Wij said:Aristarchus proposed that the Earth reveolved around the Sun before Jesus was even a twinkle in God's eye.
Wij said:science is precisely NOT a religion. The whole point about scientific theories is that they must be able to be challenged.
Turamber said:Jesus never commented on whether the Earth revolved around the Sun or vica-versa, moreover the Bible does not specifically discuss the issue ... the Catholic Church simply maintained the commonly accepted view of it's day. I'm not Catholic and have a lot of problems with their religion, but I'm just trying to be fair in my outlook. Such as pointing out that they did fund research and did embrace a number of advances.
Turamber said:And yet the theory of evolution is taught as scientific fact in many schools and people who reject it are seen in a similar light as heretics are to 'religionists'.
Wij said:I wouldn't go so far as to say that. It's more that mass media has exposed people to a whole new array of mumbo-jumbo to believe and progressive attitudes have taught people that their ill-educated brain-spew is just as valid an opinion as that of someone with a PhD in Physics.
Churches are in decline. Superstition and belief in drivel is as high as ever.