have i been able to measure if a grp was good or bad xp, how much money i got etc.

i think, that things that make the game BETTER TO PLAY but still need u doing all the things u normally should should be allowed (daox & dtoc are the only ones i know of)

take macroing & remote control off dtoc and it would be implemented into DAoC by mythic.


Originally posted by old.Xarr
in my eyes macroing will never be cheating, i realize that alot of people find it an unfair advantage. however this advantage given by dtoc is still nothing compared to cheat progs such as odins eye that allows you to know where everyone is no matter what. those are the things that will be 'cheating' in my eyes.

Just because program B gives less "unfair advantage in regards to the original game" then program A does, doesn't mean program B isn't cheating.

So saying it can't be concidered cheating cause it isn't as "unfair" or blatant cheating of OE is a somewhat faulty analogy.
It is like saying when you break a "smaller" law, it isn't illigial because it is not like breaking a "big" law.

Anything that violates CoC and gives people an unfair advantage is cheating over thoese that play the clean game(daoc client usage only). The pot and kettle can talk all day long - they are still black.

There are proberly some neat functionality in these programs that many people find usefull, but if they aren't in the game and you need a 3rd party program.... well .... you know the drill.

Contact Mythic and see if you can make them integrate such programs, but using them yourself ... well imo there is a very small step over that fine line. Such programs are imo the beginning of the equvivalent of major use of aimbots, wallhacks etc that many have seen in CS.

Sucks that people always have to find ways to enhance their own "experinece"(leetess) at, possible, the cost of all of us that want a clean game - meaning only the daoc client.
If mytich has integrated it - it is part of the game, if they haven't - well.... it is not a part of the game, and as such alone, shouldn't be used.

So I say - lets get the clean game back. Out with 3rd party programs.

Tesla Monkor

How hard is it to understand that you're not allowed to use program that mingle with, change the way the it's meant to be, or make it 'easier' to play?

You didn't design DAOC. Whether it's 'handy' or not isn't the issue here. You're using a program that lets you do things that were never intended to be done that way. 'But this is the way the game was meant to be', and 'The programmers at Mythic are idiots!', mean nothing at all.

It's as simple as that.


the health bars etc. are worrying...

how far a step is it from having

Hibernian Raven Ardent (30%)

to not bothering to render those pesky opaque walls.... lets make them see-through.


Originally posted by old.Xarr
in my eyes macroing will never be cheating, i realize that alot of people find it an unfair advantage. however this advantage given by dtoc is still nothing compared to cheat progs such as odins eye that allows you to know where everyone is no matter what. those are the things that will be 'cheating' in my eyes.

So having one button that will face, root, nearsight, dex debuf, str debuff, disease attack speed debuff double dot, send pet and trow a few dd's in isnt cheating or giving me an advantage. good to know


Originally posted by Sibanac

So having one button that will face, root, nearsight, dex debuf, str debuff, disease attack speed debuff double dot, send pet and trow a few dd's in isnt cheating or giving me an advantage. good to know

You'd still need to pick a target... ohh no... wait... DToC can do this for you too. Christ your whole RvR can be controlled by one or two quickbar buttons.

Madonion Slicer

Found this statement on the net about the Nostro Hand pad thing.

The Belkin, Nostromo N50 Gamepad is simply the BEST thing to happen for DAoC ever!
This gamepad is an ergonomically left-handed design, 10 button with throttle and directional thumbpad, that allows for FULL macro ability powerhouse!...This is a Hunter's DREAM!

Check this badboy out:
Belkin Nostromo N50 Site

I suggest going to your local Computer Store and see if they have these in stock, they've had sales on these recently and they can be bought for $19.99!!!

Here's a few examples of what I have setup...

Button 10: Shift-1, 7, 4, 3, 3
This macro switches whatever quickbar i'm in to my main, then hits the number 7(which I have setup with a macro to /face), then 4(Crit Shot), then 3 (auto-shoot), then 3 again (auto-shoot and reload)

Button 1: F7, G
This macro hits F7 (target loot on ground), then hits G (grab item and put in inventory)

Button 7: Shift-1, 7, 3, 3, 3
Hits Shift-1 to switch to main quickbar, then number 7 (/face), then 3 (to nock normal shot), 3 again (auto-shoot), 3 again (auto-shoot and reload)

Button 6: Shift-1, 5, 1
Switch to main, then number 5 (swap weapon to spear), then number 1 (spear style)

The Nostromo also allows you to set the delay between keystrokes, I use .3 seconds...Any less and lag could cause the system to not get the response, anymore and it's not useful.

Now i have one of these collecting dust, i might have to dust it off and give it a try.


Originally posted by rynnor

Actually you can do this without macro's if your a pet caster - takes a while to find the right spots but once done you can leave your pc on and come back to a few bubs more.

and an account suspension ;)

(people have been banned for that)


Originally posted by Sibanac

So having one button that will face, root, nearsight, dex debuf, str debuff, disease attack speed debuff double dot, send pet and trow a few dd's in isnt cheating or giving me an advantage. good to know

i never said it didn't give you an advantage at all. what i said was that advantage is nothing compared to that of the real cheat programs. that macro you talked about is easily emulated by just playing and doing all that stuff yourself, not like you need a macro to do it fast. you can't emulate a hack that gives you knowledge about your enemies whereabouts at any given time. or a speedhack for example.


Originally posted by Xandax

Just because program B gives less "unfair advantage in regards to the original game" then program A does, doesn't mean program B isn't cheating.

So saying it can't be concidered cheating cause it isn't as "unfair" or blatant cheating of OE is a somewhat faulty analogy.
It is like saying when you break a "smaller" law, it isn't illigial because it is not like breaking a "big" law.

Anything that violates CoC and gives people an unfair advantage is cheating over thoese that play the clean game(daoc client usage only). The pot and kettle can talk all day long - they are still black.

There are proberly some neat functionality in these programs that many people find usefull, but if they aren't in the game and you need a 3rd party program.... well .... you know the drill.

Contact Mythic and see if you can make them integrate such programs, but using them yourself ... well imo there is a very small step over that fine line. Such programs are imo the beginning of the equvivalent of major use of aimbots, wallhacks etc that many have seen in CS.

Sucks that people always have to find ways to enhance their own "experinece"(leetess) at, possible, the cost of all of us that want a clean game - meaning only the daoc client.
If mytich has integrated it - it is part of the game, if they haven't - well.... it is not a part of the game, and as such alone, shouldn't be used.

So I say - lets get the clean game back. Out with 3rd party programs.

okay let me put it like this then. if it's the macroing that worries you let me tell you about the nostromo gamepad. this product is fully sanctified by mythic to use with daoc. it ain't a 3rd party program, but it allows you to program macroed commandoes exactly like dtoc does.

but i can see now that i can't change your mind about dtoc, so i'm not gonna try too hard...

Tesla Monkor

< never said it didn't give you an advantage at all. what i said was that advantage is nothing compared to that of the real cheat programs. that macro you talked about is easily emulated by just playing and doing all that stuff yourself, not like you need a macro to do it fast. you can't emulate a hack that gives you knowledge about your enemies whereabouts at any given time. or a speedhack for example.>

So a little bit of a cheat is allowed? ;)


Originally posted by old.Xarr

okay let me put it like this then. if it's the macroing that worries you let me tell you about the nostromo gamepad. this product is fully sanctified by mythic to use with daoc. it ain't a 3rd party program, but it allows you to program macroed commandoes exactly like dtoc does.

but i can see now that i can't change your mind about dtoc, so i'm not gonna try too hard...

Bull Shit, if you wanne discus the rules make sure you read em
Rules of conduct:

Prohibited Conduct

13. Use any scripting or macroing tools, hardware or software.

BTW : an aim bot in CS is only a big macro realy so thats ok as well then ?

Cheating is Cheating


rawr! i'm surrounded by rules-lawyers... look i don't care what you can dig up from your precious CoC. i've talked with plenty of us-players and mythic couldn't care less if they hop around with nostromo game pads.

is it only black or white to you people?


Well there is a big diffrence between saying samething is "fully sanctified" when mythic just looks the other way and have made no official statement about it


yeah okay maybe 'fully sanctified' was a strong word to use :p

but goa/mythic really need to clean up their CoC and decide what they want and don't want in the game. make some statements, ban some people etc.


fully sanctified = we won't ban you for this.

DToC = we won't ban you for this until we get round to it.

DToC was a low priority thing before... after they had removed the robot mode.

But the health display etc. is but a short trip from radar-hack and a *huge* unfair advantage already.

I'm sure Mythic couldn't give a rats ass about the stats part.

Molten Lava

Play the game

Play the game as Mythic ment it to be played...all people that use progs like these are losers: more info to a player, macro's etc....Mythic would have put it in if they intended it to be in...


yeah, but the problem is mythic doesn't always know what's best for the game.

i have played mmorpgs and games for so many years now and not being able to customize (improve) something sucks. the developer doesn't always see all the right solutions to all the stuff in the game. i simply percieve dtoc as daoc 1.1 until goa/mythic decides it's a bannable offense.

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