Actually I think it was in one of your grats threads :england:
And it's not a case of conceding about my class, I just think theres far more overpowered things out there already, i.e any HoT class at all.
As for whats over powered, it's all relative to the class you play yourself, but in general shears, HoT's, disease and the melee defense triangle need a serious looking at.
and armsmen with insane damage with just one anytimer, fucked up parry rate because they can afford going high without losing anything, RR5 which is even more or just as OP as champs, doesnt need a serious looking at? HoT isnt anymore OP than darn 5-800dmg on everyhit anytime at all.. HoT can't heal that much.
Oh, and mentalists which is a HoT class is OP? I hope not lol