

Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
its normal to dream about anything imaginable.

so yes.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
Funny, that, considering that the only person (other than me, naturally) who's apparently had awesome, entertaining and unusual dreams is Damini. You lot have really boring, standard-issue dreams. :(


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Big G said:
Is it normal to dream about sex with other women when you have a significant other?

I dream about sexing loads of chicks :p Aslong as I tell the wife in the morning its no biggy :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I had a dream where I was trying to rescue a couple of people who had been pretty much cut in half and stuck on a pike. Lots of guts everywhere. It was rather disturbing.

Yay subconcious trauma!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
i have weird dreams every time i eat just before i go to bed :|


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Calaen said:
I tell the wife its no biggy :p

... and she agrees, no doubt :p

(sorry, couldnt resist that selective edit ;) )


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
That's more like it, nath!

I went to bed early today, not having had much sleep last night. For some reason I woke up annoyingly fully after 4 hours, right after this dream which I had to write down. It's a very standard format, really, and the whole thing progressed with a kind of inevitability. Not so interesting as usual, but oh well. Here is the raw thinkwrite that I typed hastily.

in downstairs bedroom of my grandparents house (not my actual grandparents house, fictional)
playing computer games, wander around room
there are guitars and lutes lying around, some of them don't have any strings
I pick up one and mess around with it, producing crap, eventually producing nice-ish crap

switches to central hallway/stairs of this house
old couple (not my grandparents) are sort of arguing, but there's an undercurrent
the man wants to kill the woman, the woman (at this point called martha) doesn't know this and is making fun of the man lightheartedly, creating ironic tension as in a black comedy film - she's reciting some rhyme about "martha's going on a holiday and you're not" or something, taunting.
the woman goes up the stairs and gets in an elevator, the man a little way behind
it's so full of people - it seems to turn into an office building at this point - he can't follow so he gets in one a little way further on
the viewpoint follows as the woman goes up the tower
as she gets further and further up it gets more and more fucked up
she's not old any more, she's a young woman, and there are three elevators in a row, all of which open with 3 doors on 3 of the sides
like |_| |_| |_| are all doors
she can see the location of the other elevator with the man in - it's a little way above her, and she's following him for some reason now.
when it gets to a certain point, the little light telling the location of that elevator blinks out, and she loses track of exactly where it is - didn't see the last light that was lit.
there's a man in the elevator with her that seemed friendly
as it gets near to the rough location that the light blinked out, the elevators start struggling to stop at the floors. they start jerking up and down when they arrive, losing power slightly. she gets to where she thinks the man got out (and by now, the crowds of people have thinned - they got less and less as she went up).
the doors open (after a VERY big, jarring halt) and there's noone around except her and the friendly man in the elevator. she tries to talk to the friendly man, but no matter how many times she tries to get his attention he won't turn around. she gets out, and notices a little way away there's a flight of stairs - and a package sitting on the flat U bit of the railings. the bend in the railings as the stairs 'turn round' going from up/down (or whatever).
she goes over to it, picks it up, walks down half a flight of stairs and somebody above her calls out. she looks up, and there's someone leaning over the railings with another package. they throw the package at her, and it glides, slicing through the air towards her forehead, and everything blacks out.
next thing I learn is that this has caused the entire tower block to explode. mostly the innards - the outer shell is still standing, there's a huge black pall of smoke hanging over it. very reminiscent of 911. somehow the package thing caused it. I learn all this as it's switched to a police center with the black guy from deep space nine as the chief. the woman survived somehow and told them what happened, and they figured out what was going on - it was some kind of 'illicit deal that was interrupted and went horribly wrong' but I never learned the specifics. and then I woke upish.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
Last night I had the first dream in a long time to jolt me out of sleep by virtue of its fucking creepiness.

I was making my way through this, for lack of a better term, cavern. If you imagine a bunch of rectangular bounding boxes, and imagine them filled with repetitive variations on bathtubs, that's kind of what it was like. Some of them had big holes in the base that I could crawl down through; some were partially filled with dirty or coloured liquid. Some of the 'rectangular bounding boxes' had no bathtubs, and only little water fountains on either end, or whatever, to climb up on.

Anyhow, I was making my way through that, trying to get somewhere, when I notice around a corner that one of the empty bathtubs appears to be occupied. As I rounded the corner, I realised it was, guh, me. The "me" in the bathtub was sitting rigidly and staring at me with this blank grin, his head turning to follow me wherever I went. And then I woke up. Fuck.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
stop playing Silent Hill Louster :)


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
I had a gorey dream a while back, I still remember it vividly, didnt realise having a dream with blood and guts in was even possible.

kinda spooky :eek6:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I had a dream where I was walking along and ran into myself only about 6 years younger.

I then proceeded to batter the shit out of my younger self in the most excuciatingly violent way conceivable (repeatedly stamping on my face until no teeth were left etc).

It was satisfying.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Nath, I think your dream is telling you to donate dosh to the tdc pension fund :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003

Last night I had a dream where I was a haster, with hamster children. They looked normal, except the baby had a weird stumpy tale. We were being kept prisoner by Alec Baldwin in a small room. When Alec went out, we managed to escape - I searched his room, and he looked like some mad OCD man with everything all neatly organised. I stole a box of plasters and a harmonica from his bedside cabinet, and ran with my (hamster) children through a carboot sale to an aboriginee settlement where they entertained us with folk dances and introduced to our long forgotten (hamster) aboriginee culture.

Any ideas what it means?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Nope. Although the dream I had this morning was similarly odd.

I was in a 1940's colour film dressed as an English Knight on a horse, it was night, and I had 'appeared' in a field of maize. In front of me was an line of soldiers with guns, dug in a trench. I worked my way past them, and then all of a sudden it was beautiful sunshine, just like the opening scene of Gladiator. I made my way to a road, there was an electricity line overhead that followed the road. For some reason I looked back, and there was a Japanese girl/lady in traditional dress, but her face was ashen, almost gray. We walked along up the road, up a hill, and I asked if I could take a picture of her with my camera phone. She took the phone to have a look at it, and then walked into her Gingerbread style house and shut the door, leaving me outside. A small robotic cat was hopping around my feet making a nuisance of itself. Then I saw a candle through the window, it snuffed itself out, and I was back in the field. In the dream I knew it was a Groundhog Day style event.

Then I woke up, and the cats were playing downstairs with a dead mouse.

I haven't been able to find the mouse.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
recently i had a spat of dreams where i would somehow smack myself into something and break my tooth and then i would stare at it on the floor for an age. it was bloody weird.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003

Last night I had a dream where I was a haster, with hamster children. They looked normal, except the baby had a weird stumpy tale. We were being kept prisoner by Alec Baldwin in a small room. When Alec went out, we managed to escape - I searched his room, and he looked like some mad OCD man with everything all neatly organised. I stole a box of plasters and a harmonica from his bedside cabinet, and ran with my (hamster) children through a carboot sale to an aboriginee settlement where they entertained us with folk dances and introduced to our long forgotten (hamster) aboriginee culture.

Any ideas what it means?

It means that you've lost it. Seriously. See a doctor.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Last night I had a dream where I was a haster, with hamster children. They looked normal, except the baby had a weird stumpy tale. We were being kept prisoner by Alec Baldwin in a small room. When Alec went out, we managed to escape - I searched his room, and he looked like some mad OCD man with everything all neatly organised. I stole a box of plasters and a harmonica from his bedside cabinet, and ran with my (hamster) children through a carboot sale to an aboriginee settlement where they entertained us with folk dances and introduced to our long forgotten (hamster) aboriginee culture.

I always suspected Alec Baldwin was a bastard but never on the scale of hamster imprisonment bastardness.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
It means that you've lost it. Seriously. See a doctor.

I know. I worry about it sometimes. Kenny has such normal, blatant metaphors for what's going on in his life, dreams. I have dreams that a schitzophrenic would flinch at.

Last night I was travelling across zombie infested America. There was so many zombies, that a river had turned into a liquid zombie, and when I tried to cross the bridge it spat slugs at me which burrowed into my feet, trying to turn me into a zombie too. I remember this hurting quite a lot, but was told to "walk it off". I did, all the way to a port, where I hitched a lift across the water with a dolphin that was wearing a tuna disguise. Half way across I got picked up by US immigration, who took me to a drop off point. Here, a strange chinese lady with long nails made me tea, and I filled my rucksack with crunchy nut cornflakes.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Intrestingly enough, i dream whatever i want :D

When i succeed in lucid dreaming(dream control) that is. Quite often these days.

So i don't basicly have any more of those "Look my penis is a cucumber and rodents are eating it" dreams.

Unless i want to ofcourse :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
I know this is weird but just had the weirdest dream during a nap.

Im in the cockpit of a 747, and someone else was flying the plane. They then did a loop de loop but was not going to pull out of it. My friend on my side said to the pilot, your not going to make it.

I then sat down and stared through the front window at the ground as it got closer and closer, instead of getting scared and freaked in the dream, i was calm and just though, well this is it, its inevitable.

Then bang, everything went black, i was dead!, then i woke up with a start. It was one of those dreams where you think its really happening...

weirded... So who else has had freaky dreams!

//edit im not going on a plane for a while!

I've just happened on this thread and was gobsmacked. I've had nearly the same dream. Alough not in the cockpit, i was sat on the right side isle seat and could look right out of the window to see the ground rushing towards me. Even today i religiously book left side seats where i can not see out of the right side window. A week or two before i flew to Bangkok and they changed the flight paths - we flew over the high-rise area - this was just after 9/11 so understandably i paniced a bit, maybe the catalyst.

In the dream i wrote a note to my wife & held it to my chest, as if to protect it on impact. I can recall the words (but i know freddy's has a soppy filter :))

I'm flying to Bangkok Saturday & Melbourne Tuesday, booked in on 32B and 34C respectively ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
I've had many a weird/cool dream but one thing that sticks in my mind is the fact that I quite often have dreams where i'm either chasing something or i'm running away from something. But my legs don't work properly.

It's the most infuriating thing i've ever experienced, it's like my legs are there and all working fine if i walk, but as soon as i start running they won't do it faster than walking pace :( Almost like trying to run through water


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
hehe, that used to happen to me a lot. same with using physical force against something. id be as weak as a granny.

then one dream it all suddenly changed. i then went on a killing spree with my new abilities. hammers to the head, spikes to the chest, stabbing, beating, the works. i could also run full pelt without getting tired.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
That happens when you're tangled up in your sheets :)


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
I know. I worry about it sometimes. Kenny has such normal, blatant metaphors for what's going on in his life, dreams. I have dreams that a schitzophrenic would flinch at.

Last night I was travelling across zombie infested America. There was so many zombies, that a river had turned into a liquid zombie, and when I tried to cross the bridge it spat slugs at me which burrowed into my feet, trying to turn me into a zombie too. I remember this hurting quite a lot, but was told to "walk it off". I did, all the way to a port, where I hitched a lift across the water with a dolphin that was wearing a tuna disguise. Half way across I got picked up by US immigration, who took me to a drop off point. Here, a strange chinese lady with long nails made me tea, and I filled my rucksack with crunchy nut cornflakes.

Hey Lou - you ever seen Slither? My lad is trying to diagnose your dreams.... :eek7:

He also says you need to be sectioned :p


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I know. I worry about it sometimes. Kenny has such normal, blatant metaphors for what's going on in his life, dreams. I have dreams that a schitzophrenic would flinch at.

Last night I was travelling across zombie infested America. There was so many zombies, that a river had turned into a liquid zombie, and when I tried to cross the bridge it spat slugs at me which burrowed into my feet, trying to turn me into a zombie too. I remember this hurting quite a lot, but was told to "walk it off". I did, all the way to a port, where I hitched a lift across the water with a dolphin that was wearing a tuna disguise. Half way across I got picked up by US immigration, who took me to a drop off point. Here, a strange chinese lady with long nails made me tea, and I filled my rucksack with crunchy nut cornflakes.

Well that one is easy, you are quite clearly a kellogs crunchy nut addict. You would do anything to get your fix.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
ive had many vivid dreams the last two weeks.

most memorable are the false awakenings. last night i had 3 consecutive false awakenings. by the last one i really could not tell reality from dream anymore.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
first weird dream in a while that I remembered after I woke up:

I was in a large warehouse. Old, dingy and very industrial. It seemed to stretch out for ever in every direction. Next to me was a thing, that in my dreams I know only as "the devil". It's an entity that seems to extrude evil and forboding, and in dreamland that tends to make the dreams it's in quite nasty. Anyway, we walked along a corridor in the never-ending warehouse (think Giger meets Ikea) and the devil was a small child, then a black cloud, then a bird, a horse, etc. You get the idea, it kept changing shape.

After a while, it asked me, a bit irritably tbh, what it was I wanted. Without hesitation, dream-me said that I wanted to know if it was him who had pushed me off my bike causing me to fall and hurt my ribs on sunday. The devil regarded me for a second, and I felt a building sense of disdain. No, silly, the devil said, it doesn't work like that. I didn't do anything to make you fall off your bike, you did that all by yourself. I was just there to enjoy your pain and shock afterwards, that was all.

Then I saw all kinds of pictures in my mind's eye, of wars and famine and accidents and animals killing people with an overlay of the devil's words "I don't do anything, you do it all to yourselves and I enjoy the mess". Then the devil started singing Grandmaster Flash's "White Lines" including the bassline. I got a sense of vast and utter boredom and then I woke up.

Enough to get me burnt at the stake do you think?


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
another reoccuring one that I have (had it last night)

I'm on a small rocky island that is a strategic spot in some war or other. I am under ground it's all very WWII bunkeresque, though the colour of the rocks is beige and not the grey of concrete. Think "Guns of Naverone" stylee I guess.

for some reason the bunker/island gets attacked by a submarine bent on displacing me as the person on the island, and as I am all alone there que "Home Alone" silliness as I try to keep the bad men out. It nearly always boils down to me on one end of a long corridor and them on the other, and we hurl abuse and taunts at each other while playing a shootemup against each other on very old pc's.

What I remember most about this dream is that I can "see" both myself and what is going on on the submarine at the same time, but can't act on what I know the enemy to be doing. Also, there's almost always an accident on the submarine where a crewman gets swept overboard and attacked by a shark.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
rofl, sounds like a good computer game :)

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