"But some of them have been at Dale Farm at least 10 years. Forgive me for saying so, but they don't seem to be very good at travelling."
From other thread, pretty funny.
From other thread, pretty funny.
From the reading I did, as far as I can tell only a couple of the houses are on land that has been bought, I don't think they own the whole site?
Might be wrong.
Child abandoner finds pikey scum as good people. We know who to believe.
gypo camps and christiania are very different things
Yes i bet chavs like you are people of higher quality. Everyone is equal, just not according to your narrow viewGo pedospotting on the train please.
Now i've not verified that but if its the case it seems a bit much. While people should respect planning laws etc etc here we have some people that own land legally and have built homes - if they weren't travellers would it have gotton this bad?
gypo camps and christiania are very different things
The problem is, the Pikey Cunts don't think that the laws of the land apply to them so they went ahead and built on it anyway.
Look like very similar things from the wiki entry. Why do you say they are different in an argument with someone who's obviously got direct experience of them and asserts otherwise?
Have you visited dale farm and been to Christiania? If you have I'll give more weight to your words as opposed to someone who hasn't...
Saving lives? What are you on about??
This is the normal issue of do-as-you-likeys doing, well, exactly as they like and to hell with everyone else. The reason it's taken so long I bet is because you cannot deal with these people, they do exactly what they want and fuck you if you get in thier way.
When they have a camp here where I work before the Epsom races sometimes the whole village has to close, not just the 2 pubs but even the pretrol station.
That's not the point and you know it.
That is the point and you're ignoring it.
It's a waste of cash, waste of time, it's just a fucking pathetic waste - and being run by people who know full well that when they win the gypos will do the same thing somewhere else. Again. And. Again. For-evah.
It's fucking lunacy.![]()
Scouse in anti authoriatrian shocker. Don't try and argue against him, no matter how wrong he is. It's always "them above"'s fault.
Doing nothing sets the precedent of doing nothing in the future. The actual problem is how long winded and expensive the system has become with such situations, from travelers to illegal immigrants everything involves a massive amount of time and thus money.
Last time I checked Hospitals are centrally funded so not sure why they are being used in various examples.
Scouse in anti authoriatrian shocker. Don't try and argue against him, no matter how wrong he is. It's always "them above"'s fault.