Dragon raid club like on exc



Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
And people wonder why we avoid doing Legion with the entire realm :m00:

well I guess you havent been to alot of those then, and the last legion raids have been open to all and they worked fine, its just a matter of controlling really large crowds :D we even had some fun while dividing the loot :D :D

and gombur its a great idea, im just suprised more havent shown interest.

Jaas Mallai

GoP are interested Gombur :)

Great idea, bring on Gole



Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson

Fine I am not doing dragon raids for myself or sotl I wanted to do this for the rest of you.

i¨m sure u are, now that u claimed the sword ^^



I'll try to explain:
The point is that every guild provides same input (see gomburs post to start with)
After that loot distribution is equal

No flam intended but try to read the excal post before replying with somewhat "misinformed" and at least non constructive comments

I know you can pull of a brilliant raid. I hope we have enough guilds with 12 high level people. If not you might consider guilds applying with 6 people to combine with another guild to make up for the full 12 and let them lottery the drop between them.

have a nice weekend all :)

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by dareanen

i¨m sure u are, now that u claimed the sword ^^

if I wanted the sword then answer me why I didnt claim it on the first or second dragonraid?

Envy doesnt look good on you.


Originally posted by old.ondor
You find its fair 6fgs to have the same change for drops with 2fgs??
I’m so wrong at that??

Theres advantages to staying in small guilds and theres advantages in joining huge guilds...

P.S. Read the first post.


albion will always find a way!

oh what's this here... gombur being nice enough and kind enough to spend his time and efforts trying to organise something that would vastly benefit the realm of albion...does he get thanks? no..
does he really need to do this for his benefit? no ..would he really be getting anything out of it ? no.. is it a completely kind and selfless deed? yes
does he get a load of crap by the general public of albion who are complete and utter wankers?yes
stop being such utter pricks and realise that gombur was doing this for albions good not his own


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson

if I wanted the sword then answer me why I didnt claim it on the first or second dragonraid?

Envy doesnt look good on you.

envy has nothing to do with it. wouldnt have taken the sword if it got offered to me. many other could put it to better use.

what im saying is that you should have lotted all itemz. not just 3 of them. very selfish of you.....

good thing sotl officers got u to lotto the bow at least


dareanen =twat kthxbye (yes childish of me but he deserves it) :twak: eat twig bitch
p.s gumbor bash him wit teh pillow


gombur organised 3 dragon raids that week, and maybe 4-6 dragonraids all together? not sure if theres been a dragonraid not headed by gombur. Everything but the sword got given out randomly, and tbh gombur rightly deserved it.


fuck you enthusia. and u call me a twat? give me a break



Even when someone is trying to benefit the whole realm,peeps still have to start bickering,all you, who on this thread have ridiculed the idea, create another yourselves stating your ideas instead of mocking anothers.

As you have the realms best interest at heart obviously,and your heads must be so full of ideas that will work,as you can blatantly
state why other peeps wont.

I`m so looking forward to the other suggestions that beat Gomburs,which you all must have as you are anti his...........

Here they come, and they start with this much more positive one from ...............................................................................

No wonder peeps are leaving our realm in droves with the fucking pathetic shit you read on here (sigh):(.


Re: albion will always find a way!

Originally posted by Euthanasia.
oh what's this here... gombur being nice enough and kind enough to spend his time and efforts trying to organise something that would vastly benefit the realm of albion...does he get thanks? no..
does he really need to do this for his benefit? no ..would he really be getting anything out of it ? no.. is it a completely kind and selfless deed? yes
does he get a load of crap by the general public of albion who are complete and utter wankers?yes
stop being such utter pricks and realise that gombur was doing this for albions good not his own

~strongly agrees with Najwa on that one~


damn your pathetic....

organising these big hunts casues LOADS of stress and he sure deserved that sword.

wait... what? people actually agreeing with what Najwa thinks??
:p :p :p :p


noooo gombur

dont quit just yet! ur quitting just because of 1-3 selfish ppl?
give it time. please. i'll try and get the dark wombles in even though our numbers are not really astronomical. dont judge the realm by its 10% of annoying selfish ppl. this will benifit the realm a lot and i think every guild should be standing in a long line waiting to join the raid.


gombur got the dragon sword last time without a random or anything like that??

hope its not true
even if he did 'Organise' it

besides...a minstrel with that sword just seems like a waste :p (bubbles never gunna be in a group with speed again :p)


all loot must be given to the people that
deserve them

"deserve" = total rp , last week realm points , how effective the weapon will be on that player, etc

and please gombur dont pretend to be so innocent.....
and answer straight for one time...

and u call me selfish ???

I call selfish people that win loot at dice and dont give them to the people that need them more! or deserve them more!



I'll talk to the rest of the guild about this Gombur, but I think the Griffon Knights would be happy to join in on your effort to help the realm of Albion with these frequent Dragon raids.


Yeah because people who run around emain farming rp need more loot than those who spend their time trying their hardest to defend our frontier, organising PvE events etc.


Originally posted by dareanen
fuck you enthusia. and u call me a twat? give me a break
yes..i do call you a twat..well done ..i'll give you a break when you learn to read/spell
your an illiterate cunt..enough said
and pazuzu wtf are you on about .. you think deserving items based on last week rp/total rp's? .. you nob.


I think this thing has gotten a bit out of hand.

Gombur has seen an idea from Excalibur, and thinks 'hey! we can do that too! great idea!'

He then goes to BW, and writes a sensible post, informing people, and telling him about the idea.

the next thing that happens, is that 'some people' who cant be arsed to really read the material, then think about it, then give the sensible reply Yes/No for whatever reasons (which is, by the way, completely irellevant).

I call selfish people that win loot at dice and dont give them to the people that need them more! or deserve them more!

Newsflash, Diaper-boy. EVERYONE who agrees to go on this trip, is asked initially, if they can live with the fact that loot is 100% lotto. IF you dont like it, DONT JOIN! But again, who am i to assume that you actually read the initial post. silly me...

bah... Jealousy... what an ugly, stupid and pointless thing.

Uncle Sick, by all means, flame him. he badly needs it.


I'm quite sure our little guild would happily join in, if we can muster enough high levels.


all loot must be given to the people that
deserve them

"deserve" = total rp , last week realm points , how effective the weapon will be on that player, etc >>>>>

because i have a RL and don't spend as much time as others in emain this means i don't deserve loot?
....agreeing with najwa on this :/

/cheer liste
release some of that built up aggression :D

Generic Poster

Gombur, don't give up now or I'll flame you :p

You would drop everything for the likes of Pazuzu!?
Don't be absurd.

You thought everyone would agree with you?
This is Albion, that would never happen here. But, the majority of people are willing to give this a go. That is what you needed, it's here, so don't run away now.

/plays national anthem :D

Originally posted by old.mattshanes
You could have a number picked from 1-8 for each guild,then roll dice game to determine which 4 guilds would be in each week involved in the best dragons drops loot.

Like if you had sotl,loe,pheonix legion and tds for first week.

Gop,doa,aov and aod for the next week.

But once the 2 weeks ended you go back to the first week,so the guilds selected for that week will be involved in the good items drops.

Then use the random dice number to determine drops maybe within these 4 guilds of that week for the 4 items or another way which you may think of,then every guild involved would be treated real fairly help make the realm better equipped for battle.

Matt, for once I agree with what you've been saying in this thread. Although that system to share the loot could cause problems.

There's no guarantee the dragon will die every week. It can't be said there will be an even number of guilds, who attend each and every hunt.

An easier way of distributing the loot could be to give each guild a number, let's say there are 7 guilds. You roll a dice on 7, and if you come up with 3, guild #3 gets the drop and leaves the lotto. Next you roll a dice on 6... etc.

If the number of items is greater then the number of guilds, you give away the first lot of items and start again.

If there are more guilds then items, the guilds who bring the most lv50's are in the draw.

Drops are given in the order that they fall.

If you want to distribute the loot randomly, I can't think of a fairer way. There's no way to exploit this system either and it treats everyone equally(unless you have too many guilds).


get yer number rolled, get loot, drop out, dont come back again :)


Generic, 2 things:

Matts system would ensure A: that the division of the 'phat lewts' got shared as equally as possible.
no. Gole wont neccesarily die every week. Easy. dont change the order of the guilds, unless he dies.

yes. that is the fair way, i think. except for the 'who brings most 50's part'. this raid club, as i see it, is supposed to be 100% equal for _any_ participant, no questions asked. therefore, you cant make a rule like that. if its random, let it be 100% random.

otherwise, i'd be willing to agree :)


Well it's the only fairest way really loot cant be shared unless we change it slightly but that's my view i am sure others wouldn't mind it.

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by old.ondor
all loot must be given to the people that
deserve them

"deserve" = total rp , last week realm points , how effective the weapon will be on that player, etc

and please gombur dont pretend to be so innocent.....
and answer straight for one time...

and u call me selfish ???

I call selfish people that win loot at dice and dont give them to the people that need them more! or deserve them more!


I took time to organise 5 dragonraids in total, on the first two raids were the dragon died I got no loot at all, nor did I complain about this. The first raid wasnt done for the sole purpose of getting good items, it was a challenge to take down a mob that had never been killed before. I distributed the items by myself. Giving items to the guilds that had the most attendends.
Sotl got a friar staff, loe got the fine steel long sword, t30 got the robe and ootkt got the ring.
Now you can complain all you want about this but its in the past now so it wont really help.

Then we did the second dragonraid, this raid was done for the purpose of items, some people had not seen the dragon getting killed before and got a nice experience out of this to.
I gave a fine steel long song to the Angels of darkness, cause they got all the drops = they did most damage to the dragon.
Loe got a friar staff and sotl got fsls and a friar staff since no other guilds had any high lvl rvr friar at the time.

Then we did the third dragon raid:
First attempt the dragon hadnt spawned yet due to server reset, we tried again the next with not nearly as many people attending
we got the dragon to 0% and he ae'd/ported and just wouldnt die. Ok so we made another attempt sunday with 155 so people, the dragon went down really fast.
I said in the cg with all the guildleaders if they were ok with me claiming FSLS for myself (notice that I actually asked if people were ok with it) people said yes so I kept it, since I am a slash minstrel and this is the best sword I will get atm.
A bow (heart of north) also dropped and I wanted to give this to arawn due to him being the highest rr scout atm, but people (including my guildleaders didnt agree on this)
Now I wanted to give out the drops to people judging by their realmrank and how much they did rvr.
But the other guildleaders didnt agree with this so we went ahead and did /random 100 to distribute the items (note loe didnt attend this, so it was kinda your own fault if you didnt get any items, so please dont complain about it)
All the drops were distrbuted to the guilds, ALL of them.

Now how dare you come here and call me selfish? If I was selfish I would have taken the sword for myself on the first raid and never done another dragonraid again, but did I do that?
If I was selfish I would have claimed the sword for myself on the second raid and never done another dragonraid again, but did I do that? Now I did 3'rd dragonraid and I thought to myself that it would be just slightly nice if I could also get a drop since I've taken the time to contact the invited guilds, to instruct people, to remind guild of the raids, is it really that selfish?
And then even after I have the sword I come here to suggest we do dragonraids often so the whole realm can get some good items, I even say that all loot will be lottoed to provide every attending guilds with items.
Now you may call me a selfish bastard if you like, I am only human. I make mistakes and I learn from them.
And if you seem to have such a huge problem with my raids and my item distribution I suggest you go organise your own raids and distribute the loot YOUR way.

Generic Poster

Originally posted by liste

Matts system would ensure A: that the division of the 'phat lewts' got shared as equally as possible.
no. Gole wont neccesarily die every week. Easy. dont change the order of the guilds, unless he dies.

There're just a couple of points which I thing may cause problems. The thread on Excalibur shows some guilds have problems with the 'Dragon Club' and not being allowed to join.

Personally, I wouldn't like to see the one on Prydwen become an elite club for selected guilds. In a sense, you would have that with the above system. Only the founding guilds would participate and expected to be there every week.

If in an extreme case, the dragon only died on alternating weeks, only the half of the guilds would ever get any loot. The other 4+ guilds would never see any drops and become bored rather quickly.

It's all speculation, but I hope you understand if this goes ahead, I hope it will be something which benefits the realm and everyone within. If it's a case of limiting the guilds and turning people away because they're not needed, I won't be as pleased.

Naturally that's my opinion, but I believe in fun for all ;)

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