Dragon Raid.



We attacked dragon tonight.....130+ anons.

It seemed to me...even if you get good 'luck' (if thats what it is) on AOEs.....he dosnt drop fast like he used to.....seemed more like legion pace.......which is just asking for more AOE to hit u eventually.

Also....not sure if it was bad luck...or the patched change...but at one point he ported about 60 people (that was the go we got him to 60% too).

I reckon with a bit of luck on the aoe/ports.....the current drag could be done with 130-150 peeps......from what ive learned....this spawn is a nasty high level spawn ;[.

Oh also at one point he decided he was gogin to nuke 1 guild *cough* even when they were outside the lair....dunno if there was something afoot to cause this...or if that was soemthing new too.


A loud voice thunderes over the land;It is dark, it hot;It is White; and it is cold!;Afterall. It's just Meat and Flesh;You will die and i will eat your flesh.

Gombur is right, Hit it with whatever. I'd think all the thing with fire makes it aoe is a myth, Whatever happens, it will aoe WHENEVER it wants to, we saw it yesterday, where it aoe'd 2 times within about 20 seconds, it can do it as many times it wants to and whenever it wants to.

Galewyr Dark

Originally posted by vayasen
Oh also at one point he decided he was gogin to nuke 1 guild *cough* even when they were outside the lair....dunno if there was something afoot to cause this...or if that was soemthing new too.

Might have had somehtign to do with pbuck nukeing him then moving away again...Dragon was prolly outta melee range when it got to where he was so it AE'd instead catching pbuck + 90% of LoE and resers on the south wall.

Also the porting is well evil as u 'zone in' in the middle of the stone lords in the burnt forest, killing them takes valuable time off getting back tot he fight.....and getting ported their twice ina row was just down right evil [i got ported twice in a row there then once again when i died :( ]


Just ignore the adds when you port :D
btw he does a couple of random nukes since this patch, no tactic will prevent that


I been reading USA boards a bit this morning and also had a word with some1 on my old usa server..who pointed me in direction of an experienced drag raid leader.

Got some usefull info off him.

It might not be THE way...but it says it works for them.

(there is also some info vitrually identical to this in another thread on here from VN boards).

He says - 1 team of rezzers who work from the sde rezzing durig fight...rez rebuff...straight back in.

2- any1 that isnt healing or debuffing ...get in there and melee it..no casting..no arrows...no ranged..all get in there and hit it to lower its AF.
BUT..../stick to it...but do it SURROUNDING drag

He says have a bunch of thurgs pull from one side(liek in the vn thread on here) have them spam pets...then all the rest charge from another side......when the zerg arrives...ensure u go to all 4 sides to surround him...then /stick....

then melee for all yr worth

on a side note...mybe we should clear the port zone of giants prior to the charge....its only 20 secs away and the zerg could clear in in a minute.



Gimped to the bone

Heh, i gimped my char so much ive stoped playing him, thou the respec stones are a nice way of "ungimping", i dont think id ever get one because of the high number of people that wants them, are the dragon the only way to get a respecc stone?

Augmented acuity 2
Mastery of the arcane 1

Instruments 50
Trust 39
Stealth 18

*to talk about gimping myself, no climb walls, augmented acuity? what was i thinking? mastery of the arcane? DOH!?*

18 stealth? *sign* well well,,, Wylf will just be another dead and burried minstrel whom never did any real rvr once lvl 50

Wylf Vargson - Lvl 50 minstrel DoA

old.Gombur Glodson

I still think cabalist should dot the fuck ;o
And every class who can debuff should do it ;p


If a cabalist manages to land a DOT it helps, but its hard to land it.
I managed the last dragon raid I went on & got a crit on both dots, hit it for ~400 a tick

Necro AF debuff might help aswell if they can land it.


My post from above...

JUst to post this on this thread too..................#

Well done to Vay for organising tonight, found this on VN boards, seems we were right about not casting from range and all getting in close...

You can heal, just make sure healer is in melee range of the beast.

Make a rez/rebuff group with 6 clerics, a theurg, and a misntrel. Each tim ea person falls get 'em back up and rebuff them so they can get right back to work.

At all times have the dragon surrounded. You WILL get AoE'd at soem point. This way at worst maybe 1/3 of your force will be killed during the fatal hit.

Everybody needs a damage buff, and pally chant is also a huge plus. If you have heat resist buffs, use them.

Take full advantage of pet spam and AF debuffs. This is absolutely necessary if you want a decent to-hit ratio on the Dragon. Obviously, the more people you can bring the better. If you arent healing, rezzing, or debuffing, you're meleeing, dotn care what class. More people on the mob equals lowered effective AF equals easier to hit.

The dragon seems to be especially aoe happy at the initial assault. A theurg or three to distract him from the opposite direction while the rest charge may be helpful in getting everybody in safely.

The hitns teh dragon yell during attacks seem to indicate that air theurg (perhaps spirit damage in general?) and ruby simmy pets are weaknesses, but this hasnt been tested to my knowledge.

Near the end of the fight you will get stunned twice. Set up specifically who will purge and when so to keep people on it at all times.

Might also b ea good idea to have a group or two of people who specifically DO NOT pull dragon aggro, and have those people be the ones to kill off the occasional giant pops.

Hope that helps some.

and another one


I led a raid last night on Guinevere that killed Golestandt.

We left the summoning tower with 150, but we had 130-140 when we actually killed the dragon.

Strategies for killing him:

1.) Set up at least one, if not two dedicated rezzing teams. In this team you should have 6 clerics, a minstrel, and a mage to provide constant weapon damage rebuffs for the rezzed. To provide power to the rezzers, the minstrel runs minstrel song, AND you should have 3-4 necromancers and cabalists dueling constantly. The necromancers powertap the cabbie pet, and feed power to the rezzers. Works beautifully.

2.) Utilize friar & paladin heat resists. We asked the friars in our group to join a party, buff, then move on if there was no paladin. If you have a paladin in a group, have them twist their AF, Damage and Heat resist chants.

3.) Have Theurgists move to the W side, and cast all the earth and air pets they can handle at the dragon. This lures him off the hill, and gets him to waste his first breath attack on the pets. Again, having another necro/cabby team or two here is a good idea, because you want theurgists able to keep sending pets at the dragon throughout the fight to decrease the dragon's defense. With a number of theurgists casting pets, your raid can go from 125 people to 200 easily, as far as the defense rate is concerned.

4.) Once Gole moves off the hill, charge him, and have everyone /stick. This is vital. We came from the South side while the theurgists kept his attention to the West. We immediately surrounded him, and KEPT him surrounded. If you keep him surrounded, even if he uses his breath weapon, he's only likely to take out 1/4 to 1/3 of the group.

5.) Make sure everyone knows the way back to the castle when they are ported, and that they need to get back ASAP. I was ported three times in a row at the start of the fight last night. Talk about annoying.

6.) When the granite giants aggro, have the party kill them, then return to the dragon. It's much more efficient that way.

7.) A lot of raids tell clerics not to heal because of the aggro, but I was able to heal quite successfully. I even used instant and group heals with no aggro, so I suppose this is an individual preference. It all depends on how many clerics you have on your rezzing team, really.

8.) Have everyone able purge the stuns at the end. He will stun you twice... so even if you purge one, you're likely to get stuck with another. It sucks, but there's no way around it. An alternate idea would be to tell, say, armsmen *only* to purge on the first stun, and everyone *else* with purge to do so on the second stun, so you constantly keep people hitting. I don't know that this is of vital importance, though.

I think that's it. Hope something there is helpful.

They also mention spirit damage and some cabbie pets being weaknesses


Ok just to check, I was contacted ingame by Boss about your raid. He asked me if I could inform Griffon Knight and get them to come along on said time/date ;) but he also said that ALL drops were to be put up for lotto and no matter what RR the person was they would have a chance.

The stones - I was then told that each full group would get a fair split of the stones?

Can you confirm as I have only just seen this post, would'nt want people turning up thinking they might have a chance at a drop when they dont.


old.Gombur Glodson

I pm'd people yesterday with date/time

Only rr5 people who can use the particular item will be allowed to enter lotto for the 4 100% qual drops.

I've been considering giving all guilds who bring 2fg a respecstone (maybe also an RA stone)
The dragon is a lot tougher this patch so you need more people to kill him, so I think it's fair to reward guilds who help bring all this people.


Infobit -

Make yrselves a dragon bashing Staff /Sword/Mace /whip.

Somethgin without proc on it. Word from an experienced USA dragon raider says proc = AOE for sure. Suggest we all keep a non procced weapon handy for dragon raids...even it ifs a 95%QL one.


Gombur, I recall here that Sorcerer matter debuff stacks perfectly on Golestandt (always got it to at the second try) then spam DoT from all your casters. Like said upper, its incredibly damagefull on her.

And you cant miss the Matter (lvl 50 based spell) debuff, it has a really strange effect :clap:

SoulFly Amarok

I'm coming alone if that's ok. Minstrel needs a respec stone :mad:


heh the change your proc won't get resisted is what? 0,1% ? :rolleyes:


If its only guilds that will get a chance of respec stones, I wont be there, but gl with it anyway


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Dragon is now VERY hard to kill.... you wait and see o_O

He went down quicker than a pissed essex gal today bud;).


Wheres Essex?

<packs bags and waits for reply>


Originally posted by sans_pite
Wheres Essex?

<packs bags and waits for reply>

It`s a place where the gals have a higher sperm count than the fellas;).


the dragon was piss, easier than the french army with there hands tied behind their backs and socks in their mouths so they can't say "i surrender" in german (the priceless french tatic)


With that amount of people of course he will be try with 60 though :p

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