Driwen said:this is what I understood from briefly reading that pepipoo site, but it seems that they wont fine you then for speeding if you either say I dont know or dont say anything. however they will possibly fine/arrest you for not knowing who was the driver at that time as it is your vehicle that was speeding so your responsibility. So you are not guilty of speeding, but guilty of not knowing who used your vehicle to speed with (I assume that if your vehicle was stolen than there will be no problem as long as you either have reported this or can somehow prove that it was already the case).
to provide the name of the person who was driving their vehicle at the time of the alleged motoring offence. If the registered keeper cannot remember who was driving their vehicle, they may be liable to prosecution.
Trem said:I agree with you Dime. Now join the anti 4x4 brigade please :-]
Big G said:iirc, 10% + 2 mph over; so the police aren't likely to pull you for doing 35. My mate was stopped for 39, but received a stern caution.
Bodhi said:Yer, cos speeding and crack dealing are the same thing.
Calaen said:They both have the potential to kill people...
The whole point of speed cameras is to keep speed down, It costs money to place the cameras they might aswell make some money back, if your dumb enough to get caught tough shit im afraid.
Bodhi said:Yer, cos speeding and crack dealing are the same thing.
old.Osy said:Both kill people.
Unless the biker is a cock. Which it sounds like. If you've kncoked someone over, even if it wasn't your fault, you don't come running up and start shouting at them. Unless you are a cock.Bodhi said:A biker isn't going to crash into you and feel you are at fault unless you've done something pretty retarded.
dysfunction said:As a pedestrian I find a lot of cyclists think they can ignore the rules of the road.
Ive nearly been run over by cyclists flying through red lights at a pedestrian crossing especially in the City of London. They also think they can ride on the pavement.
What about the bad cyclists that are the cause of fatal accidents?Tom said:its just that bad cyclists don't kill people, bad drivers do.
caLLous said:What about the bad cyclists that are the cause of fatal accidents?
Tom said:Well 3500 people die on our roads each year. How many of those are attributable to cyclists? Probably about 1.
Oh, and if you're saying that London cyclists are particularly bad, then don't forget to give a mention to London drivers, because they're generally a bunch of twaaaats. Actually, while I'm at it, anybody south of Coventry is a wanker anyway. Its much friendlier up north.
DaGaffer said:As for it being friendlier up north, you'll get no argument from me.
DaGaffer said:As for it being friendlier up north, you'll get no argument from me.