I think that's a bit of Labour emotional predjudice there Calaen.
I may not agree with what he says, but he's obviously not stupid.
He's a bigoted woman.
Cal? Yes we've known he's a bigoted woman for quite some time.
Hopefully they'll up the retirement age too, our public sector pension deficit is stupendous.
Just because it's financially inconvenient to have old people doesn't mean that we should be moving the retirement age closer and closer to the time when it's a bloody good chance you're gonna die soon...
Lets face it. Having elderly people is a cross we should be happy to bear - considering we're all going there sometime.
Hopefully they'll up the retirement age too, our public sector pension deficit is stupendous.
Why hopefully?
Lets face it. Having elderly people is a cross we should be happy to bear - considering we're all going there sometime.
Just because it's financially inconvenient to have old people doesn't mean that we should be moving the retirement age closer and closer to the time when it's a bloody good chance you're gonna die soon...
I tend to think it is more of problem to keep your job at that age rather than not wanting one.
Why not - thats how it started? It was never meant to fund you for decades after your working life - its just too damned expensive to do it.
Simply because we can't afford to pay people to sit around and not contribute to the economy for 20-30 years.
I tend to think it is more of problem to keep your job at that age rather than not wanting one.
It's not always been this way. People used to work and accumulate wealth. The wealth didn't stop being valuable simply through passage of time.
If we're going to run this dogshit fraudulent theiving system that concentrates wealth in the hands of the very few by stealing it out of the mouths of the masses then we can at least fund for their old age.
What staggers me is that people don't see it
What are you on about? Do you ever live in the real world?
Its not capitalism that steals all your money as tax to maintain those who dont contribute - its socialism.
I agree with you Scouse!
Edit: BTW rynnor. Care to comment on the wealth-stealing properties of inflation and it's knock-on consequences for providing for oneself into old age?
We need a different system. But we're probably not going to get it - because the rich hold all the strings.
..advanced technologies provide practically limitless material wealth and comforts for everyone for free, having all but abolished the concept of possessions), by having overcome almost all physical constraints on life (including disease and death) and by being an almost totally egalitarian, stable society without the use of any form of force or compulsion, except where necessary to protect others.
Edit - oh and you cant prevent inflation - even if you fix prices.
Sure - invest in assets that appreciate - Cash, Bonds,Property and Gold are generally good.
Tell that to an Irish person.