DAOC mod review!!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Golena said:
Let me introduce you to the difference between disagreeing with someone else and posting personal attacks in every thread you can get your hands on.

Unfortunately many people can't make that distinction :/

Whilst I disagreed strongly with some of teh opinions in this thread, I was pretty careful not to launch personal attacks and hence try keep the thread as a valid discussion point...

Seems we're beyond that now...

I don't think this thread will survive much longer...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Golena said:
Let me introduce you to the difference between disagreeing with someone else and posting personal attacks in every thread you can get your hands on.

Good now you have seen the difference, the reasons for the bannings in most cases should be obvious :fluffle:

do i attack any mod at all , i attack mods in general and at the same time say they do a good jiob, i see no reason for any warning at all


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Dakkath said:
Whilst I disagreed strongly with some of teh opinions in this thread, I was pretty careful not to launch personal attacks and hence try keep the thread as a valid discussion point...

While that may be true of you, 98% of the people who get banned don't do the same thing.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Raven said:
oh, maybe one or two of the other 13,348 members i imagine.
you indeed, in your own words, "are full of shit".
In the real world (figuratively speaking ofc), most people will not leave a well established community.
If i was to say the opposite, everyone who wants a whine free forum go here
I can garuntee to you the vast majority of the forum will stay here, you wil get 100-200 max people move with you.
This is effectively the daoc community forums, therefore this is the main point of contact for a large proportion of the playerbase.
So no its not as simple as relocating to another forum, so please stop bringing up that line as you obviously have put little or no thought into it.

As for the mods, *shrug* more mods means my posts get stickied quicker so im not going to complain (even tho giving flim a sexoring monkey for his bday gets stuff sticky-ed very quicky, hehe :p)

And a few of the mods here, mentioning no names do abuse the rights they have been given.
As said before they CHOSE to be a mod, it is their responsibility to be a fair and level minded one.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Fascinating discussion with so many well considered views... thank you all for your contributions.

Now please consider this: This community does NOT need YOU as an individual. Generally we take a generous view of people's behaviour and react accordingly. Every single mod here is appointed by me or another admin and if you take issue with any action they take there IS a course of action to take in PMing us. That said, I do think that most mod decisions are taken with due consideration and understanding and it is extremely rare that I have in the past disagreed with bans etc. If you fuck about we will ban you, but we err on the side of generosity. Case in point, even samaroon has thrown his comments in here against us, less than a day after I PM'd flim to say 'he can stay unless he causes trouble'..... :rolleyes:

If you want a forum where 'anything goes' then go and host one. This is not one of them and we have rules. We actually have specific rules aimed at the DAOC community here for very specific reasons. If we spot a trend of abusive threads (adding is an excellent example) then we will try to make sure we nail that trend. If we don't do so then it will spiral out of control. Live with it, deal with it.

These forums are not a commercial venture. They are paid for privately, and although the need has arisen recently (due largely to people not contributing to 'their community forum') for ads it still remains independant of any corporate enterprise. All the people modding or working as admins do so without payment and in their spare time.

Get off the backs of the mods. They are here to keep things under control according to how we feel a community should be run. If you don't like it, then PM me and I can remove your account. Give you a clue: I won't miss you.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Chronictank said:
actually this is a gaming community forum that happens to have a daoc section, if people ever bothered to check the main page instead of their rvr discussions bookmark, they would find all sorts of sections in it, full of gamers, ofc these groups also have their share of children, they get treated the same as the ones on here, go to far, or break the CoC they get warned/banned. jupe could close the daoc section with a key press, it gives him nothing but grief and he doesnt play daoc. people should be gratefull for what we have, as you say, its pretty much the only EU daoc forum we have as english speaking people. If a few bannings are handed out to the idiots then it can only be a good thing, it means there is less shit to go through and more chance of us keeping this little place on the web.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Raven said:
jupe could close the daoc section with a key press, it gives him nothing but grief and he doesnt play daoc.

Just a point of order, maybe for some newer peeps who don't know, I did play DAOC from beta, I know personally all of the people who played NPC chars in the end of beta event (all of them cracking people, except maybe brannor who I never got on with :p), I met Kemor and had a great chat with him drinking beer in Paris, and I have a decent idea from PMs from old guildies etc of what is going on ingame. I don't play anymore, but I know where alot of you are coming from ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Raven said:
actually this is a gaming community forum that happens to have a daoc section, if people ever bothered to check the main page instead of their rvr discussions bookmark, they would find all sorts of sections in it, full of gamers, ofc these groups also have their share of children, they get treated the same as the ones on here, go to far, or break the CoC they get warned/banned. jupe could close the daoc section with a key press, it gives him nothing but grief and he doesnt play daoc. people should be gratefull for what we have, as you say, its pretty much the only EU daoc forum we have as english speaking people. If a few bannings are handed out to the idiots then it can only be a good thing, it means there is less shit to go through and more chance of us keeping this little place on the web.
once again you completely and utterly miss the point, i simply asked you to stop using the "if you dont like it make your own forum" line as it makes no sence.

Coming from you Jup i would have expected more from you than the "we dont need you" crap, reading the replies here (for the most part), it has been a discussion more than a flame fest with some humour along the way (in true FH style ^^) and the only real whine was about certain mods abusing their position. Which could have been summed up in
Jupiter said:
Every single mod here is appointed by me or another admin and if you take issue with any action they take there IS a course of action to take in PMing us
Rather than a obvious flame bait to see who pops out of the woodwork, this isnt an attack on you but if everyone was to leave you would close this section of the forums, so in reality to have a community you do indeed need people otherwise there would be no point in it :p
Anyhoo its late and i can finally feel sleep calling me (insomnia is a b***)
Or maybe i, liek Raven have misread things and missed the point too
C'est la vie


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 21, 2004
Jupitus said:
Fascinating discussion with so many well considered views... thank you all for your contributions.

Now please consider this: This community does NOT need YOU as an individual. Generally we take a generous view of people's behaviour and react accordingly. Every single mod here is appointed by me or another admin and if you take issue with any action they take there IS a course of action to take in PMing us. That said, I do think that most mod decisions are taken with due consideration and understanding and it is extremely rare that I have in the past disagreed with bans etc. If you fuck about we will ban you, but we err on the side of generosity. Case in point, even samaroon has thrown his comments in here against us, less than a day after I PM'd flim to say 'he can stay unless he causes trouble'..... :rolleyes:

If you want a forum where 'anything goes' then go and host one. This is not one of them and we have rules. We actually have specific rules aimed at the DAOC community here for very specific reasons. If we spot a trend of abusive threads (adding is an excellent example) then we will try to make sure we nail that trend. If we don't do so then it will spiral out of control. Live with it, deal with it.

These forums are not a commercial venture. They are paid for privately, and although the need has arisen recently (due largely to people not contributing to 'their community forum') for ads it still remains independant of any corporate enterprise. All the people modding or working as admins do so without payment and in their spare time.

Get off the backs of the mods. They are here to keep things under control according to how we feel a community should be run. If you don't like it, then PM me and I can remove your account. Give you a clue: I won't miss you.

jupitus the frustration here is caused by a mod using his rights for personal interest not from anything else tho i personally believe that u in fact overreact a lot of times banning people because they whine for something that happened ingame ... thats what the forums are anyway ! if u keep banning people eventually it will end up like many other forums having no people to communicate thru these boards.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Jupitus said:
Fascinating discussion with so many well considered views... thank you all for your contributions.

Now please consider this: This community does NOT need YOU as an individual.

These forums are not a commercial venture. They are paid for privately, and although the need has arisen recently (due largely to people not contributing to 'their community forum') for ads it still remains independant of any corporate enterprise.

Lol, you dont need the individuals, ofc, a community doesnt need people, people needs the community. Then you manage to throw in a whine about that the people that you dont need dont contribute, and that after ironically saying that its fascinating with so many well considered views. Is this when I am supposed to laugh?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003

Jupitus, I hope youve at least given them a hint of what they're in for. ;)

Good luck to you both. :p

Congrats. :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Sharma said:

Jupitus, I hope youve at least given them a hint of what they're in for. ;)

Good luck to you both. :p

Congrats. :D

If you are referring to him banning someone, I am sure that person would be really sad if he didnt get to post grats in the gratsthreads because he is banned.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Maybe the people complaining about threads that are closed here should go read a few non-modded forums.
While entertaining for the first 30 minutes, there's only so many times you can read 2 people calling each other more amusing names before it starts to get dull.

The discussions that happen on FH tend to be fairly well reasoned, not just blatent flame fests like almost every other forum where that stuff is allowed to happen. Go read some wow forums and try to find a thread telling you how to spec your class. You'll just find 800 threads with the same group of 8 people mouthing off at each other. Funny for a day sure, but not something you go back to read on day 2.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
i have a picture where it looks like Bush is gonna take a bite of a cat LOL!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Golena said:
Maybe the people complaining about threads that are closed here should go read a few non-modded forums.
While entertaining for the first 30 minutes, there's only so many times you can read 2 people calling each other more amusing names before it starts to get dull.

barrysworld and "old" freddyshouse both were just fine, very few threads got closed and some ppl got banned, and those were well deserved closes/bans.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
raid said:
barrysworld and "old" freddyshouse both were just fine, very few threads got closed and some ppl got banned, and those were well deserved closes/bans.



Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
at the end of the day its like politics, sitting around in the pub complaining about things wont get them changed, write out a good argument why you should be able to make personal attacks on people, spam the same old "lolz maters i are pwn more than you!!!11" in other peoples gratz threads, because this week you happen to not like them. the same old whine are getting really old really fast. ofc its healthy to blow off a little steam now and again but some people take it a little to far and should really think about getting a girlfriend.


Dec 22, 2003
Raven said:
at the end of the day its like politics, sitting around in the pub complaining about things wont get them changed, write out a good argument why you should be able to make personal attacks on people, spam the same old "lolz maters i are pwn more than you!!!11" in other peoples gratz threads, because this week you happen to not like them. the same old whine are getting really old really fast. ofc its healthy to blow off a little steam now and again but some people take it a little to far and should really think about getting a girlfriend.

Your hypocritical bullshit is getting annoying.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Is it me or are the vast majority of "concerns" comming from people who havent helped pay for the forums by donating a tenner ?

(I didnt say -all- people, Gamah)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 10, 2004
I honestly don't see the problem here.

Its a private forum, majority is privately funded. The admin can do whatever they want. Its their forums, and their rules. Seems pretty clear and simple to me, but lots of people don't seem to get it? :eek:

If you have specific problems with Moderators abusing their position, send it in a Private Message to Jup, and i'm sure he will look into it. Whining here isn't going to get him to look into it seriously, as all this is just whine.

or you could ignore me, and carry on this pointless flame fest. :)


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Tears said:
Is it me or are the vast majority of "concerns" comming from people who havent helped pay for the forums by donating a tenner ?

(I didnt say -all- people, Gamah)

Argh that's a new rule? U can only have concerns if u pay? ^^


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Would it be fair to say that this thread has spawn'd 9 pages of waffell due to the fact there is not much to talk about at the moment ?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Gahn said:
Argh that's a new rule? U can only have concerns if u pay? ^^
Nope its an observation that the majority of moans are comming from people who do not want to support the community.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Tears said:
Nope its an observation that the majority of moans are comming from people who do not want to support the community.

That alone should hint u that something's going wrong aint it?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Tears said:
Nope its an observation that the majority of moans are comming from people who do not want to support the community.

Going OT but nvm...

I'm sure not everone who uses these facilities have the option of contributing, especially the younger folk.

Could you imagine trying to convince your parents that they want to pay £10 a year when you don't need to on a forum where they won't necessarily approve of some of the stuff posted here??? Back in the day, my folks would have had a fit!!!

Personally, I contribute as I use these boards quite a lot, appreciate the service provided and it's no great hardship to do so... Even so, I don't believe that makes my opinion any more valid than someone who doesn't contribute...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Anyone actualy consider the fact that most threads are allowed to run untill someone actually complains about it (useing the report post function) and then are shut down ?

For every person that thinks its fine thier is probably someone who thinks its not.

Never gonna be able to please all the people all the time so generally you have to run a fine line down the middle which is not easy.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Tears said:
Is it me or are the vast majority of "concerns" comming from people who havent helped pay for the forums by donating a tenner ?

(I didnt say -all- people, Gamah)

No reason to donate anything to a community that obviously isnt mine lol.

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