Do you play girls or guys?



Let's face the truth: Every male video gaming person likes to see a well rounded behind dangling on his screen in third person view. The role players among us justify this with some bizarre in-character reason, but to be honest we are all nerdy computer geeks happy to see something female up close.

Now I am wondering if this idea is correct. Many male players seem to play female characters, or at least have alts that are girls. My main character is a big strong highlander, the alt I play the most is a female scout. What would interest me is this: Do girls play guys? Most of the girls I know (and can be relatively sure that they are girls/women in RL too) seem to prefer being true to themselves and playing a girl in the game too. Or am I wrong here and women like to pretend being a big strong male as much as the guys like to be a cool amazon in chain-bra and leather panties?


If you play a different sex char than you are irl, you are somehow sick and should shoot yourself, kthxbye ~~


I play female characters exclusively - but then I'm a girl irl ;)

I was considering whether there shold be some differences betwen genders in DaoC (you know females being more intelligent, and male chars randomly getting lost because they refuse to ask directions :p )


There have been a couple of academic studies of this (among other interesting psychological aspects of MUD and MMORPG players). Nicolas Yee found that in a survey he did of Everquest players:
Of 293 male responses,
165 have female characters (56%)
Of 56 female responses,
19 have male characters (33%)

Of 56 female responses,
4 had more than one male character (7%)
Of a sample of 56 male responses,
7 had more than one female character (13%)
His research is online here:


I like to have my alt's names similar to my main's, and Corena was the first name that popped in mind. And somehow it sounded more female than male. :p Got nothing to do with wiggling behinds or anything, although I must admit she does looks damn cute. ;)


Originally posted by Javai
I was considering whether there shold be some differences betwen genders in DaoC (you know females being more intelligent, and male chars randomly getting lost because they refuse to ask directions :p )

Shocking. :eek: Maybe the men you associate with are just dumb?


Originally posted by old.Hendrick
...but to be honest we are all nerdy computer geeks happy to see something female up close...

Why do you think Tomb Raider was so popular? ;)

*Oh and ALL my chars (thats 8!) are all male*


Originally posted by Javai
I play female characters exclusively - but then I'm a girl irl ;)

I was considering whether there shold be some differences betwen genders in DaoC (you know females being more intelligent, and male chars randomly getting lost because they refuse to ask directions :p )
Well females aint no more intelligent and on the contrary we don't need to ask for directions because usually we know the way or get it quite right... women have the worst sense of direction ever is all I can say.

old.The McScrooges

Originally posted by old.Eleasias
If you play a different sex char than you are irl, you are somehow sick and should shoot yourself, kthxbye ~~

Haha. My main is the tallest male highlander toon.

I picked the shortest female highlander toon for my alt, because I'm confident of my sexuality and not repressed.

Oh and I wanted the smallest character for highland scout in the vague hope it would cut down on people spotting me...

And I don't find the character sexy, she runs like she's got a log in her pants.


Well all my chars are male except for my scouts Bulls Eye who is the smallest size saracen... oh yeah and my smallest size female lurikeen on excal (hilarious).
I like my merc because he is the smallest size briton, just sorta funnyishly short compared to a highlander for example (Cannabis my 2h pala is tallest Highlander)...


Most of my characters are male. The only one that isn't is Itsybitsy who is a small female Luri. The reason I chose a female Luri was that they are even smaller than the males and I wanted the smallest character in the hope that she would be even harder to spot RvR.

One thing I have found is that other people treat you better if you are playing a female character - or is that just me ;)


I guess it is so occasionally. One thing that is distrubing is that my cousin plays a scout aswell... around the same level as me (we started and played together in the beginning) and his name is Cold Eye... male char. Me Bulls Eye... female char... ugh


the gender choice boils down to one question:

do you want to be taken seriously?


All 5 of my characters are female and all of them small except my theurg, who deserves magestic height :)

And yes I am a real life female, never once felt the urge to make a male character. It...just seems...wrong! :p I couldn't do it :D

But saying that my mother-in-law plays a male cleric so go figure..:m00:


lol :)
mother-in-law plays a male cleric and I always thought you were older than the average player so wonder what that makes your mother-in-law.


Those who think that someone who plays a female char if they are IRL male are stupid or whatever..just don't get the concept of ROLE play.

Those who think that they can't be taken seriously if they play a female if they are male IRL are taking things TOO serisouly.

My cha cha cha and two cents.


The whole concept of role play is to be something you are not but wish you where in the situation you are put in.

You figure it out...........


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Those who think that someone who plays a female char if they are IRL male are stupid or whatever..just don't get the concept of ROLE play.

Those who think that they can't be taken seriously if they play a female if they are male IRL are taking things TOO serisouly.

My cha cha cha and two cents.
Spot on.

Cerebus... lol... so you are trying to say that guys who play female chars wish to be women? Sigh. :)

Brannor McThife

For all those guys playing female chars. Go play a troll or firbolg female. Then tell me it's JUST about roleplaying... :rolleyes:



But, troll and firbolgs females are just as ugly, barely notice the difference :)


Originally posted by SFXman

Well females aint no more intelligent and on the contrary we don't need to ask for directions because usually we know the way or get it quite right... women have the worst sense of direction ever is all I can say.

Then you ain't met my partner or any of his family who have the wrost sense of direction I have ever found :p


Hehe... maybe it just my family... the males in it. Never get lost really. Like for example my friends girlfriend lives 13km away and I was just told the name of the place where she lives so I cycle there and found it the first attempt, just got to keep track of how you have been driving/cycling/walking/running/snowboarding/etc. :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Now isn't this interesting?

Male players: "Oh, I have female alts... they ain't sexy and anyways- I am confident in my sexuality blabla.."

Female players: "I don't feel the need to."

I always had a good laugh at my p&p buddies who rolled "beautiful charisma 18" female bards with "long, red hair etc. etc." ... of course: "just for fun".
Character descriptions easily filled a page...
retarded, isn't it?;)

Hendrick is right... nerdy geeks have female alts.
If you claim that it's "roleplay" (muahaha), yer one lousy, little, fibbing sexually oppressed git:)
See the other thread on Prydwen general... what was it again?
"Who is the best weally, weally good looking char in DAoC"
I shall repeat myself: GOA- ship the game with lotion and hankies;)

.. but to be honest.. I am tickled to roll a female troll.
Just to bad there are no real rp-ing servers... I would have a ball:)

Yours supreme superior,

Troll aka Fashion Crime

Bite me :flame:


Ok, I agree on the best looking race thread although I said plate wearing armswomen look good with which I meant classy. Then again my RL woman beats the hell out of every one you could find in a game... that's another matter though.
Playing a female alt is not much a of a big deal, just that a female scout sounds like a good idea, women being more "clean" in a sense that they won't go beating an enemy down with a big axe or sword :)


Originally posted by SFXman

Playing a female alt is not much a of a big deal, just that a female scout sounds like a good idea, women being more "clean" in a sense that they won't go beating an enemy down with a big axe or sword :)

You wanna tell that to my Paladin ;)

Well actually to be fair she'd bash you with her shield first, then beat you down with a big sword


Well, all my characters are male with the exception of a female elven eldritch (blue hair - so cute!). I don't have anything against playing female characters in general, but I always feel sorry for the poor guys that gives me things for free, thinking that I'm a real woman ;)



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