Do you play girls or guys?



lol, what a nice thread so full of sexual discimination :)

I have created a my chars female, in every game I have played for as long as I can remember. And I like it ;)

Tell me now, who gives anybody the right to judge ppl sexual preferations? Playing a female when you are male doesn't nessesarily mean that you are gay/unsure of your sexuality/geeky in any way. In LMCTF most people both men and women preferred to play with the female skins for the simple reason that the male skins were damned ugly and sounded weird :D

Well, I am going back to being happy and not caring about peoples sexual preferences, be it in game or IRL.
Have fun :)

Btw. I am female IRL too, but does it matter?


Originally posted by Nala Lionne
However I also have had some abuse that I would not have had if I were playing a male character.

Then again, that happens the other way around aswell. :rolleyes: Won't mention names here. :p


female male chars???

Well ok
I am a male in RL and I have two main chars one is a male cleric the other is a female minstrel. Why! They fitted to the characters I had in mind when in was creating them. Am I gay well you could ask my wife that and I think from last night :D the answer is NO :D

The way we choose the characters in these games does not reflect our sexual preferences.

When I came to create my minstrel "Charcy" me and my wife created her together why female well one it fits the name my wife chose :D, and two because there were loads of male minstrels running about at the time...

It is just a matter of choice like a flip of a coin tall or short well this week I will be a tall male next week flip short troll (if there is such a thing)....


I'm a blokie in RL

I have a male Main, a male alt (scout) and a female alt (wizard)

The biggest laugh I had was when a sad loser tried to initiate a cyber-sex chat with me, I said "I'm a bloke" and he sent a load of abuse ending with "Are you gay?"

How I and the wife laughed...

The only thing I have noticed playing as a female char, is people are a LOT more polite and I constantly get asked for groups.


The only people who should be shot, are the ones who play as femal chars, say they are female in RL, but are actually male, that, to me, is incredibly sad...



It really shouldn't be an issue what they are IRL...

(of course if you're trying to get some cyber with them you tend to care about those things ;))

*hides from wibbler1*


Aight, my main is a female, but Im a bloke irl.

When I was creating my char, the mental image of a bard in my mind was more female than male, so I created a female. I don't have a prob with gender-blending, but some peeps seem to have, so Ive decided to play my char a bit gender-less, generally nice char. I'm not "afraid" what peeps might think of me playing a female, but I rather don't want ppl feel uncomfortable because of me. I tell Im I really a male if asked, but don't run around shouting it.

I've been called queer because I don't see it weird male chars making a move on me, I've also made many peeps laugh when they've seen my male alt and found out I'm a cross-dresser.

Just for the record, I got 2 kids+a wife. I don't think I'm one of those who go both ways, but even if I found out I am, it wouldn't bother me.

I've worked in a strip-tease club as a DJ, I got a few VERY kinky friends, but I only find it fun to discuss things with them and majority of homosexuals are NOT twisted and sick, but generally much nicer peeps than us "normals". So, I can tell all you lil homofobics out there, this is one pretty harmless way of gender-blending. If you see a female char out there, why you're so intrested if she's actually a he irl, just act as your male char just met a female char in an imaginary world. Makes it a lot easier for you and those who like to play a female, whatever the reasons behind that are.

- Pathfinder -

True entertainment comes from spreading out that a female char is played by a female, and then watch them go wild when the males start chasing them :p

For the people who regards choosing a female char as a lack of security in your sexual identity; uh oh, does that mean that all those people playing trolls (or worse, LURIKEENS! :p) are unsure of their humanity? Cool, now I can TRULY denounce those half breeds :D



All my Alb characters are female, because I think the male toons look freaky (the saracen one is the best of a bad bunch -- now, male TROLLS look great! We need more of those...)

And whenever people ask me if I'm female iRL, I always tell them I am male, purely on principle. They should know it's rude to ask!


44 Minstrel
Order of the Knights Templar


Thank you Linnet, now I know I look freaky. <sob>


People who play trolls are compensating for something ;)


I'm a girl

I'm a girl and I've always played female characters. Dunno why to be honest, maybe because it's so much less hassle being able to instantly do something without having to think: how would a bloke do this?

Personally, as a girlie, spotting the females played by blokes is usually quite simple, very few women gamers I know use shortcut phrases like m8, the letter u instead of you, (although we do use lol and rofl - bizarre yes I know), and all the other really irritating massacres of the English language.

Also most women when they swear tend not to use words like c**t or t**t and don't bitch like crazy if they die ;)


Cadiva, I wonder if that's just because less of the l33t brigade are female....

(as for not bitching when you die... my girlfriend sure gets pissed off when she dies ;))


Originally posted by Fingoniel
Cadiva, I wonder if that's just because less of the l33t brigade are female....
(as for not bitching when you die... my girlfriend sure gets pissed off when she dies ;))

Ahhh you miss my point, though I possibly expressed it badly. I don't mean we don't swear and curse like crazy, what I mean is we don't type swear words into the game engine to reproduce them in game ;)

I definitely get pissed off when I die, I just don't type it in game - unless I'm ganked or one-shotted by some hidden l33t archer type in Yggdra.

And yes, I think you are quite right, the l33t speaking people I reckon are most likely male, aged between 14 and possibly 20/21 and thing the best thing in the world is to be uber.


Originally posted by Ayloria
And btw, thanks to SFXman, Delket
and all you others for helping me trough that long hard wait for Prydwen to reopen with all those fun threads :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Re: I'm a girl

Originally posted by cadiva
I'm a girl and I've always played female characters. Dunno why to be honest, maybe because it's so much less hassle being able to instantly do something without having to think: how would a bloke do this?

Personally, as a girlie, spotting the females played by blokes is usually quite simple, very few women gamers I know use shortcut phrases like m8, the letter u instead of you, (although we do use lol and rofl - bizarre yes I know), and all the other really irritating massacres of the English language.

Also most women when they swear tend not to use words like c**t or t**t and don't bitch like crazy if they die ;)

Which proves my theory that d%dism must be directly linked to a testosterone dysfunction...

Possible Solution? Put 1337 talkers on the pill for a while...
As a positive side effect- it would be easier to spot them.
Growing breasts and such... muahaha.. icky..
Heck, SFX... halfway to your hermaphrodite phantasies! ;)




I'm a female player, and all my characters are female. It just never occurred to me to make a male character. My main is a bard, which is a support class. That matches my personality too, in that I like helping people, and don't feel the need to be "tough" and run around killing everything in sight (although I did enjoy killing a couple of grey Mids a couple of months ago).

I think most female players will agree that we can mostly tell what gender a player is .. must be that "female intuition". And Cadiva is right .. we don't ever use those two swear words (personally I hate them), and we tend to type more complete words.

I didn't create female characters in the hope that I would be given items or cash, although I do know one guy who has female characters, and unabashedly took his leggings off to flash his thighs at WD .. and guys fell for it, and gave him/her a fair amount of cash! I wonder if he chose the last name "Thighflasher"?:p

Nala Lionne

/em flashes her cyber legs

It was my boyfriends idea, and it tends to start conversation and break some virtual ice. I didn't ever get items or money, perhaps I'm just ugly :m00:


Does this mean you don't plan on quitting anymore, Nala? :p


As much as I hate to lengthen a thread thats already gone on way to long, I can't help it.

Theres nothing wrong with male players have female characters, personally its not for me, im male and so are all the characters I have created thus far. However thats simply because I liked to represent an ideal form of myself in game, rather then roleplay. Yet alot of my mates in game have female alts and I don't think twice about it, even if they are roleplaying, its just a bit of harmless fun. As it happens I tend to find myself grouping with alot of people who I know are female in real life (must be my charm heh) and they all have female characters only.

The only thing I find a bit off putting is guys who roleplay female characters AND try to make out that they are female in real life too when they are not. Roleplay if you wish but be honest about it.

As someone mentioned above its usually quite easy as well to tell the true females from the males in game regardless of character, or it is if you've been using the net long enough to spot the signs.



Well just for the record... I have 6 chars and 2 are female.

old.Faye Arwen

Originally posted by old.Eleasias
If you play a different sex char than you are irl, you are somehow sick and should shoot yourself, kthxbye ~~

get a life, kthxbye


Hmmm funny topic.
My main is a male (thane), it just feels right having a male throwing lighting and bashing things with a big hammer.My skald though is a fem. Why? Just think a troll singing? A norse singing?'
A woman voice is always nicer than a male one. Started a celt bard in pryd...fem of course(see the singing stuff above, firb singing eek). Played there 2 days was 6 lvl and 2 high lvl guys started hitting on me .:rolleyes:
My fem ranger was actualy based on a R.A.Salvatore (the guy who wrote Drizzt) book (Cleric Quintet - Shayleigh).
Now i play in alb pryd and some people refer to me as honey or just hun :m00:
Funny things now...
A friend of mine who was playing an ugly troll warrior decided to roll a hunter so he chose a fem norse. Well at the first day he played he was 7 lvl with 40g from friendly ppl giving him money...
Another fact: I was going with a friend to vanern to xp. I was leading and he was supposed to /stick. Then we saw a norse fem passing by... After a while he tells me that he lost me. I naturally ask /stick bug? No he said i followed the fem...:rolleyes:

Um cadiva i dont use those "u", "m8" or swear and generaly dont get upset when i die... though i spam lol and rofl a lot.... hmmm.
And last you have to admit norse fem look way cool, possibly the most beatiful race... though a nice brit fem isnt that bad (especially if they can fend my ass ;) )
Umm that it now cow spam :clap:
:m00: :m00: :m00: :m00:

[Edit - Stupid mistakes see the hour i typed this...]


Originally posted by old.Faye Arwen
get a life, kthxbye
hehe... hehe.... 1,000,000+ RP he has now? He had like 800,000+ a few weeks ago :)

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