Delusional Fat People In America / UK

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Aug 24, 2008
So which is it, trolling or seriously talking?

Because you seemed avid that your opinions are strict truth. There was also 0 tongue in cheek on your original post.

And your logic doesn't hold water, you use the same measure scale to say "this varies in people" and then say "all on this point are the same".

That's hypocrisy.

And yes, i do act serious when people start acting like judgmental morons.
It's not hypocrisy it's common sense?

I'm not surprised by your posts tbh just look what you posted in last 5 years. You would argue that the sky isn't blue.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
It's not hypocrisy it's common sense?

No it's not. You can't simply pick&choose points on a scale and claim that in one point things are absolute, while in others they vary.

You calling anyone over 8 or 10 a whale is not common sense either, it's being a judgmental dick.

Bet you choose your friends over looks and weight too, or do you tell your nonskinny friends that they're whales?

What i've posted in the last few years has been a self admitted troll race, now a days it's what i think and what i think, with all my tolerance and patience towards different people, is that you're not a very great addition to the human race.


Aug 24, 2008
No it's not. You can't simply pick&choose points on a scale and claim that in one point things are absolute, while in others they vary.

You calling anyone over 8 or 10 a whale is not common sense either, it's being a judgmental dick.

Bet you choose your friends over looks and weight too, or do you tell your nonskinny friends that they're whales?

What i've posted in the last few years has been a self admitted troll race, now a days it's what i think.
Not once did I say 8 or 10 a whale, I actually said the Size 12 was quite nice.

Now you're just being retarded, ofc I have fat and skinny friends, and we all mock each other equally. But if my GF was fat, yes I would tell her for sure and get her on a diet.

Whats the point in lieing? Honesty is the best policy and the most sobering.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
It's all genetic really. Thinner women are likely to be healthier and better genetic material.

Flat out wrong.

Tell that to your doctor when he tells you that you are overweight and are shortening your own life expectancy because of it. :p

Doctors talk shite all the time. A actually had an argument with my doctor when I had a physical a few years back for my work, and she basically admitted the ridiculousness of huge swathes of the population dropping into the "obese" category when they are perfectly healthy, was largely driven by the insurance industry. I wasn't "obese" in that medical (although by the BMI definition I probably am now), as I was 6" and 13.5 stone, which made me "overweight". Fucking nonsense.

My girlfriend is a size 6. She's not underweight according to her BMI? Since when were we talking about being underweight? A woman I work with is a size 12 and she is overweight according to her BMI (she loves telling me about her latest diet craze).

Face it, the whole 'curvy' revolution in public opinion is just to make fatties feel better. It was never this way until a few years ago. It's just a trend.

Totally arse about face; skinny is the recent trend (briefly in the 1920s, then 1960s onwards), curvy is the default position for most of human history; curves=fertile.

And imo BMI is accurate for joe average, the only people that protest this is fat people. Bodybuilders, people that lift and athletes don't take much notice because they're not joe average.

No, its really not, BMI has been widely discredited because "Joe Average" doesn't really exist, and BMI is 2 dimensional system being used to map a 3-dimensional object; its rubbish.

None of this takes away from the fact that there are too many properly fat people in the West, and that diet for a lot of people, including kids, is fucked up, but at the same time the media-created ideal woman's physique is also fucked up in the opposite direction.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Not once did I say 8 or 10 a whale, I actually said the Size 12 was quite nice.

PAge 1, right at the start;

Doubtful shes a size 10? that's like a whale,

And the trend continues accross the thread. Yeah, think the goalpost moving and doublestandards are your meal for the day.

Well, outside telling your GF she's fat and needs a diet.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
BMI is a load of bollocks. There was this program on TV last night about Thin Fat people.

They had the right BMI index for a "thin" person but they had more fat on their body than a "regular" person should have. So they were in fact "fat" but looked thin. As a result these many of these people ended up having diabetes...


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
BMI is a load of bollocks. There was this program on TV last night about Thin Fat people.

They had the right BMI index for a "thin" person but they had more fat on their body than a "regular" person should have. So they were in fact "fat" but looked thin. As a result these many of these people ended up having diabetes...

Which is one of the more nicer things you can have out of the plethora of problems. Diabetes is, well, it's a cakewalk really with proper "training".


Aug 24, 2008
BMI is used as a guideline on the average population, anyone with eyes can see if your overweight or skinny.

And 6.0 13.5 stone does seem overweight for a average male, considering this guy is 2 inches taller and 1 stone lighter.



Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
There is something wrong with Gimmly, when I end up agreeing with Toht. God help us!

There has been goal post moving for sure. Back and forth. Hard to follow where things stand now as I have ended up completely confused.

But gimmly. Like you say that a size 0 can be because of genetics, it is the same with a size 12.
Your view is totally swayed by your location. In asian areas they are mainly small skeletal structure so they are generally small sized. Even if they are "fat", they would still be able to be a size 6/8. Simply because their bone structure is smaller.

In the west, the women have larger skeletal structures. This could mean that due to the broadness of shoulders and hips, even if they have 0 body fat they could be a size 10/12. Now to you this is pushing into "whale" territory going by your 2nd post (roughly - even if it was tongue in cheek), were as it clearly isnt.

Going by clothes size doesnt tell you if someone is fat or not (unless you getting into the higher ranges of course), and going by BMI doesnt tell you anything as it is an outdated concept that is still used (as mentioned muscle is heavier so you could be told you are overweight when you got no body fat).

Basically there alot of things to take into account and you will have to conceed the following points:
1) You are biased due to your location
2) You can not call size 10+ fat because you dont know bone structue/muscle composition. Therefore without a picture you could be wrong (as proven by the picture of the size 12)

For evidence of BMI being bollocks. I am at the LOWER scale of being perfect weight by the BMI. However I disagree simply because the way my weight is currently distributed gives me a wee bit of a stomach. I need to convert some the fat into muscle and I be happier, but it always make me heavier.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well yes but they also tend to get heart diseases as well...

Didn't mean to sound like i was disagreeing, just saying that it's the least of their worries as diabetes is something that won't hinder your life.

Corran, sorry for forcing you to agree. I'll try to post some nonsense for you some day ;)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I bet these people are a blast in a bar on a fri night /sarcasm

I think a fair few of us would think the same of you with some of the absolute dribble you've posted so far in this thread.

you seem to be knocking people for calling smaller sizes skinny or whatever, and then 2 seconds later your laying out the fat, whale, chubby chaser crap.

and as for

But if my GF was fat, yes I would tell her for sure and get her on a diet.

whatever dude, arent you nice. And if she turned round to you and said "your too skinny", your hair/eyes are the wrong colour or whatever you'd be happy with that and change would you????

you should like your gf/wife/partner for what they are (that should be what attracted you in the first place) not for what you can mold them into.

your now say a lot of this was tongue in cheek, but looking at what you generally post I'm inclined to disagree, your just a douche.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
BMI is used as a guideline on the average population, anyone with eyes can see if your overweight or skinny.

And 6.0 13.5 stone does seem overweight for a average male, considering this guy is 2 inches taller and 1 stone lighter.


Right so to show what the average should be you use, a cage fighter. You really are a fucking idiot. If you want to play that game;

6'1" - 14st 7. Stupid argument.


Aug 24, 2008
There is something wrong with Gimmly, when I end up agreeing with Toht. God help us!

There has been goal post moving for sure. Back and forth. Hard to follow where things stand now as I have ended up completely confused.

But gimmly. Like you say that a size 0 can be because of genetics, it is the same with a size 12.
Your view is totally swayed by your location. In asian areas they are mainly small skeletal structure so they are generally small sized. Even if they are "fat", they would still be able to be a size 6/8. Simply because their bone structure is smaller.

In the west, the women have larger skeletal structures. This could mean that due to the broadness of shoulders and hips, even if they have 0 body fat they could be a size 10/12. Now to you this is pushing into "whale" territory going by your 2nd post (roughly - even if it was tongue in cheek), were as it clearly isnt.

Going by clothes size doesnt tell you if someone is fat or not (unless you getting into the higher ranges of course), and going by BMI doesnt tell you anything as it is an outdated concept that is still used (as mentioned muscle is heavier so you could be told you are overweight when you got no body fat).

Basically there alot of things to take into account and you will have to conceed the following points:
1) You are biased due to your location
2) You can not call size 10+ fat because you dont know bone structue/muscle composition. Therefore without a picture you could be wrong (as proven by the picture of the size 12)

For evidence of BMI being bollocks. I am at the LOWER scale of being perfect weight by the BMI. However I disagree simply because the way my weight is currently distributed gives me a wee bit of a stomach. I need to convert some the fat into muscle and I be happier, but it always make me heavier.
You have it correct there, I agree a Size 12 or even possibly a 14 can be normal, but a 14+ is not genetics, broad shoulders or what ever you what to call it, it's a whale.

It's the same with BMI, if you are 30 or 35, or whatever fat/obese is. And you don't lift serious weights, you are fat and in denial because it's in the EXTREMES of the other end of the scale.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I'm not offended, i'm disappointed to a degree and somewhat annoyed that people still judge so much over other people.

Regarding the first post and the tone of it being anti-judgemental, it's kind of ironic.

About sense, well, everyone thinks they make sense, doesn't make it right.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
There is no ideal WEIGHT chart. BMI is meant to be used as a rough guideline for an average individual, not to pinpoint one person's specific progress. BMI is worthless in my opinion.

The only measurement that is worthwhile in my opinion is body fat percentage, and the only true way to know your bodyfat percentage is via a hydrostatic dunk tank. You can get "approximations" from a number of methods, but only a water tank is accurate.

Body fat chart from the American Council on Exercise:


Essential Fat- 2-4%
Athletes 4-13%
Fitness 14-17%
Average 18-26%
Overweight 27-37%
Obese 38+%


Essential Fat- 10-12%
Athletes 12-20%
Fitness 21-24%
Average 25-31%
Overweight 32-41%
Obese 42+%

With all that in mind, a great measure weight loss progress can be gained just by looking into a mirror, seeing how your clothes fit.

There ought to be an ideal size chart also, though it'd need to depend a bit on height. Since a size 14 @ 160 would be a whale.

Underweight 4/6
Normal 7/8
Overweight 10/14
Obese 16/18

My aunt is a size 18 and she is pretty big.

Also an entirely different discussion would be that people should eat right, keep down in sizes. And donate the leftover money from the household, make the world a better place to be, for those less fortunate.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
I'm not offended, i'm disappointed to a degree and somewhat annoyed that people still judge so much over other people.

Regarding the first post and the tone of it being anti-judgemental, it's kind of ironic.

About sense, well, everyone thinks they make sense, doesn't make it right.

So it's judgemental choosing to turn your back on chubby chasing, and get size8 girls?

I mean, someday, when i want to have kids i certainly do not want a whale in my kitchen. But someone with regular periods that produce good offspring.


Loyal Freddie
Feb 25, 2004
So it's judgemental choosing to turn your back on chubby chasing, and get size8 girls?

I mean, someday, when i want to have kids i certainly do not want a whale in my kitchen. But someone with regular periods that produce good offspring.



FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
And some day you will learn it's not about size but all about living with eachother.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
And some day you will learn it's not about size but all about living with eachother.

Cant survive if she empties the fridge before you get home from work. Survival of the fittest(fattest?!).


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Cant survive if she empties the fridge before you get home from work. Survival of the fittest(fattest?!).

because everyone over size 8 spends all day at home eating hog roasts.........


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Also an entirely different discussion would be that people should eat right, keep down in sizes. And donate the leftover money from the household, make the world a better place to be, for those less fortunate.

Donating leftover money... have you ever compared the price of eating healthy to the price of eating unhealthy?

Me and the wife probably spend over twice as much as the "fat people" on our shopping, simply because the price of buying the right meat and veg costs alot more then buying a load of shite and living of pasta.

Could easily have a dinner on an unhealthy diet for 50p a night (as an example, cheesey pasta). Beefburgers meal - maybe £1 a night etc.

Now try have a healthy diet on that same budget. It is impossible... and if you throw in the price for decent fruit instead of chocolate and biscuits it just gets worse


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
because everyone over size 8 spends all day at home eating hog roasts.........

It depends, if she doesnt want to lose weight, most likely.

Plus tear and wear on springs in the bed, floor, stairways, not to mention the suspension in your car. Plus if you agree to live with an obese person you have to make sure they are very hygienic, since they tend to sweat more and have a less attractive body odeur than normal humans.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
It depends, if she doesnt want to lose weight, most likely.

Plus tear and wear on springs in the bed, floor, stairways, not to mention the suspension in your car. Plus if you agree to live with an obese person you have to make sure they are very hygienic, since they tend to sweat more and have a less attractive body odeur than normal humans.

hahahahahaah you are clueless if you think anyone over size 8 is overweight and if they not losing weight they are raiding the fridge.

Dear god there are so many insane people on this forum :p
Well insane, trolls or just have no idea about women and how they live.

Wouldnt surprise me if most people with this view point spend most their day just looking at pictures of women and not actually being with real thing or even simply having conversations with the real thing.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
It depends, if she doesnt want to lose weight, most likely.

Plus tear and wear on springs in the bed, floor, stairways, not to mention the suspension in your car. Plus if you agree to live with an obese person you have to make sure they are very hygienic, since they tend to sweat more and have a less attractive body odeur than normal humans.

Hang on, are you implying that everyone over size 8 needs to lose weight?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Hang on, are you implying that everyone over size 8 needs to lose weight?

I didnt include any specific size in my quote, however the girl in the OP would need to if she was a size 8, however she is not.

I'd say sizes can be hard to judge, but if you include height and weight it'd be pretty easy to judge using those 3.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Cant survive if she empties the fridge before you get home from work. Survival of the fittest(fattest?!).

Well you talk about offspring and sizes. Lemme know when your gf/wife delivered your offspring and you tell her to get back in shape. I wanne be there when the punch hits your face or she just laughs at you.
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