Politics Coronavirus


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I'm sure people can manage without sitting around a pool and 3 square full Englishs a day.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I'm sure people can manage without sitting around a pool and 3 square full Englishs a day.
Yep. My heart bleeds for the bloke in his 5 bedroom countryside manner. Life must be really hard for him without his summer holiday.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I don't necessarily agree:


If you've had both jabs you are also much less of a transmission risk.

As long as we're sensible and we follow the given guidance then gradual opening up of travel is going to happen, and rightly so.

Personally, I won't be going anywhere. But I can't bring myself to have a pop at people, if they've been vaccinated, taking a foreign trip to countries the government say it's OK to visit.
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Part of the furniture
Dec 19, 2003
Yep. My heart bleeds for the bloke in his 5 bedroom countryside manner. Life must be really hard for him without his summer holiday.
Especially when his mother in law has been on the cake for 20 odd years.

Yeah I said it.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I don't necessarily agree:

View attachment 44365

If you've had both jabs you are also much less of a transmission risk.

As long as we're sensible and we follow the given guidance then gradual opening up of travel is going to happen, and rightly so.

Personally, I won't be going anywhere. But I can't bring myself to have a pop at people, if they've been vaccinated, taking a foreign trip to countries the government say it's OK to visit.

So with cases increasing in the UK you are happy to risk spreading it to other countries? ok great cool stuff

And especially with the Delta variant being a lot more transmissable


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Surely that's down the Government to decide what is best and people can only follow the guidance?

Everyone going abroad (regardless of where) should self isolate for 7 days and employers should allow the time off (if you can't wfh) and the Government can financially support it where necessary.

I know people who live for going on holiday abroad, which as much as you might think that's weird it's also pretty weird to force people to work and not allow what some people see as necessary leisure time.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Yep. My heart bleeds for the bloke in his 5 bedroom countryside manner. Life must be really hard for him without his summer holiday.
Especially when his mother in law has been on the cake for 20 odd years.

Yeah I said it.

Oh. I didn't realise that was a pop at me @Aoami.

I didn't think my 3 bed shack without central heating in Wales was a 5 bed countryside manor.

Suddenly I'm feeling much happier! Either way - I'm not going to go on holiday. I don't need to. I live in a fucking holiday destination - it's bloody brilliant :clap:


Part of the furniture
Dec 19, 2003
Oh. I didn't realise that was a pop at me @Aoami.

I didn't think my 3 bed shack without central heating in Wales was a 5 bed countryside manor.

Suddenly I'm feeling much happier! Either way - I'm not going to go on holiday. I don't need to. I live in a fucking holiday destination - it's bloody brilliant :clap:
I think it was me that it!
And here comes the shocking part...
I dont give a fuck!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Surely that's down the Government to decide what is best and people can only follow the guidance?

Everyone going abroad (regardless of where) should self isolate for 7 days and employers should allow the time off (if you can't wfh) and the Government can financially support it where necessary.

I know people who live for going on holiday abroad, which as much as you might think that's weird it's also pretty weird to force people to work and not allow what some people see as necessary leisure time.

The government dont know what's best hence the 120k dead...


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
The government dont know what's best hence the 120k dead...

Yeah, but nor do I think it's down to the public to make their own decisions based on what they think is right and wrong since there's so many points of view, I'm sure people like @Moriath will be saying no holidays for the next 20 years, so where do you draw the line?

That's why I say Government decides, even if they are shit, then we don't elect them next time (or not). ;)


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
I do not think travel should be blocked for 20 years but certainly until a high % have been vaccinated. The UK doing well with the vaccine should enable much lighter restrictions within its borders only - humans should be content with that to be honest.


Part of the furniture
Dec 19, 2003
I read somewhere today that allegedly the pfizer vaccine offers a lower protection to the Delta variant.
If you've paid any kind attention over the last 15 months you'll probably guess correctly it's another shitstorm just waiting to happen.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
Pfizer along with AZ and Moderna are reported as effective against all variants after 2nd dose - they are all at risk of losing efficacy the longer the virus is allowed to kick around ....

On searching specifically the Delta variant there are studies not validated that Delta can circumvent all of them - I am going
to put my trust in FHM - if they tell me I need a third Pfizer shot later in the year I’ll have it... I do not plan on seeing mum until next April at this time.
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I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I read somewhere today that allegedly the pfizer vaccine offers a lower protection to the Delta variant.
If you've paid any kind attention over the last 15 months you'll probably guess correctly it's another shitstorm just waiting to happen.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I am going
to put my trust in FHM - if they tell me I need a third Pfizer shot later in the year I’ll have it... I do not plan on seeing mum until next April at this time.

What are Nuts and Zoo saying?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I really don't give a flying fuck about Ryan air, Heathrow, etc. complaining about changes to where people could go, in my opinion foreign travel should of been the last thing allowed.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
I wonder why Sweden did not take the 12 week Pfizer advice and rather 6 week for over 45 and 7 weeks for under - they are trying to balance long and short term efficiency


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Probably because the priority was to get at least the first dose into arms as quickly as possible. Single vaccine over no vaccine difference is huge.

Caused by the entirely manufactured by incompetence delay.

*or so the science at the time suggested.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Yeah, but nor do I think it's down to the public to make their own decisions based on what they think is right and wrong since there's so many points of view, I'm sure people like @Moriath will be saying no holidays for the next 20 years, so where do you draw the line?

That's why I say Government decides, even if they are shit, then we don't elect them next time (or not). ;)
Thanks for telling me what i think. And you can holiday without getting on a pllane which is both good for the climate and for the economy.

I am laughing at these people who want help in Portugal. They knew the deal took the risk and it didnt pay off. Live with it.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I like how that Ryanair bellend thinks anyone gives the slightest shit what he thinks.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I seen news articles about bame drs talking individually to those from their communities to get them totake the jab. I seen adverts with black celebs trying to get their like to have jabs. I seen bbc calling for ppl from bame groupsto get jabbed.

You can find anyone to put a spin on a statistic. Especially if you are looking to support your ideal.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I've sympathy for that view Raven. It annoys me that we have to make special efforts for different sections of our society.

However, the pragmatist in me sees the reasons why it helps all of us to do so and why BAME communities need extra encouragement.

But it still grates a bit :)


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
Information about Alpha and Delta - sorry for the Swedish just google translate

Vacciner är effektiva mot de nya virusvarianterna

I Sverige har alfavarianten av coronaviruset, den som tidigare kallades för den brittiska varianten, helt tagit över smittspridningen. Under vecka 17, som är den senaste veckan det finns statistik för, låg denna variant bakom 96,5 procent av det slumpmässiga urval av alla nya fall av covid-19 som analyserades.

Enligt Socialstyrelsen finns det nu belägg för att denna variant inte bara är mer smittsam, utan också cirka 60 procent farligare jämfört med ursprungsvarianten. Det visar två studier som gjorts. Risken för sjukhusvård ökade från 2 till 3,2 procent från den andra till den tredje vågen.

Därutöver finns deltavarianten, som först upptäcktes i Indien. Enligt preliminära uppgifter från Storbritannien är den mer smittsam och farligare än alfavarianten.

Antalet fall av denna variant i Sverige är dock (hittills) få.

En ny studie från Public Health England visar också att vaccinerna har god effekt på båda dessa varianter.

Studien visar att två doser av Pfizers-Biontechs vaccin var 88 procent effektivt mot symtomatisk sjukdom avseende deltavarianten och 93 procent avseende alfavarianten. Motsvarande siffror för Astra Zenecas vaccin var 60 respektive 66 procent.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Information about Alpha and Delta - sorry for the Swedish just google translate

Vacciner är effektiva mot de nya virusvarianterna

I Sverige har alfavarianten av coronaviruset, den som tidigare kallades för den brittiska varianten, helt tagit över smittspridningen. Under vecka 17, som är den senaste veckan det finns statistik för, låg denna variant bakom 96,5 procent av det slumpmässiga urval av alla nya fall av covid-19 som analyserades.

Enligt Socialstyrelsen finns det nu belägg för att denna variant inte bara är mer smittsam, utan också cirka 60 procent farligare jämfört med ursprungsvarianten. Det visar två studier som gjorts. Risken för sjukhusvård ökade från 2 till 3,2 procent från den andra till den tredje vågen.

Därutöver finns deltavarianten, som först upptäcktes i Indien. Enligt preliminära uppgifter från Storbritannien är den mer smittsam och farligare än alfavarianten.

Antalet fall av denna variant i Sverige är dock (hittills) få.

En ny studie från Public Health England visar också att vaccinerna har god effekt på båda dessa varianter.

Studien visar att två doser av Pfizers-Biontechs vaccin var 88 procent effektivt mot symtomatisk sjukdom avseende deltavarianten och 93 procent avseende alfavarianten. Motsvarande siffror för Astra Zenecas vaccin var 60 respektive 66 procent.
View attachment 44373
Neither was a translation ;)


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
Nope I gave you the text to google translate it and a picture for source.....

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