Content Management


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
I just took the background image off. The background should be black now? Could be a background image empty url in the style.css was doing it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Having a hell offa job making the guestbook and emailer accept my header file without Firefox displaying the text too large. Weird. It is fine in Opera and Explorer. Been slogging away for hours trying to find the problem. Having to redo some divs which are controlling menus for some reason. If I leave them in the header file whilst calling the header file into the guestbook bang large text? Am having to dispense with one menu and having to redo it in a different way so that Firefox don't go barmy. Both scripts by the same guy and work really well. Trying to dispense with iframes totally and rely on divs. Still nearly got it sorted now.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Am having sum fun designing this site at the moment and overcoming obstacles. Just adapted my onsite shoutbox to show on the site. But have come up with a solution to show the last entry name wherever the visitor is on my site - bar for the shoppingforum (sort that soon). Made the shout box show in another file inside a div (the div has a negative value on the top margin to pull the last name up about 10px) then pulled that file into an tiny iframe that shows on my header. Viola the last name entry shows automatically because I have built in a 15 sec auto refresh on the shout box :) . That way my neices and nephews can play the flash games but still see when there is a reply to any question they have posted. Drove me nuts the last time they were on the site though come to think of it when I had a shoutbox on there. Oh well rather have visitors than not :) .

Looks pretty classy if you ask me.

Onsite chat.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Anyone want to send a postcard :) .

Am onna roll - postcard script adapted for my site and a file uploader too. Great scripts.

Senda postcard!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Deff getting the hang of this website making lark. Wanted to install a photogallery so scoured the net but they all seemed fussy to me. It dawned on me that it wasn't hard to make one myself. Once that idea entered me ed it only took about 2 hours to get one up and running. Very simple gallery that can have as many categories as I want. Sliding thumbnail section on top that can accept any number of thumbnails. The thumbnails load medium size images into the lower section. Full size viewing of the images are easily seen by clicking on the lower medium image. Job done. Very fast loading and smooth as silk. All done with iframes and javascript.

Simple iframe picture gallery.

Will probably adjust the full screen popup tomorrow I think so that it enlarges to fill the screen. Tis adjustable though for now.

Site is filling up :) .


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
if you want o add to it, make yourself an admin page, where you upload the big image and it resizes it for you


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
I might take your advice up - partly anyways. I think I could create a pretty nifty gallery really. Doesn't look hard. The one I have created is just using simple html pages with embedded pictures in them and iframes. Simple window popup javascript shows the full screen page (page with the full size picture embedded so that I can show links in the page along the top & full screen maximizer script). I have the Javascript Bible but lost interest after a little while trying to work my way through it. But it would be a great step forward for me to actually make a downloadable gallery script. Be ideal to start offering such things on my site because I will be expanding the computer side of things shortly. I have literally hundreds of downloadable software pages to work through though first. I got some pretty nifty forums on there as well (minibb) which I am going to customize like crazy. So original scripts for download would really be a feather in my cap. You mention php? Which is the way to go - javascript or php - or both maybe?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Am experimenting with transparency big time at the moment. Just came across something that I never realized you could do. That is by applying transparency to a div it also makes any iframe you put in the div become tranparent too. Amazing that. Another real benefit from using iframes within the div is that the white flash that normally occurs when you load the iframe page (if you are using a dark background) is lessened a great deal as the background image still shows. I have even managed to make my Computer Forum transparent :) . I am using a variation of the code I found for transparency from this page:

CSS Transparency

The above code allows Firefox to display the transparency in the same way as Explorer. Opera is showing some of the transparency but not the iframes within the divs. No big deal that.

I am using a monster guitar background image (faded) and altering various fonts etc to try and get the text to be easily read.

My heavily transparent site.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Looks good, I like tranparency too; this site looks nice with it I think: I was particularly pleases that the google ads were made transparent too, gives them a more fitting colour that fits in with the site in a way that google ads don't normally allow you to do. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Jusr remembered, I read somewhere that Mambo was going to end in some way soon, something to do with the guy who owns the name getting greedy? I think they'll relaunch it but have to call it something other than Mambo, all the same code though. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
That Arabian Nights looks interesting. Static background image with a transparent scoller. Different that for sure.

Mambo about to become a commercial concern? Awful lot of work been put into that Mambo and keeping the while circus going must take a lot of effort. Quite a few of these 'open source' projects end up the same way. Hardly surprising really as everyone just takes advantage. Strange really but if you pay for something you value it far more if you ask me.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
woah, that arabian nights page ground my computer to a hault, and stu's no toaster

scrolling was really jurkey and cpu usage made a massive jump


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
wyrd_fish said:
woah, that arabian nights page ground my computer to a hault, and stu's no toaster

scrolling was really jurkey and cpu usage made a massive jump
I've never seen that happen before, it is a bit jerky in Netscape I think but I don't know why it would slow your computer down, there's not a lot to it really?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Yah - I bleeding did it. Incorporated a transparent left <----> right scrolling gallery script on the top and bottom of my site. It scrolls on mouseover. Didn't think I could pull it off and make it work in Firefox and Opera too but it is :) . Lost the transparency with Opera but having just checked the site looks damn good in Opera without the transparency. Thank god for that. Still lots of adjusting to do but the bulk is done. Ain't checked on low res yet any probs can be sorted for that. I intend to take snapshots of various sites and put the Shopping ones on the top and the Software on the bottom. The thumbnails are hyperlinked too. Sorted. Time forra class or 2 of wine me thinks :drink: .

Me flipping highly technical site!


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Maljonic said:
Jusr remembered, I read somewhere that Mambo was going to end in some way soon, something to do with the guy who owns the name getting greedy? I think they'll relaunch it but have to call it something other than Mambo, all the same code though. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
MKJ said:
Yah - I bleeding did it. Incorporated a transparent left <----> right scrolling gallery script on the top and bottom of my site. It scrolls on mouseover. Didn't think I could pull it off and make it work in Firefox and Opera too but it is :) . Lost the transparency with Opera but having just checked the site looks damn good in Opera without the transparency. Thank god for that. Still lots of adjusting to do but the bulk is done. Ain't checked on low res yet any probs can be sorted for that. I intend to take snapshots of various sites and put the Shopping ones on the top and the Software on the bottom. The thumbnails are hyperlinked too. Sorted. Time forra class or 2 of wine me thinks :drink: .

Me flipping highly technical site!

I like that a lot! The only thing I can see at a first glance is that I'd say the text seems a little too close to the right hand side, and possibly disappears a bit when resizing the window - need a bit of space I think? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Hehe. Finally getting some of my own interests on my site. Setup my music section now. Wanna hear a little blues number? Only been playing 11 months now - fingerpicking blues. Them steel things on your fingers. Got mine taped on :) .

Me Music section


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Maljonic said:
Has anyone heard of/had a play with e107?

I'm afraid not Mal.

However, since the thread's been bumped I shall just chip in that since the last set of recommendations, there's now a free version of the highly regarded Expression Engine ('Expression Engine Core') that may also be worth a look when building new sites.


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