Cleaning Sidi Even when it is Booked (petition)



Originally posted by thorwyntf
The booking sheet wasn´t designed to *cause* problems with claiming or pwning Sidi, it was designed to *avoid* problems with claiming Sidi. And by using the sheet, 99,9% of Albion was happy because they knew exacly when to plan their raids. They didn´t have to trust their luck planning a raid, announce it all over their alliance, make 30+ people plan their RL around that event, then log on just to find out that Sidi is already camped. That´s why the booking sheet is a good idea and NOT a rule that´s designed to oppress and control anybody. It´s a rule based upon common sense and decency. Just like people going through a door one by one and not all together because they have the right to "go through the door whenever I want, that´s what´s written in the laws."
The problem with people like Lomalin and Skile (member of the <Dragon Knight" collective :D) is, that they´re constantly hiding behind their pseudo-communistic (or liberal.. whatever flavour fits you best) arguments. The rules and the CoC state that I can, so I do, try to stop me, you can´t, so there. And because it comes in handy, you´re also claiming to be the voice of the free people of Albion and defenders of liberalism. Wow.
But the truth is.. you actually don´t give a damn about your rights or the CoC or justice or morale. You´re doing this because it´s giving you the power to basically destroy a realmwide agreement between all guilds, because you can stand up and say "hey, look, I`m against this rule and because I am, YOU ALL will have to live with it". I think that´s pretty sad.

Thats the best damn explaination iv heard, it certainly fits, and it also typical for young boys, and criminals to act this way - in a nutshell, antisocial.

I sure as hell remember being a complete tosser when i was 14, but hey, everyone was part of growing up, reaslsiing your a twat and then realising you wont get anywhere in life bieng one thus changing to (hopefully) a nicer person who isnt such a twat. It seems that either these particular offenders are eaiter at that particualr stage in life, or have just missed out the whole growing up part of the good old teenage years.

IMO just cos the sheet isnt part of the CoC and only 90% of people even know about it, let alone actually check it etc... it doesnt mean that it shouldnt be respected, obvious conflicts WILL occur, and that is unavoidable. But the key is not being a complete cockmaster and trying to win the argument by screaming loudest and getting your daddy to beat up his daddy, cos hes bigger 'an yours! :p

Also, most of the peiople i see/hear/read about doing these kind of thigns are repeat offenders, not nessesarilly just sidi, but in general, the overall pattern of their behaivior. A certain moderater on these boards has long had a reputation for being a bit of a tit in various respects and it just goes to show.

Kids - dont do drugs!


Cap'n Sissyfoo

Mebbe kids should do MORE drugs. With less of them around games like this wouldn't be such a nightmare.


well I, for research purposes only of course, have (attempted) to play this game under the infuence of various things. And it usually ends up in tears - usually of laughter but also cos iv got my guild guild kicked from teh alliance again or gone and kicked everyone but the rankj9s from teh guild - its all good family fun at the time, but you dont half get a lot of annoyed peeps in teh morning especially after someone emails you a log of you insulting the alliance leader and calling him a <vast string of expletives deleted> cos he said yo as you passed him in sauvage.


The RoC group was in Sidi a good hour before anyone else showed up, and non of us we're using anon, there was 9 of us in there, and we had time to thoroughly search around the first floor looking for the first key mob with no one else in there. We then moved to key lord 8 and proceeded to pull the mobs using the stairs, the standard spot to pull the adds from Crypt Lord too.

We had killed the majority of these when one of our tanks reported via his buff bot parked at the entrance that teba's bunch of honourless half-wits had entered, stormed down to the 2nd floor, passed by us on the stairs and started to pull from in front of us after we had already cleared the way.

My biggest regret is that we didn't just let the Crypt Lord wipe out the bunch of losers when there cabalist ld'd, that would of been rather satisfying, but only would of dropped us to there level.

We later found SS down at bane who we compared notes with and joined for an attempt on the remaining keylord.

Incidently before we left Teba pm'd me asking if we were going to Sidi and asked if we had booked it, then tried to claim they had already booked it. Interesting for someone who doesn't respect the Sidi list but seems to want to use it against others even when there lieing.


To come back to the core of the post:

ASq will respect the Sidi sheet.

Furthermore we have taken action and will take action when needed to prevent these things in the future.


LOL Chilly u TART!! :)

I was in Sidi as part of the RoC group but i went LD and lagged into a mob when we were on way to Crypt Lord, logged back in at Goth Harbor :( ouch. So i missed all this chaos thankfully. I got the bad news when i logged on from Lizia and Kagato, i was disgusted. Lomald/Teba's group just shows the mentality of alot of albs these days, only giving a damn about themselves and not their realm mates. Same goes for RvR, maybe if Albion didnt have these wankers we'd be able to work as a REALM rather than individual groups trying to compete against each other all the time. Maybe if Albion worked as a team we'd have more than ONE measely strength relic :( imo Albion doesnt need these wankers, they might as well be hibs or mids as they only seem to want to play against other albs. They've sucked some of the fun from this game and alot of peeps I've played DaoC with from the early days have left because of incidents like this :( I just hope that Guild Leaders clamp down on ppl who act like this and punish them accordingly. I respect the SS group they were honourable, great guild :)

Hmmmm Chilly playing DaoC under the influence of various substances, I'd have never guessed LOL :)


Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
that is the exactly same thing as claiming exp spots in barrows or avalon city and as we all know, game doesn't work that way.

so very wrong , and u know it is.

as for teba :
BF - HB - GoL alliance-raid that were lead by me in the past have had our troubles with teba aswell.

they started by PMing me and asking : "can we go kill some normal mobs in sidi ?".
after some pms back and forth i came to the conclusion they were a 4 man focusgrp and it was supposed to be their "first try".
in the end (after almost 30 mins of pms) i replied : i d rather u didn't as it has the capability of destroying our raid that i had booked 3 weeks in advance, but i can not stop u i guess ..."

Teba : ok , we will try to get inside and not kill keylords , we have no problems friend ?
(this was around 14.00 CET - alliance raid was planned for 20.00 CET)
at that exact moment they made the mistake of pming me with 4-5 ppl at once and i found out they were around 10 people with all the necessary classes to whipe crypt lord , bane and several other mobs.
me : u lied to me about number of ppl ? about what u are going to kill and now u expect my permission to go ?
teba : (not her exact words) we will not go ...

suddenly i see all the people going offline at the same time that pmd me about the raid.

little did they know i had my mincer logged right outside sidi, and guess who showed up /anon at sidi not 10 minutes later : teba ofcourse.

She did NOT inform the other players in the raid that i was against it , as soon as i said i didnt want them inside, 4-5 people logged from the raid.

I then got pms :
"Who the hell do u think u are making ppl log ???!!!"
"I dont give a shit about sidi booking you *****"
etc ...

she continued to focuspull mobs at entrance and i PMd some ASq officers , they cleared up the rest , so teba was left alone inthere with lizia and they couldnt kill anything anymore.

All in all this thing cost me 3+ hours of pms , abuse and general rudeness from several ppl JUST because i decided to do a raid and make sure it wouldnt be spoiled.
as this isnt the first time i hear this from ASq members (especially Teba), i would advise the GMs of ASq to take some SERIOUS action)


not many posts in this thread are common sene lomald imo makes himself look like a twat with his "dont give a shit attitude" .. if EVERYBODY respected the list then everybody would have a great time in there when there turn arrives.

its not a case of sticking to the coc and hiding behind that when u spoil planned raids.

its a case of RESPECTING your realm mates. and some of the actions mentioned above imo is EXTREMELY disrespectful to your friends.

lomald..; this is a similer siuation to what you in do you think its fair....

you gather your allience and form up in odins.. and plan on doing a relic raid, BUT u already KNOW that there IS a planned WHOLE Albion Relic raid on mids..

but cos u dont give a fuck about planned raids u proceed to goto Relic keep attack the guards and then 1000000000 mids come to keep and defend.. hence completely fucking up the main raid... do you consider yourself cool "cos u at least had your raid" for fucking up others planned raids? or do you consider yourself a tard for making your own spur of the moment relic raid when u already know there is a planned one already waiting to start?

different circumstances but imo same sort of siuation . you dont seem to have any respect for "ground rules" that we albs are TRYING to set up so things go running smoothly and not have all the whines n flames like this thread has caused just because some people dont give a flying fuck about there realm mates .

as bob said above if there was no list Sidi would be a hell hole and i bet there would be at least 1 whine/flame thread EVERYday cos of kill stealing etc etc . the list is a Excelent idea that helps EVERYBODY have a decent PLANNED raid.

if no-body has planned a sidi raid for the evening/morning you wanna go with a small grp by all means do so .. but if it means u gona fuck up somebody elses planned raid then imo thats extremely lame n retarded. many things in this game IS allowed by the COC . doesnt mean its the right thing to do .

rez killing / exp killing / zerging / pulling mobs from same spot as others / taking drops u cant use but somebody else in your grp can / charging somebody to rez . all this stuff is looked down upon by many .. its the small minority of assholes who dont give a fuck about other people that spoils others gameplay .. and that is what u do when u mess up raids that have been planned in advance . as said not against Coc . but erm its more of a unwritten rule sort of thing that u stick to the list.


Originally posted by old.[BF]MaD
as this isnt the first time i hear this from ASq members (especially Teba), i would advise the GMs of ASq to take some SERIOUS action) [/B]

If you or anyone else has problems with any of our members contact any officer and action will be taken where needed. Just as we solved this matter.


Originally posted by Pin

As for the booking sheet, SS will continue to respect it, will not start a raid there less than 10 hours before one that is already booked, will not start a raid there if there has been a larger raid before us until several hours afterwards (to avoid our own disappointment), and will do our best to not interfere with non-booked raids that happen to clash.



Teba.... you owe me 1 silver for killing those mobs today!


Originally posted by bowen-asq
To come back to the core of the post:

ASq will respect the Sidi sheet.

Furthermore we have taken action and will take action when needed to prevent these things in the future.


Heard via Lizia that Teba is no longer associated with ASq?

if so, nice one :)

and thanks for your support for something that should make life in albion a bit smoother for everyone.


Consult the wise and all-knowing Yussef on #daoc.prydwen, I'm sure he can come up with some ingenious salution :)

Yes Yussef you can even take that and stick it in your sig if you like ;)


hi kjel !
nice farm here eh ?
the weather aint too bad either


Teba started to pull on purpse mobs with her focus pull group to anoy me. Also most members of her group went /anon.

Teba was telling everybody she booked Sidi for tonight, and so basicly started to destroy our Raid.

She managed to kill Key1 and a load of adds. I am informed this was all good for 4 to 5 drops.

In her group where a few people of varia guilds, I informed they're GMs if I could reach them.

Teba & Ilitrea got kicked out of they're guild becouse they got warned not to do this, and did it again. I got respect for Bowen to take that responsebility. I even got more respect for the offer he made to replace some off the drop we lost becouse of Teba. I did not found that needfull, and a few min later mine compleet group did agre on that. ASq should not be punished for the work of a few sad gits. To manny desent people in ASq.

Bubben got very rude towards me and started to insult me when I asked if he could leave Sidi. I contacted his GM and I still wait response from him.

All other members I got reason to believe where tricked by Teba to do this. and they did not start to insult me. I will not mention they're names here, but I got them all noted down.

Thank you Teba for destroying mine raid, again for the 2e time in less then 1 week.



Refering back to what fed said earlier.

Three weeks back or so KotL went to sidi to check it out, there were no times booked when we went but the place was still bone dry of mobs. So we decided to actually book a time well in advance. We managed to get 2-3 FG to go when the time came, got inside and the place was totally cleared out. We managed to find one bugged mob during the whole visit. We were only a small force, we weren't intending to take on the biggest mobs. The so called non key mobs that whoever was there took out was exactly what we wanted to go for. What bothers me more so than not getting any PhaT loOt is that we went there for fun. When we got there we were all disappointed and we had to go back prematurely ;(

Since the game internally coded such slow respawn timers it is down to the community to divide the time available to these mobs. If we all cannot do that then the system is in anarchy itself.

Just my 2p.


I got about two thirds through this post and then it got boring. So I just skipped to the end and have added my bit. If it's already been said sorry, but...

Why not make saturdays and Sunday public raids only so any one can join. I'm sure this would sort out some of the problems. If you fill sidi with guild / alliance raids your going to get other peeps there, at the same time / before.

I'm sure some people from small no alliance guilds and non guilded peeps that get pissed off as they can't just put a group together and go there without problems.

Just my personal opinion.

p.s. sorry about punctuation etc etc, it's early and I'm hungover


hasn't been many problems with the weekend raids so far - it's the weekdays that people seem unable to respect.


Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
Actually I am not there often. Been there like once at most twice, But I'm just arguing about what I think is wrong ... people claiming they ahve the right to own a dungeon at a given date and time just because they have said so.

I'm just arguing for my oppinions which is i don't give a shit about a booking due to many reasons.

Saying that you don't give a shit about it isn't arguing for your opinions. It's just saying that you don't give a shit about spoiling the fun of other people. It's a selfish, shitty way of behaving.

Fact: You know about the booking sheet.
Fact: You could easily check it to see when the place is free.
Fact: You aren't going to do it because you don't care if you spoil the fun of others.

Lomald Umilinn

Originally posted by Gordonax
Saying that you don't give a shit about it isn't arguing for your opinions. It's just saying that you don't give a shit about spoiling the fun of other people. It's a selfish, shitty way of behaving.

Fact: You know about the booking sheet.
Fact: You could easily check it to see when the place is free.
Fact: You aren't going to do it because you don't care if you spoil the fun of others.

Saying i don't give a shit about the booking is arguing for my oppinons, I have the rights to go there without checking a calendar so yes I don't freaking care the least about a booking sheet like i've said zillions of times now.

Fact: I know about the booking sheet, but don't respect it nor care about it.
Fact: I could easily go there if i wanted to when i wanted to without checking if it's free becuase it's a dungeon and can't be owned. (anyway i allways do /who sidi if everyone is on anon, not my problem .. if they aren't no point going there)
Fact: I'm not going to check it because i check if it's camped or not when i go there, call it spoil your fun or whatever. I call it having fun, which is what game is all about.


I thought you quit, Lomald? The sooner you go the better.


Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
Saying i don't give a shit about the booking is arguing for my oppinons, I have the rights to go there without checking a calendar so yes I don't freaking care the least about a booking sheet like i've said zillions of times now.

Fact: I know about the booking sheet, but don't respect it nor care about it.
Fact: I could easily go there if i wanted to when i wanted to without checking if it's free becuase it's a dungeon and can't be owned. (anyway i allways do /who sidi if everyone is on anon, not my problem .. if they aren't no point going there)
Fact: I'm not going to check it because i check if it's camped or not when i go there, call it spoil your fun or whatever. I call it having fun, which is what game is all about.

The fact that you think "I just don't care" is an argument proves what an immature little person you are. Don't give me that crap about "having fun": what gives you the right to spoil the fun of others? Oh, but you won't bother answering that will you, because that would mean thinking about someone other than yourself.
Anyway, it's pretty obvious that nothing anyone else says is going to have the faintest impact on what you do, becaue you are a little selfish prick. End of story, really.

Lomald Umilinn

Originally posted by Gordonax
The fact that you think "I just don't care" is an argument proves what an immature little person you are. Don't give me that crap about "having fun": what gives you the right to spoil the fun of others? Oh, but you won't bother answering that will you, because that would mean thinking about someone other than yourself.
Anyway, it's pretty obvious that nothing anyone else says is going to have the faintest impact on what you do, becaue you are a little selfish prick. End of story, really.

Call me immature or whatever you want to call me. It's not crap to have fun, it's what playing a game is all about .. having fun. I don't spoil others fun really .... i just have some fun when I can rather then waiting for ages doing nothing.

and fyi, i do mind what others do and think .. i just disagree with, and won't respect, a "i pre-claim and pre-camp a dungeon" calandear. End of story.


Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
Call me immature or whatever you want to call me. It's not crap to have fun, it's what playing a game is all about .. having fun. I don't spoil others fun really .... i just have some fun when I can rather then waiting for ages doing nothing.

and fyi, i do mind what others do and think .. i just disagree with, and won't respect, a "i pre-claim and pre-camp a dungeon" calandear. End of story.

If you don't want to spoil other people's fun, then why not just look at the calendar? That way you can avoid spoiling other people's fun. If there's no one posted that they're going to be there, then go ahead - if there is, PM them and try and sort something out.

But you wouldn't do that, because that might just be adult behaviour. And that's not something you're capable of, is it?


Get a life people

Ok 1st of all Elitrea here for those who dont know.

We attempted to kill the crpyt lord but RoC leeched it. ROC got the drops and if they tell otherwise they are talking bullshit.

Secondly, How can we book a raid when one guild has taken it 3 days of every week. Oh look, Roc raid , 4 days later oh look kagato raid. Isnt he in ROC? OH LOOK 7 DAYS ANOTHER ROC raid.

On this theory then.

Monday - ASQ inv only raid
Tuesday - Teba invite only raid
Wednesday - Verra invite only raid
Thursday - Elitrea invite only raid
Friday - Lomald invite only raid
Saturday - Havoc invite only raid
Sunday Hylle invite only raid and this i gonna be every week all year.

So how can u preach to us about being selfish when u look at all the sidi raids u booked consistently.

I do however understand teba is a bit over the top, but u must understand most of our raid are good people.

As u said urself:
he continued to focuspull mobs at entrance and i PMd some ASq officers , they cleared up the rest , so teba was left alone inthere with lizia and they couldnt kill anything anymore.

Actually no ASQ officer had spoken to me personally at the point i suicided. But thats not the issue

We released at bane because SS wouldnt rez whether they will admit it or not is another story. We had no drops that raid.

On a final note. When i pay money for this game i expect to be able to go where i like with the people i like without a zerg. If i follow your booking sheet i wouldnt even know what sidi looked like.


Hopefully people will realise how stupid thier posts have been, especially Pin who talked alot of bullshit. Madtank get a life, i dont understand what ur problem is u have more sidi etc drops than anyone.

I personally still have no drops from sidi but go there for the fun. When people start hastling em i log as i lose the fun in it. You people make me sick for spoiling my game and my groups game.


Re: Get a life people

Originally posted by iantheace
You people make me sick for spoiling my game and my groups game.

Oh the irony, eh?

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