So it's judgemental choosing to turn your back on chubby chasing, and get size8 girls?
No, it's judgmental to call it chubby chasing, or disregard completely someone, based on their size or other aspects, in general as a woman.
You're free to have your choice in the matter, ofcourse you d, your taste is individual, but at the same time it's not ok to categorise based on stereotypes and arbitrary size restrictions.
I do hope you realise that you could get a really fit size 7 supermodel in your kitchen, but when those kids start popping out, any one of the women out there can turn into that oh so horrible whale you fear.
If that day comes, which it very well might, i also hope you're more of a man, yes a man, then Gimmly and realise that it's not the size, but the person that matters.
eksdee said:And choosing a partner based on any other arbitrary category OTHER than physical attraction is more or less superficial because? Everyone has their preferences. Just because some people prize looks over, say, the amount of Foucault or Baudrillard someone has read doesn't make them a bad person.
Also, it is self-evident that just because someone is physically attractive doesn't mean they can't be intelligent, or nice, or a good mother, husband, doctor, lawyer, prostitute or whatever.
...I'm living proof. all of those cases.
...especially as a prostitute.
I already told the missus if we have a Gimmly Jr she has to get a c section.No, it's judgmental to call it chubby chasing, or disregard completely someone, based on their size or other aspects, in general as a woman.
You're free to have your choice in the matter, ofcourse you d, your taste is individual, but at the same time it's not ok to categorise based on stereotypes and arbitrary size restrictions.
I do hope you realise that you could get a really fit size 7 supermodel in your kitchen, but when those kids start popping out, any one of the women out there can turn into that oh so horrible whale you fear.
If that day comes, which it very well might, i also hope you're more of a man, yes a man, then Gimmly and realise that it's not the size, but the person that matters.
It is superficial because looks are by definition, superficial (I.E. Affecting only the surface. Nobody is saying that physical attraction isn't important, but in any healthy relationship, it is just one of many factors. Beauty is as they say, transient; and the substance of a relationship is based on many far more important things.
In all honesty I think it is an incredibly short sighted and shallow view.
GimmlyThe3rd said:It's impossible to find a 10/10 with a great personality and smart.
So I just pick with my dick.
I already told the missus if we have a Gimmly Jr she has to get a c section.
Or i'm diluting her shares in my business and getting a กิ๊ก (Fuck buddy).
I can't believe what I'm reading in this thread, just sitting here shaking my head.
/close thread.
face palmThis is why he lives in Thailand because many of the women are desperate to get out of poverty they will cling to any old person...