Dragon raid club like on exc



If you had claimed the sword on first raid, Gombur, i would not call you selfish. I would call you selfless, if you didnt.

Difference: if you do claim it, my view would not be negative, whereas, my view would be possitive if you didnt. In such a big-scale raid, i think its only fair if the one taking the time to organize it (it is painfully apparent, that some people have never been in the loot-dividing chair) has the option of claiming, if he feels like it.

of course, if you claim the sword 1st, 2nd AND 3rd time, i'd start to look a little sceptical :p

Check your Inbox, Gombur :)


if anybody ever read the thread on midgard forums bout middies keeling teh dragon it said the blokey who organised it got the drop he wanted off the first raid..cos he'd organised it and everyone in that realm agree'd with him..gombur doesn't take itam off 1st nor 2nd but 3rd and then u have nerve to flame him? ...
i've an idea.. as said before..pazuzu if you dont like gombear's raids don't go on them fuckwit...
do you sign a contract if you dont agree whats in it?
do you go on a protest if you dont agree with the cause?
now go home! ph000L


First off all I wont waste my time replying to fools like Najwa. Their opinion is not significant for a reply (bigger than this).

Subsequent (at last a straight reply)
Gombur I accept that organizing a dragon raid is hard and distribution of the loot can be intricate.
I agree with the distribution at first and second successful raids (I never said I dint!).

At the 3rd raid many things gone wrong.

Heart of the north had gone to my guild although I accept that Arawn deserved it more.

The thruster for merc at dice???? I mean the friar staff has gone to the first friar of the server and the only high lvl (like u said).
Why the thruster didn’t go to the first merc of the server and the only thruster???
I really don’t know…

And for the sword… hmm claiming a sword because you organized dragon raid?
And why u dint claim it at first and second successful raids… I ask why u dint wait to claim it at the 5th and 6th dragon raid….u would organize if u want to help the realm so much…and u would “deserve” it.
And what ensures me that the next good item that will be needed by another character more will not be claimed or played at the dice?? It has been done already!

I wont come to raids with random rules I speak for my self not the guild.

good luck with the upcoming raid..


whats the problem then? we agree, dont we?

We go, we kill the lizard, we steal its treasure, divide it however we see fit, and go our seperate ways.

you stay home

the difficulties in reaching this conclusion, is.... well, compilcated at best :)


ROFLMAO YOU FUCKING HYPOCRIT.. stfu ...what your saying is your calling gombur a selfish git? BUT all your concerned is drops for "me me me"
And what ensures me that the next good item that will be needed by another character more will not be claimed or played at the dice?? It has been done already!
your fucking pathetic..whho the fuck do you think you are that requires enurance from Gombur that he will make sure you get itams off a raid he's organised?


Originally posted by Meatballs
Everything but the sword got given out randomly, and tbh gombur rightly deserved it.

Nope.. only 2 out of the 4 items were given out randomly...

But Griffon Knights will be up for it by the looks of it, but the one thing I have been told is only if it is fair.


Well at least i tried to come up with a fair way it's a shame it isn't so for some people:(


Matt.. it is a good idea, the only problem i see with it is if you get say 14 guilds turn up for the first hunt.. will the first 4 winners come along for the next few hunts knowing that they are not going to get a drop.

TBH i dont like the random command and feel any other ideas should be looked at and yes i know there are not many other alternatives :rolleyes:

So maybe lets give Matts idea a try. :)


Just an idea please dont Flame me ;

Damn good Idea Gombur.

Personally i dont like random systems as they are random, and it is possible that a Guild could get nothing while another got picked twice if you see what i mean.

Possibly make it so... you list Guilds taking part althabeically eg.

Guild A
Guild B
Guild C
Guild D
Guild E
Guild F
Guild G

Then the first time the dragon is slain split the loot droped in half, say 10 items are droped.. the top five no matter what they are go to Guild A, and the bottom half go to Guild B. and the second time the Dragon is slain split the loot in half again, but top half goes to Guild C and bottom half goes to Guild D, following this process in order and repeating once needed. if the is an uneven amount of items droped then the Organiser (Gombur could keep or distribute the item how he sees fit) note-the odd item should be maybe the last item in the dropped list.

i think that all Guilds in the Club should be listed not just those attending the exact Hunt, of course as long as the Guild does participate in the Hunts(and not try to leach items by not bothering to attend at all). This way all Guilds in the Club will be able to attend each hunt, so there should always be enough people/groups to see the Dragon most likely slain each week etc.

I think that this way, all Guilds in the Club will get something from the Dragon being slain, any kind of "elitism" is being removed and all treated fairly as long as they contribute fairly.

I also will speak to Dark Wombles GM about joining, although i'm only a lowly member so cant say anything more on that matter.

Like i said this is only an idea, which i personally think is a sound a fair idea, it might need some kinks ironing out, but i good base to work on.

So please dont go Flaming me if you dont like the idea, maybe add an idea of you own, or point out what you think is wrong with my idea.

Gombur if you require any help organising this Club, let me know, ill be happy to help if i can.



Gonna check with Templars, but I think we could muster a group or two for that Dragn killing thing. Besides I've never been to a successful Dragon Raid before so I'd like to see one that works at least once.

Generic Poster

Originally posted by old.ondor
I ask why u dint wait to claim it at the 5th and 6th dragon raid….u would organize if u want to help the realm so much…and u would “deserve” it.

Even if he waited till the 10th dragon raid to claim it, you would still come in here and moan like a bitch.

Mattshanes, I wasn't flaming your idea or anything as absurd. Just pointing out that most people lack patience and if they don't see drops soon, they will get annoyed rather quickly. Then you would have 101 Pazuzus coming in here shouting: "why that gild dint get dropz.. my gild there no drop... why not wait till 7th raid till drop we no get drps..."

Or something along those lines ;)


No,point is in my idea as soon as a guild gets a drop that's involved in the 4 best drops for that week they can't take part in the normal drops as they are promised a real good one the remaining guilds get the normal drops for that week but next will probably be promised a good drop.


Originally posted by Gimly

Nope.. only 2 out of the 4 items were given out randomly...

But Griffon Knights will be up for it by the looks of it, but the one thing I have been told is only if it is fair.

In the end all but the FSLS were given out randomly.


Originally posted by old.ondor

The thruster for merc at dice????

The thruster is also the best sword for all thrust classes not just mercs btw, although they are still the only class that can use all the attributes.


would it be possible to have a system where one item goes to the organiser, and the rest randomly handed to a guilded member of the guilds attended... but if a guild already has an item then it gets passed to another random guild. So effectly the more people the guild brings to the raid the more likey they are to win an item but the smaller guilds don't get wiped out of the equation.

maybe this has been mentioned before but as far as i see it this is the best way.

Academy Lord

Originally posted by Meatballs

The thruster is also the best sword for all thrust classes not just mercs btw, although they are still the only class that can use all the attributes.

Well my friend,i cannot say that this thruster sword has been droped so many times so that other class than a thruster mercenary could have it.It is one of the most rare items that the dragon drops(check also american forums)so it has to go to a player that has the most benefit of the 35% bonus it gives,which is definetly a thrust mercenary.

So,by giving this sword to a minstrell you drop the bonus to 25%
since minstrells can't parry and they don't have Dual Wield.My personall opinion is that this sword should be given to a person that can benefit all the bonus it gives.


Originally posted by Academy Lord

Well my friend,i cannot say that this thruster sword has been droped so many times so that other class than a thruster mercenary could have it.It is one of the most rare items that the dragon drops(check also american forums)so it has to go to a player that has the most benefit of the 35% bonus it gives,which is definetly a thrust mercenary.

So,by giving this sword to a minstrell you drop the bonus to 25%
since minstrells can't parry and they don't have Dual Wield.My personall opinion is that this sword should be given to a person that can benefit all the bonus it gives.

16.5 dps.. how many rr5 mercs does alb have?.

Academy Lord

Originally posted by Lochlyessa

16.5 dps.. how many rr5 mercs does alb have?.

Rank Name Realm Points Last week Level Guild Race
1 Sousi TheOneManArmy 654,083 211,181 50 The 30 Saracen
2 Veralith 559,510 34,212 50 Servants of the Lake Highlander

Hmmmm....that saracen Sousi is he a thruster?


Indeed he is, should've checked really before making comments like mine :eek: But anyway, 1 merc in the whole of albion can use it to full effect.. god knows how many minsts/infils can(almost) :/

Academy Lord

Anyway,this sword is too rare and should have been given away with the proper criteria.

Generic Poster

As has been said before, why don't you organise a dragon-raid or two, and you can give away the loot to those you think deserve it.


i'll join the raid.

Originally posted by Lochlyessa
Indeed he is, should've checked really before making comments like mine :eek: But anyway, 1 merc in the whole of albion can use it to full effect.. god knows how many minsts/infils can(almost) :/

Sousi managed to gether these rps in lees than a month. Well thats what i call effective.

And someone else here in this thread said that the Dragon drops are not ment to be only for people that using them in RvR. I suppose then we can give em to pleyers that spent most of their time chating or PvE so they can have some realy cool screenes with such rare items.

And Gombur I want to congratulate you for having the gutts to put your self in that mess for the favour of Albion. Dragon drops increase the power of our realm and this is a noble cause. Do not pull back on this raid events. And we all my friends we have to ask our selfs a question. Do we want powerfull items among us even if is not our hand that carrying one, or we don't want them at all.

As for the items we get from them I have to admit that loto dragon drops is not the most proper way, not even the "lets give it to a good guy" is the proper way also. These items must be disrtibute beyond any Guild or personal fame. For us we all know guild are not for ever. The strong guild becomes weak and the weak becomes powerfull. For me the only thing the shows who can have a drop is attendance to RvR. In an other words RPs and last week RPs, else the item will be uneffective.

p.s Please all relax , spellcrafting is here soon so....


Originally posted by Lochlyessa

16.5 dps.. how many rr5 mercs does alb have?.

I will be be aiming for rr5 by the weekend,50k in one day i know i can do it.:D


Seems to be some missunderstanding in the thread...

Useing a Dragon/Legion drop to it's full effect:
1. You are affected by all stats and got use of it (ei. Dex/Con/Int for casters )
2. You are lvl50
3. You are Realm Rank 5 or more

thats the order I would look in if I were to distrubute dragon/legion loot.


True,i remember when i was crush and i had a df lord hammer/mace a person claimed an armsman had more use for it when it had dw 3 on it:eek:


Originally posted by old.Atrox

1. You are affected by all stats and got use of it (ei. Dex/Con/Int for casters )
2. You are lvl50
3. You are Realm Rank 5 or more

Agree 100%.

old.Gombur Glodson

2 guilds have shown interest so far, and I am still willing to do this.
It would be a chance for Albion to learn how to work together and maybe even have a fun time.
How the lotto system would work I havent granted much thought due to the lack of interest. But drops will be lottoed. I could give out drops to the people who

1. You are affected by all stats and got use of it (ei. Dex/Con/Int for casters )
2. You are lvl50
3. You are Realm Rank 5 or more

But then most drops would go to sotl, loe and t30. I doubt the other guilds would be happy about this.

Im still keeping the option open, its up to you.

[edit] we also need to work better together as a realm, lotto would but the end to all the hatred that comes along with only certain guilds getting items, even though this means that some non rr5 person will get a drop.


I think this is a great idea, and i hope lots of guilds want to join up on this. For you people that are flaming Gombur, please organise your own raid and see if you can make it better. I know for sure i couldn't.

I once tried to organice a relicraid in when there were 70 albs in emain and all i can say is... never again, i don't have the patience for it, nor enough people willing to follow my lead.

Lootdividing will ALWAYS make some people unhappy, it's impossible to please everyone. Especially with the attitude i see from some albs.. You go on a dragon raid and expect to get items? I, myself, go on a dragon raid and are happy if the dragon goes down then i can always hope for luck in lotto or whatever, but i could never expect to get an item when there are 150 people attending.

And that talk about mercenary should always get the thrusting sword before any other class is just wicked. It's the best sword for any thrustingclass, period. Is really 2% more parrying and 2% (?) more hits with offhandweapon that important? Even if those little bonuses are nice it's not like they are winning any fights for you, what's important is that it's 100% 16.5 weapon with a really nice dotproc, which any thrustmerc/inf/armsman/minstrel/paladin would love.

Anyways, back to subject :p It's a great idea and i hope lots of guild want to join up


i can't see why everyone demands something from raids. When you go raid Hibs and Mids and take keeps, it is fun, you don't do it for a sword or a bow or whatever. Now go raid the dragon. it is fun, take it down, win, huzzah, we are all happy and laugh at all the people who got wiped out as soon as they got anywhere near old Gole. The drops are a bonus, the fun is in the taking down.

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