Politics Coronavirus


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Vaccinated is the best we can do. Unless you want us to keep locked down for the rest of our lives?

Is that what you want @Gwadien?

OK Mr lives in a farm house in the middle of Wales.

1) And we've had covid. Despite taking all the precautions and being very careful.
2) North Wales :p


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Vaccinated is the best we can do. Unless you want us to keep locked down for the rest of our lives?

Is that what you want @Gwadien?


1) And we've had covid. Despite taking all the precautions and being very careful.
2) North Wales :p

When did I say I want lockdown

I'm saying we revert back to the normality which means that if you're ill you don't go to work or school like normal times.

What don't you understand?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
When did I say I want lockdown

I'm saying we revert back to the normality which means that if you're ill you don't go to work or school like normal times.

What don't you understand?
You complained about kids being told not to wear masks? What's normal about kids wearing masks?

Back to normality is fine. Fully supportive of it. That's kinda the point. - and how was "normal" before covid? Oh yeah, we fucking cracked on and acted normal.

Yeah. I want that. Not some panic about flu season. Because last time I looked, old people got a flu jab, the rest of us carried on.

If you're not whining about coming out of covid, and kids being told not to wear masks, but you want "normal" back, then I'm not even sure why you were posting...


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Vaccine mandatory for new employees at our place. Good.

Im pro vaccines (even our kids have had the jab now they're rolling it out) buuut... Mandatory vaccines (or anything really) spend a lot of goodwill (social capital if you want textbook name), which most govts dont have much to spare of atm. The UK gov is a particular nuts example but reality is most govts across Europe are scrambling around like headless chickens trying to figure out what to do


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
As for the school issue... if little johnny is sick with anything like flu, cold, covid then they should staty home this is just how it was at least here in 2019 pre covid. It is the same for work pre covid at least in Sweden you were not welcome in work if you had a cold and could work from home. (if you did not have a fever).... for a lot of organisations in the UK I believe that this is not the reality still - for many it is still not ok for you to be off sick.....


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
As for the school issue... if little johnny is sick with anything like flu, cold, covid then they should staty home this is just how it was at least here in 2019 pre covid. It is the same for work pre covid at least in Sweden you were not welcome in work if you had a cold and could work from home. (if you did not have a fever).... for a lot of organisations in the UK I believe that this is not the reality still - for many it is still not ok for you to be off sick.....

@Scouse this is what I'm saying.

Bodhi was suggesting that we stop testing which ultimately means it's down to parents whether to send their kids to school or not. And considering the amount of COVID isn't bad belief there is some parents will just send their kids into school not giving a shit.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I think we stop testing too. It doesn't matter if you kid has covid - and if he's visibly sick - too ill to go in - then we should act how we used to.

But if your kid has "the sniffles" then we should also act how we used to...


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I think we stop testing too. It doesn't matter if you kid has covid - and if he's visibly sick - too ill to go in - then we should act how we used to.

But if your kid has "the sniffles" then we should also act how we used to...

But for lots of kids having COVID is the sniffles...


I knew there was a familiar whiff of imalrightjack in the air.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
But for lots of kids having COVID is the sniffles...


I knew there was a familiar whiff of imalrightjack in the air.
No. You're alright Jack.

You've had the vaccine. Covid is always gping to be in the population. You can't do anything about that and you are safe as csn be.

So crack on please. As I said.

So I ask again - would you have kids test and isolate forever? For all time?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
People actually believe in this shithousery, which is what it is, this shit is deliberate.

"but we should appease the nutters"



Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
No. You're alright Jack.

You've had the vaccine. Covid is always gping to be in the population. You can't do anything about that and you are safe as csn be.

So crack on please. As I said.

So I ask again - would you have kids test and isolate forever? For all time?

No, I didn't say that.

I said that if parents suspect their child is ill then they shouldn't send their kids in.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Even with the sniffles?

Especially with kids, as I've said before, they're usually more resilient than adults, which means that it could be something worse to adults.

It just doesn't make any sense in any form, a kid can be off for 3 days, or they can go to school and infect the rest of the school with whatever they have and cause way more absences.

Schools have always complained about it. I find it very fucked up that parents find it an acceptable thing to do.

It's either A. I can't be arsed to deal with my sick kid, they're just going to be annoying, so I'm going to send them to school to annoy staff instead, or B. I don't give a shit about my kid and my work is more important to me.
Last edited:


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
@Raven should get his Mrs to weigh in, being a primary school teacher, I'd imagine it's way worse.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
She has loads of kids off, not just for the rona, some just stopped turning up. Pretty deprived area.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
She has loads of kids off, not just for the rona, some just stopped turning up. Pretty deprived area.

Nah, for the 54345723045672380457608234708th time I mean kids being sent into school ill, covid or not.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Oh, I wasn't paying attention. Yeah, ill kids all over, that's how she caught it.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
Here the schools can just turn the kids away and if the kid appears to be ok when it arrives but displays symptoms of a cold parents are rung up and told to come and pick them up.... however there is VAB here whereby the government gives a subsidy should you stay at home and parent - you do not receive a salary from work for that day...https://www.forsakringskassan.se/english/parents/care-of-a-sick-child-vab
This can also be done by a grandparent (and then they recieve the allowance).... sickness for a long period needs to be covered by a note from healthcare... you can have 120 days of VAB per year. FK do investigate however if it is continuous 1 or 2 days.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah, no.

You don't want a return to "normal". You want a permanent enhanced unworkable shitshow.

Kids go into school with the sniffles. They all catch the shit and it goes around them like wildfire. It's good for them and their immune systems.

If they're streaming / too ill to be in, absolutely they should be off - or turned away/parents rung.

If not - send 'em in.

Sorry @Gwadien. That's the job you chose.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Yeah, no.

You don't want a return to "normal". You want a permanent enhanced unworkable shitshow.

Kids go into school with the sniffles. They all catch the shit and it goes around them like wildfire. It's good for them and their immune systems.

If they're streaming / too ill to be in, absolutely they should be off - or turned away/parents rung.

If not - send 'em in.

Sorry @Gwadien. That's the job you chose.

As I said, schools & their staff have always complained that parents do it.

I guess it's up to you to define what is acceptable in our jobs though, not us. Funny that.

Also, the old 'it's good for them' is a good one, although it's completely false.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
As I said, schools & their staff have always complained that parents do it.
Yep. And for some reason you want that to change. Kids with sniffles go in. Actually sick kids don't (or shouldn't). As it always was.

I guess it's up to you to define what is acceptable in our jobs though, not us. Funny that.
We're paying so the UK population have a say in this. And people want kids with sniffles to go in. The NHS has very clear guidance on when sick kids should go to school. And the NHS says "sniffles" means send them to school (and now we've vaccinated and we're no longer testing it's clear covid can now be defined as "sniffles").

Also, the old 'it's good for them' is a good one, although it's completely false.
Evidence please?

From Immunology.org
Bloody send the little shits to school said:
The immune system needs to learn: it needs to build up experience. Just like we go to school to learn facts, we also go there to pick up germs.

I get it Gwad. You're scared. But covid is over.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
@Scouse this is what I'm saying.

Bodhi was suggesting that we stop testing which ultimately means it's down to parents whether to send their kids to school or not. And considering the amount of COVID isn't bad belief there is some parents will just send their kids into school not giving a shit.

You'll probably find my view on things now is the same as it's been the whole way through this entire clusterfuck - if you're ill stay at home. Don't really care what you have, just keep your germs to yourselves. In that case tests may be useful if you're particularly keen to see which respiratory disease you have, but otherwise have some lemsip, get better and come back to work/school etc.

However testing asymptomatic people - otherwise known as healthy - really has to stop. Research suggests up to a third of flu cases are asymptomatic, and it wasn't something we ever cared too much about - as asymptomatic people don't really spread diseases. That's mostly coughs and sneezes.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003

Whitewash then. Let me guess, redacted report goes out on the basis of the ongoing police investigation, a few weeks later, no proper investigation necessary and no prosecutions.

Probably because the Met knew full well what was going on and don't want to be implicated in that.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Probably because the Met knew full well what was going on and don't want to be implicated in that.
Well duh. They have people there 24/7 and obviously let people in carrying wine bottles.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
To be fair, it was all cleverly hidden in a suitcase. Because everyone drags a clanking suitcase around Westminster.

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