Disney buys LucasFilm and...


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
To be honest, I think that this is a great move by Disney and there are a lot of people who are really focused on the movies but you have to remember that a large percentage of Disney's fan-base wasn't even born when A New Hope was released (including me!) and that for a growing number of people Jar Jar Binks and Boss Naas and Crystal Meth Yoda *are* Star Wars. You certainly have to admit that the new, more cartoon-like characters are going to appeal more to the average Hannah Montana or SpongeBob fan than Boba Fett would. I think the bigger picture here will be more promotional tie-ins, Lego, Disneyland rides, kids cartoons, action figures and (hopefully) computer games. I expect the films to be done in a fairly sympathetic way and aimed at the PG-13 market but they're never going to recreate the feeling of the originals.

I see some of the arguments a bit like the arguments against gay marriage with the people against it proclaiming that it will "destroy the institution of marriage"...somehow. Now Lucas has a bad habit of "improving" his films and then making it next to impossible to obtain the original, "inferior" versions but in a general sense you can go out, today, and buy Episodes 4-6 in the format of your choice and they are basically unchanged from the originals. Episodes 1-3 didn't in any way affect that and you don't have to watch them and the same will be true of Episodes 7-329. Get over it :)

To sum up...I believe Disney are buying the rights to the Star Wars "brand" and, while they will continue to milk the movie franchise until it walks like John Wayne after a night of cheap whisky and poor judgement, they will be looking to make a lot more from the IP through other channels.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Star Wars was always meant to cater to kids anyway, and kids loved phantom menace.

Can't remember how exactly it went but if you were under 10 when you saw star wars for the first time, you loved ewoks.

Like with everything disney, it depends on who writes/directs/fluffles part 7, not on who pays the bills.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
I'm really looking forward to new Star Wars films, I've always wanted 7-9 to get made and I'm glad Lucas has handed them on to someone else to get made.

I think it's probably a good thing, George Lucas was a shitty director. He only directed a new hope, thankfully.
He produced and wrote for indy, but Spielberg directed them all.

tldr, lucas was a shitty shitty director, great writer.

Disney will probably do a better job.

Approximately this.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
To be honest, when did you last watch the original Tron ? I watched it recently and were it not for the old school nostalgia geekfest, and were I not a closet uber-geek, it is a massive pile of quite dull gash.

I definitely prefer the new movie, which I really enjoyed and I'd like to see more of that. I agree about the "things that were cool about the original weren't anywhere to be seen" - I would like to see some of these :) Unfortunately I don't the mass retards will get it. :( I really hope Jeff Bridges returns though :(

Both Tron films are dull. Disney often have a habit of sucking drama out of even the most exciting premise.

Although not watched any more episodes, the first ep of Tron Uprising on the other hand was great fun.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Can't remember how exactly it went but if you were under 10 when you saw star wars for the first time, you loved ewoks

Summer, 1983?

I was 9. I thought the ewoks were gay* - too fucking cuddly and cute. I wanted Dark Star Wars :)

*Though I didn't know the term back then.



Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Although not watched any more episodes, the first ep of Tron Uprising on the other hand was great fun.

Still watching. It's a bit shit, but watchable.

It's more Tron than Tron Legacy tho - because Bruce Boxleitner's in it :)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You wish is my command.

Sheesh. The lies they sell kids nowadays.

What would actually have happened was the uber-pony would have been beaten up by all the ordinary ponies for being different and gifted - making them feel inferior. It would have been traumatised by the experience and burned it's own wings off in an effort to "fit in" with the other ponies - who would shun it and laugh at it anyway to make themselves feel less ordinary and plain.

Ponies are little shits.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I still haven't seen Ep III.

Ep I was shit but had a couple of good points (race scene, Darth Maul).

Ep II had *nothing* good in it at all. Utterly terrible, boring and naff from start to finish.

Someone give me a reason to see III.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Someone give me a reason to see III.

There is child death.

You don't get to see it. It's weird (and shit) - anakin goes from a little bit tortured to worlds worst-ever bad in, like, 3 seconds. But kids definitely die.


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
Yes. You don't *see* it, but it is heavily implied that he slaughters all the kids in the Jedi Academy.
Kids in a class walk up to Anakin, Anakin turns on sabre, later on it's mentioned that all the younglings are dead.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
He looks like a Glee version of a bad guy. Utterly shit film. All three of them would have been straight to dvd if it wasn't for the star wars (over) hype


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
According to the latest news episode 7 will continue the story of Luke, Leia and Han just after episode 6...
Big budget, lots of movies to come, the actors will be lining up for the main chars...


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Someone give me a reason to see III.

An awesome opening space battle with some good comedy. General Grievous and Obi Wan fighting. The Emperor coming out of the shadows.

Just treat it as visual candy, it's all very impressive but only loosely tied together by any kind of plot.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
An awesome opening space battle with some good comedy. General Grievous and Obi Wan fighting. The Emperor coming out of the shadows.

Just treat it as visual candy, it's all very impressive but only loosely tied together by any kind of plot.

Exactly, as a popcorn movie it is very entertaining. Is it great storytelling? No. Very watchable action flick? Defo.


Part of the furniture
Sep 14, 2011
Just treat it as visual candy, it's all very impressive but only loosely tied together by any kind of plot.

To be honest, because everything else was such a let down, I didn't think the visuals in any of the three movies were all that good - it all looked too fake, forced and empty.

The originals had cruddy visuals by today's standards, but they're still fucking awesome. Hollywood doesn't seem to get that.


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
Star Wars was always meant to cater to kids anyway, and kids loved phantom menace.

Can't remember how exactly it went but if you were under 10 when you saw star wars for the first time, you loved ewoks.

Like with everything disney, it depends on who writes/directs/fluffles part 7, not on who pays the bills.

I was just the right age when phantom menace came out and I loved that shit. I didn't realise until like 5 years later that everyone hated jarjar.


Dec 26, 2003
Neutral (no worse than Lucas did with it) 50%

Better 50%


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I'm not entirely sure why people have such a gripe against the films to be Frank Sinatra, it's like people jumped on a band wagon they have no idea about, like when the first film came out there was a hxc fan-club for it, and then everyone just seemed to jump on the band wagon, and slag everything that came out. I mean, Episode 1 wasn't god-damn awful, I liked it how they added characters for humour etc, as someone said before, I never realised Ja-Ja was met with such a bad reception.

I suppose some people read the stuff behind Star Wars, and were disappointed that it wasn't what they imagined, but I also think some people just moan for the sake of moaning, when you see a series of films, you know they're not all going to be perfect, so why expect it?

Let's face it, it's the 'unknown' films that have the highest scores because they come with shock of how good it is, and you don't know what's going to happen etc!


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
I'm not entirely sure why people have such a gripe against the films to be Frank Sinatra, it's like people jumped on a band wagon they have no idea about, like when the first film came out there was a hxc fan-club for it, and then everyone just seemed to jump on the band wagon, and slag everything that came out. I mean, Episode 1 wasn't god-damn awful, I liked it how they added characters for humour etc, as someone said before, I never realised Ja-Ja was met with such a bad reception.

I suppose some people read the stuff behind Star Wars, and were disappointed that it wasn't what they imagined, but I also think some people just moan for the sake of moaning, when you see a series of films, you know they're not all going to be perfect, so why expect it?

Let's face it, it's the 'unknown' films that have the highest scores because they come with shock of how good it is, and you don't know what's going to happen etc!

I think it's more the complete change of tone from the originals...it's almost like bringing out some Harry Potter sequels where he's a crackhead or vigilante killer or something. Many of the fans were already unhappy with the changes to the original films which added more cartoony elements and changed things which just didn't need changing. By themselves Episodes 1-3 weren't that bad (Midichlorians? Yeesh!) but seen as part of the whole, they have to be classed as a let-down for the fans who'd already seen their childhood molested by Lucas on more than one occasion.


Part of the furniture
Sep 14, 2011
I was just the right age when phantom menace came out and I loved that shit. I didn't realise until like 5 years later that everyone hated jarjar.

Next you guys are going to be telling me you liked the new Indiana Jones movie.

Yay lets go swinging on vines through the forest with the monkeys ! What fun !


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Next you guys are going to be telling me you liked the new Indiana Jones movie.

Yay lets go swinging on vines through the forest with the monkeys ! What fun !

Well it wasn't as good as the originals, but it was still an indiana jones movie. Hell, i'd rather watch crystal skull then temple of doom(never really liked that one).

Just like i told a co-worker who moaned at the sight of a new die hard; it's still f*cking die hard :p


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
No sorry Ep I is a bad film with some good points. It's very badly conceived, acted, plotted and the overuse of poor CGI dispells any sense of atmopshere or environment.

Ep II is one of the worst films I've ever seen. It's truly a terrible film.

This isn't comparing them to the originals but taking them as they are. They are NOT good films.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Funnily enough the only problem i had with the 123 is that we have to watch anakins story. It was somewhat dragged out and forced(har har).

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