Fucking granny state nonsense, soon we won't be able to fart in the bath
You sir are a twat.Hey, it's not my idea.
People who smoke are stupid, sometimes stupid people just need saving from themselves
Smoking in a car is second nature, much like using the indicators, changing the gears or pressing down on the brake. What they should ban is fucking lorry drivers reading maps whilst driving. Christ, what a load of bollox. People who smoke are into a habit which they can do without even realising it. When you are driving along and change gear you don't think, you just do. Same as lifting the ciggy to your mouth and taking a puff. When finished, you either drop it in the ashtray or wind the window down (ouch too much distraction for those without electric windows!!!) and chuck it out.
I smoke in the car but only when I am on my own. Anyone else in the car who is a non-smoker then I do not light up. Simple. Next it will be illegal to scratch your bollox whilst driving.
Actually you didn't like my post so please stop lying. Thanks.Liked and all that.
Some people are too anally 10-2, eyes on road at all times, no music, no talking, no breathing! focus focus drivers to be honest.
Actually you didn't like my post so please stop lying. Thanks.
You sir are a twat.
When finished, you either drop it in the ashtray or wind the window down (ouch too much distraction for those without electric windows!!!) and chuck it out.
I pretty seriously doubt "people inhale far more Carbon Monoxide and far greater amounts of other harmful chemicals just walking down the fucking street".
Really, so what exactly is it you think you're breathing in when you walk down the street? Think about it next time you're in town doing some shopping. Look at the exhaust of every car, bike, bus and truck and then tell me how smoking in the car, or even smoking in general is worse than the combined output of that.
Funny reading stuff about this as alot of it is:
Smokers: Fuck off, I do what I want.
Non-smokers: Haha, too right! Make the bastards suffer!
Really, so what exactly is it you think you're breathing in when you walk down the street? Think about it next time you're in town doing some shopping. Look at the exhaust of every car, bike, bus and truck and then tell me how smoking in the car, or even smoking in general is worse than the combined output of that.
Could also say it like this;
Smokers: f*ck off, my life!, However I'll just share this poison with you.....
Yeah you could fix it like that, if you're one of those anti-smokers who go WAY overboard with just how poison it is.
You probably think that one puff of smoke in the street, from 100 yards away, is going to be the cause of your death
Oh, i don't blame you though, you live in a nanny state and it HAS altered a lot of folk around here into paranoid, over-protective carebears.
The fact I can inhale your shit from 100 yards away kinda tells me there is something wrong with it.
I'd like to see some "facts" about how you can get any damaging effect from 100 yards away
In same car? Apartment? Enclosed place like a bar? Sure. But if you're one of those people who scowls at people who smoke WELL away from other people, f*ck off implied.
Yeah you could fix it like that, if you're one of those anti-smokers who go WAY overboard with just how poison it is.
You probably think that one puff of smoke in the street, from 100 yards away, is going to be the cause of your death
Oh, i don't blame you though, you live in a nanny state and it HAS altered a lot of folk around here into paranoid, over-protective carebears.
OH NO you really want me to fuck off, whatever will I do. I scowl at people who have issues reading no smoking signs, as I said previously smoke all you want, stick some up your arse for extra measure if you choose. As long as i'm not smelling the foul stench I couldn't give a flying fuck.