Did they play test this game AT ALL?


Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by FragFodder
"So, as a gamer, you value your history of playing games, and your knowledge of what makes a game good, as inferior to that of Raven and Lucasarts? Amazingly enough, even though you don't work for Raven or Lucasarts, you DO know just as much about aspects of game design as the people who work for the companies do (well, I have doubts about you personally). Games testers are generally just gamers who have blagged a job in the industry. All they do is play games and comment on them. Exactly what Dimebag, and now myself have been doing. If you don't think such comments have any value, I think you really should consider finding a different game to play, as you clearly don't Love this one enough..."

The diff between u and Dimebag is that the game testers have been playing this game all the way through the developemental phase, they've seen the forst attempts and probably cringed at how good/bad they may have been, and they've sat down with the developers and said "look you should try this, this and this". They also do it for a living and bottom line.. Praccy make perfect.

You clearly have no idea about the Games Industry, although your post shows that. Pick up a copy of Edge, look in the back, you will see adverts for game testers, no experience is required except for lead tester positions. As for 'Praccy make [sic] perfect'. What exactly do you think they do other than (capitals for this again, maybe they'll manage to work into your brain this time) PLAY GAMES? Yes, that's right, they do nothing but play games, EXACTLY the same as any of us. If a fault is noted by a consumer that hasn't been picked up by the Testing team, it is a problem, and something that needs to be changed. It doesn't matter one whit whether this game is based around the Star Wars universe, as it's not part of Star Wars canon. That much has been said repeatedly by George Lucas, the only things that ARE canon are the films themselves. Thus a claim that it's Star Wars and meant to be like that doesn't work.

Also I didn't say your comments where worthless, I just dont agree with the way u put them over. You've gone out of your way and not considered many angles that make the difference between most games on the market and Jedi Knight. That major diff is that JK is set in the starwars universe, a fictitious place that came from the inside of George Lucases Head. You can speculate on how things should be but at the end of the day, anything he's said in this field kinda gets noted down as gospel, or do you know more about his own creation than he does

There's no angles to consider, this is a game. If problems exist then they should be fixed, THAT'S IT. There's no 'this is Star Wars' fan boy rubbish. The fact that it's a fictional place makes no difference than trying to defend bugs in say Dai Katana by claiming it's a fictional world that exists only in Romero's head. The creation of Jedi Knight had NOTHING to do with George Lucas other than being set in a world of his creation. That is it, read an interview with any of the licensed creators of Star Wars games and you'll see that GL has no direct bearing. Even titles like X-Wing, a game produced internally by Lucasarts is the product of Larry Holland's mind, NOT GL's. Also, for reference, I'm not aware of Mister Lucas ever making comments as to the targetting system, the ability of various races to resist knockback from a disruptor beam, the spread and aiming ability of races from close range using an Imperial blaster rifle. These are all variables conjured up by Raven Software. That fact that you can't even begin to see this is tragic in itself, as it really belays your lack of knowledge about a game you claim to be a fan of. I'm guessing you are probably too young to remember even the Original game, and that's a shame.

"PS for reference, a fan boy is on who irrationally defends a product simply because they Love the game and refuse to see any faults with it, much the same way as you have done."

Ok, i'll give on this one. I'm defending the game. but not irationally. I'm taking into account what the critics have to say and returning arguements. Is that so wrong? Or where u kinda hoping people would just listen to some of the stuff u've come out with!!

No, I was kind of hoping (nay expecting) that the people on this forum would be mature enough to approach flaws in the game without blindly disregarding them as the cries of 'whinging skill-less' players. The irony being that they were originally put across by a Forum regular who has been registered with BW since June 2000, almost two years, whilst the fan boy responses are from members who have been registered for less than a month.

Anyway.. I think this has gone on for long enough.. maybe its just time to "Agree to Dissagree" on the issues raised in this thread coz bottom line, neither of us are gonna budge so why bother?!

That, ladies and gentlemen, is the saddest thing I have ever seen, it's a written admission that your mind is closed on the subject, as such I'd recomend you don't bother replying anymore, because there's no way I can listen to your rants.

Congratulations on being the archetypical fan-boy, it's always amusing to see people conform to stereotypes so exactly.

Good day to you sir.

Disco PhoolCat


Listen carefully, I shall say this only once....

Yes, blaster not working at point blank is CRAP, no excuse.

No, the red crosshair is an enemy ident ONLY, NOT a lock-on!

Yes, that level is frustrating, with the snipers & all, my shoulderblades were cramped up after that for ages, BUT as the others said, you can crouch-crawl zoomed in AND you can snipe those guys even when you can only see a bit of them! So, you creep round til you see their elbow, fi, but they can't see you & *zap* they're fadin' away...

Yes, autosave can seem annoying to you l33t types, but it ain't as annoying as wasting an entire level worth of effort when you can't save between levels! I remember Dark Forces.

The thing that really bugs me is how het up you all get, for the love of gods large & small, can't you discuss things like adults without this descent into petty playground pissing competions & name calling?
Gods you make me sick, why don't you all just wind yer necks in & get on with enjoying playing the game, warts & all.
I'm not saying you should bend over & take it up the arse from the great gods of Lucasarts & Raven, but if you hate it that much, take it back & get a refund!!! Arrggg!!!!!! You stupid little pricks!!! I can't believe you sink to such pettiness!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAA*fsst*AAAaaah thank you, Doctorzzzzzzzzzzz

After all, it's only a game.


This is my last post coz frankly you're getting boring and you are as bad as i am for keeping a cloased mind.. The diff between u and me is that u aint realised this yet!!

"You clearly have no idea about the Games Industry, although your post shows that. Pick up a copy of Edge, look in the back, you will see adverts for game testers, no experience is required except for lead tester positions. As for 'Praccy make [sic] perfect'. What exactly do you think they do other than (capitals for this again, maybe they'll manage to work into your brain this time) PLAY GAMES? Yes, that's right, they do nothing but play games, EXACTLY the same as any of us. If a fault is noted by a consumer that hasn't been picked up by the Testing team, it is a problem, and something that needs to be changed. It doesn't matter one whit whether this game is based around the Star Wars universe, as it's not part of Star Wars canon. That much has been said repeatedly by George Lucas, the only things that ARE canon are the films themselves. Thus a claim that it's Star Wars and meant to be like that doesn't work. "

So bottom line, you saying that
Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi OutCast

Hasn't really go anything to do with starwars at all and therefore it doesn't have to conform to anything even starwars related.. Laughing My Fucking Arse Off. DICK you're sooooo funny :upyours: . If thats not enough evidance to convince the whole of the gaming world that you talk out of your arse then nothing will!

Errrrrm this has been my point all along. The testers are pros and if there is a bug then they will have picked it up. Now the fact that YOU may not agree with what they class as bugs floors or anything else u dont like about the damn game is irrelavant. If you where so fucking good at this testing thing then why dont u applie to become a tester and then when u've spent 12 of your best months testing a game and making sure it was what u called perfect. Watch it get released then see what happens when some greasy punk who thinks he's the dogs bollocks when it comes to gaming totally diagree and bisically accuse the testers of knowing jack shit, coz they just gamers!! With no experiance!!

"There's no angles to consider, this is a game. If problems exist then they should be fixed, THAT'S IT. There's no 'this is Star Wars' fan boy rubbish. The fact that it's a fictional place makes no difference than trying to defend bugs in say Dai Katana by claiming it's a fictional world that exists only in Romero's head."

Fine.. what are these bugs coz so far the ones u mentioned aren't bugs as far as i can see. They're by DESIGN.

Blaster Fire with travel time.. NOT LASERS
Blaster with Spray Arcs.... Ohh wellllll buggy
Sniper Gun that wont let u run arround whilst zoomed
Targeting CrossHair that doesn't do everything other than pull the trigger for you

"The creation of Jedi Knight had NOTHING to do with George Lucas other than being set in a world of his creation. That is it, read an interview with any of the licensed creators of Star Wars games and you'll see that GL has no direct bearing. Even titles like X-Wing, a game produced internally by Lucasarts is the product of Larry Holland's mind, NOT GL's."

Yeah but are u now trying to say that Larry Holland dreamt up the X-Wing, Y-Wing, A-Wing and B-Wing, not to mention the familiar ships like ties. I'm not talking about Defenders or Advanced (even though they are based losly on Vaders tie). I'm sorry but you can only change the goal posts, not rewrite the frickin rules!! Blasters dont even Instant hit in the films they have flight time.. DENIE THAT

"Also, for reference, I'm not aware of Mister Lucas ever making comments as to the targetting system, the ability of various races to resist knockback from a disruptor beam, the spread and aiming ability of races from close range using an Imperial blaster rifle. These are all variables conjured up by Raven Software."

Your right, they are, but having said that... U now gonna try and claim the Blasters are Lasers? EVEN THOUGHT this has been said by George Lucas. At the end of the day, there has to be a balance struck between weapons. There isn't a bug with the spread of the weapons fire, its one of the first guns u get in the game and lets face it.. They aint gonna give u the best frigin weapon after your first kill.. what would be the point of all the other guns???!???

"That fact that you can't even begin to see this is tragic in itself, as it really belays your lack of knowledge about a game you claim to be a fan of. I'm guessing you are probably too young to remember even the Original game, and that's a shame. "

You're a knob :upyours: .. I'm 21 m8, and I've played and completed ALL of the Dark Forces Series, so dont even try getting fucking smart coz you aint bright enough!! I'm not gonna even start with the other starwars games on the list coz basically they're irrelevant. I'm guessing that u never played JK1 coz even that had Spray arcs for the Imperial Blaster oh yeah not forgetting FLIGHT TIME!!! C there it is again.. Like it or not, GL didn't want instant hit blasters because the films wouldn't have looked like they do with shots flying everywhere. Why cant u understand this :( I'm the one pittying you!

"No, I was kind of hoping (nay expecting) that the people on this forum would be mature enough to approach flaws in the game without blindly disregarding them as the cries of 'whinging skill-less' players. The irony being that they were originally put across by a Forum regular who has been registered with BW since June 2000, almost two years, whilst the fan boy responses are from members who have been registered for less than a month. "

Well, tell me this... How much less do you know about a game when its only been out a few weeks and u've only been registered on this forum for the last month. You're just looking for insults and its not working coz you're making yourself out to be a cunt!! :upyours:

"That, ladies and gentlemen, is the saddest thing I have ever seen, it's a written admission that your mind is closed on the subject, as such I'd recomend you don't bother replying anymore, because there's no way I can listen to your rants.

Congratulations on being the archetypical fan-boy, it's always amusing to see people conform to stereotypes so exactly. "

I'm sorry u feel that way, coz basically thats your problem. You're the ultimate hypocrite when you call me steriotypical because you're own post says that you cant listen to anything else I type, that shows u to be just as closed minded!!! And whats really great is that if you're a man of your word and you do what you say, you shouldn't be reading this post... D'oh I gone and fuct u up again.. You're too easy, now go back under that Rock you came from!

So, what have we learnt about you today?

With the pro testers being my point all along, its just shows your short sightedness and lack of attention

You seem to want to take the whole Starwars Idea, mesh it up and remake everything to suit yourself

You're hypocritical to the MAX even if you dont see this

You came to this forum looking for an argument

Basically you're fulla shit!

You obviously seem to have a problem with Fans of the starwars saga. Hmmm well, if the rest of this forums subscribers have noticed this, you've kinda shot yourself in the foot!

So now its my turn to say:

Good Day to You SIR :upyours:



wow disco baby relax m8 it aint worth a hart attack :p

Also SDB you also dont seem able to change your mind :mad:

I just want to say the perfect game hasnt been made, JK2 perhaps aint it.
It seems that people want more of the same, no changes made.
Imho that is rather sad :(

Disco PhoolCat

Originally posted by Mr.Blackshirt
wow disco baby relax m8 it aint worth a hart attack :p

s'ok, I don't got no heart! ;Þ


ohhhhhh you a machine!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaa
the machine people are invading......man the guns

i just love to take over a thread:)


I didn't like Jedi knight 2 or Medal Of Honor, seemed jerky compared to my beloved Half Life/CS



ah so someone sees where I am comming from.

Quote -

No, I was kind of hoping (nay expecting) that the people on this forum would be mature enough to approach flaws in the game without blindly disregarding them as the cries of 'whinging skill-less' players. The irony being that they were originally put across by a Forum regular who has been registered with BW since June 2000, almost two years, whilst the fan boy responses are from members who have been registered for less than a month.

End Quote-

Man finally someone fucking understands. These people who say that you should just get on and accept the game as how it is are idiots. The fact is they are flaws, flaws that would make the game a lot more fair and enjoyable if they were fixed.

This guy can express himself a lot better than me, and what he says I agree with. The game was made by a bunch of people who work for a games company and have tried to translate a film or rules from the world of a film into a game. They havent done a bad job, but you have to admit there are just so many utterly ANGERING little flaws that the testers havent picked up.

Ive also had enough of this now too because its a fact that people are missing the point just because they like the game.


Ah yeah and as a last point of reference, I have actually been registered with barrysworld as far back as 1998, and for those who remember it, all user names were wiped at a stage and we had to start again. I didnt register on the forums until 2000 because it was just full of shit... ah hang on a minute...

Disco PhoolCat

Originally posted by Mr.Blackshirt
ohhhhhh you a machine!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaa
the machine people are invading......man the guns

Yep! a SEX MACHINE! Get Up! Get On Up!
Disco :flame:Cat


Originally posted by FragFodder
LOL :)

/Me likes Tremor.. he's funny :D

Dont let callous hear ya say that matey:eek: The thing is its all about different strokes for different folks, some people like marmite and some dont, some people like it up the ar........well you get my point:p


disco babe A/S/L hehe lol
Sexmachine he uhmmmmmm shoot that thing its going to use sex energy to take over the world....

Dimebag/ SDB caus a game aint like the old thing doesn't mean its crap. I know caus i have been looking for a diverent game then Elite Force, haven't found one that i like as much though. So open up your minds people.

Tremor what about Samm then?


I dont think she likes Marmite mate, i will ask her:p


Its a sexual position only practised in the north of England


Scooba Da Bass

I'll start off by saying that if you are not English I apologise, because otherwise you have one of the loosest grasps on English I have ever encountered

Originally posted by FragFodder
This is my last post coz frankly you're getting boring and you are as bad as i am for keeping a cloased mind.. The diff between u and me is that u aint realised this yet!!

"You clearly have no idea about the Games Industry, although your post shows that. Pick up a copy of Edge, look in the back, you will see adverts for game testers, no experience is required except for lead tester positions. As for 'Praccy make [sic] perfect'. What exactly do you think they do other than (capitals for this again, maybe they'll manage to work into your brain this time) PLAY GAMES? Yes, that's right, they do nothing but play games, EXACTLY the same as any of us. If a fault is noted by a consumer that hasn't been picked up by the Testing team, it is a problem, and something that needs to be changed. It doesn't matter one whit whether this game is based around the Star Wars universe, as it's not part of Star Wars canon. That much has been said repeatedly by George Lucas, the only things that ARE canon are the films themselves. Thus a claim that it's Star Wars and meant to be like that doesn't work. "

So bottom line, you saying that
Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi OutCast

Hasn't really go anything to do with starwars at all and therefore it doesn't have to conform to anything even starwars related

English, do you speak it Mo'Fo? I said that JK2 is NOT designed by GL, it is not designed by Lucasarts, and it is definitly NOT Star Wars canon. Anything else is a product of your mind. Perhaps a remedial English course would help? The game is based in the Star Wars universe. If it was following the Star Wars canon there would be no game, at least not set when it is. The only facts that are 'Star Wars' are those that have appeared in the films itself. The aftermath of Episode 6 is NOT known, but the game sets out to attempt to describe this place that as yet does not exist even as fiction. That is a fact, if you really are unaware of this I shall locate the relavent interviews with GL, scan them and link to them.

.. Laughing My Fucking Arse Off. DICK you're sooooo funny :upyours: . If thats not enough evidance to convince the whole of the gaming world that you talk out of your arse then nothing will

*sigh* Welcome to the grown up world of swearing child, enjoy your stay.

Errrrrm this has been my point all along. The testers are pros and if there is a bug then they will have picked it up. Now the fact that YOU may not agree with what they class as bugs floors or anything else u dont like about the damn game is irrelavant. If you where so fucking good at this testing thing then why dont u applie to become a tester and then when u've spent 12 of your best months testing a game and making sure it was what u called perfect. Watch it get released then see what happens when some greasy punk who thinks he's the dogs bollocks when it comes to gaming totally diagree and bisically accuse the testers of knowing jack shit, coz they just gamers!! With no experiance!!

*sigh* You really don't have a clue, once again how the gaming industry works do you? Testers are not involved from the start of the process. Testers require no experience other than being able to play games. I could apply and work as a tester but the wages are literally terrible, the last time I checked the yearly wage was sub £12,000. Testers are involved from the Alpha phase, that means the majority of the game is completed, ie; logic, graphics, mapping. The only people who will test before that are the actual designers, and the extent of their testing is checking that everything runs. 'greasy punk' is a rather funny line, why do you persist in making this something personal? Why are you emotionally involved in my saying the game has bugs? Do you REALLY care that much about what someone else percieves to be a bug? To be honest, it's rather obsessive, and as such I do worry about you.

"There's no angles to consider, this is a game. If problems exist then they should be fixed, THAT'S IT. There's no 'this is Star Wars' fan boy rubbish. The fact that it's a fictional place makes no difference than trying to defend bugs in say Dai Katana by claiming it's a fictional world that exists only in Romero's head."

Fine.. what are these bugs coz so far the ones u mentioned aren't bugs as far as i can see. They're by DESIGN.

Ho hum, let's address them shall we?

Blaster Fire with travel time.. NOT LASERS

There is a massive difference between a lack of travel time and a blaster being avoidable at 3 paces. Nowhere in any of the 4 films (ie the very definition of what the Star Wars universe is) does someone at 3 paces avoid a blaster that is aimed directly at them. Try watching the rescue of Leia from the Death Star specifically the firefight Han and Luke end up in with the Stormtroopers. Bullets have a very apreciable travel time, and yet at 3 paces you will not even be able to see one. A blaster that fires a 'bolt of light based energy' (Taken from the official Star Wars encylopaedia, available at The official site) Can you understand that the films are the only available reference for the Star Wars universe? For something to comply with the Star Wars universe it has to be consistant with the films. You simply cannot reasonably argue both sides at once; that the game is based around the film (Your argument against laser dodging), whilst being untrue to it.

Blaster with Spray Arcs.... Ohh wellllll buggy

Welcome to the world of understanding. That IS a bug, it's certainly not something present in any of the films, thus goes against the Star Wars universe.

[quoteSniper Gun that wont let u run arround whilst zoomed[/quote]

Incorrect, the arguement was with the fact that a disruptor hit upon yourself will upset your aim but will not do disruptor wielding enemies. This is rather obviously a bug.

Targeting CrossHair that doesn't do everything other than pull the trigger for you

Again a fabrication of your mind, I've never mentioned this.

"The creation of Jedi Knight had NOTHING to do with George Lucas other than being set in a world of his creation. That is it, read an interview with any of the licensed creators of Star Wars games and you'll see that GL has no direct bearing. Even titles like X-Wing, a game produced internally by Lucasarts is the product of Larry Holland's mind, NOT GL's."

Yeah but are u now trying to say that Larry Holland dreamt up the X-Wing, Y-Wing, A-Wing and B-Wing, not to mention the familiar ships like ties. I'm not talking about Defenders or Advanced (even though they are based losly on Vaders tie). I'm sorry but you can only change the goal posts, not rewrite the frickin rules!! Blasters dont even Instant hit in the films they have flight time.. DENIE THAT

No. I'm not trying to say anything. What I said was, amazingly enough, exactly what I typed. That the Xwing series of titles is a product of Larry Holland's mind. Not that he dreamt the ships up (although he did on the Imperial side), big difference. Vaders ship in the films has no shields, hence him immediately loosing a wing when the Falcon attacks. The Defender and the Advanced both have shields. Something that the Imperial fighters do not have in the films. As for the blaster flight time again, I'm not denying that they have flight time, however, the flight time in the films is very very obviously far far less than in the games. This is a corruption of the Star Wars universe, and as such must surely be a bug, unless you are allowing Raven to rewrite the rules of the Star Wars universe?

Scooba Da Bass


Also, for reference, I'm not aware of Mister Lucas ever making comments as to the targetting system, the ability of various races to resist knockback from a disruptor beam, the spread and aiming ability of races from close range using an Imperial blaster rifle. These are all variables conjured up by Raven Software.

Your right, they are, but having said that... U now gonna try and claim the Blasters are Lasers? EVEN THOUGHT this has been said by George Lucas. At the end of the day, there has to be a balance struck between weapons. There isn't a bug with the spread of the weapons fire, its one of the first guns u get in the game and lets face it.. They aint gonna give u the best frigin weapon after your first kill.. what would be the point of all the other guns???!???

Blasters are a laser varient. It's never been specified how the blasters within the Star Wars universe work, other than that they are light based. Altering the abilities of the gun for the sake of a game, which cripples the abilities of said gun is terrible. It totally goes against the whole nature of the Star Wars universe.

"That fact that you can't even begin to see this is tragic in itself, as it really belays your lack of knowledge about a game you claim to be a fan of. I'm guessing you are probably too young to remember even the Original game, and that's a shame. "

You're a knob :upyours: .. I'm 21 m8, and I've played and completed ALL of the Dark Forces Series, so dont even try getting fucking smart coz you aint bright enough!! I'm not gonna even start with the other starwars games on the list coz basically they're irrelevant. I'm guessing that u never played JK1 coz even that had Spray arcs for the Imperial Blaster oh yeah not forgetting FLIGHT TIME!!! C there it is again.. Like it or not, GL didn't want instant hit blasters because the films wouldn't have looked like they do with shots flying everywhere. Why cant u understand this :( I'm the one pittying you!

To be perfectly honest with you, I seriously doubt you are 21, the style of posting is much more akin to a 15 year old. I'm very proud of you for having played from DF and wasn't aware that it was something 'smart'. However, to be honest, your posting style, and grip on English implies a lot more about how 'bright' you are, than myself. I remember rather well DF, and in that very game, if you ran up at point blank and used the Imperial blaster in spray mode, you'd be assured more than 90% hits, a number that has significantly decreased over the series. As for the GL angle, there are no rocket launchers, no disruptors, no splash area effect weapons in any of the Star Wars films, why are they in the game? Why have Raven chosen to pick and choose parts of the films, you can't pick what parts of GL's world you want to be consistant with, and disregard the others. Consistancy is the key, you'd do well to remember that.

"No, I was kind of hoping (nay expecting) that the people on this forum would be mature enough to approach flaws in the game without blindly disregarding them as the cries of 'whinging skill-less' players. The irony being that they were originally put across by a Forum regular who has been registered with BW since June 2000, almost two years, whilst the fan boy responses are from members who have been registered for less than a month. "

Well, tell me this... How much less do you know about a game when its only been out a few weeks and u've only been registered on this forum for the last month. You're just looking for insults and its not working coz you're making yourself out to be a cunt!! :upyours:

I've not been 'looking for insults' as you so quaintly put it, however, if in future I wish to find such things, I'll know to request a post from yourself, seeing as you seem incabale of constructing a sentance without an insult of some kind, still I gather that's what children get up to nowadays. I initially agreed with Dime on a number of issues that the JK2 fanboys had decided were based upon a lack of skill, instead of a lack of consistancy with the Star Wars universe. As for the matter of when you joined, someone who has been registered for 2 years and has posted a civil post does not deserve to be attacked by a group of single forum using newbies who attribute everything to a lack of 'leetness' *shudder*

"That, ladies and gentlemen, is the saddest thing I have ever seen, it's a written admission that your mind is closed on the subject, as such I'd recomend you don't bother replying anymore, because there's no way I can listen to your rants.

Congratulations on being the archetypical fan-boy, it's always amusing to see people conform to stereotypes so exactly. "

I'm sorry u feel that way, coz basically thats your problem. You're the ultimate hypocrite when you call me steriotypical because you're own post says that you cant listen to anything else I type, that shows u to be just as closed minded!!!

Are you aware of what the word 'stereotype' (the correct spelling btw) means? A stereotype is someone who conforms to an archetype. It's not someone who's is close minded. A little point, it'll help you avoid looking ignorant in the future. However, I've listened to everything you've said, and in each of my posts have replied to each one of your points with reasoning refuting them. The fact that you've done the opposite of that is rather amusing.

And whats really great is that if you're a man of your word and you do what you say, you shouldn't be reading this post... D'oh I gone and fuct u up again.. You're too easy, now go back under that Rock you came from

Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass as such I'd recomend you don't bother replying anymore

Your grasp of English is as tenable as your grasp on reasoned argument.

So, what have we learnt about you today?

With the pro testers being my point all along, its just shows your short sightedness and lack of attention

Hello, welcome to once again not knowing anything about the games industry and rather specifically testing.

You seem to want to take the whole Starwars Idea, mesh it up and remake everything to suit yourself

No, I want the games to either be realistic to the Star Wars universe. You are the one supporting the differences, and thus by extension a hybrid.

You're hypocritical to the MAX even if you dont see this

Remember, attributing statements always helps!

You came to this forum looking for an argument

To refer to another famous Lucasarts' game. Why would I enter a battle of wits with an unarmed man?

Basically you're fulla shit!

You obviously seem to have a problem with Fans of the starwars saga. Hmmm well, if the rest of this forums subscribers have noticed this, you've kinda shot yourself in the foot!

To be honest, if you truly were a Star Wars fan, you'd appreciate that there are major differences between the game and what is perceived in the films, the very fact that you don't suggests in fact that you very probably aren't a Star Wars fan.

So now its my turn to say:

Good Day to You SIR :upyours:

Remember, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Good day to you sir.


way too long postsssssssssss.........boring............sleep

Scooba Da Bass you are a bit full of yourself??? If you dont like the game then leave it, noone is making you play the game.

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by Mr.Blackshirt
way too long postsssssssssss.........boring............sleep

Scooba Da Bass you are a bit full of yourself??? If you dont like the game then leave it, noone is making you play the game.


Jesus, does anyone on here actually BOTHER to read threads? I was under the impression that was the approach on forums, you read, then reply. If that's beyond you I'd suggest you stick to duplo or something.

I've never said I dislike the game, I play it rather a lot, I've pointed out irritations that spoil many parts of the game for me.


wow what a civil response. Really hard work I would guess.
Yes I read it all. Forums are a way to discus things, and apart from the marmite response all I have seen is people restating everything they have posted. This is boring! Besides that it is about reading--->thinking--->posting. Considering the other persons opinions, you have not done this. Your first response was "you are FANBOYS", in other words you consider the opinions of the people you call "FANBOYS" as irrelevant.

Imho your negative attitude makes that people do not look at some of your valid points.

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by Mr.Blackshirt
wow what a civil response. Really hard work I would guess.
Yes I read it all. Forums are a way to discus things, and apart from the marmite response all I have seen is people restating everything they have posted. This is boring! Besides that it is about reading--->thinking--->posting. Considering the other persons opinions, you have not done this. Your first response was "you are FANBOYS", in other words you consider the opinions of the people you call "FANBOYS" as irrelevant.

Imho your negative attitude makes that people do not look at some of your valid points.

My lack of civility is due to a feeling rather akin to repeatedly banging my head against a brickwall.

How about I explain to you AGAIN?






'Your first response was "you are FANBOYS", in other words you consider the opinions of the people you call "FANBOYS" as irrelevant. '

I consider the judgement of fanboys impaired, something that I stated, I'll ask you again to READ MY POSTS instead of going of on tangents, it's so dreadfully easy, read the words, don't make up your own, just read them, got that 'Mr Blackshirt' (tut tut on the names btw)?

Oh well, the lesson becomes clear, new forum, a whole new bunch of spamming idiots, BW really needs some kind of control group, when new people join they should have to post to general before being approved full membership.

old.Solid Scorpion

hey......I thought dime was talking about multi-player, not snipers in single player.


I guess you do not realise who the brickwall is. Also may I point to you at the complete generalisation that make? Next to that you might want to read your posts, because it seems that you do not see how other people are reading them. You might want to mean something else but you are not making it.

You are thinking that because someone is new to a forum that they are idiots? You want a "control group"? lol, what are moderators then. If you mean you want to control who is on a forum then create your own little privat forum.

OK your point is that there are flaws in the game. THAT IS YOUR OPINION. nothing more and nothing less. Just as you put down other peoples opinion as meaningless, I could put your opinions down as meaningless because you act as if you have all the wisdom.

yeah the name I know:eek: tbh when I picked it I totaly forgot about the history. I could explain why but cba and is irrelevant to this constant restating of a persons position.


I think this thread is conclusive proof that the upyours smiley should be removed from BW and banished from the internet for ever.

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by Mr.Blackshirt
I guess you do not realise who the brickwall is. Also may I point to you at the complete generalisation that make? Next to that you might want to read your posts, because it seems that you do not see how other people are reading them. You might want to mean something else but you are not making it.

The standard of English so far displayed y those respondin to my posts is shocking, literally shocking. I know my own use of English, and the way that people who don't post to the JK2 forums react to my postings suggests that the language I use is precise. It comes down to people reading something and trying to bend what it says to fi the arguements in their head. I apologise for doing the opposite, taking what is written as what they meant, I expect people to be aware that on forums, just like sarcasm, most inferred emotional content and meaning is lost. You cannot easily put across subtles of meaning, or generally waffle in the hope that someone will pick up what you mean.

You are thinking that because someone is new to a forum that they are idiots? You want a "control group"? lol, what are moderators then. If you mean you want to control who is on a forum then create your own little privat forum.

Nope, I just wish that every time a new group of people joined that the ratio of decent sensible posters, to idiots would occasionally end up in the favour of Sensible posters. Just look at some of the idiots who started posting when the WP crowd moved over here. So far most of the threads in this forum have ended up with 3/4 of the new guys talking about their personal experiences. It devalues the original post and devalues the original poster. What is also shocking is the way that people who are not part of the 'clique' in here are responded to when expressing their 'opinions'. Sadly it looks as if the model for online game communities is from now on going to be that of Counterstrike.

OK your point is that there are flaws in the game. THAT IS YOUR OPINION. nothing more and nothing less. Just as you put down other peoples opinion as meaningless, I could put your opinions down as meaningless because you act as if you have all the wisdom.

Originally posted by Frag Fodder
He didn't dodge light.. sorry m8, but u missed, and weapon is only as good as the guy who's using it

If you sincerely believe that what we are saying is an opinion, how can someone argue with that and say it's wrong? Please think your conclusions through.

Good day sir.


Off course you do realise that this is an international forum these days? Also I believe that on a forum there is no need for perfect written english, as long as you can make yourself being understood as close as you can make it.

It comes down to people reading something and trying to bend what it says to fi the arguements in their head.
This is the most normal thing ever!!! People will always do this, you are no exception.

Value of posts devalued? rofl. If only you wouldn't take things so serious we are talking about games. Clique??? rofl get lost. First of all this game is new so where should this clique come from? or are you talking about "old" gamers. Let me tell you something THEY DONT HAVE MORE RIGHTS. This is a public forum, understand that. People have the right to post what ever they want, even you!

OK and now back to the subject.
No what I sincerely believe is that what you precieve as a flaw is an opinion. I have no doubt that there are things in JK2 that are not as good as it could have been. But again that is my opinion! Is that a flaw, no its something that I dont like. Because you dont like something doesn't mean that someone cant like it.

He didn't dodge light.. sorry m8, but u missed, and weapon is only as good as the guy who's using it
again yes it is an opinion, but I agree with the opinion that a weapon is as good as the guy using it. So I cant argue with that.

You might want to understand one thing. You are coming over as an elitist, know-it-all, nostalgic fool, who doesn't care about the opinions of people that like the game.

Scooba Da Bass



Funny how much shit I always tend to stir up and how you lamers bite it.

Every thread I start turns into a barrage of people trying to out wit and out do each other in a game of insults and analysis.

Anyway... do carry on and waste your time, not that anyone but you two are reading this anymore anyway.


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