Dragon raid club like on exc



Originally posted by Meatballs

In the end all but the FSLS were given out randomly.

I stand corrected then.. just I dont remember it coming up for /random 100 while i was there.


Originally posted by old.Atrox
Seems to be some missunderstanding in the thread...

Useing a Dragon/Legion drop to it's full effect:
1. You are affected by all stats and got use of it (ei. Dex/Con/Int for casters )
2. You are lvl50
3. You are Realm Rank 5 or more

thats the order I would look in if I were to distrubute dragon/legion loot.

true except for the RR5 part.
using 100% quality stuf has its use for every 50


With the loot distribution.Personaly i think it would be best to just loto ALL items between the guilds that turn up then let the guilds who got the items decide how best to distribute between there members.
As for the RR5 seen as albion only has 50 of them this seems a bit unfair on those who dont spend there entire life in the emain zerg. Personaly im far too busy crafting or trying to earn cash to fund my crafting to spend my entire time online in emain.

1060 in armourcrafting if any1 needs some armour btw :twak:


breon, your time will come with spellcrafting. you will be rich

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Academy Lord

Well my friend,i cannot say that this thruster sword has been droped so many times so that other class than a thruster mercenary could have it.It is one of the most rare items that the dragon drops(check also american forums)so it has to go to a player that has the most benefit of the 35% bonus it gives,which is definetly a thrust mercenary.

So,by giving this sword to a minstrell you drop the bonus to 25%
since minstrells can't parry and they don't have Dual Wield.My personall opinion is that this sword should be given to a person that can benefit all the bonus it gives.

What are you smoking?


academy lord you are a cock .you continually spam bullshit to make you look clever and omniscient but we all know waht you say is utter bullshit.
now go away and leave.


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
What are you smoking?
Good question. This line just had me laughing at how completely stupid it is...

"So,by giving this sword to a minstrell you drop the bonus to 25%"
Yeah, the bonus on swords is determined by class... (WTF?!)

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