Daoc Europe keep losing players


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Saggy said:
While exping in DAoC is quite boring it's faster than in any MMORPG I've played - name one game that is faster and I'll race you for it! :p

SWG Doctor, I just had to heal some gimp somersaulting for like 2hrs :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Bugz said:
They need to implant something like NWN had. If your out of combat, you can rest for 10-15 seconds and bang, full power/hp again. That would WIPE every complaint about the grind.

no because u'd still have to grind. i dont care if i'm invincible. i HATE grinding!


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Ctuchik said:
no because u'd still have to grind. i dont care if i'm invincible. i HATE grinding!

RR's is grinding. Yet you still do RvR no?

In that case, why even play MMORPGS?


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Bugz said:
RR's is grinding. Yet you still do RvR no?

In that case, why even play MMORPGS?

You can't compare grinding NPCs with Players.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
Xxcalibur said:
m8, this is a stupid excuse

freeshards have more players an iits holidays too ... dont wanna be hypocrit. we LOST a lot of players

BUT its not only EU ppl who play on freeshards and UK ppl, there are ppl from US and other nations. some of them dont even play on real servers.

still i dont like the freeshards... they have uber crappy connections and lagg like hell :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
funny that a game based on :england: Albion:england: , knights of CAMELOT, celts, bards, vikings, kobolds never been advertised in Europe, the continent giving home to these factions... i would call this unsmart, yes rly.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Ah same nonsense every summer - if you don't like it you can always cancel your subs - every summer things go through a drier patch (browse back every year around summer on these forums and you will see people with the same whine) ofc population will drop slowly the longer the game runs but thats to be expected - no game can sustain an increasing population forever..

Ah sometimes I am glad that I can no longer access FH in work so I don't have to read shite threads like this (which i skipped pages tbh) and I can wait til I get home, not read it, then make a post anyway :)


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
evzy said:
Ah same nonsense every summer - if you don't like it you can always cancel your subs - every summer things go through a drier patch (browse back every year around summer on these forums and you will see people with the same whine) ofc population will drop slowly the longer the game runs but thats to be expected - no game can sustain an increasing population forever..

Ah sometimes I am glad that I can no longer access FH in work so I don't have to read shite threads like this (which i skipped pages tbh) and I can wait til I get home, not read it, then make a post anyway :)

if you dont like this thread, by all means feel free to not reading it.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Coldbeard said:
You can't compare grinding NPCs with Players.

Yes you can.

At the end of the day grinding for Level 50 is the same as grinding for RR 10. However, RvR has been made fun so they need to adapt that into PvE. The things I suggested would made it less tedious which equates to more fun.

If cthuhik doesn't enjoy grinding, then the games not really for him. Arti leveling, exping, ML's, realm point earning is all grinding.

MMORPGS as a whole are pretty much grinding.

What we want to do is make that grinding fun. PvE grinding isn't fun BUT it can be.

Now please stop with the smart-ass 1 sentence replies Coldbeard and contribute to the thread properly, I and you both know you are totally capable of it :)

Tafaya Anathas

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
At least if this tendency continues there won't be adds and zerg anymore, the l33t ppl could play happily.

Dave J.

Jun 27, 2006
Kuhan said:
Camlann pop reached 500 people few days ago, so people are moving from RVR - PVP

and the way you are playing they are moving the other way. damn retard.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
In my honest opinion it's too late to save, don`t mean to sound negative just realistic. The time to save it was a year maybe a year and a half ago, now it`s just the remnants of a playerbase clinging onto the last vestiges of a once great game.

Too many of the old playerbase have moved on and not been replaced by players of equal committment, intelligence, ability or community spirit. On my main characters from back on prydwen I have totally full friends lists and rarely is there ever any of them online. My guild is spread around playing all sorts of games atm and none have any desire to come back to daoc.

Alernative rules servers were fantastic to start with untill a percentage of the population killed it off as they killed every other server. I'll not throw around blame but the fact is the players left on the english servers helped to kill the english servers not save them.

It's time to move on people, no really it is :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Case said:
In my honest opinion it's too late to save, don`t mean to sound negative just realistic. The time to save it was a year maybe a year and a half ago, now it`s just the remnants of a playerbase clinging onto the last vestiges of a once great game.

Too many of the old playerbase have moved on and not been replaced by players of equal committment, intelligence, ability or community spirit. On my main characters from back on prydwen I have totally full friends lists and rarely is there ever any of them online. My guild is spread around playing all sorts of games atm and none have any desire to come back to daoc.

Alernative rules servers were fantastic to start with untill a percentage of the population killed it off as they killed every other server. I'll not throw around blame but the fact is the players left on the english servers helped to kill the english servers not save them.

It's time to move on people, no really it is :)



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
The problem as I saw it was the introduction of the classic servers. Fun they may have been but all they acheived was taking players away from the main servers.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
And what i still dont understand, why is Gareth so healthy and Glastonbury near dead?

Did the players on Glaston give up to fast because of the Hibs?

DAOC is a hard game even on classic without all those artie shit, it wil take some time to be ready for RvR.

But its the players who make a server healthy or not.

Look at Glaston: RvR is active but mainly the for players who are allready high rr and fully spellcrafted, there arent much high PvE raids anymore, ppl who want to play Glaston just cant template themselves because the lack of players.

Gareth: Around 3x the amount of players compared to Glaston, almost every day DS, dragon and Sidi raids (Albion)

Lots of players lfg for raids, RvR and leveling.

The difference between US and Euro classic servers are so huge.

Glaston could be the same as Gareth but something went wrong...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Oldleaf said:
Glaston could be the same as Gareth but something went wrong...
on Gareth, they all speak the same language, on glast the french speak french, the germans speak...so grouping is a LOT harder.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Oldleaf said:
Did the players on Glaston give up to fast because of the Hibs?

You got it in one!

No point in PvE'ing up a character if you have to face that when you finally get to the frontiers! If you actually enjoy the PvE why go to a classic server that removes half of it?


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Oldleaf said:
And what i still dont understand, why is Gareth so healthy and Glastonbury near dead?

Did the players on Glaston give up to fast because of the Hibs?

DAOC is a hard game even on classic without all those artie shit, it wil take some time to be ready for RvR.

But its the players who make a server healthy or not.

Look at Glaston: RvR is active but mainly the for players who are allready high rr and fully spellcrafted, there arent much high PvE raids anymore, ppl who want to play Glaston just cant template themselves because the lack of players.

Gareth: Around 3x the amount of players compared to Glaston, almost every day DS, dragon and Sidi raids (Albion)

Lots of players lfg for raids, RvR and leveling.

The difference between US and Euro classic servers are so huge.

Glaston could be the same as Gareth but something went wrong...

on Gareth they all speak english, on Glastonbury the majority speak french.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Bugz said:
Yes you can.

At the end of the day grinding for Level 50 is the same as grinding for RR 10. However, RvR has been made fun so they need to adapt that into PvE. The things I suggested would made it less tedious which equates to more fun.

If cthuhik doesn't enjoy grinding, then the games not really for him. Arti leveling, exping, ML's, realm point earning is all grinding.

MMORPGS as a whole are pretty much grinding.

What we want to do is make that grinding fun. PvE grinding isn't fun BUT it can be.

Now please stop with the smart-ass 1 sentence replies Coldbeard and contribute to the thread properly, I and you both know you are totally capable of it :)

Pardon me?
Regarding my smart-ass oneliners, I assumed the statement was so obvious that it needed no elaborate explenation, clearly someone didn't grasp it.

The thing is, NPCs are scripted/programmed to act. They follow a more or less constant pattern and are predictable, in the end they offer only limited challenge.

On the other hand, fighting players is completely different. You cannot fully predict what players will do, in most cases it takes alot more skill and effort to beat a player than an NPC. Players and playstyles are in constant change and requires you to adapt and learn all the time. For instance the FG vs FG groups changes alot around on setup and playstyles, be it tank grps, caster grps, kite grps , hopefully you get the picture.

In the future I would appreciate if you would not be so quick on the trigger.



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
whats this freeshardppl talk about??? me not know


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
i'd like to know what the marketting section for goa has done for daoc in the past few years, i can't remember much tbh...a video that was cool, but i never saw it other then it being on freddyshouse...is it rightnow we put in requests for more advertising? or some other goa website.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Nate said:
i'd like to know what the marketting section for goa has done for daoc in the past few years, i can't remember much tbh...a video that was cool, but i never saw it other then it being on freddyshouse...is it rightnow we put in requests for more advertising? or some other goa website.

Indeed, the video was great and should be used for game promotion and advertisement. Might be a wrong assumption but I fear that they are somewhat reluctant to put too much effort into promoting a game that is a potential sinking ship.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
I fear that GOA does not and probably never has had a marketing department in fact.
Dec 31, 2003
The population decrease you notice is a result of many factors. The season and weather is one.

New games is one.

Mythic got only themselves to blame for this, and tbh I don't even think they care anymore.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Hope EU keeps losing its playerbase. I hope everyone gets bored and quit. This game is not anything like what it used to be. The oens who play now, are and will remain shit. They are shit on forums, shit ingame, shit vocabulary, shit realmrank, shit zergers, shit sieges, shit alarmclockraids, shit fullgroups, shitshitshit!


One of Freddy's beloved
Jul 23, 2004
atos said:
Hope EU keeps losing its playerbase. I hope everyone gets bored and quit. This game is not anything like what it used to be. The oens who play now, are and will remain shit. They are shit on forums, shit ingame, shit vocabulary, shit realmrank, shit zergers, shit sieges, shit alarmclockraids, shit fullgroups, shitshitshit!
i hope i have enough room left in my signature :flame: :worthy:

can u give a shorter version of that pls? :touch:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Case said:
In my honest opinion it's too late to save, don`t mean to sound negative just realistic. The time to save it was a year maybe a year and a half ago, now it`s just the remnants of a playerbase clinging onto the last vestiges of a once great game.

Too many of the old playerbase have moved on and not been replaced by players of equal committment, intelligence, ability or community spirit. On my main characters from back on prydwen I have totally full friends lists and rarely is there ever any of them online. My guild is spread around playing all sorts of games atm and none have any desire to come back to daoc.

Alernative rules servers were fantastic to start with untill a percentage of the population killed it off as they killed every other server. I'll not throw around blame but the fact is the players left on the english servers helped to kill the english servers not save them.

It's time to move on people, no really it is :)

very good post mate :)

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