Disney buys LucasFilm and...


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
To be honest, when did you last watch the original Tron ? I watched it recently and were it not for the old school nostalgia geekfest, and were I not a closet uber-geek, it is a massive pile of quite dull gash.

Watch it every year. Sometimes twice. Generally either before or after a good Sunday lunch and a viewing of Logan's Run.

It's great. It's certainly not for the masses and I remember it first time around.

I remember that most people hated it - but I knew and understood all of the terms that they were trying to shoehorn in - and found it cheesy and a bit lame for it - but at least someone was trying to make a film about computer culture and cyberspace.

I lived through the arcade era and spent most of my summers in arcades. Flynn's was the arcade we always dreamed of - instead of the sweaty fight-fests they tended to be.

It wasn't "cool". It appealed to geeks when geeks were outcasts (or, rather, when geeks actually were geeks - and not some mainstream bastardisation who wouldn't know what a geek was because they'd never actually talk to a *real* geek).

The new Tron? Very pretty by-the-numbers action flick with good music - and surpisingly Tron-less at that. Popcorn - but nothing more.

You can't be a "closet" uber-geek. You can't hide your geekness. You're either a geek, or you're not. :)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I remember that most people hated it - but I knew and understood all of the terms that they were trying to shoehorn in - and found it cheesy and a bit lame for it - but at least someone was trying to make a film about computer culture and cyberspace.

Next you're going to say you saw it on release right?

You were f*cking 9.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
If Disney make a Cantina style bar/restaurant, I'd genuinely consider going to Disney Land.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Next you're going to say you saw it on release right?

You were f*cking 9.

It was a PG :)

Edit: PG in England is "Parental Guidance" - film age rating... And why am I not supposed to understand ROM/RAM/Bits etc at 9? :(
Last edited:


Fuck the Tories!
Dec 27, 2003
To be fair they were all pretty shit on the whole. Empire strikes back is OK but nothing amazing.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
It's cool to hate things remember.

You're cool Raven, Scouse is also cool because he hates new tron.

I say we rainbow them! BRING ON THE RAINBOWS!!!!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Wait for more shockingly bad Indiana jones too don't forget he was Lucas too


Part of the furniture
Sep 14, 2011
Wait for more shockingly bad Indiana jones too don't forget he was Lucas too

But that was Lucas getting carried away and being a retard, as per Star Wars.

Again, another great franchise has been taken away from is idiotic hands and there might be some hope that we see a GOOD new Indie movie. Though I admit that is unlikely with Harrison Ford's advancing years.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
I'll be happy if Disney kick start Lucasarts into making a new Battlefront or X-Wing or Jedi Knight game. The problem with movies after ROTJ is that the Expanded Universe has filled that gap for me. I would gain nothing from a sequel that ignores the EU. If they were to make a Thawn Trilogy or Jedi Academy series, I would be interested. But I know that will not happen. I'll just stick to watching the Clone Wars TV series, till it ends.


Old Cow.
Dec 22, 2003
Wait for the dancing Jar-Jars in Disney parades. I wonder what the danger-pay is for being the muppet inside that costume.


Part of the furniture
Sep 14, 2011
Wait for the dancing Jar-Jars in Disney parades. I wonder what the danger-pay is for being the muppet inside that costume.

This is what baffles me about companies and their view of consumers. EVERYONE hates Jar Jar. EVERYONE knew he was a bad idea in the first place. But you're probably right, this will happen anyway.


Mar 11, 2004

Sorry i dont think Nate's post is getting enough attention.

Disney made Legacy. It was dark...ish. It was also fairly good.

Disney do not only make kiddy films or teeny films. They are likly to make the films family friendly (like the originals). They are highly unlikly to mangle the existing product as its something that is already out there and sells like hot cakes (as per Lucas's merchandising of everything).

Hopefully they will stick to the original formula. I'd be interested to know who they might put in the main roles as all the originals are now to old to do it (I dont think Ford would even take the role if it was offered, he may do a cameo tho).


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Look, you can't tell if Disney will be a safe pair of hands (pro: Marvel so far, early Miramax, early Pixar, a host of childhood favourites) or a total fuckup (against: nasty straight to DVD sequels, Mouseketeers, Eurodisney). Probably be a bit of both.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
It was a PG :)

Edit: PG in England is "Parental Guidance" - film age rating... And why am I not supposed to understand ROM/RAM/Bits etc at 9? :(

Yeap, i know PG(game industry), and you can know bits and ramroms at 9, but you sure as hell didn't appreciate Tron for it's contribution to the arts as a voice for the geeks when you were 9 :p

Not to mention that no geek would toot their horn that much.


Mar 11, 2004


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
but you sure as hell didn't appreciate Tron for it's contribution to the arts as a voice for the geeks when you were 9 :p

I understood that I enjoyed the film whilst lots of others didn't and I understood the underlying reasons why.

It's probably why I was a geek - I'm above-average intelligence and the things I were interested in/thinking about at that age were certainly not of interest to the vast majority of kids in my age range.

Hell, they're not of interest to most adult humans even now :(


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Difference in being a geek with a passion to any particular subject(not just movies/games), even sports and being a snob who thinks they're better then others and makes every choice and thing around them fit to that mold.

That's what you sound like when you tell people that when you were 9 you were smarter then adults and understood trons subtle hints instead of saying "when i was a kid i thought tron was cool".


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Difference in being a geek with a passion to any particular subject(not just movies/games), even sports and being a snob who thinks they're better then others and makes every choice and thing around them fit to that mold.

I never said I was smarter than adults. I said I was smarter than my peer group. I used to hang around with 15-year olds when I was 9.

How exactly am I supposed to discuss this real-life phenomenon then? After all - it's not my fault I was born with a high IQ. I get accused of exactly what you're accusing me of every single time I discuss it.

Am I supposed to lie and pretend I'm something I'm not in case other people get hurt feelings? Fuck that. I'll tell it like it is - and I don't give a fuck if other people don't like it any more.

I suffered as a child because I was clever - kids don't like clever kids or dumb kids. They don't like clever kids because they make them feel stupid. They don't like dumb kids because they look down on them and laugh at them - which probably feeds into their hatred of clever kids - they think the clever kids are doing the same to them (they don't - they have better things to think about).

As an adult it's exactly the same - but now I've found a social group that appreciates me for what I am - and I'm free to express myself without judgment. It took me many years. I realise that if I express myself outside that group then I get jumped on - called "patronising" or "condescending" - just like now.

That's what you sound like when you tell people that when you were 9 you were smarter then adults and understood trons subtle hints instead of saying "when i was a kid i thought tron was cool".

Maybe thats how you thought at the age of 9. Maybe that's your level of comprehension at that age - but tough shit - my mind didn't work like that and I'm not going to pretend it did just so you can avoid feeling belittled.


/understands he can't win

/leaves :(


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Toht, Scouse, if you pair hijack this thread anymore, I will basically just drag you both naked in a cactus field (Never seen a cactus field before tbh) then drag you through the sea, then I'll drop you off at Susan Boyles house for her to have her way with you.

Enjoy, Bitches.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Scouse, exactly the point.

Gwad, i don't think there's anything left to discuss in it unless you start discussing the original 456 and then there will be a lot of butthurt.

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