Jjuraa said:How is this a mod review? you didnt review anyone you just added more people.. seemingly randomly.
v. re·viewed, re·view·ing, re·views
v. tr.
1.To look over, study, or examine again.
2.To consider retrospectively; look back on.
3.To examine with an eye to criticism or correction: reviewed the research findings.
Can you not do it properly? I'l even help you out and do the first one for you:
Flimgoblin: Axis Powers, Freddyshouse Division
Displaying the wit of a soggy cornflake, the sophistication of a zoo-bound, dung-flinging monkey, and a grasp of leadership seemingly borrowed from a nazi-Germany in its prime, Flimgoblin would not at first glance appear to be capable of policing so popular and diverse a forum as Freddyshouse DAOC section.
A second and third glance do no more favours for this brain-haemorrhagingly hypocritical mod. Displaying once again that absolute power corrupts, absolutely, he has taken the abilities given to him by the trusting population, and turned them into an instrument of his own personal devices, rather than using them to bring salvation to the justice-starved readers of FH that still cling to the hope that one day, they will be able to post their opinions and ideas in an environment where dissention is not punished.
Proving again and again that "unprejudiced" is not a word that appears in his dictionary, Flimgoblin (more commonly known as "Flimroglin" to his enemies) continues to display no remorse in repressing the views of people who disagree with him, while simultaniously rewarding those that accept his own radical opinions.
In a society where facism is said to be dead, it will perhaps allow the long-gone tyrants of yester-year to rest a little easier, knowing their oppressive and unjust ideals are, in some small way, carried forth into the new century in the hearts and minds of forum mods such as Flimgoblin.
Mod Rating: 4 out of 5 Wankers
:worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: