[discussion] soloing, stealth zerging, adding and agramon


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
flim...bracken and a few more had some good points here imo:)
Lol...shouldnt write anymore in this add discussion cause i allready spoke my piece many times i guess:p
The thing that make me wanna debate this all the time isnt cause im anyones side really. I play daoc with the friends i got...i try and respect all people i meet in game until they proven the oposite. But what makes me debate against most of the "dont add" people is that the whine comes from them...i never been whined on by the "zerg" people for playing the way i feel at the given situasion. Im all for a fgvs fg fight...though as flim sais...its rarely i with my guild m8s we fight any fair fights in agramon since we mostly meet people that are several ranks higher then us....play with voice comms etc etc.Im also for 100 vs us.......im also for 1000 vs us. or 4 against us. Doesnt really matter does it. I try and adjust to all kinds of situasions since that is what the game offer us:) I dont take sides in whats noble/fair/skilled etc etc cause i dont find ur arguments good or even right. You(whoever that is) that thinks meeting same fg all the time and have this "skilled" "fair" "noble" fight...how is doing that any more skilled then facing multiple enemys or less and try to adjust all the time to different situasions? Whats fair as flim stated?
And whats noble? trying to not whine on others for playing as they want and actually can? or deciding in a given moment in this game whats suddenly considered to be a noble act and making you right above all else:p? Though some of the people always yelling and shouting actually never given anyone a reason to be extra gentle to them and their group otheriwse in the game.

I dont know how you in the other realms have it...but(im almost ashamed to say it) we have 2 different sides in dl^^ yes its true.....At one side only high rr people stands(mostly) .....at the whole other side the casual players stands,,,some high rrs...but people not dedicated to any high rr guilds..and all low rrs. Just there....it reminds me too much of highschool or any school age for that matter, which reminds me some poeple actually are that age and makes it more sane:p
But still...these people want to make some kind of statement allready . we-them.
Which is what all this turned into. A silly argument over something that cannot be solved if mythic/goa doesnt do it for us.
Im too tired to go through the endless check list the "non adder" have to go through to become "friends" with the leet people. All names that you gotta respect in rvr...always check who is fighting first or you will get yelled at:p
Then if there are any enemys left for you..or there are no leet people in fight(then you got a green light...go for it):p You gotta read through on the list whats "fair" before you go in and make ur move.
When thats done and if your still alive you are gonna try and have fun too:p
over and out...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
rr got nothing to do with this though m8. take NP as example :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
I've found that most of the people who complain about adding tend to be the higher RR players (yes i'm generalising here).

Since the relation to football was brought up, lets use that. Go get your local pub team.. get all warmed up. Now play 10 matches against the brazilian national squad. Come back after that and tell me that during the 9th and 10th game you had fun and enjoyed the competition.
Yes, solo fights can be good fun and challenging. 90% of the time however it involves class A ganking class B with only one possible winner.

I've been pm'ed by people shouting at me for adding on their fight.
I've also got more abuse off people the few times i've not added and they've lost.
Since you can't win either way, you might as well get the realm points tbh!

If 8 person groups really want add free fights, they will go fight in agramon, past the milegates. I've very rately ever seen a soloer there during primetime, and only a few outside primetime. You'll find most fg's however are quite content mopping up the soloers on the bridges, but then when a fg comes out from the keep you want all the soloers that are there (the ones you've been chaining for the last 30 mins) to stand and let you have a "fair fight".

I've come to the conclusion that for many people a fair fight is one they are going to win. If you as a full group want soloers to stop adding on you, refuse to kill a soloer ever. That means even when you run past a scout that added on you 5 mins earlier, don't kill him. Do this for 4 weeks, then see what happens. Yeah you'll get adds every fight cos you didn't kill them first so you'll probably also get rolled every fight. Once you've gone for 4 weeks barely getting rp's cos you keep getting zerged by adds, you won't stop getting them, but you'll know how they feel when you run them over with your fg constantly and might stop whining so much!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
when i was rr3-4 i used to head solo straight to sst's camping spot when he was out(aka mmg left hill) with the hope that one day i will manage to kill him, i must have been raped like 100times always keeping in mind that none is unkillable. Finally one day a bit after i reached rr5 i managed to kill him! That was an unimaginable satisfaction that worthed every single time i died from him!
Imo stealthers are the only classes that are designed to be able to beat any char with the right strategy and i dont understand why ppl dont even try to outsmart an opponent that seems oped rather than taking a piece of him among with 3 others! its same with shooting a guy irl because he beated the shit out of you........


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
censi said:
rr got nothing to do with this though m8. take NP as example :)

thing is I'm sure in your time you've added on fights, you've stealth zerged - maybe not for a while now though I'm sure I've heard people grumbling about post mortem groups lately...

can't turn around and tell everyone else to "do as I say, not as I do" :)

I totally understand the desire of the people that want their even-number fights - but I really really hate the hypocrisy and the arrogance of telling everyone else how to play. If you want add free fights - 8v8 go agramon, it's deserted. ran through it earlier (from the hib side since you can't move three paces on the alb side) and met nothing from hib bridge till I hit mid bridge.

If you want 1v1 go to boldiam area and kill guerra/salonice or the people that go out to gank them.

If you want rps but to still seem l33t continue to farm the easy food at the bridges and whine about adds.

If you want to just play the game then get on with it ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
censi said:
the peeps that say its ok to add as its rvr dont consider they ruin the fight for their own realmmate.

I like the peeps that watch the fight wait till it ends and then kill you..

cant really say fairer than that at the end of the day...


this whole adding thing though like its gonna happen u gonna get adds etc.. can be fun would be dull if every fight was like no adds to certain extent..

problem however is the add ratio since NF (and especially since agramon) is prolly somewhere in the region of 90%+ fights are added on and it gets to the point, as other people are suggesting that soloing just aint possible... and it just gets too ZZZzzzz after it happens like 10 fights in a row, its like hmm fuck this /q

also the adders are always crap players... like the good SB's Para, uriz, majii, hugmeh, oli, lio are like the ones that dont add because they RVR for good fights not for RP.... The more wank the player the more likely he is to add because the wank players dont RVR for good fights cuz they get owned, they RVR for RP's (mincers and scouts by far the worse adding classes in my experience though).. sorry if that sounds leetist but its definetly true.

This you add therefore u must be a wank player is such BS, if you pop on a RR3 infil and your winning clearly is this player shite? He must be hes dieing ffs!

The lower RR's will always add tbh because there are so many high RR shade that cmap the bridges in agrammon nowadays that we cant survive solo as soon as we leave the keep some einharja, thunderer etc etc jumps us and we insta die. So to call us noob/crap/shite players is to be honest deluded and is obviously just for ure own ego's benefit.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
UriZeN said:
when i was rr3-4 i used to head solo straight to sst's camping spot when he was out(aka mmg left hill) with the hope that one day i will manage to kill him, i must have been raped like 100times always keeping in mind that none is unkillable. Finally one day a bit after i reached rr5 i managed to kill him! That was an unimaginable satisfaction that worthed every single time i died from him!
Imo stealthers are the only classes that are designed to be able to beat any char with the right strategy and i dont understand why ppl dont even try to outsmart an opponent that seems oped rather than taking a piece of him among with 3 others! its same with shooting a guy irl because he beated the shit out of you........

Well if thats the way to get rps. 1 kill in 100 fights, its a long long way to RR5. ;) so before that you prolly did your share of killing lower RR, adding, zerging and whatever(and there is nothing wrong with that) Scout is a very good exaple of a char no "leet" will ever respect. They are adders, towerhumpers or whatever they get called. Well its not the players fault, its the design of the class. A scout should and have very big trouple with any stealther he meets UNLESS he is high RR and you have to get high RR somehow. as low RR your str. is your bow. Since you cant see stealthers you cant shot them. most of the casters running alone have brittles/pets/MoC3/LT/BT you name it, not an easy kill either. So low RR archers tend to "towerhump" again nothing wrong with that, but the "leet" will never respect you and gank you everytime they see you, because you are just a stinking adder/humper. I expect all stealthers have that prob at low RR. Hence why the "leet" stealthers have to call them bad names, because they forgot how it was to be RR2 and prolly did the same.

Stealthers have no problem with killing a clothcaster that passed by, but if the caster then comes back with a few friends(he needs them since its a little hard to find a stealther unless he PA you) then 10 sec later there is a whine thread on FH. you use the means you have, you dont say, no he is leet and a nice person, I will go die to him some more making him even higher RR.

If Censi camps beno docks and keeps ganking my noob scout trying to get a boat, I will at some point get friends and get him killed and IF that should shock him then so be it.

its kill or be killed. use the means you can. No high RR stealther I ever met have left me alone because I was low RR and not a challenge and thats how it should be, I can find means to give payback, one way or another and thats really what its all about. :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
absolutly no problem with low RR people going as a duo/trio and i agree it is a nice challenge to face them, much more fun than flattening them on thier own in seconds. however that is very different from adding and ruining a fair fight those that add are ruining the fun for people who like myself just cba to play anymore because its getting silly. if you want RPs that bad duo with someone or do realm missions, or if you see someone fighting wait for it to finish then rush in, more often than not you will get more RPs that way :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004

I aint one of these dudes that thinks the sun shines out of my own ass. It doesnt Im no saint. Im a poor looser, I screen like a biatch when I die and put it down to being underpowered rather than lack of technical forsight or incompetant play on my side, I killed soloers when grouped, i got a env bot, and I always blaim Vipr on TS if i die even if im solo :)... but my outlook on the game over the years has changed.

im not arrogent to try and tell someone how to play. what im saying is I dont really like it when im having a good tear up and getting pushed right to the limit by an advesary for some random bombing mage to come along and nuke the shit out of my opponent. it pisses me off, thats my reaction. The guy adding is under no threat.. his target cannot do anything to defend himself... sometimes the fight is already won on my side.. but adder wants his RP. ( i not referring to guy who i spoke to tonight about this either in case he is reading , you were nice guy and we had good debait about this )

I cannot do anything to stop adders ofc, but this is a post talking about whether or not its right or wrong.... so im telling you I think its fooking wrong and theres a pattern to the type of player that does it. and generally high realm rank players lets just say are less likely to do it than low RR (FACT)

anyway fook it bed time!


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
censi said:

I aint one of these dudes that thinks the sun shines out of my own ass. It doesnt Im no saint. Im a poor looser, I screen like a biatch when I die and put it down to being underpowered rather than lack of technical forsight or incompetant play on my side, I killed soloers when grouped, i got a env bot, and I always blaim Vipr on TS if i die even if im solo :)... but my outlook on the game over the years has changed.

im not arrogent to try and tell someone how to play. what im saying is I dont really like it when im having a good tear up and getting pushed right to the limit by an advesary for some random bombing mage to come along and nuke the shit out of my opponent. it pisses me off, thats my reaction. The guy adding is under no threat.. his target cannot do anything to defend himself... sometimes the fight is already won on my side.. but adder wants his RP. ( i not referring to guy who i spoke to tonight about this either in case he is reading , you were nice guy and we had good debait about this )

I cannot do anything to stop adders ofc, but this is a post talking about whether or not its right or wrong.... so im telling you I think its fooking wrong and theres a pattern to the type of player that does it. and generally high realm rank players lets just say are less likely to do it than low RR (FACT)

anyway fook it bed time!

fairpoint tbh, however altho it may piss you off the mage was prolly some1 who has had 15 deaths 0 dbs and 3 hours online, hence he kills the guy you are fighting to gain some realm points which in turn gains him RealmRanks that lets him compete in rvr

the reason a lot of higher RR players don't is because rps are easy for them and they have enough. Can guarantee 100% that in their lower RR days they did they same and anyone that said they didn't is speakin out their ass.

I cannot do anything to stop adders ofc

correct, and i hope nothing is done to stop them or else we'll all be queing up waiting to bloody fight some1, fun! :touch:

but adder wants his RP

of cause he does, gettin chained by the high RR stealthers/fgs roaming around is no fun, revenge on the otherhand is.

Im a poor looser, I screen like a biatch when I die

I think we can all get frustrated sometimes but if people get that annoyed by this 'adding' milarky they shouldn't play the game because i will tell u now, it will not change.

PS: not beating your post into the ground censi as i thought it was well put tho just wanted to raise some things :)

well anyway interesting discussion enjoyed reading it ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
UriZeN said:
when i was rr3-4 i used to head solo straight to sst's camping spot when he was out(aka mmg left hill) with the hope that one day i will manage to kill him, i must have been raped like 100times always keeping in mind that none is unkillable. Finally one day a bit after i reached rr5 i managed to kill him!

haha , I had that with Salamurhaaja and Jox! :D
but mostly I tried to avoid them till i was a bit higher rr and it was in the LA time aswell so SB's were god mode ! :p
there was some other SB who gave me good fights aswell and my sexy saracen felt in love with him , shame he don't play anymore ! ;) http://users.pandora.be/witt0r/stronglove.jpg


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Zoia said:
I remember some alb that i think we killed 3 times when i was with 2 casters.
Some saracen who's name started with C...something?

If that was you, i think one of the times i only saw a red name sticking up from the water and dived down to kill.
But 3 times is more than usual. :fluffle:
I try not to gank soloers that much when i group, but i'm not perfect. ;)

Not so much of Alb here anymore more towards hib :p Was running around on aggramon to check it out there you were,althought i was begging to get killed on there anyhow.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
<Puts fingers in ears and start singing>
"LALALALA I blame teh aaaaadds! I blame teh aaadds!"


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
I try to solo when im on my mincer but tbh not very easy fighting 2 or 3 with out relics so i startet on duo with my irl friend devian.. When we duo we respect solo fights an if one of us gets 1 vs 1 we dont add an if one of us die its just what happens because we play for the fun an not the rps. What makes me whine is when ppl who know i solo or i let them get fair fights dont give that back like warheard.. me an devian had lots of 1 vs 1 him an we died but we just /rel an went back.. Then when im out solo i meet him an he's bd body an they just rape me. An after the ppl i respecet for soloing an not adding startet to power own me 2 vs 1 or add on my fair 1 vs 1 i start doing the same because whats the point trying to be nice when nobody does it to you like censi told me when he pwnt me 2 vs 1 he is just doing he's job an guess thats true... . Also sad when high rr hibs starts camping bridges at 14.00 cet where there is only solo , duo or trios out.. an then they wonder an night why everybody wanna add on them..

an about letting low rr go why??? first thing they do is start adding when you fight someone so really dont c the point.. also dont have problems with low rr stealthers stealth zerg because they cant win a fair fight vs some rr7 fully toat when you are only rr3.. But what i dont like is when ppl from pain an pm does it because they are almost all high rr an good players an you cant do shit 1 vs them!!

ps i know i have stealth zerget, running with zerg an done alot of lame stuff but who hasent when they are low rr an in crap template?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
devian such honorable player. :eek7:

(this is some myrmidon cabby right)


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
I've been soloing a lot recently on my RR3 Mincer/Reaver and it can be pretty frustrating. I'm still learning to play the classes and I don't expect to win too many 1-vs-1 fights, even against same-RR opponents.

I sometimes add, sometimes don't, depends on my mood and how desperate I am for RPs at the time! I regularly get spanked by FGs and groups of 2-3 stealthers, which ain't a problem...it's annoying but it's to be expected (and I'm sure the RR8+ FG really gets off on the RPs from killing a solo RR3 :p).

Had lots of instances (especially when fighting Hib soloers) of FGs from the other realm stunning/debuffing me, cheering the other player and running off (although that could say more about me than the state of RvR in general!!)

Only two things really annoy me. One is lame cheats who'll attack me with 2-3 high-RR stealthers and then window-drag and strafe-abuse throughout the whole fight. No idea why...just sad imo.

The other one is kind of a new thing where a FG will find me, mezz me and then spam interrupts on me while their casters/healers melee me to death while the tanks cheer. That's quite annoying also :p

Gonna keep soloing though..it's worth it for the 2-3 good fights I get each night...I don't get any fun from adding on fights or zerging, but I'll do it if it gets to 11pm and I'm on 200RPs :p


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
censi said:
devian such honorable player. :eek7:

(this is some myrmidon cabby right)

Devian is a myrmidon crush merc, he's got my respect already :cheers:

PS: He's going to be a huge pain in the ass when he's higher RR, make a note of that


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Gear said:
Devian is a myrmidon crush merc, he's got my respect already :cheers:

he is slash but who cares ;)

Gear said:
PS: He's going to be a huge pain in the ass when he's higher RR, make a note of that

Thats why im rp pling him with my mincer :p


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
I like to rank the fgs that gank me for how over the top they'll be when killing me...

+10 points for using mana to cast spells (rather than just having the tanks melee me to death)

+10 points for mezzing first

+10 points for a stun after the mezz to make sure I don't accidentally hurt someone (though my armour procs do that muhauhauha)

+20 points for being debuffed to level 1 during the stun.

+50 points for using any sort of active RA/artifact/class timed ability.

+50 points for someone burning their banelord abilities (wtf I'm an armsman)

double points if they do any of these whilst I'm sitting ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
I like to rank the fgs that gank me for how over the top they'll be when killing me...

+10 points for using mana to cast spells (rather than just having the tanks melee me to death)

+10 points for mezzing first

+10 points for a stun after the mezz to make sure I don't accidentally hurt someone (though my armour procs do that muhauhauha)

+20 points for being debuffed to level 1 during the stun.

+50 points for using any sort of active RA/artifact/class timed ability.

+50 points for someone burning their banelord abilities (wtf I'm an armsman)

double points if they do any of these whilst I'm sitting ;)

Hehe..always funny when running towards a FGM on my RR3 reaver and watch them blow Vendo, Banespike, Charge and SOS and then have the casters kill me before the tanks reach me :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
I like to rank the fgs that gank me for how over the top they'll be when killing me...

If you published those rankings I'd give short odds that it'd read very similar to the FH Rankings of Zerg/Add Whiners :D


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
managed to mess up a particuler mid bridge camping guild group by killing their MA who thought he could pwn the solo hero, his mate came along too, if it hadnt been for thier healer blowing insta and PR he would have died too.

Soloing is hard work, what with adds, RP horny FGs (who are no better than the old amg zergs) and the general lame attitude of a lot of people these days. i just find it a complete waste of time.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 16, 2004
I solo'd quit alot with my inf on the US servers (have way to many alts over here to activaly play RvR atm, levelling arti's and all that.) I found it alot different to solo here as there are just alot more people running around in RvR. Having played on a Roleplay server didn't help the population in RvR all that much though.

If I'm solo and someone 'adds' while I'm in a fight... I have noooo problem with it. Why would I ? It's a realm vs realm game after all. My realm against theirs. Don't get me wrong I hate it when a Hib adds while I'm fighting a Mid (or vice versa) cause they usualy add against the Alb ( :p )

Do I find it frustrating to be in a solo fight and get gangbanged by a roaving band of enemies... ofcourse. Will it stop me playing this game, nope... not at all.

The first year I played the game I had 256 days /played on my inf. I stood at the craddle of the very first all stealther guild (BB's where ohhh so hated on them evil RP servers) so I'm not the person to comment on stealth zerging. Other then that it is actualy FUN.

I miss the days of ninja keep raids. I miss the days of one shotting a caster and not revealing myself so the enemy never knew how many stealthers where actualy there.

Hell, I even miss jumping over a Relickeep wall carrying a ram only to have my buffbot get shot in the face and having to stand there in the middle of an awakening Mid Relickeep in stealth perma rooted...

For those that hate stealthers or stealth zergs, please try a stealther... I'm betting you'll change your mind and start loving it yourself.

Erulin the Bloody


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Erulin said:
For those that hate stealthers or stealth zergs, please try a stealther... I'm betting you'll change your mind and start loving it yourself.

Erulin the Bloody

I have stealther but i never like or will like stealth zergs :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Downanael said:
I have stealther but i never like or will like stealth zergs :(

stealth zerg vs stealth zerg can be fun ;) but getting pwnt solo by a stealth zerg is not fun ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 16, 2004
Eeben said:
stealth zerg vs stealth zerg can be fun ;) but getting pwnt solo by a stealth zerg is not fun ;)

Is getting pwnt by a none stealth zerg anymore fun ? :) :p

Erulin the Bloody


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
censi said:
devian such honorable player. :eek7:

(this is some myrmidon cabby right)

So im a cabby huh??? :twak:

Gear said:
Devian is a myrmidon crush merc, he's got my respect already

PS: He's going to be a huge pain in the ass when he's higher RR, make a note of that

Hehe well thank you :wub:

I know i may not be the most experienced merc you will meet out there, but i am trying :)

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