Cleaning Sidi Even when it is Booked (petition)



Elitrea you got kicked out of ASq by Bowen. Start to think first why, before you replay.

And your facts are wrong, even from all angles you look at it. Not even worth more a replay then this.



you know something Elitrea... you could book :p


Originally posted by old.[BF]MaD
hi kjel !
nice farm here eh ?
the weather aint too bad either

No seriously Mad, dunno how Yussef does it but he somehow keeps alb/pryd running like clockwork. He's quite likely come across similar problems before and might even have a good solution for it.


Re: Get a life people

Originally posted by iantheace

Secondly, How can we book a raid when one guild has taken it 3 days of every week. Oh look, Roc raid , 4 days later oh look kagato raid. Isnt he in ROC? OH LOOK 7 DAYS ANOTHER ROC raid.

As I have already explained several times already Lizia's raid was PUBLIC, so you and every other tom dick and harry could all go. The 2nd guild raid we did when no one else was bothered about booking tuesday, it was left open for ages, anyone could of booked it but they did not. And I had friday booked for my private raid for 2 weeks, more then enough time for you to choose another day if you wanted it.

If you wanted to use the sheet against people just book on the bloody thing yourself rather the deliberatly ruin other peoples careful plans.

But trying to claim that Lizia's public raid is just for ourselves or RoC related is just pathetic, your going to have to do better then that, there was 130 people on that Raid, and Lizia didn't even get a drop herself lol, so thats us being selfish is it?



Elitrea here

I was talking about kagato's invite only raid, if i counted lizia's it was 4.

I told bowen i would leave ASQ if it was cuasing hastle to the guild, no friction here. Ask him if you need to verify this.

I was pissed i couldnt book my raid, but tilda seems to think my post may have been accidentally deleted.

I dont really care what you think you only follow the bigger team like all teh alb zergers.


Originally posted by kjel
No seriously Mad, dunno how Yussef does it but he somehow keeps alb/pryd running like clockwork. He's quite likely come across similar problems before and might even have a good solution for it.

Don't think Alb/Pryd incubates quite the same class of arsehole you get on alb/excal...

There's plenty of decent folks here but for that extra mile of irritating fuckwittedness you just can't get it anywhere else - something in the water I think.

Alb/excal has a bad reputation - but it's not true in the general case, just we have the experts living here ;)


I start to miss Camlan. They would never have this kind of trouble...........



Originally posted by Flimgoblin
Don't think Alb/Pryd incubates quite the same class of arsehole you get on alb/excal...

There's plenty of decent folks here but for that extra mile of irritating fuckwittedness you just can't get it anywhere else - something in the water I think.

Alb/excal has a bad reputation - but it's not true in the general case, just we have the experts living here ;)



Originally posted by Flimgoblin
Don't think Alb/Pryd incubates quite the same class of arsehole you get on alb/excal...

There's plenty of decent folks here but for that extra mile of irritating fuckwittedness you just can't get it anywhere else - something in the water I think.

Alb/excal has a bad reputation - but it's not true in the general case, just we have the experts living here ;)

oh so true



I agree, Get the crack addicts to close tha sidi booking sheet.

Prydwen dont fkin need one, or any other server.


Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
I'm an Assasin, I have no morale nor do I intend on getting any.

Assassin or just plain ass ?

Dont bullshit a bullshitter - it never works.

One as bad as the other imo.

My view - use the BW booking sheet - doesn't take rocket science to get a username and password - and avoids all the fucktards whining about stealing mobs, when their 1FG was pwned by the 'booked' party inside.

Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
Saying i don't give a shit about the booking is arguing for my oppinons, I have the rights to go there without checking a calendar so yes I don't freaking care the least about a booking sheet like i've said zillions of times now.

Fact: I know about the booking sheet, but don't respect it nor care about it.
Fact: I could easily go there if i wanted to when i wanted to without checking if it's free becuase it's a dungeon and can't be owned. (anyway i allways do /who sidi if everyone is on anon, not my problem .. if they aren't no point going there)
Fact: I'm not going to check it because i check if it's camped or not when i go there, call it spoil your fun or whatever. I call it having fun, which is what game is all about.

Ok - I have just read this - and i stand by what i said above. Lomald you really are a fucktard. You TRY to ruin the enjoyment of others with your 'couldn't give a shit about anyone else' attitude. Shame you actually received your passwords when GOA ballsed up - you are a waste of space and a waste of BW bandwidth. Do DAOC a favour and F**K off.

(and no ive never been to Sidi, but i dont care, the game doesn't need ppl like you.)


Re: agree

Originally posted by iantheace
I agree, Get the crack addicts to close tha sidi booking sheet.

Prydwen dont fkin need one, or any other server.

That's probably because they dont have people whining about going into Sidi and finding 4 FG's and nowhere to hunt once inside.



Originally posted by iantheace
Elitrea here

I was talking about kagato's invite only raid, if i counted lizia's it was 4.

I told bowen i would leave ASQ if it was cuasing hastle to the guild, no friction here. Ask him if you need to verify this.

I was pissed i couldnt book my raid, but tilda seems to think my post may have been accidentally deleted.

I dont really care what you think you only follow the bigger team like all teh alb zergers.

Saturday 4th: Lizia's open-invite raid

Sunday 5th: Kotl invite-only raid.

Monday 6th: Arnor solos sidi, after that B&Q alliance raid to avenge his untimely death.

Tuesday 7th: Kagato's invite-only raid.

Wednesday 8th: HB invite-only raid.

Thursday 9th: AoP invite-only raid.

Friday 10th: RoC invite-only raid.

Now tell me how I have 4 raids here hmmmm? The only raids here that can be in anyway linked to Lizia and I are:

1 - Her PUBLIC raid that benefited 130 people.
2 - RoC Guild raid even though there was non-guildies involved.
3 - My personal raid which was booked 2 weeks in advance.

You say you don't count Lizias public raid, which leaves only 2 raids that can be linked to me. A guild raid and my private raid, big deal.

Any in any case, at least I respect my realm mates enough to actually warn them about my raids and respect theres in return.



Seems the real kagato coming thru, blah blah blah, stir the anger etc.

I feel ashamed in myself that i even read these forums and wont be posting here again



Originally posted by iantheace
Seems the real kagato coming thru, blah blah blah, stir the anger etc.

I feel ashamed in myself that i even read these forums and wont be posting here again


The only anger here is what you and your friends have generated by yourselves, you don't need me to help you with that.


remember the days when there was no sidi or necros?

the good old days eh?

We should just round up all the necros in our realm and trap them in sidi before ...



Originally posted by thorwyntf
Ah.. there we go. One of the wannabe Che Guevaras with their "I`m free to do whatever I want to do, it´s a free world and a free game and I`m paying for it and I can if I want, even if it makes me look like a retarded mopron, who cares lol imo tbh!"argumentation.
You know that nobody has a right to pwn a dungeon. That´s what you´re good at.. knowing what others can´t do. But on the other hand, pissing off an entire community that´s trying to sort out some rules to get along with each other is perfecly ok in your books innit.


Che Guevara? The opinion you are describing is rather something coming from a liberal, not a socialist.


Originally posted by wolfofslaughter
remember the days when there was no sidi or necros?

the good old days eh?

We should just round up all the necros in our realm and trap them in sidi before ...


while yer at it get rid of RAs and savages too.

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