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- #61
Originally posted by thorwyntf
The booking sheet wasn´t designed to *cause* problems with claiming or pwning Sidi, it was designed to *avoid* problems with claiming Sidi. And by using the sheet, 99,9% of Albion was happy because they knew exacly when to plan their raids. They didn´t have to trust their luck planning a raid, announce it all over their alliance, make 30+ people plan their RL around that event, then log on just to find out that Sidi is already camped. That´s why the booking sheet is a good idea and NOT a rule that´s designed to oppress and control anybody. It´s a rule based upon common sense and decency. Just like people going through a door one by one and not all together because they have the right to "go through the door whenever I want, that´s what´s written in the laws."
The problem with people like Lomalin and Skile (member of the <Dragon Knight" collective) is, that they´re constantly hiding behind their pseudo-communistic (or liberal.. whatever flavour fits you best) arguments. The rules and the CoC state that I can, so I do, try to stop me, you can´t, so there. And because it comes in handy, you´re also claiming to be the voice of the free people of Albion and defenders of liberalism. Wow.
But the truth is.. you actually don´t give a damn about your rights or the CoC or justice or morale. You´re doing this because it´s giving you the power to basically destroy a realmwide agreement between all guilds, because you can stand up and say "hey, look, I`m against this rule and because I am, YOU ALL will have to live with it". I think that´s pretty sad.
Thats the best damn explaination iv heard, it certainly fits, and it also typical for young boys, and criminals to act this way - in a nutshell, antisocial.
I sure as hell remember being a complete tosser when i was 14, but hey, everyone was part of growing up, reaslsiing your a twat and then realising you wont get anywhere in life bieng one thus changing to (hopefully) a nicer person who isnt such a twat. It seems that either these particular offenders are eaiter at that particualr stage in life, or have just missed out the whole growing up part of the good old teenage years.
IMO just cos the sheet isnt part of the CoC and only 90% of people even know about it, let alone actually check it etc... it doesnt mean that it shouldnt be respected, obvious conflicts WILL occur, and that is unavoidable. But the key is not being a complete cockmaster and trying to win the argument by screaming loudest and getting your daddy to beat up his daddy, cos hes bigger 'an yours!
Also, most of the peiople i see/hear/read about doing these kind of thigns are repeat offenders, not nessesarilly just sidi, but in general, the overall pattern of their behaivior. A certain moderater on these boards has long had a reputation for being a bit of a tit in various respects and it just goes to show.
Kids - dont do drugs!