we are playing, just waiting for albs to come back to surs (again, again)Azorius said:Popcorn Popcorn ! Get your hot salted popcorn !
Not a lot of love in this room eh ?
Now all hug and get back to playing the game.
Addlcove said:we are playing, just waiting for albs to come back to surs (again, again)
Azorius said:Popcorn Popcorn ! Get your hot salted popcorn !
Not a lot of love in this room eh ?
Now all hug and get back to playing the game.
Azorius said:Popcorn Popcorn ! Get your hot salted popcorn !
Not a lot of love in this room eh ?
Now all hug and get back to playing the game.
Roo Stercogburn said:I thought we'd been legitimately spotted at one point and thought, oh well, thems the breaks. Wasn't bothered. Turned out it was a Mid actually getting agro from a spider but I saw system spam that made me think someone had been stunned and poisoned by an inf.
I got word that it was on IRC a minute after that and I redlined.
Absolutely sick to the teeth of cheaters and people that use self justifying bullshit to condone it.
Watch the number of Mids leaving in the next week or so. Albs are pretty much going to have the server to themselves now. Hope you have fun.
Astraad said:Lets turn this into a savage whine thread![]()
Roo Stercogburn said:Not been on frontier at any time in last 4 months where there wasn't double numbers of Albs around as anyone else.
So no.
SoulFly said:Blame mythic, makes a realm with arthur and the "glory".
It's purely mythic's fault many people choose albion over other realms.
Albion = zerg \ Stealth
Dwali said:Awww poor mids gonna leave when the Savage nerf comes...poor wubbie little mids...then maybe albs/hibs can have a little more Fun without seeing xxx was killd by xxx 15 miljon times in a Row...then u here np it was only a Savage Support grp pwning us...so u deserve the nerf!!!
And irc blab sucks...everytime there is a RR i check irc instant to c if anyone blabbers so i can get a ip screenie!
NecromancerBane said:Ive been playing on Pry for a long time now and have seen relics switch side to side alot, Ive never seen it from hibs so what is very very obvious is Albion have awful lot of IRC blabbers and crossrealm spies. I mean for example one raid Mid did was mass inside SF and leave in separate groups to dodens and then meeting no albs/hibs inside went through HoS and into alb land then we get reports within 30mins of setting out from our SB recon theres 200+ albs in excal and not just that out main force runs into 2fg of optimal PBAOE albs waiting just inside the alb side ent and gets wiped. The Albs then give an excuse that a random scout outside SF has seen all these mids leaving and reported it and that Albion had got that in place in 30mins.
Yes i know i will get all the Albion muppets telling me to stop crying but ive played on Excal server and done RR's and took part vs Hib/Pry RR's and im sorry to say its very very obvious Alb/Pry is riddled with cheats.
Shanaia said:Ehm .. ok .. reality check .. I stand at hib border keep quite a lot so I know how busy it normally is there.
So you stand out front of hib border keep to snipe at soloers ... normally you get a kill every 10-20 minutes ... and a fg hibs leaves for Emain about ever hour or so ...
Now you stand there waiting for a soloer ... and a fg passes you ... cool ... hey a second group follows 3 minutes later ... and another one 4 minutes later .. hmm 3 fg hibs out and all hib keeps in their own hand ... maybe a keepdefence ... then over the next 10 minutes another 5 groups walk past ... you must be one STUPID "random scout" if you don't start warning people about this ...
Sanya said it best ... just because the other person beats you doesn't automaticly mean he's cheating.
Tesla Monkor said:Imho. Mythic needs to seriously make albion less appealing to play in and remove /level 20.
Roo Stercogburn said:Slightly amused at your posts Shan...
Roo Stercogburn said:it looks like you've skimmed the thread.
NecromancerBane said:Oh did i mention the fact Nottmoor and Bledmeer had fallen to Alb and Glen was reported to be under attack so it was easy to think that the first 3-4 fg was going to retake keeps so by the time he realised it was a RR force told his alliance and they put the word out realm wide then formed up in CS and moved excal and out to PM to cut off the mids it would of been a lot l8r than 30mins.