Dragonraid This Saturday.



After the xx months we keeled Golenstandt, Me and Wildfire are organizing a new Dragonraid this saturday 9pm CET.
I want 200 ppl (min lvl 40) atleast in Cornwall station at 8.30pm Saturdaynight.

At 8.45 i will do a /who Cornwall. If the number isn't higher then 200 I will cancel the raid and move it to Sundaynight same time.
we leave to the lair at 8.45. I'm not gonna wait for ppl that come too late or relog because i don't wanna loose ppl because they get bored or have to do something later that night... etc.

As for loot: atm i don't have a good system or idea to lotto the loot. If anyone comes up with a good/fair system. feel free to tell here.
As organiser of this raid I would like to claim the Dragonbow, since i'm one of the only active scouts i don't think that's a problem (cfr. http://www.duskwave.com/daoc/classrank.php?class=Scout&server=Excalibur).
If anyone has problems with this i will throw it in the lotto too.

For all guilds who would like to participate in lotto. I would like to put your guildname + name of leader of your group here.
I will invite all groupleaders to a private /cg at 8pm Saturdaynight.

Hope to see you soon,
Aussie & Wildfire.

some tips against lag:
-resolution 800*600
-/effects none

edit: /anon mode off, so i have a ~correct number of the ppl in Cornwall.


m8 dont mean to be negative, but speaking from good experience, inviting ppl, not guilds = impossible....i know u say u r gonna lotto between guild sor soemthing, but unless u know what guilds r coming before hand its chaos m8


Maybe some albs must go to defend relics if you post day and hour here...


well personnally i was thinking to give drops to ppl that play from Day 1, Crafters and ppl that have done alot for this realm.

this would be the most fair thing , but then again, not much ppl would be interrested so i'm asking if you have a good system to lotto the loot...
otherwise we will lotto the loot to guilds.

ppl that don't have a guild will be put in a 'guildless' group. just pm me the names of the ppl in group + groupleader before 9pm.
ppl that have a guild but can't make a full group make also 1 group. again you pm me the names and the groupleader.

As for possible relicraid of hib/mids. I will have a lvl 50 infil guarding Hadrians. Don't worry ;)


i'll put Legion of Darkness' name in the pot for lotto we can and will bring at least 1fg "prolly more depending who online" also put myself down as group leader.


the claim to the bow will probably make all other scouts stay away, and the loot going to the ppl who have played from day 1 will probably make a heck of a lot of other players stay away.

just guessing, but that´s what I´d imagine. a lot of ppl dont bother doing anything that they will gain nothing from.

inviting guilds and then lottoing items between theese have worked before. unguilded ppl can team up with guilds they are friends with and work out with those what happens if they get a drop, or unguilded ppl can go in a grp counting as one guild.

just some thoughts :)


So you're saying unless one is in a l337 guild and/or has played since beta they are simply dragonfodder?



id happily be dragon fodder if i get to see the bastard die :)


Welll....i can come try to kill it np...

lvl 40+ hmmm, =tons of peeps, lag is pain...and lvl 40 dont hit anyway

lvl 45+ melee peeps, lvl 40+ buffers/rezzers .....

And make the rules CLEAR to all, no BS chit chat, just go there, deside add takers, kill draggo, pick up loot, post drops to BW, lotto next day.

And as experienced last time, u cast to dragon, he will start to AOE, u melee draggo, dont use Proc weapons, crafted 1's only plz, and dont sent tgist casting pets to it, and dont use use magic range attack.... only melee with no magic, then it dont use his sweet AOE, last time 1st magic attack to draggo made him OAE some fire, BOOM nasty =)

And about lotto.....

guild brings 1 fgp= 1 number, guild brings 2 fgps= 2 numbers,
guild brings 3 fgps= 4 numbers.....(bonus from effort, and also bigger guild usually have more lvl 50's and more players that have participated on game)

if 4 fgps, 6 numbers...

and 1 person from guild on chat + organiziers/group gatherers, rest LISTEN, they can talk on GC if they wanna, no stupid asking, like "when we go" "why we dont go allrdy" "who i follow" , just keep your eyes and ears open, and do as told.
guild "speaker" sayd how many he has, and then groups r made....only guild groups wont make it balanced group, so those have to do same style like last time, and when all listens, it can be done INSIDE 15-25 mins, not 1 hour

same style unguilded...they can lotto it how they want afterwards, but the MAIN loot holder DONT give the item if unguilded win, he needs to follow unguilded lotto between them and gives to the 1who wins lotto, when it happens..less fights..

and 1 guild CANT get 2 dragon drops...but they have bigger change to win 1 if they bring more peeps, imo good thing...

And if u LD/crash/lost then sad thing, no waiting...

and lotto can be made in LB, good place, either kiling epics, or toads...

Or we just sell all the loot at E-bay and go for a beer =)
i have tickets rdy to london allrdy =)

And also good tip for lag is /follow , 1st person wiev, look up, no lag, and if aggro click f8, f6, and hope u r close to hit.



Yes go aussie Oo

I think you just lost a class to follow you. No scouts there :p

And btw, im active, just fletching, killing mobs, powerlvling alts, etc. :)


As organiser of this raid I would like to claim the Dragonbow, since i'm one of the only active scouts i don't think that's a problem

Not agreed.


well since saturday is near i have invented my own system to distribute loot:

loot will be lottoed to groups, not to guilds.

-if a guild brings 2 (or more) groups they have a chance to get 2 drops(or more).
-if they have only 4 in the 2e group i will count that as a 2e group too.
-guildless ppl and ppl from guilds who dont't have enough ppl to make a FG also make 1 group.

all groupleader pm me at 8.45pm so i can invite them for a private /cg
I will give instructions thru /cg, i won't yell coz everyone is gonna do that anyway. leaders give instructions to group

after succesfull raid: all groupleaders come to Lynn Barfog and we will do the normal Toad lotto sytem.
groupleaders of a combined ppl group will have to do another lotto for the item.

this system seems a bit strange but everyone who will participate will have the chance on a drop.

About the bow:
like i said: i am one of the only active scouts, i'm organizing the raid and i'm one of the oldest scouts.
without me there would not be a chance of a dragonbow.

I don't see why scouts won't come now: the dragon drops more then 1 item a scout can use
and they can always help their guild form a 2e group so their guild gets more chance on a drop.


Again... it's sad 90% of the replyes goes about drops of a non defeated dragon.


Re: Re: Dragonraid This Saturday.

Originally posted by Cowled

Not on the list mate :p
now you can see where you have to put me on that list.

A guild might help :)

Give me 1 reason why someone needs a guild.

And btw, im active, just fletching, killing mobs, powerlvling alts, etc

great! so you won't need it

Originally posted by old.Odysseus

Not agreed.

like you can see from the stats, alot ppl don't play their scout anymore so i'm one of the only active scouts.


I like the lotto system.

I do not like your claim of the bow and as far as age goes, I am THE oldest scout around. And even though I spend most of my time fletching (to your benefit I might add), I still do some RvR once in a while.

Why kill the dragon if not for the drops?


If Dragonraid goes ok, we can do Dragonraids like we did Legionraids and I will organize another one next Saturday to satisfy as much ppl as possible.


well personally (and im not saying this cos i'm RR6) i think uber drops should go to the ppl most likely to put them to good use on the battlefield i.e. RvR. having, lets say, an armsman with 10k rps getting a Legion slash pole or sword makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE WHATSOEVER to me. kit our realm out with uber gear from the top down. my 2s.


Don't think much ppl will come then :D

the system i made encourage guilds to bring as much ppl as possible. the more they bring, the more chance they get on a drop(s)


I myself won't come for a couple of reasons

1. You won't kill it (we've tried with me reaching dragon without AE and therefore saving lots of people in the run) because 1 procc and it's all over if you don't have a 2nd army rdy.

2. Don't like the dropsharing (and it's total crap with over 200 people => 200/8 = 25 groups (with people in it who aren't from the same guild and are gonna fight over a drop again))

3. People claiming items before they are dropped already, bad, very bad....

4. Showing elitism by saying the players from day 1 have more right on a drop, utter crap sir. (I've played since day one)

5. I don't think people are worthy for a drop because they go to emain each day and get some zerg points. Because most of the times those are the people who let the realm down by defending our own frontier because they want their precious rps each day. (And don't say I don't know because I've been there for a very long time which can be confirmed by many) And once they got what they wanted they won't come again.

But it will stop at point 1 already, because you won't beat it. Good luck trying.


i think uber drops should go to the ppl most likely to put them to good use on the battlefield

Don't agree with you there. Even tho I respect the RvR and keep retake people and know their names are well-known in and outside this realm, it does not mean they are the only ones that can put the drops to good use.

There are a lot of people, inclusing myself, more PvE minded and trying to help out players high and low with advice, items, armor, ... Maybe my name will never be well-known in Albion as a great RvR player or a big leader but helping out in PvE, exploring and questing are the things I get my joy from.

Just because we dont emain or frontier every day doesnt mean we are inferior as it comes to drops or respect imo.


Originally posted by Khalen
I myself won't come for a couple of reasons

1. You won't kill it (we've tried with me reaching dragon without AE and therefore saving lots of people in the run) because 1 procc and it's all over if you don't have a 2nd army rdy.

this is not the hibernia dragon.. we have a MUCH easier dragon.

2. Don't like the dropsharing (and it's total crap with over 200 people => 200/8 = 25 groups (with people in it who aren't from the same guild and are gonna fight over a drop again))

If a guild doesnt bring a full group.... that's their own problem they have a chance to loose the item to someone of their group.
maybe invite a good friend or something...
then again.. you have a guild.. i don't see what's your problem.. the system makes it possible to get a drop if you come.

I see you calculated the number of groups. that's what i calculated too... 25 groups , the dragon drops about 12 items. so that's 50% chance a group has on a drop.
3. People claiming items before they are dropped already, bad, very bad....[/B]

Dunno, In Hibernia every organizer gets the drop he wants from Legion. Albion special again?
4. Showing elitism by saying the players from day 1 have more right on a drop, utter crap sir. (I've played since day one)[/B]

ok, if you say so....
then again.... that's not the system. ppl that play for 1 month also have the chance on a drop.


Originally posted by starblade

Don't agree with you there. Even tho I respect the RvR and keep retake people and know their names are well-known in and outside this realm, it does not mean they are the only ones that can put the drops to good use.

so you say you want to use uber drops for killing mobs?


NO, I am against the attitude that only RvR people deserve respect ...

Don't care about the drops really, for me,it is more fun checking what has been dropped and joining on raids and events then actually getting a drop. If I get drops of any kind, I gladly give it away to someone who might be able to use it or use it better and I'm sure there are other players do/feel the same.

So what if a 'lower' or PvE player gets a win from the lotto for an uber drop ? If he helps on events / raids or just helps to level up peeps so we can increase our RvR force ... that's putting it to good use to imo.


Originally posted by K0nah
well personally (and im not saying this cos i'm RR6) i think uber drops should go to the ppl most likely to put them to good use on the battlefield i.e. RvR. having, lets say, an armsman with 10k rps getting a Legion slash pole or sword makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE WHATSOEVER to me. kit our realm out with uber gear from the top down. my 2s.

Heh, that'd be me then.

Your right, it makes no sense, but thats the system, luck works that way at times.

Dragon raid needs numbers, and I really dont expect any dragon raid with a loot system stating only those RR5+ will get a chance at the items will be successful.

"kit out our realm ... from the top down" is one approach - but it wouldnt happen. Are you seriously telling me that when the RR5+ peoples guild/friends had the items they personally wanted they'd continue to turn up to help the rest of the realm? Personally I find this rather unlikely.


Actually there's a good argument to be made that high levels (in RR) need the items less because they have more RAs than those just starting out in RvR.

Anyways I think if you really want 200 people to show up then every person has to have a chance of gaining something even if that chance is very small.


congrats albs =) we have another 2 page whine thread =)


well actually you are wrong Javai.
I think all weapondrops are 16.5dps. You need rr5 to get full advantage of those weapons.
I also don't agree that ppl with a lower RR need it more, ppl that have a higher RR also played with the common weapons everyone played with. I don't see why they should get an easier RvR life then the older ones.

but again..... the loot system is NOT based on RR, /played time , Crafting etc.
everyone that comes will have a chance to get a drop.

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