Class(es) needed for Agramon nowdays?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Bondoila said:
Think 2x theu is enuff, more then that is just a waste, for more interrupts use a heretic or extra sorc instead of third theu :).
Ye i was kinda being sarcastic :p And really it's not like an extra theurg is gonna do much against instagard is there :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
if you look at current insta/ui interrupt kings of the realm its:
dementia vamp - ui dd, high survivability due to charge/magic/melee resists
(bainshee got nerfed, used to have a spot in this list but no more)
heretic - ui dd's, high survivability, immense ra/item utility
bd - high survivability, pet, shortest reuse insta interrupts, caster dps
valk - chargetank with slam and high dps, biggest amount of insta interrupts (that have actual utility) available
Classes that's missing, IMO, is Theurgist and Animist. Both have FnF spells that once cast will continue to interupt for a long time. Midgard doesn't have anything that comes close to that. :)

And I can't understand why hibs doesn't run with Animists more, seems like a solid DPS caster that can frontload quite nicely. Stack a few DD spells and finish with a loltap. Good DPS, nice range, decent utility.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Caeli said:
Classes that's missing, IMO, is Theurgist and Animist. Both have FnF spells that once cast will continue to interupt for a long time.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Caeli said:
Classes that's missing, IMO, is Theurgist and Animist. Both have FnF spells that once cast will continue to interupt for a long time. Midgard doesn't have anything that comes close to that. :)

And I can't understand why hibs doesn't run with Animists more, seems like a solid DPS caster that can frontload quite nicely. Stack a few DD spells and finish with a loltap. Good DPS, nice range, decent utility.

Main prob for Animist is the fixed cast time on shrooms tho, not that handy in a hot rvr encounter. So they can't really spam em as Theurgs do.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2005
Caeli said:
And I can't understand why hibs doesn't run with Animists more, seems like a solid DPS caster that can frontload quite nicely. Stack a few DD spells and finish with a loltap. Good DPS, nice range, decent utility.
The spells are abit slow on the ani, also can only pick celt so it got abit low dex.
You can't compare it to a theu at all since that one is spamming the pets on a target from range(bolt range). If you drop a shroom on the ground it will only help vs groups that push into you. (Would be diffrent if you could make a shroom that followed a certain person and was nuking him.)
Animist is only really good when your camping (you got time to make alot of shrooms, and alot of stupid randoms run into them). You don't get the time to make 10+ shrooms(fixed time on cast) in a fg fight, and even if you would be able to make them the other group would of course kite back.
The stacked dd's are slow to cast but kinda nice since they can act as an supprise for the healers, about "nice range" don't know what you basing that on.
An ani can be good when kiting such as droping some tanglers etc, but far from neccessary, since the bard / droods can handle that part.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 2, 2006
theurg + eretic >>> all , if y forget to push the teurg for 10-15 sec y will die 100 %, and to interupt the teurg y need to pass through sorcer the bger the cabalist and omg 2-3 ml9 pet , and it's not easy if the alb grup is good, and with only 1 char y can debuff the 90 % of the dps caster in alb like midgard, the only problem in albion is to make a good fg every day


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
stevah said:
theurg + eretic >>> all , if y forget to push the teurg for 10-15 sec y will die 100 %, and to interupt the teurg y need to pass through sorcer the bger the cabalist and omg 2-3 ml9 pet , and it's not easy if the alb grup is good, and with only 1 char y can debuff the 90 % of the dps caster in alb like midgard, the only problem in albion is to make a good fg every day
I think the biggest difference is that albs MUST have a close to perfect setup if they want to kill the best enemy groups, and it makes it very hard to find the reps. There's really no room to vary the setup much.
Ofc you can win with pretty much any setup if good enough players, high enough rr's, and good teamplay, but if the enemies has good players, high rr's and good teamplay aswell, well, you gotta trust your luck.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 2, 2006
Arethir said:
I think the biggest difference is that albs MUST have a close to perfect setup if they want to kill the best enemy groups, and it makes it very hard to find the reps.

this is the only problem in albion, the rep


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
i've noticed a few instas instagard doesn't get and will be forwardig this to mythic as it's an obvious bug: insta taunt, insta pbae+single target root, insta pbae snare, insta aoe+single target amnesia, insta dot, insta stun on 10sec re use, insta pbae mezz, insta pbae snare, insta confusion :eek6:, insta pulse pbae dd


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
I'd like a group with my thane. I suppose I could stand playing pac healer from time to time as well. Since I have a job these days I can't be online 24/7 anymore.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Nate said:
i've noticed a few instas instagard doesn't get and will be forwardig this to mythic as it's an obvious bug: insta taunt, insta pbae+single target root, insta pbae snare, insta aoe+single target amnesia, insta dot, insta stun on 10sec re use, insta pbae mezz, insta pbae snare, insta confusion :eek6:, insta pulse pbae dd
Sorry, but if you're trying to be ironic or anything in that post, you should really reconsider and take a closer look at what instas albs/hibs don't have in their groups, and compare that to the ones mids have.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Bondoila said:
The spells are abit slow on the ani, also can only pick celt so it got abit low dex.
You can't compare it to a theu at all since that one is spamming the pets on a target from range(bolt range). If you drop a shroom on the ground it will only help vs groups that push into you. (Would be diffrent if you could make a shroom that followed a certain person and was nuking him.)
Animist is only really good when your camping (you got time to make alot of shrooms, and alot of stupid randoms run into them). You don't get the time to make 10+ shrooms(fixed time on cast) in a fg fight, and even if you would be able to make them the other group would of course kite back.
The stacked dd's are slow to cast but kinda nice since they can act as an supprise for the healers, about "nice range" don't know what you basing that on.
An ani can be good when kiting such as droping some tanglers etc, but far from neccessary, since the bard / droods can handle that part.
Diffrence between Animist and Theurgist is that shrooms can switch targets, earth/ice/wind pets can't. Theurgist pets have more utility though, but shrooms are far from useless.

Animist shrooms have a 1000 range cast yes? And then the shrooms have a range, so that adds up to 1850-2000+ range? I'd say that's a decent range. And Animists have the ability to stack up the bombers which makes it really hard for the healers to keep up healing. Bombers are high delve DD's aswell at 225 dmg or something? And they can debuff their own damage. And their controlled pet has a 200+ dmg delve nuke aswell?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
albion needs friar+pala combined to 1 class :( (and nerfed somehow just for the 1v1bois)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Just give friar resists to the pala and everything is sweet imo! :D


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Arethir said:
Sorry, but if you're trying to be ironic or anything in that post, you should really reconsider and take a closer look at what instas albs/hibs don't have in their groups, and compare that to the ones mids have.
ok tried to go with 2 tanks, 3 casters 2 support 1 bg'r, sorry if setups are crap i don't play other realms but most casters don't have insta's other then bd's so shouldn't matter much:

i'm guessing i should have put thane in as i haven't got any other cata class tanks in it but anyway ;

Mids 11
*do valks spec for this in group spec? left it out of total
Healer - Insta aoe mezz, insta single mezz, insta single stun, insta aoe stun
Healer -
Shaman - insta pbae disease
Runemaster -
Spiritmaster -
Warrior -
Valkyrie - insta dd, insta cone, insta cone pulse, insta snare, *insta d/q+dd
Bonedancer - insta debuff, insta lifetap

Albs 9
*do clerics spec for this? pretty low anyway i'll leave it out of the total
Sorc -
Cleric - Insta pbae mezz, *Insta pbae snare, insta pbae dd
Cleric - Insta pbae mezz, *Insta pbae snare, insta pbae dd
Mincer - Insta dd1, Insta dd2, Insta stun, Insta Confusion
Theurg -
Cabalist -
Paladin - Insta Taunt
Mercenery - Flurry, Dirty Tricks

Hibs 8
Bard - Insta aoe amnesia, insta single target amnesia, insta aoe mez, insta single target mez
Druid - Insta pbae root
Druid - Insta pbae root
Blademaster - flurry
Bainshee -
Bainshee -
Enchanter -
Warden -

damn instagard :( i should have listened to arethir!

Rigga Mortice

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Nate said:
ok tried to go with 2 tanks, 3 casters 2 support 1 bg'r, sorry if setups are crap i don't play other realms but most casters don't have insta's other then bd's so shouldn't matter much:

i'm guessing i should have put thane in as i haven't got any other cata class tanks in it but anyway ;

Mids 11
*do valks spec for this in group spec? left it out of total
Healer - Insta aoe mezz, insta single mezz, insta single stun, insta aoe stun
Healer -
Shaman - insta pbae disease
Runemaster -
Spiritmaster -
Warrior -
Valkyrie - insta dd, insta cone, insta cone pulse, insta snare, *insta d/q+dd
Bonedancer - insta debuff, insta lifetap

Albs 9
*do clerics spec for this? pretty low anyway i'll leave it out of the total
Sorc -
Cleric - Insta pbae mezz, *Insta pbae snare, insta pbae dd
Cleric - Insta pbae mezz, *Insta pbae snare, insta pbae dd
Mincer - Insta dd1, Insta dd2, Insta stun, Insta Confusion
Theurg -
Cabalist -
Paladin - Insta Taunt
Mercenery - Flurry, Dirty Tricks

Hibs 8
Bard - Insta aoe amnesia, insta single target amnesia, insta aoe mez, insta single target mez
Druid - Insta pbae root
Druid - Insta pbae root
Blademaster - flurry
Bainshee -
Bainshee -
Enchanter -
Warden -

damn instagard :( i should have listened to arethir!

Now add recast timers to all those ;)

And in whose game on what planet is Dirty Tricks an insta interrupt? :p

and.... ah, I'll stop for now, save some for tomorrow :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 7, 2004
Nate said:
Bard - Insta aoe amnesia, insta single target amnesia, insta aoe mez, insta single target mez

insta dd on bard aswell : < u suckah... i should find u and slap you in teh face !



FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Caeli said:
Diffrence between Animist and Theurgist is that shrooms can switch targets, earth/ice/wind pets can't. Theurgist pets have more utility though, but shrooms are far from useless.

Animist shrooms have a 1000 range cast yes? And then the shrooms have a range, so that adds up to 1850-2000+ range? I'd say that's a decent range. And Animists have the ability to stack up the bombers which makes it really hard for the healers to keep up healing. Bombers are high delve DD's aswell at 225 dmg or something? And they can debuff their own damage. And their controlled pet has a 200+ dmg delve nuke aswell?

Switching targets yeh, think thats a big problem with shrooms. Demezz'ing or braking root. Range might be true, though there are a lot of los issue's with setting a groundtarget ofc and lets not forget shrooms can be mezz'd.
Now stacking bombers has its pro's and con's, but imo in the time the ani can get a bomber off on someone, my eld could have done the dmg to the target already (instead of w8'ing for the bomber to reach the target).


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
No fg cleric runs with anything above grey con pb mezz/snare which lasts about 0.5-2 secs, depending on what they hit, and that's only if it ain't resisted. Smite is bad for fg action. Either way it's 150 pbae range or smth silly, so it's not like you're gonna be using it to interupt on a cleric! (Though i do remember Daemyr doing it once, he's special though.)
Been ages since albs ran mincer in a group. Can't think of anyone who did it since i reactivated acc 3 months ago or so.

Which leaves the alb groups with paladin taunt on a 20 sec timer, and mercs flurry. Woo :p


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Arethir said:
No fg cleric runs with anything above grey con pb mezz/snare which lasts about 0.5-2 secs, depending on what they hit, and that's only if it ain't resisted. Smite is bad for fg action. Either way it's 150 pbae range or smth silly, so it's not like you're gonna be using it to interupt on a cleric! (Though i do remember Daemyr doing it once, he's special though.)
Been ages since albs ran mincer in a group. Can't think of anyone who did it since i reactivated acc 3 months ago or so.

Which leaves the alb groups with paladin taunt on a 20 sec timer, and mercs flurry. Woo :p

Same would go for druids though (there are some nature druids, but certainly not 2 in 1 group). And amnesia doesnt interrupt.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Tuthmes said:
Same would go for druids though (there are some nature druids, but certainly not 2 in 1 group). And amnesia doesnt interrupt.
Ye bit funny how he put only 1 healer with instas, and then 2 smite clerics and 2 nature druids in the other groups :p


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Caeli said:
Diffrence between Animist and Theurgist is that shrooms can switch targets, earth/ice/wind pets can't. Theurgist pets have more utility though, but shrooms are far from useless.

Animist shrooms have a 1000 range cast yes? And then the shrooms have a range, so that adds up to 1850-2000+ range? I'd say that's a decent range. And Animists have the ability to stack up the bombers which makes it really hard for the healers to keep up healing. Bombers are high delve DD's aswell at 225 dmg or something? And they can debuff their own damage. And their controlled pet has a 200+ dmg delve nuke aswell?
Think animists are okay, but it's a funny read of their abilities. It's what, 5s cast on shrooms? You will never get the stone cold jump on another caster firing up shrooms. A funny class and can bring stuff down very fast, but you need some time with no aggro to start causing shit. Stacking 3 bombers is what, nearly 5s? and then have to dump 2-3 lifetap on top to bring down a tank. Ofc then might insta dies, due to stacked damage and no heals, but if any caster can spam that long in a grp fight they deserve to get kill spam tbh.

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