DAoC - The true 'Drop Dead'


DroP DeaD


Summary : Yes I am trying to leave the game for good. Or atleast play it very little.


If that was a poke at me, it didnt work, im not gay.

Just insecure ?

My post didn't make it sound like he was gay at all - 'coming out' doesn't always have gay insinuations does it ?

The guy was telling us that he was not as he seemed - a male person playing a female character.

I don't have a problem with that, do you ?

DroP DeaD

Originally posted by Loth
Just insecure ?

My post didn't make it sound like he was gay at all - 'coming out' doesn't always have gay insinuations does it ?

The guy was telling us that he was not as he seemed - a male person playing a female character.

I don't have a problem with that, do you ?

Stop hi jacking my thread !!! :scared:

lol j/k:)

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Originally posted by Loth
The guy was telling us that he was not as he seemed - a male person playing a female character.

I don't have a problem with that, do you ?

She's a HE?! :-o

Is Keridwan (sp?) a guy as well? I've always been kinda curious about that individual. If 'she' is a she then...she has issues. If 'she' is a he then he needs to work on his act a bit. :p

DroP DeaD

Originally posted by Cap'n Sissyfoo
She's a HE?! :-o

Is Keridwan (sp?) a guy as well? I've always been kinda curious about that individual. If 'she' is a she then...she has issues. If 'she' is a he then he needs to work on his act a bit. :p

Was my act good? And I meet Ker once... Im pretty sure its a guy :p but still I convinced mostly everyone for ohh about a year? wow >head grows< :)


Originally posted by Cap'n Sissyfoo
She's a HE?! :-o

Is Keridwan (sp?) a guy as well? I've always been kinda curious about that individual. If 'she' is a she then...she has issues. If 'she' is a he then he needs to work on his act a bit. :p
Lol. Yeah, Keridwan's pretty weird. :p

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Originally posted by DroP DeaD
Was my act good? And I meet Ker once... Im pretty sure its a guy :p but still I convinced mostly everyone for ohh about a year? wow >head grows< :)

Dunno, never really spoke to you in game other than to buy your DM junk. :p


Originally posted by Loth
Just insecure ?

Not realy, im confident about who I am and my sexuality thanks.

Originally posted by Loth
My post didn't make it sound like he was gay at all - 'coming out' doesn't always have gay insinuations does it ?
Well where I come from, "comming out" is the name given to the occasion where someone says "Im gay"
Originally posted by Loth

The guy was telling us that he was not as he seemed - a male person playing a female character.

I don't have a problem with that, do you ?
No, why would I.


Originally posted by Tilda
Not realy, im confident about who I am and my sexuality thanks.

Well where I come from, "comming out" is the name given to the occasion where someone says "Im gay"

No, why would I.

Didn't quite make it to bed but....

ROTFL at this post :D

anyway, bed awaits :sleeping:


awwwwwwwwwwwwwww as i said u got bollox matey just plz dont say ur wearing ur nighty again !!!!


Originally posted by Coim-
Lol. Yeah, Keridwan's pretty weird. :p

TBH Drop, I always said you were a guy. To me there are always ways to tell if the so called girl is really a girl.
When you see a lesbo crazed "woman"... who wants sex all the time ....MAN! lol not saying I dont like sex and all.. but you can always tell :p
In the last 2 weeks I have found out about 4 so called girls.. that I now know are guys..:eek:
Oh well.. as long as you dont hurt anyone or play head games, all is fine..

As far as Keridwan goes that guy is so messed up in the head.. and there is no way its a she. :p
I remember just after I disbanded my RP guild he went off on me .. like crazy lol and started thretning me and telling me off. Then tried to invite me to his guild.. lol hello.. nutt alert! All his guild is, is one big cyber sex orgy group for men pretending to be woman.

Anyhoo Drop, as I have told my other friends its always great to get it out and let people know. it makes things better.. GL in the future :D


Drop M8!!

One of the Nicest guys i met on daoc, cant remember how i actually met you lol, think my bro introduced me one day when i saw you hugging me /hug

I didnt know that you was pretending to be female but from what i have read imo its quite funny and from that it proves your life isnt shit and u wanna go have some fun :D

Anyway DONT quit daoc :p - although i admit its crap atm and ive got a new game \0/ - Jedi Knight:Jedi Acadamy so prolly wont be as active anymore (yay).



I only have 1 piece of advice really for 'Drop Dead'...

Take your friend, wrap her in cotton wool and never let her go. Sounds to me like you've found someone you can connect with and identify with and in both real life and in game, that's a rare thing. It don't matter where you meet them, just hang on to 'em :)


/em wraps Tilda and guns together in cotton wool ^_^ :)


Male or female, it does not matter. As long as u don't use the gender-roles for your own gain. Which seems to be the matter here :(.


I don't know you, but sheesh, that took some guts.


Just remember to strike a moderation - too much partying is not a good thing :) You'll meet a girl before long, hell I did and I wasn't even looking. Now I'm married to her :)

You probably have plenty of ears but if you want another one to bend then throw me a PM. :)


SH still sucks wether its a gay or gal using it! :p


SH sucks


Originally posted by Coim-
Well, that must have took courage. It's not really a big deal, plenty of people out there playing female chars, acting like a girl... etc. Besides... it's not like it's a crime or anything. Speaking of crimes... Barney as an avatar? :eek7::p

i think hes trying to say hes not straight :s


Hey Dropsie ! :)

first of all, nice to see you get a life! :p
j/k ... hehehe ... ;)

anywayZ, I hope U have fun out there in the real world, but I bet U´ll be hung up, talking to that girl over msn or something :p

I would like to state that saying you are a girl irl, well ... who cares? .. yea, it's nice to know what sex U are in rl, but omg .. who cares if U have pretended you were a girl? .. even if it only had one purpose; to get friends :p ... What I mean by this is, that they were still talking to you, and you are still the same person that U allways have been :D

boyschools are teh s00k imo :(


Big Kudos for telling people this on BW m8, takes courage.

And i bet this drops a load off your shoulders.

I never understand all the fuss about males/females ingame.
I'm always weary of people that present themselves as female and slowly work you into doing stuff for them.

If people tell me they're female, fine they're female... i'm easily fooled, but that's because i don't really care...you're looking at a bunch of pixels anyway, nothing more... so unless you're looking for some sort of daoc-cybersex ;) there's really no need to get all worked up about the gender of another daoc player.


Nm :)

sometimse u have to force a bit ur self to somthing ur not used to

mmm not jumping from a bridge, i mean... but well goin out for dinner... or looking a girl for more than a second ...

u have to try, all ther :)

most ov the time life seems shit...
but... u still alive and 16years old...
u can change it... lot ov time n so many route to take :)

mmm n. ireland?
lovely for what i remeber
i grew ther... but was long time ago...


Nice ppl

Hey, you albs are nice ppl after all :)

It's a sad tale you are sharing Drop, wish you all the best !

Nice to see that people care and post encouraging words.


Mirlena, SB (logged in df with BB, waiting.....)


Originally posted by DroP DeaD
Where I live in N.Ireland is shit. People expect you to believe in things like people being of different religions are hated just because of it. Im not 1 of them, I think people who judge someone just because of their beliefs is a fking idiot in my eyes.



Well, tbh, a shock. A bit kinky, but whatever, i'll still group with you. ;)



Originally posted by DroP DeaD
.. I played the game as myself for a time and found it boring the game wasnt the same and being me (shy) I didnt talk to alot of people so I changed the way things were going. Pretending to be a girl you get so much more attension and people talk to you more. Friendships mean alot to me.


Awww I always loved you Spiral. When you were Spiral ofc, before you pretended to turn into a girl :D Shame you had to lie to your guild tho, you lost a few friends through that. Gratz on owning up at last.

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