[discussion] soloing, stealth zerging, adding and agramon


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
I find it so very stupid that "one time long ago these people thought like this and now they are of a different oppinion"-arguments are still being spewed out. It lies in human nature to alter their views after a couple years of experience. However, I do also understand the critics versus these people. Because in our society as of today people that behave "inconsistent" are often being viewed as strange or something like that.

But the game evolves and so do the people that play the game.

/edit: sorry it was maybe a bit out of context but I wanted to have it said.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
People play how they feel like, I don't condemn anyone for playing how they see fit, however some peoples play styles do baffel me as to how they can enjoy it, but thats their business.

The only thing that i'll condemn is a) lack of respect (why emote spam someone you zerged? its just childish, personally i'll only emote someone that did it to me for no reason) b) people condemning OTHERS for choosing to play differently. As we have seen some examples of already. Those people are typically not worth the emotion of getting worked up about and are just best left alone.

My personal principles are:

I wont add on a fight in progress, unless I have a paticular dislike of one of the persons involved. note- Being a BD, SM or Warlock instantly qualifies you in this catagory.

If im in a duo and getting emoted and have chance to type it, i'll usually ask my partner not to add, whatever the outcome.

If im attacked by a lowbie who obviously doesn't have a chance i'll usually exit combat mode and give them chance to back off, if they don't, they die brave.

I'll only /bow or /salute defeated enemies that I felt fought with honour, if they strafed like lunatics or tried to walk-through exploit i'll usually just walk off.

I do NOT mind being attacked by duo's etc, its a risk I fully accept when I solo, but duo's + that STILL have to kite, try to run away or vanish even though they out number me = no respect. See above.

If I see a fight in progress and the enemy involved is not one of my 'respected enemies' then i'll sometimes let the fight finish and then kill the winner. They got their rps', I got mine, everyone wins. I have no problems with this being done back to me either. I did not used to do this, but agramon has made even me less merciful.

Fgs, again I don't care about getting zerged by full groups, it happens, the risk was my choice. The only thing I cannot fathom is why on earth people feel the need to run a full gank group at 3 am in the morning when theres not so much as a trio out there for them to kill. Its just a waste of everyones time and certainly not even a fraction of the rps they could get if they split up, its just quite sad of them really.

Final note ! The above is the principles I try to play by on a daily bases, shit happens, mistakes happen, I can be as quick on the F8 as the next person and unlike stealthers I don't have the luxuary of checking someones name before initiating combat unless very lucky, if I see a red name in shade walk by me I WILL attack on reflex as most people would.
I've been playing a long time like most people and like everyone here wether they admit it or not I have added, zerged and grey-ganked just like everyone else at some point in my life, i'd like to think though its how you try to play in the long run that matters.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
rure said:
I find it so very stupid that "one time long ago these people thought like this and now they are of a different oppinion"-arguments are still being spewed out. It lies in human nature to alter their views after a couple years of experience. However, I do also understand the critics versus these people. Because in our society as of today people that behave "inconsistent" are often being viewed as strange or something like that.

But the game evolves and so do the people that play the game.

/edit: sorry it was maybe a bit out of context but I wanted to have it said.

It's nothing to do with people "altering their views" or behaving a bit "inconsistent". It's about people who start off as nice chilled-out blokes playing the game, getting along with other players, who then gain some realm ranks, discover IRC and turn into gobby tossers - bitching at anyone who happens to "add" on a fight, or belittling others who don't take the game as seriously as they do. You'll note this isn't about a change in how people prefer to play - it's the change in attitude to others. Where I come from, when someone changes like that we don't say they've "altered their views", or that their hypocrasy means they are being a little "inconsistent" or "strange". What we would say is "he's turned into a right wanker". I guess it comes down to where you come from...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
I don't play DAoC to fight a war or to defend the realm of Midgard from the evil albs and hibs.
I play this game to have fun. Not only fun for myself, but i also hope the people i fight with and against have fun as well.
If i run in a FG, trio, etc it's not fun to kill a soloer. Not for us and not for the soloer.
I'm not saying i never kill soloers or add on fights when i'm grouped. It happens all the time, but if i see the same soloer for the 2nd or 3rd time, i will ask those i group with to leave them alone(unless it's someone that deserves to be ganked:p).
I know too well how it is to be run over by the same FG for the 4th or 5th time in a row.

When i'm out soloing, i sometimes add and sometimes i dont. It depends on my mood, who it is and how many they are.
If i'm in a good mood and see a hib and alb fighting, i may let them finish. Maybe i even let the winner go instead of finish him off with a couple of DDs.
Other times i will gank that solo rr2 luri moose, even if i realize he's unbuffed.

I don't expect others to play this game the way i want to though, so i don't whine at people that add/help on my fights.
Nor do i expect another alb to sit down and watch me spank some poor rr3 minstrel, because we're having a "fair" fight.
The kind of adding that annoy me the most, is when one of those RvR GGs adds on you when you're already fighting 2-3 people from their realm.
They may try and justify it by saying it's a war, but what they really want is their precious RPs. They don't care if they ruin the fun for others as long as it gives them another 20 RPs.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Kathal said:
LOL. You have a problem understanding what people wrights. NONE of us called you a retard. So again maybe, just maybe you are a retard.

Oh really? come on you can do better than this.

Zoia said:
I'm not saying i never kill soloers or add on fights when i'm grouped. It happens all the time, but if i see the same soloer for the 2nd or 3rd time, i will ask those i group with to leave them alone(unless it's someone that deserves to be ganked:p).

What had i done when you killed me 3 times with your trio when i was solo :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Bracken said:
You'll note this isn't about a change in how people prefer to play - it's the change in attitude to others.

Aight, fair enough. I didnt think my previous post through fully enugh.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
Downanael said:
What had i done when you killed me 3 times with your trio when i was solo :(
I remember some alb that i think we killed 3 times when i was with 2 casters.
Some saracen who's name started with C...something?

If that was you, i think one of the times i only saw a red name sticking up from the water and dived down to kill.
But 3 times is more than usual. :fluffle:
I try not to gank soloers that much when i group, but i'm not perfect. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
was well surprised when you grouped with takhysis and whizbang tho zoia.. adding/steamrolling us :(

mistakes happen i guess. :p


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
i dont mind losing in a 1v1, thats the point, if i wanted to win 100% of my fights i would indeed go and play soul caliber or something. I like to fight even 1v1 and will more often than not try to disuade through emotes or running past lower RR players to leave me alone.
It annoys the hell out of me when i get adds from my own side with the post add PM of "helping you out mate" if i wanted help i would run in a fg or a zerg. leaching or adding is done simply because people are RP horny and dont have the ability, patiance or balls to find thier own fights.

Sure you can say "we pay our subs we will play the way we like blah blah" but the same can be said for those that dont want adds, why ruin 2 or 16 players fun to gain your 100 or so RPs, its pathetic.

find your own fights or go join the zerg.


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
I add when i like, i leech when i like, i zerg when i like, i take keep/towers when i like, i respect who i like.

I play the game for fun and thats how i have always played it, this adding/leeching business has ruined the game for many who look forward to wandering into rvr for the first time, when as soon as they find an enemy they are yelled and cursed at for leeching/adding, not a good example to set to the newcomers.

However saying this I usually won't join in on an 8v8/1v1 fight where mids are involved unless other mids have already joined in, then again depends on my mood, e.g if the hibs/albs they are fighting had steamrolled me solo all night expect some aoe spears! :)

If any mids see me fighting don't be afraid to help out, as of cause we are on the same side and there is enough rps or everyone,

goodluck out there people, just ignore those who think they are gods gift and carry on with what u bought the game for, enjoyment! :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
People actually get yelled (in-game) at these days? Or is this still a belief taht lingers from OF?


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
pheer not ill speak to my m8 whos dad ownz mythic and get them to put a new CA system in place, this is where CA stands for Current Attitude. it goes like dis,

1, Happy and Chilled: you get a stoned smiley emoticon over your head, this will mean u wont add on any fight and will in fact get undressed at the first sign of combat and run round naked offering hugs and kisses to all within clip range.

2, Happy and zergy: you get a naughy grin smiley over your head, this will mean your running with the zerg and u feel happy, your lag will instantly increase and u may or may not get the chance to hit anything but u will get Frontier Challenger title as a thankyou from mythic.

3, Wanker: you get a wanker sign over your head, this will mean you will add on everything u see, you will even get yourself a DI and speed bot, you rp horney and anythign will do as long as u dont die and u get to win everything.

4, Elite Wanker: your get the same wanker sign as above but this one glitters with golden stars and flashes, unfortuantly only albs can get this, it allows one to use a pink dildo (yes its glowy! :)) to beat your enemys to death it also unlocks two new emotes currently unavailable

i, The "skull fuck"
ii, The "Ive had your mum"

unfortuantly this last CA will only be avaialble after you have proved yourself a wanker above and beyond my personal capabilities :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
was well surprised when you grouped with takhysis and whizbang tho zoia.. adding/steamrolling us :(

mistakes happen i guess. :p
I remember one fight you, Staj and some druid had against me, Whiz and i think, Runandgi.
Then we saw you again a little later, but i don't think Staj was with you that 2nd time, as i thought he would be when we attacked. :)
Can't remember steamrolling you though, but when i'm in a group and we see a few hibs, i don't check names. :p
Takhy i sometimes group with, and have been since way back in OF, and Whiz is in my guild.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
I always found soloing to be either immensely fun or immensely frustrating, I quit when the latter became more common
Dec 31, 2003
Stallker said:
Imho this is the right idea, its a us vs them game not a honour bound solo/FG rvr game cos that kind of attitude to be honest cuts out the casual player because for most people to get a FG together to RVR is just not going to happen.

If someone sees me fighting and they add one me then tbh im happy cos its a realm mate, here to help each other out and play as a realm/team. Same goes for if i see another alb fighting a hib or mid I will add to my hearts content as we are a realm and a team. FG fights I always have addedon and always will, its 1. Fun and 2. I have never ever been left alone when runnin solo thru agrammon by a FG so why on earth shud i leave the FG's alone?

just my 2 cents

I just don't get this mentallity, i know alot of ppl think the same like OP... but still i cant belive it, sounds so boring to play "rvr" 100 vs 100, my zerg vs ur zerg, just pointless, mindless, clueless and a waste of time - what u do doesnt matter shit, if r a monkey or a person or a bot doesnt matter, zergs is all about f8f8f8f8f8f 123 123 123 f8f8f8f8f8f8f8 123 123... :m00:

Thats how i always felt about the rvr bullshit :D, the 1v1 fights 2v2, 3v3 occasinal 2vs1 fights is what keeps me to this game and also what makes it top notch imo ;)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I just don't get this mentallity, i know alot of ppl think the same like OP...

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that we´re talking about a MMORPG here?! That´s something that all those fg vs fg mavins fail to understand. This game is - fundamentally - a roleplaying game, as much as you or anyone else might want to abuse the term. You don´t get the mentality behind the pure RvR players. They don´t get your mentality about bending a MMORPG and turn it into some form of Fantasy-Counterstrike. It may sound like a cheap shot, but that´s actually how it is. What´s fun for you doesn´t need to be fun for others and vice versa. If your highest goal in a game is that 100% of your actions are having an impact on the game, then you should play a 1v1 game like Quake. Note, I`m not telling you to quit DAoC and sod off to FPS games, I´m just pointing out that there are different POVs and every POV is equally valid (and there SHOULD be enough players and room to feed everyones expectations of the game). However, you have to admit and realise, that it´s YOU who´s trying to break into a game and change the entire idea of the game. Because believe it or not, large scale RvR is, that Mythic intended to create when they made this game.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
the peeps that say its ok to add as its rvr dont consider they ruin the fight for their own realmmate.

I like the peeps that watch the fight wait till it ends and then kill you..

cant really say fairer than that at the end of the day...


this whole adding thing though like its gonna happen u gonna get adds etc.. can be fun would be dull if every fight was like no adds to certain extent..

problem however is the add ratio since NF (and especially since agramon) is prolly somewhere in the region of 90%+ fights are added on and it gets to the point, as other people are suggesting that soloing just aint possible... and it just gets too ZZZzzzz after it happens like 10 fights in a row, its like hmm fuck this /q

also the adders are always crap players... like the good SB's Para, uriz, majii, hugmeh, oli, lio are like the ones that dont add because they RVR for good fights not for RP.... The more wank the player the more likely he is to add because the wank players dont RVR for good fights cuz they get owned, they RVR for RP's (mincers and scouts by far the worse adding classes in my experience though).. sorry if that sounds leetist but its definetly true.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Two situations.
R9 Infiltrator attacks me (an R4 SI bow spec hunter) I see Hugme close and I pm for help, he says no, it's a 1 v 1 and he'll respect that. I said come on it's not a fair fight... I loose and am pissed at Hugme’s refusal to help. So Hugme not adding made me sad and frustrated. No disrespect to Hugme, he pays his subs blah blah.

I'm plodding along unstealthed to docks and I walk past Guindor (stealthed) and I wave and continue, unknown to me an infil unstealths and starts to chase me but Guindor attacks, I turn watch fight and Guindor dies. Guindor pm's me and says the infil was about to kill me and he enaged and I could have helped.... I felt really really guilty then....

A similar thing happened with Guten and a Vamp, this time I added (on my own fight lol) and felt sooo guilty that Guten still died as I was too slow...

So in both situations if an add had occurred I would have been happy, so those saying that adds only cause unhappiness and spoil the fun are talking out of their arse.

Please note Counter Strike is an online team v team game and Soul Calibur is a person v person game too, I agree bashing AI players is dull.

I’ll have to challenge Raven to a few rounds of Soul Calibur :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Chronictank said:
imo get your smit0r of doom!
they will either cower in fear or burst out laughing :)

Ill say they will laugh so hard that they can't press any buttons anymore and so glamis wins!



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
i can kind of understand the need to add when a vamp is tearing some poor stealther a new asshole.

same for a lot of visual classes. say some SM is moc LT'ing a solo stealther...

even though in theory its just as lame to add onthe SM, I dunno I reckon I have prolly added on mages over the years...must have done...

it is true its the system to blaim really, players gonna kind of try and kill other players like it or not (and yer I dont like adds to much)..

but the conveyor belt route into agramon is like the worst possible thing they could do...


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Xajorkith said:
Two situations.
R9 Infiltrator attacks me (an R4 SI bow spec hunter) I see Hugme close and I pm for help, he says no, it's a 1 v 1 and he'll respect that. I said come on it's not a fair fight... I loose and am pissed at Hugme’s refusal to help. So Hugme not adding made me sad and frustrated. No disrespect to Hugme, he pays his subs blah blah.

I'm plodding along unstealthed to docks and I walk past Guindor (stealthed) and I wave and continue, unknown to me an infil unstealths and starts to chase me but Guindor attacks, I turn watch fight and Guindor dies. Guindor pm's me and says the infil was about to kill me and he enaged and I could have helped.... I felt really really guilty then....

A similar thing happened with Guten and a Vamp, this time I added (on my own fight lol) and felt sooo guilty that Guten still died as I was too slow...

So in both situations if an add had occurred I would have been happy, so those saying that adds only cause unhappiness and spoil the fun are talking out of their arse.

Please note Counter Strike is an online team v team game and Soul Calibur is a person v person game too, I agree bashing AI players is dull.

I’ll have to challenge Raven to a few rounds of Soul Calibur :)

I get this all the time. Therefore I don't care about 'adds' or 'leech' or whatever it's called. People pm'ing me not to 'add' or 'leech' lose all my respect. The worst is the most pm's I get like "don't leech", is when I haven't even been in the fight - either just watching (and some paranoid 'omg-I-think-he-stole-1rp-from-me'-person has to tell me not to 'leech' cause he thought I stole his holy rp) - or that I actually helped by snaring an alb so he couldn't run away from the mids following (I didn't get ANY rp from the snare, I just did it cause I don't like albs and I want them to die, and I helped my realm killing another one of them) - but the ungreatful mids thought I got 1 rp from it, so they had to tell me not to 'leech', the alb would prolly even have gotten away if I hadn't snared him - so maybe I should've helped the alb instead in this situation! :ROFLMAO:


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Bracken said:
It's nothing to do with people "altering their views" or behaving a bit "inconsistent". It's about people who start off as nice chilled-out blokes playing the game, getting along with other players, who then gain some realm ranks, discover IRC and turn into gobby tossers - bitching at anyone who happens to "add" on a fight, or belittling others who don't take the game as seriously as they do. You'll note this isn't about a change in how people prefer to play - it's the change in attitude to others. Where I come from, when someone changes like that we don't say they've "altered their views", or that their hypocrasy means they are being a little "inconsistent" or "strange". What we would say is "he's turned into a right wanker". I guess it comes down to where you come from...

Amen to that brother yam yam! censi beinga prime example of the above.These socalled leet 'i only want 1 vs 1' fights don`t even see themselves as part of any realm/team.They just happen to play a certain class and it would`nt matter if that class was in green red or blue.Most of them share accounts over all 3 realms aswell.If you don`t like gettinga dded on at the 1st bridge from Bled to Agramon then don`t fookin go there its that simple.
Dec 31, 2003
Dr_Evil said:
either just watching (and some paranoid 'omg-I-think-he-stole-1rp-from-me'-person has to tell me not to 'leech' cause he thought I stole his holy rp) - or that I actually helped by snaring an alb so he couldn't run away from the mids following (I didn't get ANY rp from the snare, I just did it cause I don't like albs and I want them to die, and I helped my realm killing another one of them) - but the ungreatful mids thought I got 1 rp from it, so they had to tell me not to 'leech', the alb would prolly even have gotten away if I hadn't snared him - so maybe I should've helped the alb instead in this situation! :ROFLMAO:

Well, ppl like me get pissed of when ppl interfear with a clearly fair and challenging fight and not b/c they leech rps - they just ruin my fun. Wtf is the point of getting toa, si, catacombs and lvl a char to 50 EQ it when iam gonna get added on in fights and zerg anyway? You think items matter when ur zerged?
Thats the mentality i dont get why bother get items when ur gonna zerg anyway :p

Alot of times i have more respect for enemy players then my own shitty realm mates that do stupid clueless stuff and adds left n right destorying all good fights :D

Why should i favor my own "people" b/c we "live" in the same realm? Only when it comes to relics i see any point of uniting ~
Wierd is i liked the "RvR" alot more pre NF when there was routes i could camp with a friend or alone to make life hard for mids/albs...now i just get frustrated when i w8 15 mins for 1 fight then a FG comes and adds on me...feel like a total waste of time :touch:
Dec 31, 2003
Kagato said:
People play how they feel like, I don't condemn anyone for playing how they see fit, however some peoples play styles do baffel me as to how they can enjoy it, but thats their business.

The only thing that i'll condemn is a) lack of respect (why emote spam someone you zerged? its just childish, personally i'll only emote someone that did it to me for no reason) b) people condemning OTHERS for choosing to play differently. As we have seen some examples of already. Those people are typically not worth the emotion of getting worked up about and are just best left alone.

My personal principles are:

I wont add on a fight in progress, unless I have a paticular dislike of one of the persons involved. note- Being a BD, SM or Warlock instantly qualifies you in this catagory.

If im in a duo and getting emoted and have chance to type it, i'll usually ask my partner not to add, whatever the outcome.

If im attacked by a lowbie who obviously doesn't have a chance i'll usually exit combat mode and give them chance to back off, if they don't, they die brave.

I'll only /bow or /salute defeated enemies that I felt fought with honour, if they strafed like lunatics or tried to walk-through exploit i'll usually just walk off.

I do NOT mind being attacked by duo's etc, its a risk I fully accept when I solo, but duo's + that STILL have to kite, try to run away or vanish even though they out number me = no respect. See above.

If I see a fight in progress and the enemy involved is not one of my 'respected enemies' then i'll sometimes let the fight finish and then kill the winner. They got their rps', I got mine, everyone wins. I have no problems with this being done back to me either. I did not used to do this, but agramon has made even me less merciful.

Fgs, again I don't care about getting zerged by full groups, it happens, the risk was my choice. The only thing I cannot fathom is why on earth people feel the need to run a full gank group at 3 am in the morning when theres not so much as a trio out there for them to kill. Its just a waste of everyones time and certainly not even a fraction of the rps they could get if they split up, its just quite sad of them really.

Final note ! The above is the principles I try to play by on a daily bases, shit happens, mistakes happen, I can be as quick on the F8 as the next person and unlike stealthers I don't have the luxuary of checking someones name before initiating combat unless very lucky, if I see a red name in shade walk by me I WILL attack on reflex as most people would.
I've been playing a long time like most people and like everyone here wether they admit it or not I have added, zerged and grey-ganked just like everyone else at some point in my life, i'd like to think though its how you try to play in the long run that matters.

Like ur gameplay Kagato :p

Btw, we were once guildies xD i had a scout named Estrogen :clap:


Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
censi said:
(mincers and scouts by far the worse adding classes in my experience though).. sorry if that sounds leetist but its definetly true.

wtf, Scouts never was and never will be a adding class.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
censi said:
also the adders are always crap players... like the good SB's Para, uriz, majii, hugmeh, oli, lio are like the ones that dont add because they RVR for good fights not for RP.... The more wank the player the more likely he is to add because the wank players dont RVR for good fights cuz they get owned, they RVR for RP's (mincers and scouts by far the worse adding classes in my experience though).. sorry if that sounds leetist but its definetly true.

all very easy to say when you're already RR9 and can splat the so called "crap players" with ease.

RR9 vs RR3 soloer isn't a fair fight by any means - the person adding just made your fight "fair" ;) what's the problem in that?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
like hugme was playing his low rr newb merc today in an alb group.. I had 2 alb stealthers battering my aris, and hugmehs group just run straight past. sure he needs the RP on that toon but he doesnt change his mentality.

And that isnt like some leet pact or summin. Like me and these dudes whack ten bails of crap out of each other on a daily basis whenever we fight and will activly hunt each other down because these fights are good. but like it counts for something when its a proper fight, its worthless if its just an add. a good player doesnt get any enjoyment out of ruining other peoples fights regardless of their realm.


I understand that this is my view and other peeps are entitled to their view and thats the great thing about all this... no one can STOP other people doing their thing... they wanna add they will add.... but it just takes the piss a little bit to say theres nothing wrong with it...


must say also to nefastus, absolutly cracking fight we had earlier totally ruined by some adding mage who I had like 15 minute discussion with about this whole subject afterwoods

that fight was going to the wire but he fooked it up for both of us... he was a nice guy but seemed to think stealthers were overpowered so I knew I was fighting a loosing arguement.

I really look forward to another encounter that was top class stuff.

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