DAoC: Labyrinth of the Minotaur!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 25, 2004
swords said:
Yeah, because you're currently a dev for this expansion so you'd know all about that wouldn't you?
Can we please keep the speculation to a minimum? Its about as useful as a cock flavoured lollypop.

you aint tasted my cock andy! oh ya...

what about the new item slots o0

sounds like uber temps incoming espically with the crafting changes inc.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 14, 2004
As i said in the other thread, congratz mythic you just lost another player when this hits.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
adoNix said:
As i said in the other thread, congratz mythic you just lost another player when this hits.

oh noes megamate =)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
A New Playable Race for all Realms - The Minotaur. Half man, half bull, the Minotaur is so powerful he can wield two-handed weapons with a single hand and roxxors everything away until we nerf it!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I see a 30% population of Minotaurs in all three realms first grinding then RvRing, 8vs8 Minotaurs will be great fun for sure.

I see a big RvR dungeon with high con mobs what makes it hard for proper RvR without being interupted by mobs, for soloers it will be even harder to reach the opposite realm.

I see a extremely big frontier area including NF, Agramon and the new dungeon, great enough for 10k of players but most of the zones will be abandoned with an average 1.5k population or lesser.

I see all the players forced to grinding again to reach CL 10 and the other new abilities, new templates have to be build, endless grinding and in the end when we are done we all have the same new abilities and nothing is changed actualy.

In short: Paying for another expansion, grinding again to get the latest abilities everyone have at the end, another RvR dungeon while DF and POC is abandoned, abandoned frontiers and a new race/class for all three realms what takes even longer to get ready for RvR.

Do we really want this?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
adoNix said:
congratz mythic you just lost another player when this hits.
Did you copy and paste that from last years "Oh no, DR will keel de game!!DOOOOOOMZZZOOOOR!!!" threads or think it up all by yourself? If so, bye.

Every year the soothsayers come to FH when an expansion is announced and cry "OMG another class that can kill other classes!! How can Mythic do this to meh!!?!?!!", followed by the usual "This new toon will decimate all, I know fuck all about it, but it will beleive me, my uncles rabbits cousins pet hamsters gynocologist has a meight who knows the owner of the clap clinic that one of the mythic devs illigitimate sons nephew once went to ten years ago!!!", which in turn has the knights who say Ni who now in fact say "bye bye, i want sympathy before I go qq".

We all know once again bugger all about this expansion, yet 4 years n the trot here we go again, would a kind forumite now please provide one of those funny box ticking type things for the quiters to print out at home, seal in an envelope marked "What I wanted Santa but didnt get", and put a 27p stamp on it and send it recorded delivery to the north pole, care of "Sanya the caring elf".

More to do in the game, all good IMO, more PvE, sure I enjoy it as much as RvR, and manage to do both and have fun.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Oh dear more grind to do for my chars it hard enough trying to get CO5 grps now these areas are dead after last expansion we all bought so how long will these new areas keep people interested ? couple months and these will be dead.

Think they really oughta look at areas they have now to upgrade not make more areas that in a few more months will be dead.DF used to be great fun for all realms but is now empty and CO5 dungeon absolutely dead.

In Hib more and more people stick to same areas but this is only that they know these areas are good PL for they toons CM on Hib always got people in bottom pit as the pop rate for oj/yellow con mobs is good but this is Old daoc what about all new areas over years that mythic have introduced these areas are dead.

Look at upgrading old areas before introduction of new and as for minatour class well it seems Albs/Mids/Hibs all be looking same soon :(



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
Every year the soothsayers come to FH when an expansion is announced and cry "OMG another class that can kill other classes!! How can Mythic do this to meh!!?!?!!", followed by the usual "This new toon will decimate all, I know fuck all about it, but it will beleive me, my uncles rabbits cousins pet hamsters gynocologist has a meight who knows the owner of the clap clinic that one of the mythic devs illigitimate sons nephew once went to ten years ago!!!", which in turn has the knights who say Ni who now in fact say "bye bye, i want sympathy before I go qq".

isnt the meaning of soothsayer 'someone who is right about the future'?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
fl3a said:
isnt the meaning of soothsayer 'someone who is right about the future'?
True, wrong word used, my oops ;) should have used doomsayer.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
It's about time we get something new in this game!

New RvR Game Play - Minotaur Relics. Players may acquire and use these relics, but become targets to be hunted by the other Realms.
Sounds fun! :D
New Item Slots - Mythical Items. Hunt the depths of the Labyrinth for these rare new items.
Interesting, but don't want to speculate. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
More CLs is kinda nice, 10% more HP and power and some more minor abilities and it's easy to get through RvR.
Just hope they don't make a Savage/WL combination of the new class, eventhough all 3 realms will get access to the class it will still be very bad for the game if they release a class that's OP and gets nerfed to hell over the next few months when already people reached rr10+ so it doesn't matter anymore.
Rather have them make them underpowered and keep boosting them a bit over the following patches to make them on par, bit like the Valkyrie.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 9, 2004
If the new class has access to dualwield with 2x2-handers im quitting. If they dont have a very weak spot of some sort.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
fl3a said:
isnt the meaning of soothsayer 'someone who is right about the future'?

someone who "thinks" there are right about the future.



Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
i am looking forward to it, more content is always good, though i am not sure what sort of state the game will be (population) when we get it


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
i am quiting too :) i think its unfair that all three realms get access to a duel wielding 2h bull, its only fair that one realm gets it so the others can whine about how OPed it is!

What where mythic thinking trying to bring new content into the game and giving everybody access to the same class/race, how dare they try to balance the game slighlty, am telling you if my cow doesn't have baseline stun i am not resubscribing.

Insert whine here about how obsolete other tanks are goiing to be

Insert whine about grinding for CL levels

Insert whine about more relics and balancing rvr

Insert whine about new armour slots and how unfair it will be if you dont get the expansion to compete



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Oh dear god :p

Why dont they put some more time into advertising the game so they can actually get some people to buy/download the expansion before they bother making it.

Im not gona quit cos of it (prolly cos i havnt even come back yet >_< ) , but tbh i dont like the idea of even more classes, gonna make another set of old ones even more redundant :(

Altho, i do like the idea of a massive extra dungeon , and the brawler could be fun, specially as punching people is so much arder than hitting them with a girly blade or hammer. Well see i guess...

On the + side its good to know theyre at least adding stuff and trying instead of just leaving daoc alone to die. Tum te tum

Aran Thule

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
its the new improved secret cow level.
Seriously have people forgotten the polls and feedback thats been knocking around.
People said they wanted something done for frontiers and RvR and thats what this looks like.
However adding whole large zones is going to be good in populated servers but in 6 months when this hits us what will the numbers be like.
What is needed is a serious advertising push and and highstreet shops selling the full game+expansion packs.
They promised it with the last expansion and with the GAME problems they always have it whimpered and died.
Something needs to be done now before we end up with a big field with minotaurs throwing tumbleweeds around.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
You sure you want to ask?

Wouldn't have asked if I wasn't. I'm always curious about people who throw their toys out of the pram the minute they see a few hints as to what's coming a few months down the line, while still having nothing like enough information to know what the expansion will really be like.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
wonder how much damage 2 x 6.0 speed weapons do whit red haste and celerity ;>


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
old.windforce said:
wonder how much damage 2 x 6.0 speed weapons do whit red haste and celerity ;>

Well Warlock Damage in his best times. ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
adoNix said:
As i said in the other thread, congratz mythic you just lost another player when this hits.

By "the other thread" you mean the SI thread, or the TOA thread, the NF thread, the Cata's thread or the DR thread?

Seriously... been there done that.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Just hope this doesent make the TOA client redundant, cant rvr in anything else.

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