Dragonraid This Saturday.



again, it drops more then that bow.
already whining and it's not dead yet.
more raids will come when this one succeeds.

if you keep whining about drops , there will never come a raid in the future , you will never get the chance to get an uberdrop so if would plz work together you will have alot more chance then the way you're acting now.

this raid won't take hours, i'll try to get it killed within 1.30 hour max.
let this be a start for a weekly saturday routine.
I hope everything is explained now. i won't discuss and repeat again about lootsystem.

To every guild/person that's interrested:

-meet Saturdaynight in Cornwallstation at 8.30pm CET
-groupleaders pm me for invite as quick as possible
-ppl who can bring usefull info/tactic can also pm me for /cg invite
-info about raid will be given to groupleaders, they will give the info to the group
- don't forget 800*600 && /effects none if you have a bad comp
- put /anon off so we have a good view about the amount of participating albs.
-we leave to lair at 8.45pm CET.

Cya soon.


I'll be there with my cleric lvl 36 tho :( but i may still be of use for rez / heals in a support role.

I know you only want lvl 40 + but hes the highest char i have and i really wanna see the dragon before my subs runs out or i get pissed off lvling and stop playing..

Not bothered about any of the drops, just wanna see the dragon / watch the fight / do my bit for albion.


Bleri McThrust

Originally posted by Aussie-
Again... it's sad 90% of the replyes goes about drops of a non defeated dragon.

And from your first post

As organiser of this raid I would like to claim the Dragonbow, since i'm one of the only active scouts i don't think that's a problem

There seems to be the answer. Also well obviously it would seem to be a problem (and I can see why).

Lotto system works fine and dandy untill you start embelishing it with restrictions etc.


Originally posted by Bleri McThrust

Lotto system works fine and dandy untill you start embelishing it with restrictions etc.

The restrictions are obviously being placed due to him being unguilded and would therefore get even less chance than most at any drop.

The 'claim' is completely selfish in my opinion.


sigh again,

make it a routine and there will be drops for everyone.


Come on guys, try and be a bit more positive !

Who cares about the drops, I just want to kill the dragon, or at least see him in action again, most of you are level 50 anyway so what you got to lose except a couple of hours rvr time?

Also if im not mistaken the dragons get made a bit tougher in future patchs so its worth having a go now.

Either way the Dark Knights will be there with at least 1FG.

bonus lag tip: Its also worth group leaders buying a load of acid wash before getting to CWS, to take emblems of the cloaks.


well Aussie i have organized quite a lot Legion raids with Khalen and Falcor, and first on the last legion raid i got a 100 % Legion drop and that was after a lotto inside guild :clap: lucky me

u can then say i should have had approx 10 100 % legion drops coz i have organized so many legion raids, but im not a greedy bastard, i do this for Albion and for my guild, there needs to be some event so it doesnt become too boring, and i try to make the lotto as fair as i can do, and i hope the involved guilds are satisfied with the lotto.

if i had claimed drops like you try to now, i doubt we would have done as many legion raids as we have now, u should organize 5-7 succesful dragon raids before u begin to claim anything.

best regards


Just a reminder guys.

This isn't EQ.

The drops don't really matter a damn. And they all become obsolete once SC+A are in.


Just in case anyone had forgotten.

If you want people to follow you, then how about a bit of leadership? Not claiming drops ahead of time would help.


nothing wrong with claiming a drop (one) if you organise something like this.

if you don't agree, you simply vote with your feet and don't go along.

so far this is pretty much how it happens in hib.. otherwise no-one would be arsed to do a raid every few days.. why go through the hassle of organising a few hundred people, pm spam, zerg lag, link deads, late people, only for a small chance you'll get an item?


Sorry mates,

I am a lvl 50 Pally and lvl 43 scout: so i claim the Bow because i want to be the number 1 scout on Albion in 3 months :)

Hope this settles a bit the drop of the bow :)

Lol ( i think this is a good one: if i may say so myself) :)


btw, on a non-drop related subject, what's your strategy for attacking the dragon?

Previously we've had the ...

- '2 wave strategy'
- 'raid-leader organises groups, with rezzers kept seperate strategy'
- 'don't use magic' or 'do use magic' strategies,
- the 'guilds a, b, and c take adds, while d, e, and f attack dragon' approach.

But perhaps most popular, is the "don't tell anyone the plan until the last minute then all run in and get slaughtered" tactic.

So, *how* do you plan to kill the dragon?


Siege equipment i tell ya, just shoot the bugger till e drops.

Call the A-team,, get me 15 catas and 15 balistas, I'll show that bugger

Well maybe not like that, but did anyone ever use siege equipment against him ? If so, how much and what happend ?



drops by groups= crab, huge fights , and when 1 group can get 2 drops= unfair....+more fights

falcor=) another 2 pages, well there u r right...

and Khalen, yes, ther ewill be peeps that dont even know whats Proc, or even dont read this 1, so there iwll be huge wipeout..

talk and make sure 1st how to kill it...and test if peeps understand it....

and imo still the lotto what i posted is FAIR to all...even if u do it everywekk next 5 months.....

and aussie as u said if u do it more drops for every1...well if u count 25 groups, 1 group can get many drops each time, u need to kill draggo about 1000 times...

if u count it as guild, and numbers got like i said, f.ex 12 guilds, and 4 items dropped each time , u need to kill draggo 3 times and then all have got 1 drop, and inside guild i hope peeps have some sence and they know who will DESERVE it INSIDE guild...

and they r only items, thats also very true...nad after each patch u can make better and better stuff by yourself, whats good imo.

so lets just slel them all at E-bay and go for a beer =)

btw, if u lotto by groups, im not even gonna come look =)


Heres an idea for distributing the drops..

Action them all on eBay and distribute equal shares of the proceeds to everyone who came (might cover a months subs?)

or better still..

Auction them all on eBay and put all the proceds onto the next national lottery rollover then send the proceeds from the lottery win (£10) to everyone...

if we win the jackpot we could maybe afford to buy the next set of uber drops off eBay :)

oh oh..


lets make it interesting and have someone time how quick we can drop the dragon from first hit to drop.. lets set an albion record, at least try and focus on doing it for fun rather than create another argument that drags on for weeks?


Albions not argue ? That would mean we might be able to be good at RvR, and no one wants that, do they ?



Likely dragon strategy if this attempt ever gets started...

Everyone turns up randomly and attacks in whatever way they feel like whilst Aussie stands on a rock /yelling "THE BOW IS MINE! THE BOW IS MINE! BRING ME THE BOOOOOOOOOOOW!".


Anyway, when I make a list of GUD ITAMZ I really want, I will then try and get together a group of 200 people or so to work as my own personal lootslaves.




Oooohh... just woke up, spoke briefly with aussie about this yesterday, wasn't expecting quite this much yet.

1) Aussie : consider your wrists slapped, dont tell the hibs/mids when we're not going to be RvRing :p that said, the usual routine is to encourage people to level (or half level) before attending. If you die and lose exp, tough. This was always the way it was done before, I wonder how many people will whine about it now? Plus its a lot faster to suicide on the dragon than some naff keep guards :) Maybe the date will be re-arranged, will speak to aussie about this when I can.

2) Who cares about drops? I'd quite like to go along just to kill it... I'm personally not interested in drops, exp or anything like that... we just haven't killed it in a while, so I think it would be FUN :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


Just out of interest, why the 200 people minimum? It's quite possible to do Golestandt with about 120...


ok, again =)

The lotto seems fair to me and most of us..:

If a guild brings 3 groups, they have 3 groupleaders and will have 3 numbers for the lotto later that night.
If you don't have a fullgroup you make "combined" guildgroups ... so you still have a chance to get a drop. maybe fill the group with friends you know to prevent ...
So Everyone in a group will have a chance to get the drop.

How i will attack the dragon:

That's not a big problem. I have my tactics. I only hope you have enough trust in me.
I will explain it to the groupleaders in /cg when we are moving to the lair.
To be short: we won't have a backup army. we will have a giant-killer-army.

There seems to be a big fuss about the possibility to kill the dragon.... I don't understand why you are thinking this.
We have killed it in the past...
Our Dragon isn't that powerfull as the 'invincible' Hibdragon.
It is true Hibdragon doesnt like 'proc' and 'magic'
Last time we defeated the Albion Dragon there were no rules like that, so magic is completly allowed.

Possibility of Relicraid:

I will have a lvl 50 infil checking Hadrians an hour before Raid starts till 15-30 mins after raid.

My DragonBow-claim:

Like i see from most of the posts.. Alot ppl don't want me to do this. Ok.... if you really think I don't deserve that bow as Organizer of the Dragonraid, #1 Scout in Europe and one of the Oldest Active Scouts from Excal... ok, I will throw the bow back into the lotto. If you really wanna see that bow into the hands of a powerlvl'ed scout with no RvR expierence or into the hands of an inactive scout.. fine by me.
Only thing I want is to succeed in this raid.



Originally posted by Danyan
Just out of interest, why the 200 people minimum? It's quite possible to do Golestandt with about 120...

I remember we had 181 last attempt ( By Dreama)
We didnt do that much dmg :>


Hmm we killed him on prydwen with well under 200 (around 120-150 I think), but also failed with around 180. TBH I don't think anything over 100 makes much diff, it seems pretty random whether you succeed or not. :p


About your wristslap Wildfire:
It is really no problem to do an announced dragon raid, as it only means a relic-defence army is already gathered and has an easy way to suicide.

We just need one man to guard excal (heck I'll do it myself if need be).

About the bow:
Yes Im a greedy bugger cuz I want that bow (or at least a fair chance)- thats my nature.

About tactics (a few ideas):
1 primary assault team(100 ppl), 1 secondary assault team(50 ppl), 1 rezzing team(15-20 ppl), 3-4 FG for add handling(25-30 ppl).

1. primary assault team (PAT) surrounds dragon and hammers it, add teams (AT) battle adds, preferably as far away from the dragon as possible to avoid aoe.

2. PAT takes heavy casualties, rezzing team (RT) rezzes, heals.

3. secondary assault team (SAT) attacks while the casualties are licking their wounds, keeping pressure on the dragon.

repeat steps 1-3 till dead.

PAT and SAT are zergs, anything goes here.
RT is 7 clerics/friars and a minst
AT must be selfsustaining, healers, tanks, pbt.

Aussie for overall commands
1 leaders of PAT
1 leaders of SAT
2 for RT
3-4 leaders of AT


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
Oooohh... just woke up
<sigh> Sometimes I really, really miss being a student....

dont tell the hibs/mids when we're not going to be RvRing
Was thinking the same thing myself.... wasn't going to say anything just in case they'd missed the significance of the post ;)

the usual routine is to encourage people to level (or half level) before attending.
Sooo... when were you planning on helping me hit 50.5? I only need 4.7 bubbles..... :D

If you die and lose exp, tough.
Bah, spoilsport!

This was always the way it was done before, I wonder how many people will whine about it now?
Everyone who dies will whine, even those who don't lose any xp, because it's every Alb's RIGHT AND PRIVILIDGE to whine whenever the opportunity arises.... :flame:

I think it would be FUN
Me too :clap:

Personally I think that we should just get as many Theurgs and Clerics as possible and have them spam me with BT and heals (will need some Minstrels for power song, too) while I solo the Dragon! :twak:


Yes we have killed it once, different patch though...

okies, then also Style attacks might effect the aoe casting of draggo...not all 100 sgould use they styles asap, 30% should use them at the end, to keep draggo "occupied"


As a member of a non leet guild i doubt I would ever have a chance of getting the Dragon bow anyways.


I personally won't be going as well, I can't be arsed.

However, personally I wouldn't trust Aussie as far as I could throw him. In my view if the bow drops and is given to Aussie, he won't lotto it.

However, seeing as Aussie is bringing 1FG on his own (him and another 7 spaces for his ego) I'd say he stood a fair chance of receiving a drop ...


Originally posted by loxleyhood
As a member of a non leet guild i doubt I would ever have a chance of getting the Dragon bow anyways.

the more ppl your guild brings, the more chance.
nothing to do with guildname etc

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